How will they rule ??!

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Okay, I finally found the little nugget of info.

Apparently, something happened with Adam Schiff in that hotel(s) in West Hollywood... (the thought is human trafficking was going on there and he was at least aware of it, if not complicit)... The owner of which was killed in that helicopter that just silently dropped out of the sky this week. Whatever that act was, it was covered up and handled to protect AS. AS is now trying to return that favor with this coverup.

Then there's that EO Trump signed in DEC...

Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption
No I laugh at you. Daily.
Nervous laughter no doubt. Not knowing what is going on in the world will generally do that to those who can't deal with that which they cannot understand. One day maybe you will see reality and it will finally make sense to you..
That's false. The 17 intelligence agencies line was fake news. Both AP and NYT were forced to retract and send out corrections. Not to mention, the FBI was never given access to the DNC servers, so not a single agency can say this for 100% sure that Russia was the culprit.

There's been no evidence provided to date, and the company who analyzed the DNC server, CrowdStrike, has changed their story and walked back some of their claims.

True. Just like there's no evidence that the Russians hacked the DNC.

Although, according to the first memo Comey wrote about Hillary, before Strzok changed the wording to save her, Comey did say that Hillary's server was very likely hacked. So there is a chance.

In that idiotic report, they say they made their claim by watching television and reading twitter. Lol
platinum is either a dumbass who reads nothing but msm bullshit or a paid troll. Props to moe for his patience correcting all his ignorance and lies.

I'm sure most have seen this, but if not it's worth a watch.
Hey dickhead Gen X is grown up and fixing the issues the dumbass generation of our parents left behind. You know the generation dumb enough to think Woodstock meant something and spitting on soldiers returning from war? I'm 41 and have 3 kids, and 40 men making 60,000+ reporting to me at work and a big boy salary.

Other than that I agree and carry on.
Your assessment is off base. It is not a generational thing as much as a progressive thing. Progressive's are the problem and have been for a while now. The movement has grown and is a cancer to this country.
Be hilarious if true. Comey's self-righteousness, and 'I'm Mr. Ethics' personality makes me overwhelmingly suspicious he is a POS. When someone is that full of their own honesty and integrity...50% chance he could go to jail for the porn he looks at. Comey at FBI and Holder as Attorney General during a big portion of the Obama years...would be difficult to get more despicable than those two.

I bet it’s true because Cernovich seems to have actual sources in the admin and has been right (not all) about a lot of stuff like the Priebus leaks. He knew for months before the media or public did.
Your assessment is off base. It is not a generational thing as much as a progressive thing. Progressive's are the problem and have been for a while now. The movement has grown and is a cancer to this country.

Late stage Progressive Cancer can't be cured. It can only be managed by a weekly hot poker up the ass and life in prison.
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And I’d venture to say at least 85% of Twitter (and all popular social media) don’t realize this, or choose to ignore it because the bot says what they want it to say.

I have exactly 0 forms of social media. This board is the only place I post. I’ve been trying to talk my wife out of using Facebook.

Social media has become nothing more than a propaganda machine. A fascist propaganda machine.
Just think how much brainwashing and blue pills it takes to stay a Democrat- 24/7 DNC owned media, Hollywood, academia every day from Dem professor, be a social justice activist type surrounded in an echo chamber.

Meanwhile, all it takes is one red pill and you never go back to being a liberal/leftist. You might have some positions that you can agree with but no way you’d be in that group after gaining knowledge.

And that’s one of the main reasons why the left is so adamant about shutting down speeches on campus and shutting down info on twitter, YouTube and Facebook. Because it’s a massive red pill that can destroy their stronghold over someone’s mind.

Who the hell is so confident that their belief system is superior that they don’t welcome being challenged or gathering more info? I’ll say this much, a superior ideology doesn’t require 24/7 brainwashing through media, school and entertainment if it’s good enough to survive on its own merit.
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And I’d venture to say at least 85% of Twitter (and all popular social media) don’t realize this, or choose to ignore it because the bot says what they want it to say.

I have exactly 0 forms of social media. This board is the only place I post. I’ve been trying to talk my wife out of using Facebook.

Social media has become nothing more than a propaganda machine. A fascist propaganda machine.
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If there was any ACTUAL evidence of Russian collusion with Trump we'd seen it.

The fact they had to totally create a fictional dossier to even have anything tells you all you need to know
Yup. They've been looking for collusion for 2 years and still no evidence. If there was even a tiny bit of evidence, Schiff would've leaked it to the NYTs a long time ago.
Yes, we do. -- FBI has not verified Trump dossier

Not to mention, the FBI’s assistant director Bill Priestap testified to the committee that efforts to corroborate Steele were in their “infancy” when the first warrant was sought, the first warrant that Comey signed off on it, then two weeks later calling the dossier "salacious and unverified."
Arguing with platinum is like arguing with a wall. Obama, Comey and others could be on video saying they made the whole russian collusion thing up and platinum would still ignore it.
At this point, there's no question Obama and Hillary were at the top of this.

The only question is - can someone prove it. Will have to be slam dunk irrefutable evidence before anything happens.

No such thing as irrefutable evidence with democrats and their MSM.

