How will they rule ??!

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Baier kept pressing him on whether the court was told that the dossier had a political origination. Nunes first said no. Then he corrected himself and said no judge would okay the warrant if he k was told. Baier-so was the court told? Nunes-i don't believe that happened. So we go from no to probably not.

That's kind of besides the point. The dossier is made up and unverified. Kremlin fed Steele smears and lies. It's not based in fact.The FBI literally used phony evidence to secure a surveillance warrant. They lied about its credibility and used a fake news story to corroborate it and lend it credibility. They also completely omitted who funded it and why. This didn't happen just one time, but three times.

And, if by chance the FBI didn't lie about the dossier's credibility or who funded it on the FISA application, then the FISA judges were in on it. They're just as corrupt. There's no lawful reason, whatsoever, that a FISA warrant is granted because of a fake Russia propaganda smear dossier, paid for by political opponents. Absolutely none.

Nunes proved himself to be a partisan hack when he got caught being fed news from the WH and then pretending he had to go share this amazing news with the WH

Which, by the way, turned out to be true. Obama's administration illegaly spied on Trump's campaign; hence, why we're here today.
Trust nothing that you cannot verify with your own research. Read it all. My research on wikileaks is that the email contents are never questioned or discredited as fake by the people that wrote the emails. They say they were hacked but not inaccurate and then they attack Julian.

The other bait and switch they pulled is the Pizza narrative. Create a diversion with unverifiable codes and innuendos to distract you from reading about the other crimes.
To me, THEY are ALL the same.
The basics are simple.

McCabe testified that if not for the phony dossier, there would have never been a FISA warrant.

In order to get that FISA warrant the FBI covered up the facts that the dossier was funded by political opponents, was authored by a partisan and was nothing more than made up, unverified political opposition research.

The FBI knew all these truths behind the phony dossier, but purposely left them out and lied on the FISA application, while using a fake news story to falsely corroborate the dossier.

If they FBI had any real, credible evidence, they would not have had to lie to the FISA court and resort to using the phony dossier that was falsely corroborated by fake news.

Bottom line, Russia collusion is built on nothing but a false premise. It's all bullshit.

The other key point is that it was a joint effort between the DNC, the FBI, and the doj to spy on a presidential campaign, then the president elect.

They all worked together to try and ensure a Hillary presidency. First to fix the election. Then to see that Trump never took office.
Russians hacked the DNC according to virtually every intelligence agency.

That's false. The 17 intelligence agencies line was fake news. Both AP and NYT were forced to retract and send out corrections. Not to mention, the FBI was never given access to the DNC servers, so not a single agency can say this for 100% sure that Russia was the culprit.

There's been no evidence provided to date, and the company who analyzed the DNC server, CrowdStrike, has changed their story and walked back some of their claims.

There is no evidence Hillary's emails were ever hacked.

True. Just like there's no evidence that the Russians hacked the DNC.

Although, according to the first memo Comey wrote about Hillary, before Strzok changed the wording to save her, Comey did say that Hillary's server was very likely hacked. So there is a chance.
Breaking: looks like treason is on the table folks.

How would you prefer your democrats who commit treason to die?

I want to see them tortured for 365 days and killed on the 366th day

False, if there is anything we learn from this is make everything abrupt and do not allow time to organize a spin, plot or strategy to overcome anything.

Slow torture is movie good guy being stupid allowing the bad guy to get away.

Shoot them on site and burn them. Quick and easy then dispose immediately......

ie Stephen Paddock, Seth Rich and every Democrat foe.
Comey is the one who signed off on the dossier being sufficient, credible probable cause evidence on the first FISA application. Two weeks later he testified in front of Congress that the dossier was "salacious and unverified."

He can't have it both ways. The dossier was either sufficient and credible enough evidence to use as probable cause in order to obtain a warrant; or, Comey lied on the application and pushed salacious and unverified phony evidence in order to illegaly obtain a warrant.

Considering he testified to the dossier being "salacious and unverified" while under oath and he had nothing to gain by lying, I'll go with the latter; he lied to the court.
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Correct. It's not an exact quote, but he admitted to it. They're saying what he testified to is much more damming. ......

This is correct as well.

