How will they rule ??!

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Paul Joseph Watson, Steven Crowder. Gavin McInness (before leaving Rebel), Ben Shapiro, Lauren Southern, lots of good takes out there and debates and info that mainstream news is incapable of talking about.

If you’re a conservative, this is a good market to get into but YouTube demonetizes conservatives while promoting the Young Turks. Unreal.
Crowder is one of my favorites. I 100% recommend his youtube stuff. Those videos of where he goes up to leftists and talks to them are really an interesting watch. Plus, he's hilarious too.
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Through all the distractions yesterday don't forget about this.

Secretary Clinton Emails

February 02 2018
In December 2014, former Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton provided the Department with emails that were sent or received by her while she was Secretary of State.

The Department conducted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) review of all emails provided by former Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton. Starting in June 2015, a new set of emails from this collection was released on this site at the end of each month. These monthly releases continued until the entire collection of records was reviewed for public release. All releasable records are now available on this site.

In May 2015, the Department released a set of 296 of these documents which previously had been provided in February 2015 to the House Select Committee on Benghazi. All 296 documents originally released in May’s production were re-produced within the subsequent productions.

All documents are fully searchable.
Really is crazy to think back on the Obama administration.

A sitting US Ambassador who was participating in a covert gun running operation being murdered in a coordinated terror attack and subsequent imprisoning of a scapegoat was swept under the rug, and doesn't even begin to hold a candle to the treasonous acts they were emboldened to commit, such as using domestic spy programs to try and undermine a democratic election and peaceful transition of power.
Everything leaking today says the court was told the dossier was a politically made document just that Hillary was not named. If the judge didnt inquire into exactly who made it then he didnt think it mattered. And you guys keep assuming that comey told the court that the dossier was accurate. He could have told the court that they didn't know and wanted the warrant to help verify the page claims made in the document. Nowhere in nunes memo does he say they claimed The dossier was verified and he wouldn't have left that out if they did. The fbi already had 3 years of evidence on Page to use alongside the dosier. A fisa warrant does not require proof of crime, it only requires reasonable suspicion. That is why it has to be renewed every 90 days. They had to go before a judge every time, renewed 3 times, and show that they were receiving actionable Intel pertaining to the original goals of the warrant. These fisa judges are Republican nominees put in place by a Republican supreme court chief justice. I think you guys are going to be very disappointed In what comes out from this memo. All it showed is that Page was found by a judge to be traitorous enough to get 4 fisa warrants and papdouche was also neck deep in shit. Carry on circle jerking

These cucks are so pathetic. I’d like for any of these morons to cite the law on the books that doesn’t allow racial equality? I’ll show you some where white people are not given race-based scholarships or mandated hiring quotas.

And who the hell can stand to watch late night talk shows or awards? They never STFU.
Everything leaking today says the court was told the dossier was a politically made document just that Hillary was not named. If the judge didnt inquire into exactly who made it then he didnt think it mattered. And you guys keep assuming that comey told the court that the dossier was accurate. He could have told the court that they didn't know and wanted the warrant to help verify the page claims made in the document. Nowhere in nunes memo does he say they claimed The dossier was verified and he wouldn't have left that out if they did. The fbi already had 3 years of evidence on Page to use alongside the dosier. A fisa warrant does not require proof of crime, it only requires reasonable suspicion. That is why it has to be renewed every 90 days. They had to go before a judge every time, renewed 3 times, and show that they were receiving actionable Intel pertaining to the original goals of the warrant. These fisa judges are Republican nominees put in place by a Republican supreme court chief justice. I think you guys are going to be very disappointed In what comes out from this memo. All it showed is that Page was found by a judge to be traitorous enough to get 4 fisa warrants and papdouche was also neck deep in shit. Carry on circle jerking

Circle jerking. Lol. You are so brainwashed beyond belief. No doubt in your mid 20s and completely stupid.
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Truly is remarkable watching the left trip over themselves to defend secret courts and domestic spying all while disregarding a document authored by a Congressional committee in favor of believing illegal leaks from anonymous sources.

What a time to be alive.

I hope Trump writes a fake story book called "The Media and Russia are Colluding" and uses that to get FISA warrants on every single person working in the MSM.
Truly is remarkable watching the left trip over themselves to defend secret courts and domestic spying all while disregarding a document authored by a Congressional committee in favor of believing illegal leaks from anonymous sources.

What a time to be alive.

I hope Trump writes a fake story book called "The Media and Russia are Colluding" and uses that to get FISA warrants on every single person working in the MSM.
Funny watching Nunes attack the FISA program he sponsored. He pushed for its complete renewal and allowing warrantless data collection on Americans after he had already written this memo. Hhmmmmm. Its completely corrupted but let's renew it post haste!
Truly is remarkable watching the left trip over themselves to defend secret courts and domestic spying all while disregarding a document authored by a Congressional committee in favor of believing illegal leaks from anonymous sources.

What a time to be alive.

I hope Trump writes a fake story book called "The Media and Russia are Colluding" and uses that to get FISA warrants on every single person working in the MSM.

They can come in here and spin with their circle jerk look over there while they misinterpret the law but the bottom line the information is going to come out. Legal documents that prove that the Obama administration illegally spied on the DJT campaign during and after the election. Where it goes from there will be interesting.
They can come in here and spin with their circle jerk look over there while they misinterpret the law but the bottom line the information is going to come out. Legal documents that prove that the Obama administration illegally spied on the DJT campaign during and after the election. Where it goes from there will be interesting.
You do realize the fisa warrant was obtained AFTER page resigned from the campaign? And that the Trump administration renewed the warrant 2 times. So he was spying on himself?
Funny watching Nunes attack the FISA program he sponsored. He pushed for its complete renewal and allowing warrantless data collection on Americans after he had already written this memo. Hhmmmmm. Its completely corrupted but let's renew it post haste!

That's actually not funny at all, and Trump should have told Congress to shove the recent 702 "reauthorization" right up their ass.

But who knows maybe they reauthorized it because the way you guys on the left are tripping over yourselves to defend all this bullshit, maybe they think they'll be able to use it to stop the next D from ever getting into office, or succeed in a coup if a D does get elected.

Too bad for you Obama and his administration were total failures at everything they tried, including trying to undermine the last election.
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You guys aren't very good at picking up on the details of the memo. Page resigned in september, The fisa warrant was in october. Rosenstein and Boente each signed off to renewed the warrant under the Trump admin.

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The FISAs will get published and the spin will end.

Rosenstein was groomed by Mueller. Rosenstein wife is Lisa Barsoomian who works for R. Craig Lawrence. Lawrence represented Mueller, Comey, Obama and Bill Clinton.

Rosenstein appointed Mueller to conduct a fake investigation based on fake intel bought and paid for by Hildawg/DNC to obtain a fake FISA warrant that he signed. Pick up on those details. It will all come out and there aint a damn thing you can say or do to stop it. Spin away.

Grassley's memo will be next and it will target the State Department. Watch the bs used to stop it's release and the spin after that bomb drops.