How will they rule ??!

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States with the most millionaires per capita.

- The U.S. added more than 400,000 millionaires last year, according to a new report.

- Most millionaires are concentrated on the coasts in high-tax, predominantly blue states.

- Maryland has the most millionaires per capita, with more than 1 in 12 households having $1 million or more

Below is the list, color-coded by usual voting preference, for your viewing pleasure.

New Jersey

New Hampshire

See anything wrong with this picture?
Nope. Tony Beets is slayin it.
Agreed. Military parades are for countries whose leaders have fragile egos and want the world to see them look powerful even though they aren't - like our friend Lil' Kim. Funny to see Trump make fun of him all the time then do the same thing he does. could be a tool to force the congress to get its act together and stop issuing CR’s instead of an actual budget, as well as give all Americans something to cheer in unison about.
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States with the most millionaires per capita.

- The U.S. added more than 400,000 millionaires last year, according to a new report.

- Most millionaires are concentrated on the coasts in high-tax, predominantly blue states.

- Maryland has the most millionaires per capita, with more than 1 in 12 households having $1 million or more

Below is the list, color-coded by usual voting preference, for your viewing pleasure.

New Jersey

New Hampshire

See anything wrong with this picture?

Yes. Too much blue... and being a UK fan I don’t say that often.
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You make a great point. This place didn't become a conservative echo chamber (and a damned fine one it is, to be sure) until November 2016.

And, when folks call this thread an echo chanber for the right, I don't mind so much b/c I see the real echo chanbers on social media. If anything, this place offers not much more than simply being respite for any ideology that strays from the left.

I don't see this a Republican echo chamber - those tend to include a bunch of religious BS. This is more of an anti liberal echo chamber. Lots of open minded people in this thread.
Area around DC is the wealthiest in the country...VA, MD. Turned VA blue.

I feel like Virginia’s fate is going to be inevitable for a lot of red states, except not necessarily because of rich elitists.

It’s like that SJW in Germany (except at least she can admit she was wrong). Liberals vote in their candidates over and over who improve nothing and tax the hell out of them. They then move to another state with lower tax rates, but take their ideology with them, eventually turning that state purple and then finally blue.

With New York and California having an outrageous cost of living expense, plus their push to offset the tax breaks some people would receive, I look for some red states to start seeing an influx of people with 0 common sense.
These two clowns and their text messages.... For such smart and superior people (in their minds), its beyond explanation how careless they were texting each other extremely damning evidence. Sounds a lot like another leftist elitist and her posse of criminals and their private server and emails. These people truly feel that they are untouchable (likely are) and have zero respect for the citizens and laws of this country.
We got Kavosiey.
You make a great point. This place didn't become a conservative echo chamber (and a damned fine one it is, to be sure) until November 2016.

And, when folks call this thread an echo chanber for the right, I don't mind so much b/c I see the real echo chanbers on social media. If anything, this place offers not much more than simply being respite for any ideology that strays from the left.

Conservatives talking on here is just like Kentucky fans conversing about Kentucky sports. And even before the election, the thread was over run by Dems- Fuzz, Z, Dee, JamesLee, Albany, DaBoss, etc and a hardcore Democrat became a moderator.

And even then, there are so many of us that have different opinions and are very critical of our own party. Show me Dems that do the same?

Also, Steven, we are exposed to leftist viewpoints every single day. You dominate academia, you dominate 99% of media, you own 100% of entertainment industry, you control social media with shadow banning, suspensions, promoting only your view point in trending topics/moments.

A lib accusing conservatives of lacking self awareness is rich though. Your entire platform and daily outrage is a constant contradiction that would take forever to properly convey.
Agreed. Military parades are for countries whose leaders have fragile egos and want the world to see them look powerful even though they aren't - like our friend Lil' Kim. Funny to see Trump make fun of him all the time then do the same thing he does.

If we can have parades where gay dudes and butch lesbians can get naked in the streets and dance with dildos and also have an entire march with women dressed as vaginas and wearing pussy hats, I don’t think this is a big deal.