I wish both were hanged for treason, but neither one will see a day in prison.

I bet they spend their years out flying to Little St. James Island aka Democrat's Pedophile Island. Molesting kids for sport.
And I’d venture to say at least 85% of Twitter (and all popular social media) don’t realize this, or choose to ignore it because the bot says what they want it to say.

I have exactly 0 forms of social media. This board is the only place I post. I’ve been trying to talk my wife out of using Facebook.

Social media has become nothing more than a propaganda machine. A fascist propaganda machine.
Social media has evolved into a propaganda noise machine b/c social media is the only resource left for wide dispersion of raw info not filtered or squashed by an outside interest. And it offers that service instantly, in real time. Even though FB and Twitter are run by overt progressive line-towers who do all they legally can to strengthen those lines by honing their echo chambers, people still flock to it b/c it offers more access to truth, albeit awash in noise and bullshit, than anything else available. The opposition knows this is the last effective platform for an opposing voice and is therefore constantly working to erode its effectiveness. That's why dumbshits blogging from their moms' basements can get 'verified' so easily; more verified noise to drown out info they don't want gaining legs or credence. Otherwise, why bother with all the bots? Makes no sense to create millions of bots to preach to the choir, especially on your own dime.

There's a reason Trump's on Twitter.
Social media has evolved into a propaganda noise machine b/c social media is the only resource left for wide dispersion of raw info not filtered or squashed by an outside interest. And it offers that service instantly, in real time. Even though FB and Twitter are run by overt progressive line-towers who do all they legally can to strengthen those lines by honing their echo chambers, people still flock to it b/c it offers more access to truth, albeit awash in noise and bullshit, than anything else available. The opposition knows this is the last effective platform for an opposing voice and is therefore constantly working to erode its effectiveness. That's why dumbshits blogging from their moms' basements can get 'verified' so easily; more verified noise to drown out info they don't want gaining legs or credence. Otherwise, why bother with all the bots? Makes no sense to create millions of bots to preach to the choir, especially on your own dime.

There's a reason Trump's on Twitter.

Agreed. The problem is too many people don’t care about the truth. Only “their truth”. If people took 5-10 minutes to look into things and thought for themselves, they’d easily see what’s going on.

For every conservative with a blue check, there’s 100 liberals with one. Relying on twitter, Facebook, etc for your news is like relying on Hillary not to rig an election.
Social media has evolved into a propaganda noise machine b/c social media is the only resource left for wide dispersion of raw info not filtered or squashed by an outside interest. And it offers that service instantly, in real time. Even though FB and Twitter are run by overt progressive line-towers who do all they legally can to strengthen those lines by honing their echo chambers, people still flock to it b/c it offers more access to truth, albeit awash in noise and bullshit, than anything else available. The opposition knows this is the last effective platform for an opposing voice and is therefore constantly working to erode its effectiveness. That's why dumbshits blogging from their moms' basements can get 'verified' so easily; more verified noise to drown out info they don't want gaining legs or credence. Otherwise, why bother with all the bots? Makes no sense to create millions of bots to preach to the choir, especially on your own dime.

There's a reason Trump's on Twitter.
Post of the week and all truth. If we relied on the old MSM as a primary information source, then we'd still dwell in the proverbial Middle Ages. It's a powerful tool.
Reddit is a great example of the leftist cesspool. I spend far less time there than I do hear, but the only stuff that makes it to the front page is what comes out of the left wing echo chamber and/or is upvoted by bots. I may be wrong, but I didn't see a single thing on the front page regarding the memo.

I also go over to r/conspiracy for entertainment purposes. Over the past few months there's been a very noticeable shift from actual conspiracy topics, to becoming another left wing echo chamber. People, on what used to be a conspiracy board, defending the FBI and government for all this memo bullshit and repeating the muh Russia narrative ad naseum. You'd think conspiracy theorists would be questioning the narrative being fed to them by big government and the MSM, not championing it.
Relying on twitter, Facebook, etc for your news is like relying on Hillary not to rig an election.

I could not disagree more. Social media is a resource that requires some skill to utilize properly. Real news is real news and proper social media sources are easy to find and verify and are just as, if not more, reliable than anything offered by MSM... and faster. Josh Caplan of GatewayPundit is a prime example. They don't come more credible. You just can't rely on Twitter to point you in the right direction with a blue check. Besides that, the majority of those so-called "news" channels on social media are simply birdogging some other account or some other network's work.

You can't conflate verified (verified by readers, not Twitter) SM news sources with the sea of bullshit they are forced to swim in to exist. That's just short-sighted.

I get every bit of my news info from Twitter and from the on-the-hour CBS news breaks on the radio throughout the day. Even local stuff. Just b/c I post random bullshit conspiracy theories and half-assed political opinions from random nut jobs, just b/c I find them interesting, doesn't mean I'm taking their word as gospel or that I don't know the difference, lol.

I put a lot of empty faith into you guys knowing the difference, too.

Sometimes you don’t process how effed up something is until a day or so and seeing the media go all in against the memo (like expected) is truly insane. Same group has acted like they have the biggest scoops over idiotic stuff and devote 24/7 coverage to tabloid like trash and here we are, national networks being against information coming out and not wanting to go down that rabbit hole.

