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When one of those tries to convince me Sandy Hook was an inside job, I’ll lump them in with jones and his ilk.

Man F Sandy offense to that mess, but they have all been trying to convince you Trump is evil and Hiliary is clean.

Which conspiracy is worse?
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But Campbell had provided the FBI with evidence of the criminal network and delivered the information to the FBI. which was monitoring his work as an informant and approving his transfer of bribery money to the Russians.

He had given the FBI irrefutable evidence showing how contracts obtained from the same Russian energy company Tenex, were based on contract bribery and other nefarious actions, he said.

In fact, Campbell had been told by his FBI handlers that his work had made it at least twice into President Obama’s classified presidential daily briefings.

Despite the insurmountable evidence collected by Campbell, the Obama administration’s Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States approved Russia’s purchase of Uranium One in the fall of 2010.

“I was speechless and angry in October 2010 when CFIUS approved the Uranium One sale to Rosatom. I was deeply worried that TLI continued to transport sensitive uranium despite the fact that it had been compromised by the bribery scheme,” stated Campbell in his testimony to lawmakers. “I expressed these concerns repeatedly to my FBI handlers. The response I got was that “politics” was somehow involved. I remember one response I got from an agent when I asked how it was possible CFIUS would approve the Uranium One sale when the FBI could prove Rosatom was engaged in criminal conduct. His answer: “Ask your politicians.”
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Regarding Trump’s military parade idea...

Under normal circumstances, historically Americans would have viewed such a parade (if it didn’t follow the winning of some war) oddly and there would have been some criticism.

I don’t like Trump’s idea on the face of it, but it could prove a win for him. The Left hates him so bad they won’t be able to restrain themselves, if there are protests/demonstrations, Trump will have put Democrats in a box. You support the military or the purple haired freaks yelling obscenities and making fools of themselves? A few demonstrators lay out in the street disrupting the event or if their is footage of some protestor throwing something at troops and Trump wins the optics of the day.

If liberals had any sense they should just sit back with amusement and say afterwards Trump used the military as an exercise of the Trumpian ego or that he was acting like King Donald. I don’t expect they will have such restraint though.
Sorry - if you think these cable opinion outlets remotely resemble a guy like Alex Jones, you've lost it, guy. Stick to posting super long copy and pastes, you're better at that.

Jones is out there. But you don't think 2 years of the president of the United States being called a Russian plant is a huge conspiracy theory?
Sandy Hook is a pretty out there conspiracy. The only thing that I thought was weird was the video of the father of a 5 or 6-year old girl, laughing and joking right before the cameras start to turn on and then he starts the tears.

Super weird.

The problem I have with Jones’ shtick is legit stuff gets dismissed when you talk about gay frogs and shit.
Sandy Hook is a pretty out there conspiracy. The only thing that I thought was weird was the video of the father of a 5 or 6-year old girl, laughing and joking right before the cameras start to turn on and then he starts the tears.

Super weird.

The problem I have with Jones’ shtick is legit stuff gets dismissed when you talk about gay frogs and shit.

That’s my thing with a guy like Jones - he may very well have some good takes but I can’t take him seriously after something like that.
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Sandy Hook is a pretty out there conspiracy. The only thing that I thought was weird was the video of the father of a 5 or 6-year old girl, laughing and joking right before the cameras start to turn on and then he starts the tears.

Super weird.

The problem I have with Jones’ shtick is legit stuff gets dismissed when you talk about gay frogs and shit.

That’s my thing with a guy like Jones - he may very well have some good takes but I can’t take him seriously after something like that.

I've maybe seen 2 minutes of him lifetime ... I just will not even entertain the thought of thinking about Sandy hook. Period.

So because of that I've never watched his clips.
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Regarding Trump’s military parade idea...

Under normal circumstances, historically Americans would have viewed such a parade (if it didn’t follow the winning of some war) oddly and there would have been some criticism.

I don’t like Trump’s idea on the face of it, but it could prove a win for him. The Left hates him so bad they won’t be able to restrain themselves, if there are protests/demonstrations, Trump will have put Democrats in a box. You support the military or the purple haired freaks yelling obscenities and making fools of themselves? A few demonstrators lay out in the street disrupting the event or if their is footage of some protestor throwing something at troops and Trump wins the optics of the day.

If liberals had any sense they should just sit back with amusement and say afterwards Trump used the military as an exercise of the Trumpian ego or that he was acting like King Donald. I don’t expect they will have such restraint though.
Ben Shapiro said it best. Trump does a lot of stupid things. But every time he does, the liberals do something dumber.
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Sandy Hook is a pretty out there conspiracy. The only thing that I thought was weird was the video of the father of a 5 or 6-year old girl, laughing and joking right before the cameras start to turn on and then he starts the tears.

