How will they rule ??!

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Like I said, it's a year old story dug up and recycled with a little fake news added in. It went from "targeted" to "penetrated" to create drama and add emphasis.

There's literally zero evidence of them being "penetrated" or that votes were changed. They're leading the sheep, trying to manufacture negative Trump/Russia/hacking news to change the narrative.

Also, someone is clearly lying about something. In my opinion, California would never lie about something that went against the narrative and helped Trump. From your link...

NBC News reached out to the 21 states that were targeted. Five states, including Texas and California, said they were never attacked.
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Like I said, it's a year old story dug and recycled with a little fake news added in. It went from "targeted" to "penetrated" to create drama and add emphasis.

There's literally zero evidence of them being "penetrated" and even less, yes less than zero, evidence that votes were changed. They're leading the sheep, trying to manufacture negative Trump/Russia/hacking news to change the narrative.

Also, someone is clearly lying about something. In my opinion, California would never about something that went against the narrative and helped Trump. From your link...

NBC News reached out to the 21 states that were targeted. Five states, including Texas and California, said they were never attacked.
And the story changed to PRIOR to the 2016 election but the fact that she's still talking about it can't sit well with the bossman even though she's convinced it happened.
Lol back to Russia hacked the election huh.

I'm sure a hostile state would hack a secretary of state server and state election servers....then leave behind ips tying them to what would probably be an act of war.....

That would be like kgb agents breaking into the white House, stealing the nuclear football, but dropping their drivers license on the floor on the way out.

It's completely ridiculous
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What does a confederate flag have to do with illegal foreign invaders marching through American streets while waving their home country's flag, burning the American flag, desiring to turn America into their home country, attacking American citizens as racists/xenophobes and demanding citizenship from the American government?
It’s a sad commentary that guys like Stone, Alex Jones, etc are not only relevant but wealthy because so many people pay attention to them. Same goes for any relevant leftist conspiracy theorists out there (I can’t think of any off the top of my head.)
Stone is definitely a bit out there sometimes lol
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If Putin interfered to save America from Hillary, the most corrupt bitch in American political history, he should be thanked. He didn't though, so its all moot.

Why would Putin even want Trump? A stronger America hurts Russias influence in the world.
but people are now championing some bullshit "bipartisan" budget deal that increases spending by even more than the claims regarding tax reform?
Agreed. Not only that, but it also creates a new baseline for the future, which isn't idea.

Two good things about the deal. Democrats completely caved on DACA, and the deal includes a debt ceiling clause that prevents the Democrats from pulling the same DACA stunt when it's time for those negotiations.
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What does a confederate flag have to do with illegal foreign invaders marching through American streets while waving their home country's flag, burning the American flag, desiring to turn America into their home country, attacking American citizens as racists/xenophobes and demanding citizenship from the American government?
JamesLee lost any credibility when he asked why we aren’t outraged at Italian flags too.
[laughing] They've spent two years trying to convince you that the democratically elected president of the United States is a foreign agent working for the Russians.

Sorry - if you think these cable opinion outlets remotely resemble a guy like Alex Jones, you've lost it, guy. Stick to posting super long copy and pastes, you're better at that.
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if you think these cable opinion outlets remotely resemble a guy like Alex Jones, you've lost it

With this Russia act, they're exactly like him. Deny it all you want, doesn't change reality. An insane, nonsensical conspiracy theory is just that, regardless of who the mouthpiece is.

Stick to posting super long copy and pastes, you're better at that.

Those are called articles, John. They're meant for reading. Don't like them, scroll on by.
With this Russia act, they're exactly like him. Deny it all you want, doesn't change reality. An insane, nonsensical conspiracy theory is just that, regardless of who the mouthpiece is.

Those are called articles, John. They're meant for reading. Don't like them, scroll on by.

