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Everything leaking today says the court was told the dossier was a politically made document just that Hillary was not named.

You're missing the main point. The dossier was still used. It's phony Russian propaganda. And, yes, who funded it being omitted is a huge deal.

And you guys keep assuming that comey told the court that the dossier was accurate. He could have told the court that they didn't know and wanted the warrant to help verify the page claims made in the document.

Are you really this ignorant? You can't use unverified rumor and slander as probable cause evidence to obtain a warrant to verify if said rumor and slander are true. Seriously, man, you're spinning so much b.s. it's entered stupid territory now.

A fisa warrant does not require proof of crime, it only requires reasonable suspicion

Wrong. It, like all warrants, requires probable cause, not just a suspicion.
BREAKING: On The Same Day Trump Releases the Nunes Memo A Federal Judge Keeps The Comey Memos Secret

On the same day the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence released the Nunes memo showing the FBI relied on the salacious and unverified Trump dossier to obtain a surveillance warrant on Carter Page, a federal judge ruled to withhold the Comey memos. The memos, authored by former FBI Director James Comey, are about his nine private conversations with President-elect and President Trump.

U.S. District Judge James Boasberg, who ruled in favor of the FBI’s request to keep the Comey memos secret, also sits on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. The FISA court is the same court that approved the surveillance on Trump associates.

Boasberg refused to release the documents on the basis they were still being used by special counsel Robert Mueller in his investigation of the alleged Russian collusion with Trump associates.

The judge ruled, “the Comey Memos, at least for now, will remain in the hands of the Special Counsel and not the public.”

“It’s unfortunate, but not at all surprising, to see a FISA court judge side with secrecy over transparency on the very day the House Intelligence Committee released a very troubling example of abuse of trust within the FISA system,” said Christopher Bedford, the editor-in-chief of TheDCNF.
Everything leaking today

By the way, why are the Democrats breaking the law again and leaking parts of their memo? Notice during all the hoopla, none of the Republican memo got leaked. They actually followed the law and went through the proper channels to release it. We see who the sneaky, backstabbing, lying criminals are, don't we? A memo written by criminals and liars has zero credibility.
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No worries. The more they deny it, the more it motivates people to get the actual FISA application declassified and released. Just like the more they deny McCabe's testimony, the more likely the transcript gets released.

Also, I find it entertaining that none of them will go on record and deny it. They're hiding, staying anonymous and leaking it to their cronies in the press. If they know McCabe didn't testify to it, then why are they hiding? Maybe because they know they're lying and it's just a ploy to provide cover and change the narrative?

Judicial Watch Sues for Russia Collusion FISA Documents
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The fbi already had 3 years of evidence on Page to use alongside the dosier.

Obviously that three years worth of 'evidence' was shit, made evident by the fact that without the phony dossier, they would have never gotten a warrant.

Again, McCabe testified to this under oath. There are transcripts. You can choose to deflect and believe the super secret, anonymous sources that say he didnt, up to you.

Gowdy and Ratcliffe have also read the FISA documents and they disagree. Both, Gowdy especially, have much more credibility than lying, leaking criminals.

Besides, I thought you didn't believe either side? Kind of odd how you're taking the Democrats' words as gospel throughout it all. Also, which Democrat wrote that? They left it unsigned. Afraid to put their name to it? Or did I miss the signature?
Gowdy and Ratcliffe have also read the FISA documents and they disagree. Both, Gowdy especially, have much more credibility than lying, leaking criminals.

Besides, I thought you didn't believe either side? Kind of odd how you're taking the Democrats' words as gospel throughout it all. Also, which Democrat wrote that? They left it unsigned. Afraid to put their name to it? Or did I miss the signature?

I hope Z isn't Plantinum. I like Z.

Platinum is a CNN shill who is a mouthbreathing Hillary supporter.
Everything leaking today says the court was told the dossier was a politically made document just that Hillary was not named. If the judge didnt inquire into exactly who made it then he didnt think it mattered. And you guys keep assuming that comey told the court that the dossier was accurate. He could have told the court that they didn't know and wanted the warrant to help verify the page claims made in the document. Nowhere in nunes memo does he say they claimed The dossier was verified and he wouldn't have left that out if they did. The fbi already had 3 years of evidence on Page to use alongside the dosier. A fisa warrant does not require proof of crime, it only requires reasonable suspicion. That is why it has to be renewed every 90 days. They had to go before a judge every time, renewed 3 times, and show that they were receiving actionable Intel pertaining to the original goals of the warrant. These fisa judges are Republican nominees put in place by a Republican supreme court chief justice. I think you guys are going to be very disappointed In what comes out from this memo. All it showed is that Page was found by a judge to be traitorous enough to get 4 fisa warrants and papdouche was also neck deep in shit. Carry on circle jerking

“If the judge didn’t inquire into who made it he didn’t think it mattered”?