Super weird.

The problem I have with Jones’ shtick is legit stuff gets dismissed when you talk about gay frogs and shit.

Not saying the video wasn’t odd, but nothing produces more bizarre behaviors in humans than severe grief.

Watched stories of some guy’s wife getting murdered and a week or two later he might be at the bar seemingly having a good time. Certainly got the cops attention but he may have been at the bar acting otherwise normal cause if he wasn’t he would be at home half suicidal. Really emotional people have went through grief and become during the period bizarrely emotionless. Big strong tough types sometimes are at home crying in the fetal position. Grief can do that.

Vast majority of conspiracies after 2 minutes thought become easily dismissed. The amount of people that would have to be involved in the Sandy Hook conspiracy makes it impossible to pull off. Those kids were living in that community for years, some of those families were there for even longer...if the kids weren’t killed where were they moved to? Some teachers, first responders, the coroner, not to mention the people who formed the plan would have to be in on it and all keep quiet about it. And for what purpose?

Only met one person who thought sandy hook was all a massive conspiracy and he told me that it happened so that the gov’t could get our guns. America has had one mass shooting after another, the idea one more would have any effect on gun laws is ridiculous. Sandy Hook happened they way we were told. The declassified info on the shooter helped to dispel otherwise along with common sense.

Anytime someone tells me sandy hook didn’t happen, or the us govt brought down the towers or that we didn’t land on the moon I realize I’m dealing with someone so susceptible that I should have sympathy for them.
So the "secret society" was a calendar club and the Obama meeting was for the Russia counter intelligence. Good job fox & trump spreading fake news 24/7. Thank God this conspiracy forum represents a minority of america.
So the "secret society" was a calendar club and the Obama meeting was for the Russia counter intelligence. Good job fox & trump spreading fake news 24/7. Thank God this conspiracy forum represents a minority of america.

Obama and Russia counter intelligence? good grief kid. I'm not sure what is worse, that illegals have been allowed to vote, illegally, or that people like you are allowed to vote, legally.
The fbi is in charge of counter intelligence. It's not that hard to understand. Not everything has to be about trump. Hes not as important as he likes to think. It's a known fact that Russia hacks us every day and that they were going after state voter databases and succeeded at breaking into some of them. The trump DHS did an interview yesterday confirming it. So unless Trump is a complete useless nitwit, he is also having counter intelligence meetings with the FBI about Russia. Tillerson has been on every channel this week saying Russia has already started a hacking & propaganda campaign for 2018 elections but it's to hard for them to stop it. You guys see the word Russia and it's ZOMG Trump would never collude! Most things are bigger than Trumps tiny hands.
The fbi is in charge of counter intelligence. It's not that hard to understand. Not everything has to be about trump. Hes not as important as he likes to think. It's a known fact that Russia hacks us every day and that they were going after state voter databases and succeeded at breaking into some of them. The trump DHS did an interview yesterday confirming it. So unless Trump is a complete useless nitwit, he is also having counter intelligence meetings with the FBI about Russia. Tillerson has been on every channel this week saying Russia has already started a hacking & propaganda campaign for 2018 elections but it's to hard for them to stop it. You guys see the word Russia and it's ZOMG Trump would never collude! Most things are bigger than Trumps tiny hands.

come on man. you millenials had social studiesis and real history taken out of your schools, so it's not entirely your fault. but come on man, Russia and the U.S. have been "hacking" each other, intelligence, counter inteligence, spy, double agents. deals under the table for over 80 years now. it's what both counties do best. and honestly, some of it is god awful shit, some of it is not and is for the better of not going to war.

and no we don't that Russia hacked anything successfully. we do know our entire inteligence agencies have lied to us every step of the way. i don't trust our own politicians or FBI or DOJ at this point anymore than I trust Russia. I do, at this point, trust Trump. you can't see when you only selectively choose to open your eyes.
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Not saying the video wasn’t odd, but nothing produces more bizarre behaviors in humans than severe grief.

Watched stories of some guy’s wife getting murdered and a week or two later he might be at the bar seemingly having a good time. Certainly got the cops attention but he may have been at the bar acting otherwise normal cause if he wasn’t he would be at home half suicidal. Really emotional people have went through grief and become during the period bizarrely emotionless. Big strong tough types sometimes are at home crying in the fetal position. Grief can do that.

Vast majority of conspiracies after 2 minutes thought become easily dismissed. The amount of people that would have to be involved in the Sandy Hook conspiracy makes it impossible to pull off. Those kids were living in that community for years, some of those families were there for even longer...if the kids weren’t killed where were they moved to? Some teachers, first responders, the coroner, not to mention the people who formed the plan would have to be in on it and all keep quiet about it. And for what purpose?