Alright, I suppose you make a decent first point. I will stand by my opinion that AJ/RS/etc are still way more “out there” than most mainstream hosts.
I will stand by my opinion that AJ/RS/etc are still way more “out there” than most mainstream hosts.
And I'll concede and admit that, in most cases, your opinion is acceptable; but, the fact still remains, when it comes to Trump, they're just as out there as Jones.
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And I'll concede and admit that, in most cases, your opinion is acceptable; but, the fact still remains, when it comes to Trump, they're just as out there as Jones.

Dude the Russia stuff is ridiculous and has been for a long time (and I’ve been on the same side as you throughout the whole “investigation.”)
from August, just saw it. That is a painful 40 seconds to watch and listen to

Lol back to Russia hacked the election huh.

I'm sure a hostile state would hack a secretary of state server and state election servers....then leave behind ips tying them to what would probably be an act of war.....

That would be like kgb agents breaking into the white House, stealing the nuclear football, but dropping their drivers license on the floor on the way out.

It's completely ridiculous

Since we are bringing up old news. Vault 7 leaks on how hackers can fake their identity. DHS caught hacking Georgia.

If I was a Marxists f tit DHS member caught doing the above I would scream Russia again right before the "bossman" was about to fire me too then maybe he gets impeached and I stay out of the pokey for now.

Meanwhile the drip drip drip of water torture of info on these swamp donkeys continues.

How many more Mueller moles will drown from the drips and be added to the list?

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Dude the Russia stuff is ridiculous and has been for a long time (and I’ve been on the same side as you throughout the whole “investigation.”)

Olberman and Joy are pretty out there. Controlled opposition on both sides to keep the divide and conquer in place. Others are there to protect their masters. Hannity won't touch poppy of Jr. Bush. Maddow protects her queen.

Watch them all to hear their narrative and which narratives are destroyed with actual facts that come to light.
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Uh huh.

Olberman and Joy are pretty out there. Controlled opposition on both sides to keep the divide and conquer in place. Others are there to protect their masters. Hannity won't touch poppy of Jr. Bush. Maddow protects her queen.

Watch them all to hear their narrative and which narratives are destroyed with actual facts that come to light.

Good call on Olberman. Not sure if you mean Joy Behar but good call there too if so (and the rest of idiots from the View as well.)
[laughing] They've spent two years trying to convince you that the democratically elected president of the United States is a foreign agent working for the Russians.
Yup. The MSM is definitely not innocent from spreading wild and outrageous conspiracies. Turn on CNN for 10 minutes and you'll think Carter Page teamed with Putin to win Trump the election.
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This is funny stuff. WH went around collecting and sending out statements of support for Porter cause they knew the story was coming out. They just weren't telling people the full story. Then the pictures of his wife beat up got leaked and those people started putting out 2nd statements distancing themselves from porter. So reporters were getting 1 statement for Porter and 1 against porter at the same time.
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Things are really sad for leftists when the best thing they have to attack the Trump admin is a guy (Porter) 95% of America has probably never heard of. I've followed Trump close for 2 years and have never once heard of this Porter guy.

And besides, if he did what he did, hes apparently gone from his role. No controversy there at all.
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FBI informant on Uranium One Breaks Silence Today

An informant who spent years gathering information on the Russian energy and uranium market industry for the FBI, met staff members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, House Oversight, and House Intelligence Committees on Wednesday. He gave explosive testimony on his years as an undercover informant providing information to the FBI on Russian criminal networks operating in the United States. He also contends in his testimony, and written briefs, to the FBI that Russia attempted to hide its ongoing aid to help sustain Iran’s nuclear industry, at the time the Obama administration approved the sale of 20 percent of U.S. uranium mining rights to Russia.

The informant’s attorney, Victoria Toensing partner at the firm DiGenova & Toensing, said the following:

“Mr. Campbell testified for over four hours until he answered every question from three Congressional committees; the Senate Judiciary, House Oversight and House Intelligence committees.

He recounted numerous times that the Russians bragged that the Clintons’ influence in the Obama administration would ensure CIFIUS approval for Uranium One. And he was right."