How will they rule ??!

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You are wrong about no one else here calling him that. The racist tag has been used by a few here simply for disagreeing. It has been used either by the use of the word or insinuation. To deny that shows that you are lying yourself and complicit with it.
Well I havent seen anyone call him a racist. I did see him use derogatory racial slurs to describe Jemele Hill and Michael Smith, I missed anyone calling this civil rights leader a racist though.
Well I havent seen anyone call him a racist. I did see him use derogatory racial slurs to describe Jemele Hill and Michael Smith, I missed anyone calling this civil rights leader a racist though.
As you yourself have said on a few occasions, you don't visit the political thread much. You generally tell some of us that you get in to arguments with on the paddock to go back to the political thread. So, it is known you do not visit here enough to know what happens here.
The good ole boy network tried to throw the same crap on Haley back when she was running for Gov in SC (accusations she slept around). Same folks who supported that POS Mark Sanford who used taxpayer dollars to travel and see his mistress in S America. We wonder why most competent people want nothing to do with politics.....
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I actually follow this line of thinking. I doubt Trump himself was putting effort into conspiring with Russia unless it had to do with him making money. Some of the idiots he hired were definitely involved with shady shit and drug it into the campaign with them. His moron son just wanted to be important. Unless Trump is an oblivious idiot he knew about their past and what they were doing. But he is definitely scared of the feds tearing through his finances. when you get kicked out by US investors and go running to Russia and Saudi Arabia your going to get very dirty. New York real estate just by itself is probably more corrupt and filthy than DC politics, they are the guys bribing & grooming all the politicians. Tax evasion and illegal contributions is just another monday for them. You know Kushner followed in his dads footsteps. Trump worships money and if anything brings him down it will be that.
I actually follow this line of thinking. I doubt Trump himself was putting effort into conspiring with Russia unless it had to do with him making money. Some of the idiots he hired were definitely involved with shady shit and drug it into the campaign with them. His moron son just wanted to be important. Unless Trump is an oblivious idiot he knew about their past and what they were doing. But he is definitely scared of the feds tearing through his finances. when you get kicked out by US investors and go running to Russia and Saudi Arabia your going to get very dirty. New York real estate just by itself is probably more corrupt and filthy than DC politics, they are the guys bribing & grooming all the politicians. Tax evasion and illegal contributions is just another monday for them. You know Kushner followed in his dads footsteps. Trump worships money and if anything brings him down it will be that.
But you supported/support those who deliberately broke the law and actually colluded with anyone who would help them with their agenda and were a part of DC politics and believe me, these people are far worse because they are selling us out to the rest of the world and people like you are too dumb to realize it. Or, you are online with their socialist/Marxist ideology in which case you too are a traitor like Obama and Hillary.
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Well I'm glad we all finally agree there was no Russia collusion.

But what's the Soviet saying, you give me the man I'll find you the crime.

Stalin would be proud.
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Well I havent seen anyone call him a racist. I did see him use derogatory racial slurs to describe Jemele Hill and Michael Smith, I missed anyone calling this civil rights leader a racist though.
Calling a black person a jungle bunny is a racial slur, but is the guilty party a racist? Not sure. The race card being played all the time by both sides is irritating.
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Well I'm glad we all finally agree there was no Russia collusion.

But what's the Soviet saying, you give me the man I'll find you the crime.

Stalin would be proud.
There was LIKELY no collusion from Trump. But Manafort, Gates, Flynn, Papadouche were neck deep in shit and everyone else was lying to cover it up. Then you had the idiots that were dumb enough to actually run around and brag to people about how dirty they were and get teh FISA warrants brought in. How much orange man knew and how dirty his money is will determine whether Muelller takes him down. Also whether he is smart enough to not run his mouth and lie his ass off like he usually does if he ever sits with Mueller.
Fuzz seems to envision himself as something of a beacon of wisdom, maturity, and moderation. He's not, but he really thinks that he is. Therefore, it's only natural that he would share personal anecdotes. Guys with an inflated sense of their own wisdom always do that.
The only real Russian collusion in the 2016 election was the DNC colluding with Russia (and a British spy) for the fake Trump dossier.

Any collusion between Trump and Russia? Nope.
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Ah. I see what happened. Te word "Some" was added. Filthy nasty Strzok dick pics.

That pic of Page.

I also learned the difference between Islam and the Nation of Islam... and it's a pretty huge difference.

For real, guys, we can't generalize and lump all Muslims together. It's not fair to them. There are two very distinct types of Muslims.

First, you have the Nation of Islam. Those are the black, mostly convicts, who converted in prison Muslims. They hate and want to kill all white people. We are the 'white devil', the sole reason to blame behind all their problems.

Second, you have radical Islam. Those are the brown, third world, rapey, homophobic, child molesting, suicidal, stuck in the 7th century Muslims. They hate and want want to kill everyone, all the same. We are all infidels, including the black felonious Muslims.
Calling a black person a jungle bunny is a racial slur, but is the guilty party a racist? Not sure. The race card being played all the time by both sides is irritating.
NO ONE CALLED HIM A RACIST! GD! He used a racial slur then started whining about the race card when no one called him racist.

I'm sorry his poor little feelings got hurt after he used a racial slur and no one called him a racist.
Libtarded? Im not even a liberal you ignorant fool. Ive never made a post about black lives matter in my life or Henry Hill. Keep lying to make yourself feel better just like when you lied about graduating from UK.

You maybe worst POS poster on here. Nobody respects you, believes you, Trump laughing at you
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You maybe worst POS poster on here. Nobody respects you, believes you, Trump laughing at you
Yeah, Im a POS poster because you use racial slurs. I will put my character up against yours any day. You use racial slurs, habitually lie, then cry lie a little girl and say people are calling you racist when no one did. You're an absolute trash human being.
Washington Post so you know it's not fake news at all like really real news to the really.

That time Bill and Hillary Clinton went to a voodoo ceremony in Haiti
Beauvoir gave the three visitors what Clinton described as a "brief course in voodoo theology." And then the late-afternoon ceremony began. Clinton wrote:

Clinton wrote that his "brief foray into the world of voodoo" furthered his fascination with "the way different cultures try to make sense of life, nature, and the virtually universal belief that there is a nonphysical spirit force at work in the world.""After several minutes of rhythmic dancing to pounding drums, the spirits arrived, seizing a woman and a man. The man proceeded to rub a burning torch all over his body and walk on hot coals without being burned. The woman, in a frenzy, screamed repeatedly, then grabbed a live chicken and bit its head off. Then the spirits left and those who had been possessed fell to the ground."