Only met one person who thought sandy hook was all a massive conspiracy and he told me that it happened so that the gov’t could get our guns. America has had one mass shooting after another, the idea one more would have any effect on gun laws is ridiculous. Sandy Hook happened they way we were told. The declassified info on the shooter helped to dispel otherwise along with common sense.

Anytime someone tells me sandy hook didn’t happen, or the us govt brought down the towers or that we didn’t land on the moon I realize I’m dealing with someone so susceptible that I should have sympathy for them.

Rack him.
I'm certain that, yesterday, there was a post on here informing us all about Uranium One. There's so much fake news being posted on this board lately it's hard to keep track. Also, for someone who claims to be so against fake news, they seem to be the main culprit and post an awful lot of it.

Anyways, the linked fancy letter, authored by none other than Adam Schiff, claimed that the DOJ told him that Nunes was lying and that the Uranium One informant gave no information about Hillary. Well, so far, that's only according to Schiff because the DOJ isn't on record saying any such thing, and the informant's actual testimony tells an entirely different story.

To be honest, after seeing what the informant is testifying to, you can't blame Schiff for trying. If I were him, I'd be trying my damnedest to spin it as well. I mean, we all know for a fact that his spin worked and he fooled at least one person, don't we? But to claim, "the informant gave no information about Hillary"? That's laughably false, to say the least.

Uranium One informant makes Clinton allegations in testimony

An FBI informant connected to the Uranium One controversy told three congressional committees in written testimony that Moscow routed millions of dollars to America with the expectation it would be used to benefit Bill Clinton's charitable efforts while Secretary of State Hillary Clinton quarterbacked a “reset” in US-Russian relations.

The informant, Douglas Campbell, said in the testimony obtained by The Hill that he was told by Russian nuclear executives that Moscow had hired the American lobbying firm APCO Worldwide specifically because it was in position to influence the Obama administration, and more specifically Hillary Clinton.

Campbell said Russian nuclear officials “told me at various times that they expected APCO to apply a portion of the $3 million annual lobbying fee it was receiving from the Russians to provide in-kind support for the Clinton’s Global Initiative,” he added in the testimony.

“The contract called for four payments of $750,000 over twelve months. APCO was expected to give assistance free of charge to the Clinton Global Initiative as part of their effort to create a favorable environment to ensure the Obama administration made affirmative decisions on everything from Uranium One to the U.S.-Russia Civilian Nuclear Cooperation agreement.“

That’s my thing with a guy like Jones - he may very well have some good takes but I can’t take him seriously after something like that.
I think you give Jones way too much credit, even in comparison for serious coverage. His followers are nothing more than HS and college-aged kids who literally view the right as counter culture and they spam his message b/c it's akin to trolling. That whole "Bill Clinton is a rapist" thing is a prime example. And while I'm sure he has some crackpot fans who take his show seriously, the general consensus on Info Wars is it's entertainment only and bad entertainment, at that. Paul Joseph Watson gave InfoWars more credibility than it had ever known and that move almost threw a wrench in the gears.

And you are 100% correct in that they did it to themselves. Thing is, I'm still not sure WHAT his business model actually is... this may all be by design. All shtick. I mean, his brand is well-known and he's making good money while being a laughing stock for selling supplements and yelling about gay frogs.

It's pretty crazy to think that, had InfoWars played their cards right, they have the branding to be the #1 threat as an alternate MSM source in this current climate. That has to sting Alex.
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Remember when sanctuary cities tried to justify what they are doing by reassuring everyone that they'll only release misdemeanor and non violent illegal immigrant criminals back out on to the streets, but will gladly cooperate with ICE and honor detainers if the subject is jailed for a felony and/or a violent crime?

This shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone, but in the case of NY, during Trump’s first year in office, the entire state of NY only honored two ICE detainers, while ignoring 1500+. It's statically impossible that out of those 1500+ arrest, only two of them were arrested for a felony and/or a violent crime.

Read as: Twitter banned 1 million accounts last qrtr. Hell, there were several P5 schools whose football Twitter feeds were pulled yesterday morning before NSD for absolutely no reason. They were all restored by end of the day, but lost all their followers.

Twitter is a dirty bitch. Makes you wonder why they try so hard...
Did platinum just post they were part of a calendar club? Hahahah that's comedy.

He also told us the President of the United States of America is not as important as he thinks. The most powerful man in the world, who's been the target of nonstop treasonous coup attempts from the left since the election, is not really all that important in the grand scheme of things.