They want to protect Democrats. How messed up is that? What kind of journalist would not want to get to the truth? Why is it Judicial Watch that has to do FOIA to discover things?

But that’s just it, they’re not journalists. They’re Dem-propagandists with bylines.

It’s just pretty messed up to really process how our media is an enemy to the people and aligned with deep state. That’s the type of crap that went on with Soviets and Nazis and Communists.
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I could not disagree more. Social media is a resource that requires some skill to utilize properly. Real news is real news and proper social media sources are easy to find and verify and are just as, if not more, reliable than anything offered by MSM... and faster. Josh Caplan of GatewayPundit is a prime example. They don't come more credible. You just can't rely on Twitter to point you in the right direction with a blue check. Besides that, the majority of those so-called "news" channels on social media are simply birdogging some other account or some other network's work.

You can't conflate verified (verified by readers, not Twitter) SM news sources with the sea of bullshit they are forced to swim in to exist. That's just short-sighted.

I get every bit of my news info from Twitter and from the on-the-hour CBS news breaks on the radio throughout the day. Even local stuff. Just b/c I post random bullshit conspiracy theories and half-assed political opinions from random nut jobs, just b/c I find them interesting, doesn't mean I'm taking their word as gospel or that I don't know the difference, lol.

I put a lot of empty faith into you guys knowing the difference, too.


For those who don’t want to operate in twitter, all of the WikiLeaks stuff was spread through twitter. Twitter and YouTube allowed people to circumvent the mainstream media the last election, which is why the media created the #FakeNews to explain away why the people rejected them and it’s why Facebook, YouTube and twitter started shadow banning and blocking people to stop it.

If you’re a conservative, those are going to be the two best places to get your news. Even Fox, did not do WikiLeaks the proper justice and is subject to their sponsors and time slots.

Twitter is responsible for most of my news as it will send to links and stories with news that does not get proper attention through network TV.
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I could not disagree more. Social media is a resource that requires some skill to utilize properly. Real news is real news and proper social media sources are easy to find and verify and are just as, if not more, reliable than anything offered by MSM... and faster. Josh Caplan of GatewayPundit is a prime example. They don't come more credible. You just can't rely on Twitter to point you in the right direction with a blue check. Besides that, the majority of those so-called "news" channels on social media are simply birdogging some other account or some other network's work.

You can't conflate verified (verified by readers, not Twitter) SM news sources with the sea of bullshit they are forced to swim in to exist. That's just short-sighted.

I get every bit of my news info from Twitter and from the on-the-hour CBS news breaks on the radio throughout the day. Even local stuff. Just b/c I post random bullshit conspiracy theories and half-assed political opinions from random nut jobs, just b/c I find them interesting, doesn't mean I'm taking their word as gospel or that I don't know the difference, lol.

I put a lot of empty faith into you guys knowing the difference, too.


Perhaps that was poorly worded. You’re right. If you have the skill to utilize it then there isn’t an issue. I’m solely referring to those that get on their social media accounts and see what their friend retweeted and assume it’s gospel truth. And that’s what most people do. They don’t even see the actual source, just the headline their friend retweeted from some website they’ve never heard of.

I’m glad you take the time to look into things and make sure it’s legit.

My point was most people do not and they have 0 clue what they are talking about. On top of that you have the issue of the people at the top running these sites picking and choosing what is “real” or what is “too hateful”. Then these that don’t have the skill of thinking for themselves hop on board the stupid train and agree silencing these people is justified. This trend keeps up you’ll have an echo chamber with all the popular social media. This will eventually lead to indoctrination of an entire generation.

Social media would be fine if everyone had an equal voice and didn’t have to worry about it being silenced or slandered... but that clearly isn’t the case.
I completely forgot about YouTube. YouTube has been just as invaluable as a platform for stifled voices.

I've been using the word stifle way too much lately, Edith.

Paul Joseph Watson, Steven Crowder. Gavin McInness (before leaving Rebel), Ben Shapiro, Lauren Southern, lots of good takes out there and debates and info that mainstream news is incapable of talking about.

If you’re a conservative, this is a good market to get into but YouTube demonetizes conservatives while promoting the Young Turks. Unreal.
Perhaps that was poorly worded. You’re right. If you have the skill to utilize it then there isn’t an issue. I’m solely referring to those that get on their social media accounts and see what their friend retweeted and assume it’s gospel truth. And that’s what most people do. They don’t even see the actual source, just the headline their friend retweeted from some website they’ve never heard of.

I’m glad you take the time to look into things and make sure it’s legit.

My point was most people do not and they have 0 clue what they are talking about. On top of that you have the issue of the people at the top running these sites picking and choosing what is “real” or what is “too hateful”. Then these that don’t have the skill of thinking for themselves hop on board the stupid train and agree silencing these people is justified. This trend keeps up you’ll have an echo chamber with all the popular social media. This will eventually lead to indoctrination of an entire generation.

Social media would be fine if everyone had an equal voice and didn’t have to worry about it being silenced or slandered... but that clearly isn’t the case.
I feel you, man.
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