So I think it's a world wide war with many of the same themes showing up in other places outside the US

I also think we're seeing the end stage of what has been decades of marxist planning in this nation - planning that's aimed at overthrowing the constitutional republic and the remaining elements of the capitalist economy

and something has gone wrong for them.....there's an inconvenient awakening across the board on this planet

The counter revolutionaries are composed of many types of people

But we aren't coordinating together as well as we are capable - not quite yet anyway

Nor has the counter revolution fully achieved the type of shared political consciousness and grim RESOLVE that's going to be needed to stop the overthrow of the US Govt

Don't wait for the media to echo these type of ideas or sound an alarm
They're just using old Stalinist tactics with newer toys and channels

I've said it time and time before -- it's going to get harder and harder to remain silent / on the sidelines and "A POLITICAL" in this nation

Try to read up a little on what Socialism did in Russia after they gained power
Stop and Think about how universally the Nazi's and their camps are always portrayed (rightfully so)

and realize that their chapter was bookended by another political movement during the same timeframe ---a movement that featured 100's more concentration camps, 10's of million more exterminated, widespread torture, forced starvation and a brutal network of human slave labor that showed ABSOLUTELY NO MERCY to the weak or those who refused to align with their Marxist gospel

Need to think about where you're going to "draw that line" --
You have clearly demonstrated just how fvcking stoopid you really are!! [jumpingsmile] There is no evidence of collusion as I have said. Find the post that says otherwise.

Russians hacked the DNC according to virtually every intelligence agency. There is no evidence Hillary's emails were ever hacked. The emails that were made public were Podesta's. [roll]
Idiot. Why be so literal with my words? You prove you have no clue because it was established over a year ago that "virtually every intelligence agency" did NOT agree they were hacked. I meant Hillary's emails in the sense that they PERTAINED to Hillary.

We know you're a dumbass. You're a liberal. Quit beating a dead horse.
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I’m starting to believe that as a donor Trump knew damn well both sides were playing for the same team. I think he learned a lot being so close to the crooks......I mean Clinton’s.

From there I really think he had all this planned knowing everyone of these assholes were against him and they were all corrupted.

He seriously has had this plan in place and is making sure his team is close but and guiding him right not to become Dick Nixon.

- I do not care what side you are on, at this point conspiracy be damned you have to know the dems and all their cronies were working to keep an outsider out. They all went to extremes to crush Trump.

America won, thank the lord!

And if you think for a second more jobs, higher paying jobs, a booming economy, lower taxes are a damn joke then bear witness because all the talking points of racism, sexism, xenophobia, or homophobia aren’t f’n working.

Time for Gen X, Gen Y and the millennial to grow the F up!!
Hey dickhead Gen X is grown up and fixing the issues the dumbass generation of our parents left behind. You know the generation dumb enough to think Woodstock meant something and spitting on soldiers returning from war? I'm 41 and have 3 kids, and 40 men making 60,000+ reporting to me at work and a big boy salary.

Other than that I agree and carry on.
Hey dickhead Gen X is grown up and fixing the issues the dumbass generation of our parents left behind. You know the generation dumb enough to think Woodstock meant something and spitting on soldiers returning from war? I'm 41 and have 3 kids, and 40 men making 60,000+ reporting to me at work and a big boy salary.

Other than that I agree and carry on.
I'm 57. Are you saying I ****ed up the country? Did MY people **** up the country? If so, I'm sorry dude, I did my best. Whenever I heard the idiots speak I tried to tell them the truth. I have given a hell of a lot more than I've taken. It seems to me though, that people younger than myself are the ones who are so hell bent on changing the country and making it a haven for the entire world at my expense.

Please educate me with your 41 years of wisdom.
Comey is the one who signed off on the dossier being sufficient, credible probable cause evidence on the first FISA application. Two weeks later he testified in front of Congress that the dossier was "salacious and unverified."

He can't have it both ways. The dossier was either sufficient and credible enough evidence to use as probable cause in order to obtain a warrant; or, Comey lied on the application and pushed salacious and unverified phony evidence in order to illegaly obtain a warrant.

Considering he testified to the dossier being "salacious and unverified" while under oath and he had nothing to gain by lying, I'll go with the latter; he lied to the court.
That is not what comey testified. That is right wing fake news. He told Trump that the pee tape and prostitutes were salacious & unverified. He said he couldn't say which parts of the dossier had been verified untill it went to a closed setting. So we don't know how much of the dossier, if any if it, the fbi actually determined to be true. And some of it had to of been verified with real intelligence evidence for a judge to take it seriously, not just the Yahoo news crap. If evidence is actually released showing the fbi only used the dossier and had none of it verfied then you actually have a real story. You would have the fbi not doing their job, and you would have a judge just rubber stamping warrants. But right now we have no evidence of that besides nunes pinky swearing that's what happened.
More on the McCabe rumors. McCabe is a suspect in an investigation. Supposedly the IG is investigating whether or not he order FBI agents to change their 302s on particular cases. An FBI 302 is like an LEO's police report. Allegedly, if true, McCabe is looking at facing criminal charges for obstruction.

My post from Monday. Looks like one of the aforementioned cases above could possibly be the Flynn case.