Maybe they should just block traffic and attack cars and then they will be beloved by media.
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I don't see this a Republican echo chamber - those tend to include a bunch of religious BS. This is more of an anti liberal echo chamber. Lots of open minded people in this thread.
I will pray for you and your insolent post.:):pray:
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I've always loved military parades. I don't care who does them. China , Russia. It's badass. It's a good thing the US does it to lure citizens into the service.
If we can have parades where gay dudes and butch lesbians can get naked in the streets and dance with dildos and also have an entire march with women dressed as vaginas and wearing pussy hats, I don’t think this is a big deal.

Maybe they should just block traffic and attack cars and then they will be beloved by media.

Apples and oranges man.
I feel like Virginia’s fate is going to be inevitable for a lot of red states, except not necessarily because of rich elitists.

It’s like that SJW in Germany (except at least she can admit she was wrong). Liberals vote in their candidates over and over who improve nothing and tax the hell out of them. They then move to another state with lower tax rates, but take their ideology with them, eventually turning that state purple and then finally blue.

With New York and California having an outrageous cost of living expense, plus their push to offset the tax breaks some people would receive, I look for some red states to start seeing an influx of people with 0 common sense.
Just had a man who joined my wife's company here on Ft. Sill who had a job in California paying him twice the amount he is making here. However, the cost of living here compared to there will help him save more money even with a job paying half of what he was making there.
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If we can have parades where gay dudes and butch lesbians can get naked in the streets and dance with dildos and also have an entire march with women dressed as vaginas and wearing pussy hats, I don’t think this is a big deal.

Maybe they should just block traffic and attack cars and then they will be beloved by media.

You don't see the difference? You're being sarcastic, right?

An attempted coup of a president in the US should result in the death penalty and should be massive 24/7 media coverage. Sure as hell not see the media working for them.
"attempted coup"?
You've got one active and distorted imagination.
Speaking in an interview with Fox News on Tuesday evening, Tillerson appeared to adopt a defeatist attitude toward the idea that there could be an attempt by Russia to influence the outcome of the midterms.

“I don't know that I would say we are better prepared, because the Russians will adapt as well,” he said, speaking from Bogota, Colombia.

“The point is, if it's their intention to interfere, they are going to find ways to do that. We can take steps we can take, but this is something that, once they decide they are going to do it, it's very difficult to pre-empt it,” Tillerson added.

“I think it's important we just continue to say to Russia, ‘Look, you think we don't see what you're doing. We do see it, and you need to stop. If you don't, you're going to just continue to invite consequences for yourself,’” he explained.

Tillerson yesterday. they all sound the same.
Not up on how they can do that. Anyone?

They go to that district and solicit a client that fits their bill. That usually determines what judge gets the case too as the districts are divided.

Or go to the clerk's office where they have a friend and file their complaint when their friendly judge comes up in line. Or the file and refile till it gets assigned to who they want.

The bigger issue is that the lib lawyers KNOW ahead of time which judges will ignore the law and rule for them. Who's brokering those conversations?
They go to that district and solicit a client that fits their bill. That usually determines what judge gets the case too as the districts are divided.

Or go to the clerk's office where they have a friend and file their complaint when their friendly judge comes up in line. Or the file and refile till it gets assigned to who they want.

The bigger issue is that the lib lawyers KNOW ahead of time which judges will ignore the law and rule for them. Who's brokering those conversations?
Thanks. That just seem a bit odd that they can go where they want to get the outcome that fits their agenda. If you are from a specific district you should not be able to solicit support from another one to run your case through. I guess I just don't understand nor do I like it.

Calls Trump/cons “fascist.”
-Wants more government regulation, more government control, wants to control speech, thinks it’s okay to use violence to silence you.

Claims to be against misogyny, sexism and an advocate for LGBT.
- Bends over backwards to be an apologist for Islam, wants to import Muslims and is extremely anti-Christian.

Upset that FBI corruption is being exposed and bashed.
- Openly promotes hostility toward cops, ICE

Thinks cops are hunting black men
- Doesn’t give a shit when whites are killed or when blacks kill blacks

Wants gun control
- Also thinks Trump is fascist and that cops are hunting blacks.

Thinks white supremacy is everywhere and any self interest of whites is “racist.”
- Promotes racial segregation, race-based admissions and jobs, race activist, celebrates excluding whites, celebrates Black Panthers/NOI, La Raza, Muslim Brotherhood, etc.

