How will they rule ??!

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If you want to say wikileaks is biased fine but don't say that the information is fake. Pretty sure someone has tried to set them up in the past with a fake file to discredit them and it hasn't happened yet.

Weird how they were loved by the left when the military “collateral murder” thing in Afghanistan was leaked to them and the NYT even coordinated releasing info for them.

Then when Democrats are exposed as corrupt, oh here comes the media (who was implicated in the WikiLeaks releases) to run interference.
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You didn't even click the link. You won't read anything. Hilldabeast never once denied anything in the wikileaks only to say that the DNC was hacked. Same story they all use. WE WERE HACKED don't look at those.
I read the memo. [laughing]

You seem to think I trust the DNC and want to discredit WikiLeaks. [jumpingsmile] My question is really simple, why should I trust their sources and not Yahoo's? I personally don't trust any of them. But I fully acknowledge the winners in these govt scandals and all the hacks.

The MSM like Yahoo, CNN & Fox, WikiLeaks, countries like China, and yes, Russia. The wealth and information accumulated over the past several years is just staggering.
I read the memo. [laughing]

You seem to think I trust the DNC and want to discredit WikiLeaks. [jumpingsmile] My question is really simple, why should I trust their sources and not Yahoo's? I personally don't trust any of them. But I fully acknowledge the winners in these govt scandals and all the hacks.

The MSM like Yahoo, CNN & Fox, WikiLeaks, countries like China, and yes, Russia. The wealth and information accumulated over the past several year is just staggering.
>Mainstream Media

Wikileaks has been whistleblowing in the name of political transparency since you were swimming in your dad's balls
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I can't because I don't read their documents hoping for conspiracy theories that fit a narrative or that discredit my political enemies. That said, prove to me all of THEIR sources are legitimate.
Look dumbass, the Trump+Russia collusion is nothing but a conspiracy theory and you've been fapping to it for over a year now. Numerous Dems have admitted over the last year that they have seen absolutely no evidence of collusion.

Also, you and the other dumbasses continue to say that Russia "hacked the elections". NO. No one hacked the elections other than American Democrats. Someone, hacked Hillary's emails. Emails that proved the Dems are dirtier than dirt.

You are too stupid to talk with real people. Go to Rafters and criticize Cal with your peers.
It was Nixon that took himself down, republicans did nothing to help. He committed obstruction of justice, wanted the CIA to shutdown the fbi investigation, and recorded it all. Well really it was the Post that took Nixon down, cause politicians kept trying to let it all go away and the Post kept digging up more dirt. Even more technically it was the supreme court that took him down because they forced him to turn over the tapes after he refused for a year.
Deflection, get with the times.
I read the memo. [laughing]

You seem to think I trust the DNC and want to discredit WikiLeaks. [jumpingsmile] My question is really simple, why should I trust their sources and not Yahoo's? I personally don't trust any of them. But I fully acknowledge the winners in these govt scandals and all the hacks.

The MSM like Yahoo, CNN & Fox, WikiLeaks, countries like China, and yes, Russia. The wealth and information accumulated over the past several year is just staggering.

Trust nothing that you cannot verify with your own research. Read it all. My research on wikileaks is that the email contents are never questioned or discredited as fake by the people that wrote the emails. They say they were hacked but not inaccurate and then they attack Julian.

The other bait and switch they pulled is the Pizza narrative. Create a diversion with unverifiable codes and innuendos to distract you from reading about the other crimes.
Look dumbass, the Trump+Russia collusion is nothing but a conspiracy theory and you've been fapping to it for over a year now.

That's what I was thinking after reading him repeat, several times, "I don't read conspiracy theories."

[laughing] Not only does he read them, but he subscribes to them and constantly repeats them as fact.
Do Flynn and Manafort have their cases dismissed now? Some of the evidence obtained against them is surely tainted by the phony dossier and illegal FISA warrant. Any of it that's connected shouldn't be admissible in court.
Do Flynn and Manafort have their cases dismissed now? Some of the evidence obtained against them is surely tainted by the phony dossier and illegal FISA warrant. Any of it that's connected shouldn't be admissible in court.

