How will they rule ??!

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Manafort and Page were under investigation cause they were selling themselves and their country out to anyone that paid well. They started out with African dictators and then moved on to Russia when they invaded ukraine and needed to grease palms. Dossier def had some bearing, they used it to get 24/7 wiretaps and prob access to foreign bank accounts. If trump had never hired Manafort he would be enjoying his Presidency alot more atm.

So they sold uranium one to Russia?

When discussing selling our country to anyone who paid look at your own first.

I think Dems are moronic and habitual liars.

A couple of narratives that they’re spitting are so absurd.

1.) “This is just what Russia wanted.”

- Oh GFY. Blaming Russia for DNC trying to stage a coup? Outing that is what Putin wanted? Lol

2.) “This is fabricated and partisan.”
- Are you for real? After what you SOBs have pushed and promoted the last couple of years? The same ones who believed a Russian hookers piss story? The same people who prints every anonymous source and leak possible. The same who leaked questions to Hillary and let DNC dictate coverage? The same folks who tried to claim Trump was mentally ill and promoted Michael Wolfe’s book?

When the hell have you people ever been impartial on any reporting when it comes to Democrats vs Republicans?

You got caught trying to stage a coup and we know what you people are. There’s no going back.
Steele lied but Yahoo sources are suddenly legitimate in the eyes of everyone else. Yahoo comes out a winner in this.

Same excuse they will use to justify their FISA app. "Well we just reported what our source said." News is only as good as your source. If your source is a known liar for hire you just got duped. How is that winning? That shows yahoo was complicit in the coup to spread "fake news" which makes DJT legitimate in calling them that.

Today's narrative a lot like the wikileaks. Discredit it along with the messenger and give commentary to your side hoping they won't actually read it and most won't just like the wikileaks.

This is just the start. You can't deny signed court documents that will be released to back up everything in the memo. The OIG report will get released. More people in the FBI will lose their jobs at the very least.

My only hope is that they don't stop there. Go after the Awans, Weiner laptop, 33k emails, Uranium, Clinton foundation, drugs and human trafficking. End the FED and the dirty families that run it.
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Same excuse they will use to justify their FISA app. "Well we just reported what our source said." News is only as good as your source. If your source is a known liar for hire you just got duped. How is that winning? That shows yahoo was complicit in the coup to spread "fake news" which makes DJT legitimate in calling them that.

Today's narrative a lot like the wikileaks. Discredit it along with the messenger and give commentary to your side hoping they won't actually read it and most won't just like the wikileaks.

This is just the start. You can't deny signed court documents that will be released to back up everything in the memo. The OIG report will get released. More people in the FBI will lose their jobs at the very least.

My only hope is that they don't stop there. Go after the Awans, Weiner laptop, 33k emails, Uranium, drugs and human trafficking. End the FED and the dirty families that run it.
They're all in politics. They're all liars. Steele lied to to the court about leaks to Yahoo and was fired by the FBI over it. If he lied about leaks to WikiLeaks and Trump would you then blame WikiLeaks and Trump? It's the Paddock so I think I know that answer.
They're all in politics. They're all liars. Steele lied to to the court about leaks to Yahoo and was fired by the FBI over it. If he lied about leaks to Wikileaks and Trump would you then blame Wikileaks and Trump? It's the Paddock so I think I know that answer.

The wikileak emails are verified documents. Nobody lied to them. They show the communication between the corrupt people in and around governments not just the US. 100% accuracy over 10 years.

Steele was hired to create opposition research. Didn't have any so he lied to verify his paycheck.
They're all in politics. They're all liars. Steele lied to to the court about leaks to Yahoo and was fired by the FBI over it.

None of that changes the fact that the FBI knew the truth, but still chose to lie to the FISA court in order to obtain a surveillance warrant.
I can't because I don't read their documents hoping for conspiracy theories that fit a narrative or that discredit my political enemies. That said, prove to me all of THEIR sources are legitimate.

Exactly my point you allowed the narratives to discredit them without actually reading them just like the narratives about the memo before and after the release.
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Exactly my point you allowed the narratives to discredit them without actually reading them just like the narratives about the memo before and after the release.
I don't read conspiracy theories. My bad. You can't prove WikiLeaks has credible sources either. Oops! However, I'm glad they hold politicians' feet to the fire since we can't trust them or the MSM.
The basics are simple.

McCabe testified that if not for the phony dossier, there would have never been a FISA warrant.

In order to get that FISA warrant the FBI covered up the facts that the dossier was funded by political opponents, was authored by a partisan and was nothing more than made up, unverified political opposition research.

The FBI knew all these truths behind the phony dossier, but purposely left them out and lied on the FISA application, while using a fake news story to falsely corroborate the dossier.

If they FBI had any real, credible evidence, they would not have had to lie to the FISA court and resort to using the phony dossier that was falsely corroborated by fake news.

Bottom line, Russia collusion is built on nothing but a false premise. It's all bullshit.
In your life, have you ever seen such a disconnect between what the memo plainly says and how the media report it? Maybe I'm just an ignorant know-nothing, but it seems beyond question that the fbi abused its authority in obtaining this warrant to spy on an American citizen.

Is there really no curiosity among print and electronic media to look into this? Why would they cover for an administration (Obama's) that held them in such low regard?
Well I will use yahoo since they are legitimate maybe you will read it. But on a serious note a simple google search of 100% and wikileaks will do.

How accurate is wikileaks?
Yahoo had a source that leaked FBI information? Good for them and the American people. Sorry law enforcement.

If WikiLeaks has credible sources, who are they besides Snowden? But sure, congrats are also in order for Americans that discovered those spying programs.

The difference????? The Paddock didn't GAF about spying on THOSE Americans identified by Snowden. The GOP created The Program after all.
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You didn't even click the link. You won't read anything. Hilldabeast never once denied anything in the wikileaks only to say that the DNC was hacked. Same story they all use. WE WERE HACKED don't look at those.

WikiLeaks has never once had to print a retraction. Their work made multiple people step down. All of the emails were legit so what Democrats did was decide to act like the cheating boyfriend who gets caught cheating but then gets mad about his girl looking at his phone.
WikiLeaks has never once had to print a retraction. Their work made multiple people step down. All of the emails were legit so what Democrats did was decide to act like the cheating boyfriend who gets caught cheating but then gets mad about his girl looking at his phone.

If you want to say wikileaks is biased fine but don't say that the information is fake. Pretty sure someone has tried to set them up in the past with a fake file to discredit them and it hasn't happened yet.
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Let it be known, 2018 was the year the democrats (and useful idiots like jameslee) supported:

1. A secret police KGB operation to spy on a presidential candidate.
2. Openly supporting illegal aliens over Americans
3. Calling 2-3000 extra dollars for Americans in their pockets "crumbs"
Have not met a single Dem who wanted to read WikiLeaks. The only way these people stay Democrats is to stay willfully ignorant.
"willfully ignorant" is giving them much more credit than they deserve. Democrats are legitimate dumbasses who have no rational thoughts about society or their future.
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