He told Trump that the pee tape and prostitutes were salacious & unverified

Absolutely not. He referred to the dossier as "salacious and unverified" in his June 8, 2017 prepared remarks (written testimony) for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.
Last note. Since comey did have a closed hearing when I'm sure he was forced to answer how much was verified. If none of it or all if it had been verified that would have been leaked by now by either side. So it's pretty fair to assume that it fell somewhere In the middle. Kind of like this whole issue. Nunes says the world is ending. Schiff says everything is peachy. I tend to believe their both full of shit and it falls somewhere in the middle.
[laughing] What a bunch of weirdos...

Dang, thought at one time that I might like to poke her. Nope. No thanks. She's too brave for me. As a mere straight white male, what could I possibly have to offer her? Sure I'm packing heat, but what does that mean to a coont who bent over many times for Harvey Weinstein to ensure she got a job playing make believe?

I take her words very seriously. [eyeroll]
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So we don't know how much of the dossier if any if it, the fbi actually determined to be true.

Yes, we do. -- FBI has not verified Trump dossier

Not to mention, the FBI’s assistant director Bill Priestap testified to the committee that efforts to corroborate Steele were in their “infancy” when the first warrant was sought, the first warrant that Comey signed off on it, then two weeks later calling the dossier "salacious and unverified."
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Absolutely not. He referred to the dossier as "salacious and unverified" in his June 8, 2017 prepared remarks (written testimony) for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.
BURR: In the public domain is this question of the “steel dossier,” a document that has been around out in for over a year. I'm not sure when the FBI first took possession of it, but the media had it before you had it and we had it. At the time of your departure from the FBI, was the FBI able to confirm any criminal allegations contained in the steel document?

COMEY: Mr. Chairman, I don't think that's a question I can answer in an open setting because it goes into the details of the investigation.
That is not what comey testified. That is right wing fake news. He told Trump that the pee tape and prostitutes were salacious & unverified. He said he couldn't say which parts of the dossier had been verified untill it went to a closed setting. So we don't know how much of the dossier, if any if it, the fbi actually determined to be true. And some of it had to of been verified with real intelligence evidence for a judge to take it seriously, not just the Yahoo news crap. If evidence is actually released showing the fbi only used the dossier and had none of it verfied then you actually have a real story. You would have the fbi not doing their job, and you would have a judge just rubber stamping warrants. But right now we have no evidence of that besides nunes pinky swearing that's what happened.
That is not what comey testified. That is right wing fake news. He told Trump that the pee tape and prostitutes were salacious & unverified. He said he couldn't say which parts of the dossier had been verified untill it went to a closed setting. So we don't know how much of the dossier, if any if it, the fbi actually determined to be true. And some of it had to of been verified with real intelligence evidence for a judge to take it seriously, not just the Yahoo news crap. If evidence is actually released showing the fbi only used the dossier and had none of it verfied then you actually have a real story. You would have the fbi not doing their job, and you would have a judge just rubber stamping warrants. But right now we have no evidence of that besides nunes pinky swearing that's what happened.
Enough of your millennial nonsense. Blocked. If there's anything I can't tolerate, it's spam. I don't post spam and I won't read it

I detest moonbats and I insist that the perfect response is to simply block them upon sight.
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My post from Monday. Looks like one of the aforementioned cases above could possibly be the Flynn case.

Be hilarious if true. Comey's self-righteousness, and 'I'm Mr. Ethics' personality makes me overwhelmingly suspicious he is a POS. When someone is that full of their own honesty and integrity...50% chance he could go to jail for the porn he looks at. Comey at FBI and Holder as Attorney General during a big portion of the Obama years...would be difficult to get more despicable than those two.
Yes, we do. -- FBI has not verified Trump dossier

Not to mention, the FBI’s assistant director Bill Priestap testified to the committee that efforts to corroborate Steele were in their “infancy” when the first warrant was sought, the first warrant that Comey signed off on it, then two weeks later calling the dossier "salacious and unverified."
I'm not going to click on a examiner link in my phone because that site is dirty as he'll. But a quick Google archive shows "according to sources". Isn't that the fake news red flag?
BURR: In the public domain is this question of the “steel dossier,” a document that has been around out in for over a year. I'm not sure when the FBI first took possession of it, but the media had it before you had it and we had it. At the time of your departure from the FBI, was the FBI able to confirm any criminal allegations contained in the steel document?

COMEY: Mr. Chairman, I don't think that's a question I can answer in an open setting because it goes into the details of the investigation.
So, you think that it was something so bad against Trump that Comey wouldn't talk about it?