Calls Trump a traitor
- Refuses to enforce laws, backs a mass invasion, has no issue with Clinton selling government favors in exchange for cash with foreign nations as well.

Hates Fox News, calls it “Faux news.”
- Completely oblivious that 99 percent of the media acts as a DNC PR firm and attack dog and was exposed colluding with a party and candidate for an election.

For abortion of the innocent
- Against the death penalty for the guilty

Doesn’t mind abortion
- Freaks out if gorilla or lion is killed

“Whites are racist for moving away”
- Also, gentrification is racist when whites move in.

Says #lovetrumpshate and claims to be tolerant
- Promotes hatred of straight white males

Offended about third world countries being called shitholes.
- Routinely bashes Middle America and the south.

Dem media and politicians push hysteria about Trump, whites, cops and Republicans
- Gets upset that Trump fights back and is endangering them.

“Women are just as equal and can do anything a man can do.”
- Also, women should be treated with kid gloves and still take advantage of the benefits that comes with being a woman.

Oh, you can pick and choose your gender. Gender is a social construct
- Also, men are evil, gender wage gap, etc

“You can’t punish illegals for what their parents did.”
- Also, all white people must suffer the wrath for colonialism/slavery.

Non-white person attacked- hate crime
White person attached by different race- not a hate crime

Says “diversity is our strength”
- Chooses to live away from these neighborhoods and send their kids to schools to get away from it.

“Capitalism is evil.” Loves socialist theory
- Enjoys capitalism. Politicians get seven-eight figures. Backs the same political beliefs of these “evil corporations.”

Claims to care so much about the environment, protests at Dakota Pipeline
- Leaves tons of trash there and at every protest/rally.

Claimed Trump is mentally ill, brought quacks on TV to diagnose a person they never met.
- Also, it’s sexist to question Hillary collapsing, coughing, etc. And a man can be considered a woman if he says so.

“Koch Brothers are trying to run our country. They’re evil. They must be stopped”
- Hates the guy who is not owned by the Koch Brothers yet backs the party that is totally funded for the interest of Soros, Buffett, Schmidt, Zuckerberg, etc.

Hates Israel
- Loves Iran and Palestine

White guy kills someone
- Bombards you with op-eds lecturing white America.

Muslim kills someone due to their intense following of the Quran.
- “Islam is peaceful. Muslims fear backlash.”

Gets upset about Benghazi family being brought out at RNC.
- Brings up mothers of career criminals.

Claims there’s a war on women and goes nuts about “white privilege.”
- Backed letting an illegal get off for murdering Kate because he came from Mexico

Says a wall doesn’t work.
- Adamentaly protests a wall

Concerned about what the wall might cost
- Backs spending billions on illegals, social programs and to decrease a small fraction of a carbon footprint. Also, just put us $20T in debt, $11T from the Obama admin alone.

Claims to be the “educated” party and talks about “uneducated white males.”
- Has the highest percentage of high school dropouts voting for them, wants to flood us with uneducated third world people, desperately trying to get felons to vote and makes no mention of the education level of blacks and Latinos who vote for them.
Last edited:
Thanks. That just seem a bit odd that they can go where they want to get the outcome that fits their agenda. If you are from a specific district you should not be able to solicit support from another one to run your case through. I guess I just don't understand nor do I like it.

I agree it's shady. But it's a little different than that.

They find a district they know is favorable. Then find a client there.
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Just some emails that many have forgotten in regards to the colluding of the DNC/Media. Plus, some just general insight into these people.

DNC telling MSNBC mid-segment what to do.


Hillary's camp wanting to keep the people stupid and in the dark.


DNC talking about their paid protesters


Gloria Allred acting as a weapon for the DNC.


"One of ours"---interesting.

Using Hispanics as pawns

Showing Obama interacted with Hillary on her private server and his lie about learning from it through media.


Hillary emailing Chelsea about Benghazi and then later pushing the YouTube film as the motive when she knew it was a lie. This is the person Dems tried to put in office.


Dems spelling out their intentions of branding opponents as bigots.


Working with the DOJ and Associated Press.

Remember when Clintons were selling pardons in Bill's final six months and also renting the Lincoln bedroom out for cash? Stay classy, Dems.


Voter fraud doesn't exist...but here's Hillary's team alleging Obama did just that in 2008.