Mueller postponed Flynn's sentencing if that doesn't give you a big clue. What about the other cases that were tried under these corrupt officials? What happens with those?
People who commit murder are let go because of some procedural mistake. Can't see how this will be any different. Tainted evidence isn't evidence at all.
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Nunes just said in a live interview that he didn't actually read the application for the FISA warrant. huh? how did he write a memo describing how the fbi lied and abused it if he didn't read it? now even nunes doesn't make any sense. what a circus show
Do Flynn and Manafort have their cases dismissed now? Some of the evidence obtained against them is surely tainted by the phony dossier and illegal FISA warrant. Any of it that's connected shouldn't be admissible in court.
until someone actually proves that it's an illegal warrant your just throwing shit at a wall. Big difference between what idiots in congress say and what an actual judge says.
Nunes just said in a live interview that he didn't actually read the application for the FISA warrant. huh? how did he write a memo describing how the fbi lied and abused it if he didn't read it? now even nunes doesn't make any sense. what a circus show
Because others who helped put together the memo, like Gowdy, did? You do realize that the House Intelligence Committee is a committee of people, not just Nunes.

Also, mind linking that interview. Context means a lot.
Because others who helped put together the memo, like Gowdy, did? You do realize that the House Intelligence Committee is a committee of people, not just Nunes.

Also, mind linking that interview. Context means a lot.
I'm guessing hes talking about the interview with Bret Baier. I didn't see it though.
until someone actually proves that it's an illegal warrant your just throwing shit at a wall. Big difference between what idiots in congress say and what an actual judge says.
Lordy, you are so clueless. Do you enjoy embarrassing yourself over and over in this thread?
until someone actually proves that it's an illegal warrant your just throwing shit at a wall. Big difference between what idiots in congress say and what an actual judge says.
The judge wouldn't know if the FBI lied on the application. Even the Democrats memo, leaked to the NYT, admits that the FBI failed to inform the FISA court that the DNC/Hillary campaign paid for the dossier and that the dossier had yet to be verified. There's a reason the FBI used a fake Yahoo story to falsely corroborate the memo. It's you throwing shit at the wall, coming up with excuse after excuses, trying to deflect.
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The judge wouldn't know if the FBI lied on the application. Even the Democrats memo, leaked to the NYT, admits that the FBI failed to inform the FISA court that the DNC/Hillary campaign paid for the dossier and that the dossier had yet to be verified. There's a reason the FBI used a fake Yahoo story to falsely corroborate the memo. It's you throwing shit at the wall, coming up with excuse after excuses, trying to deflect.

Not to mention the FISA court turned it down the first time. Something they rarely do.
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I’m starting to believe that as a donor Trump knew damn well both sides were playing for the same team. I think he learned a lot being so close to the crooks......I mean Clinton’s.

From there I really think he had all this planned knowing everyone of these assholes were against him and they were all corrupted.

He seriously has had this plan in place and is making sure his team is close but and guiding him right not to become Dick Nixon.

- I do not care what side you are on, at this point conspiracy be damned you have to know the dems and all their cronies were working to keep an outsider out. They all went to extremes to crush Trump.

America won, thank the lord!

And if you think for a second more jobs, higher paying jobs, a booming economy, lower taxes are a damn joke then bear witness because all the talking points of racism, sexism, xenophobia, or homophobia aren’t f’n working.

Time for Gen X, Gen Y and the millennial to grow the F up!!
I read the memo. [laughing]

You seem to think I trust the DNC and want to discredit WikiLeaks. [jumpingsmile] My question is really simple, why should I trust their sources and not Yahoo's? I personally don't trust any of them. But I fully acknowledge the winners in these govt scandals and all the hacks.

The MSM like Yahoo, CNN & Fox, WikiLeaks, countries like China, and yes, Russia. The wealth and information accumulated over the past several years is just staggering.