NO, idiot. Comey was trying to lie his ass off without saying anything. Are you truly this stupid or are you being paid to be? If so, ask for a raise, you're going above and beyond.
BURR: In the public domain is this question of the “steel dossier,” a document that has been around out in for over a year. I'm not sure when the FBI first took possession of it, but the media had it before you had it and we had it. At the time of your departure from the FBI, was the FBI able to confirm any criminal allegations contained in the steel document?

COMEY: Mr. Chairman, I don't think that's a question I can answer in an open setting because it goes into the details of the investigation.

Look up his prepared opening statement. Also, those closed door testimonies have leaked. They haven't verified the dossier.

For someone who claims to not believe either side, your deflections, excuses, rationale lines exactly with those on the left. Everything you post ate the exact same arguments they're making in the liberal media. You're trying awfully hard today/tonight. This is the most you posted in s single session under this username. The truth must have hit a nerve.

Some advice, most have had an idea of what happened since Trump sent that first tweet. Anyone who has been remotely paying attention since especially does. Your clamoring isn't going to change that. There's likely more coming, too.
That is not what comey testified. That is right wing fake news. He told Trump that the pee tape and prostitutes were salacious & unverified. He said he couldn't say which parts of the dossier had been verified untill it went to a closed setting. So we don't know how much of the dossier, if any if it, the fbi actually determined to be true. And some of it had to of been verified with real intelligence evidence for a judge to take it seriously, not just the Yahoo news crap. If evidence is actually released showing the fbi only used the dossier and had none of it verfied then you actually have a real story. You would have the fbi not doing their job, and you would have a judge just rubber stamping warrants. But right now we have no evidence of that besides nunes pinky swearing that's what happened.

damn dude you can be dense. they did verify parts of the dossier to be true. and those parts were that Trump is an actual person and Russia is in fact a country. that's it. the reason the judge ok'd it was because he was lied to, informmation and actual facts were withheld. if he was given the truth he would have denied, and the commies running the show knew that. so they had to fabricate the rest of it. this isn't hard. but you are making it hard. you don't want to see the truth so you are refusiing to open your eyes so you don't have to.
I'm not going to click on a examiner link in my phone because that site is dirty as he'll. But a quick Google archive shows "according to sources". Isn't that the fake news red flag?
Sure it is. The Examiner is perfectly fine. York is one of the best in the business. His anonymous source isn't equivalent to a CNN anonymous source.

Besides, it's based on leaked closed door Senate testimony, the same type of setting Comey agreed to talk about it.
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all you need to do to know how serious this actually is, is to reverse this scenerio. instead of Obama's justice dept and Hillary and her campaign getting caught colluding with Russia to obtain a fake dossier to use to be able spy on Trump and attempt to deligitimize his presidency and reverse Trump with Hillary. had Trump done this, and got caught actually colluding with a foreign country creating fake documents to spy on Hillary. how would the media be handling this story? you already know the answers to this scenario. Trump would already be in jail for treason. the media would be having a field day.
@Platinumdrgn, since you're suddenly refusing to click links now, this is from Comey's prepared opening testimony. Notice he doesn't say some or only the piss and hookers stuff like the article you linked claims. He doesn't specify at all. He's speaking in general.

READ: James Comey's prepared testimony

The IC leadership thought it important, for a variety of reasons, to alert the incoming President to the existence of this material, even though it was salacious and unverified. Among those reasons were: (1) we knew the media was about to publicly report the material and we believed the IC should not keep knowledge of the material and its imminent release from the President-Elect; and (2) to the extent there was some effort to compromise an incoming President, we could blunt any such effort with a defensive briefing.
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I'm 57. Are you saying I ****ed up the country? Did MY people **** up the country? If so, I'm sorry dude, I did my best. Whenever I heard the idiots speak I tried to tell them the truth. I have given a hell of a lot more than I've taken. It seems to me though, that people younger than myself are the ones who are so hell bent on changing the country and making it a haven for the entire world at my expense.

Please educate me with your 41 years of wisdom.
Unless you were incredibly irresponsible you aren't old enough to be my dad and were a little kid when that generation was making difference. I do the best I can too and you aren't as old as you think. Gen X as a whole saves better and is more conservative than Y and millenials. We are X because we were the first generation that was going to be wasted and do worse than the ones before, not because we were slackers, it was because the glutinous bitches before screwed up a good thing. As they enjoy pensions and promises we earn it on our own. Tell me about your 57 years of wisdom and how us slackers are screwing things up for you.
Comey testified truthfully when he called the dossier salacious and unverified. That I agree with.

Unfortunately for him, and your argument, he also signed fisa applications/affidavits swearing it was accurate and reliable. Thats where he's in trouble.

Iirc he also sworw none of Mr Trump's associates were surveilled while at trump tower. He also knew that not to be true. They monitored at least two associates communications while there.