So to perpetuate a charade he chose to pretend the source of a document didn’t matter? Nothing to see here, folks.
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Due to democrats committing treason and causing many many instances of govt corruption, I hope Trump labels this as an American crisis and is allowed to serve 3 terms.

12 years for Trump as president.

If he keeps throwing down buckets of chicken, taco salads, and 2 heaps of ice cream, he’ll be lucky to last 2 terms :)
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So Bette knows what most Americans think?

Yeah, she thinks being like Snowden and leaking should have you hunted as a criminal, hiding in Moscow.

But, she also thinks most Americans will be livid if the Democrats don't be like Snowden and leak.

Top notch logic. Maybe she's saying most Americans want Democrats hunted down like criminals and forced into hiding in Moscow?
Yeah, she thinks being like Snowden and leaking should have you hunted as a criminal, hiding in Moscow.

But, she also thinks most Americans will be livid if the Democrats don't be like Snowden and leak.

Top notch logic. Maybe she's saying most Americans want Democrats hunted down like criminals and forced into hiding in Moscow?

Totally agree Moe

Plus who gives a shit about what Bette Midler said. She hasn't been relevant since 1982.

She makes movies and writes songs for fat, ugly women.
Wouldn’t care if she was relevant today. Why people get caught up in what Celebs think is far beyond my comprehension.

Really, getting caught up in what anyone thinks is a waste of time. Blaze your own path.

Bette Midler, James Woods, Sean Hannity, My neighbor 2 doors down, the Mexican dude in the cubicle outside my office, the cashier at Target, my waiter at Malone’s all have one thing in common - I don’t give a shit what they think.
Really, getting caught up in what anyone thinks is a waste of time. Blaze your own path.

Bette Midler, James Woods, Sean Hannity, My neighbor 2 doors down, the Mexican dude in the cubicle outside my office, the cashier at Target, my waiter at Malone’s all have one thing in common - I don’t give a shit what they think.

Same for Chris Coumo, Anderson Cooper, Rachel Maddow.
Gowdy and Ratcliffe have also read the FISA documents and they disagree. Both, Gowdy especially, have much more credibility than lying, leaking criminals.

Besides, I thought you didn't believe either side? Kind of odd how you're taking the Democrats' words as gospel throughout it all. Also, which Democrat wrote that? They left it unsigned. Afraid to put their name to it? Or did I miss the signature?

Nadler, house Judiciary committee. I don't take any of his rebuttal as gospel. But he actually takes the effort to cross detail case law and how it applies to the fisa warrant. Nunes deliberately kept everything in the memo vague and also deliberately didn't mention any of the other supporting evidence the fbi used. I still stand by the fact that i believe neither side until we see some real supporting evidence. some of It's going to come out, both sides have dug in to deep now. Nunes has staked his entire career on this memo.
Nadler, house Judiciary committee. I don't take any of his rebuttal as gospel. But he actually takes the effort to cross detail case law and how it applies to the fisa warrant. Nunes deliberately kept everything in the memo vague and also deliberately didn't mention any of the other supporting evidence the fbi used. I still stand by the fact that i believe neither side until we see some real supporting evidence. some of It's going to come out, both sides have dug in to deep now. Nunes has staked his entire career on this memo.

hahaha, gold
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Was meaning to mention this a couple days ago and I don't think I did.

Anyone else notice that the 1500 word explanation (certainly never would apologize), that Hillary gave for keeping a guy on her team in 2008 accused of sexual harassment was put out like an hour or two before Trump's SOTU. She knew everyone would be talking Trump speech for the next 24-48 hours. If liberals were really serious about this #MeToo movement they would have told Hillary to F--K Off months ago.
“Source,” “likely.”

This is exactly what fake news is. One dude’s opinion followed up with his own interpretation of what the alleged act may or may not constitute.

Not really. All journalists use anonymous sources. Some have good, honest sources. The business depends on it.

It only becomes a problem when time and time again their stories get totally proven false, within hours/days, and they're constantly forced to correct or retract. As far as I know, that's never been the case with Jarrett.

Not saying what he's reporting is 100% true, but you can be sure there really are sources who have been vetted, and not just some made up b.s.
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Not really. All journalists use anonymous sources. Some have good, honest sources. The business depends on it.

It only becomes a problem when time and time again their stories get totally proven false, within hours/days, and they're constantly forced to correct or retract. As far as I know, that's never been the case with Jarrett.

Not saying what he's reporting is 100% true, but you can be sure there really are sources who have been vetted, and just some made up b.s.

Moe that’s a good point. Reputation is important.