Look how much a reality tv star has changed America. Much more than a half white muslim ever did. That is counting positive change. If you count negative change then O'bama is definitleyl the winner. Maybe we should elect an auto mechanic next. Maybe a factory worker.

Dems are so stupid. They think they should demonize the rich, when each and every dem who panders to them is richer than they can imagine. They honestly believe that taxing corporations will make them better off. They think that allowing third world countries to relocate to America is in their long term interest.

Too bad Dem isn't a race. At least we could hope for a genetic defect to wipe them out via natural selection.
If he saw it then if was through some other process . Nunes said the agreement they made with the DOJ was that only 1 member of the committee would be allowed to see it. He chose Gowdy as that 1 peeson. His interview is on the front page of every website. He also said they will vote and release the dems memo next week. So if that one says his is all bogus and uses random quotes to corroborate do we call it a tie? Nunes also said the mcabe quote isn't actually a quote, it's what he believes mcabe was generally saying. Baier then asked why then didn't just include a transcript so it didn't seem so suspicious and partisan. Nunes said that's a complicated long process.
If he saw it then if was through some other process .

Yeah, it was. He's Chairman of Cybersecutrity. You said the only person in Congress, not the committee. Big difference.

Nunes said the agreement they made with the DOJ was that only 1 member of the committee would be allowed to see it. He chose Gowdy as that 1 peeson

If you already knew this, then why were you in here blasting Nunes, acting he blindly wrote the memo, making crazy accusations, without even knowing what was on the FISA application?
Nunes also said the mcabe quote isn't actually a quote, it's what he believes mcabe was generally saying

Correct. It's not an exact quote, but he admitted to it. They're saying what he testified to is much more damming. Make no mistake, he said it, and there are transcripts.

The more Democrats deny him saying it, the more chances are the transcripts get declassified and released.

There's a reason Democrats are leaking that McCabe never said to the press instead of going on record with it. They know it has been recorded.

Nunes said that's a complicated long process.

This is correct as well.
Another great line from the interview. Baier kept pressing him on whether the court was told that the dossier had a political origination. Nunes first said no. Then he corrected himself and said no judge would okay the warrant if he k was told. Baier-so was the court told? Nunes-i don't believe that happened. So we go from no to probably not. Nunes proved himself to be a partisan hack when he got caught being fed news from the WH and then pretending he had to go share this amazing news with the WH! They are all partisan hacks and I will believe neither side until the fisa application is released.
So if that one says his is all bogus and uses random quotes to corroborate do we call it a tie?

Parts have already been leaked to the NYT. It corroborates two major facts in the Nunes memo. The FBI failed to inform the FISA court that the dossier was funded by the DNC/Hillary campaign and that they also failed to inform the FISA court that the dossier had yet to be verified.
In your life, have you ever seen such a disconnect between what the memo plainly says and how the media report it? Maybe I'm just an ignorant know-nothing, but it seems beyond question that the fbi abused its authority in obtaining this warrant to spy on an American citizen.

Is there really no curiosity among print and electronic media to look into this? Why would they cover for an administration (Obama's) that held them in such low regard?
The Democrats do not control the media. It's the other way around. The media- true power in this country, and they are being challenged. They are fighting back with everything they have. It's a Cold War within America.
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Look dumbass, the Trump+Russia collusion is nothing but a conspiracy theory and you've been fapping to it for over a year now. Numerous Dems have admitted over the last year that they have seen absolutely no evidence of collusion.

Also, you and the other dumbasses continue to say that Russia "hacked the elections". NO. No one hacked the elections other than American Democrats. Someone, hacked Hillary's emails. Emails that proved the Dems are dirtier than dirt.

You are too stupid to talk with real people. Go to Rafters and criticize Cal with your peers.
You have clearly demonstrated just how fvcking stoopid you really are!! [jumpingsmile] There is no evidence of collusion as I have said. Find the post that says otherwise.

Russians hacked the DNC according to virtually every intelligence agency. There is no evidence Hillary's emails were ever hacked. The emails that were made public were Podesta's. [roll]