How will they rule ??!

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Umm, no dummy. He called her a jungle bunny all own his own. I haven't called any of you clowns racists, I just let your words and actions speak for themselves.

*I have called you clowns on multiple occasions but if the clown shoes fit...

I'm calling you a jungle worm. Or jungle parrot. Parrot fits because you say whatever CNN speaks.

Grow a pair Pansy. Oops sorry didn't mean to gender assume.
I'm calling you a jungle worm. Or jungle parrot. Parrot fits because you say whatever CNN speaks.

Grow a pair Pansy. Oops sorry didn't mean to gender assume.
Look at you lying once again. What did I say that parroted what CNN said? Im not a doofus like you, I can think for myself.

For the love god, stop lying.
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Look at you lying once again. What did I say the CNN said? Im not a doofus like you, I can think for myself.

For the love god, stop lying.

Picked this just for you. Because I'm racist remember. Not just hating dumb liberals who happen to be non white. And hate America like you. Enjoy.

Picked this just for you. Because I'm racist remember. Not just hating dumb liberals who happen to be non white. And hate America like you. Enjoy.

I didnt call you a racist, you called yourself a racist. You also called Jamelle Hill a racist slur because you didnt like something she said. Why are you crying and mad at me about stuff that YOU said?
I didnt call you a racist, you called yourself a racist. You also called Jamelle Hill a racist slur because you didnt like something she said. Why are you crying and mad at me about stuff that YOU said?

I did? Nope. Not at all. Are you kidding me? Have you been paying attention to what white male or women who are supporting Trump have been called?

Yea I'm racist. Did you March with the pussy hat on or not?

You liberalsbare disgusting.
I did? Nope. Not at all. Are you kidding me? Have you been paying attention to what white male or women who are supporting Trump have been called?

Yea I'm racist. Did you March with the pussy hat on or not?

You liberalsbare disgusting.
Yeah clown, you called yourself a racist. No one else on here did. You are next level stupid on top of being a liar. You keep denyong thongs you just said.

Remember that time you lied about graduating from UK? Too funny.
I've heard enough from these ungrateful, belligerent "Dreamers". More like GD Nightmares.

We've got enough anti-American, leftist, victim idiots in this country already. The most I'd go is a green card on probation. Break the law -> Deport!

Why is that not generous?
The most I'd go is a green card on probation. Break the law -> Deport!
After reading the actual proposal, that pretty much what it is for 10-12 years until they're eligible to apply for citizenship . Not to mention, they have to meet other requirements during those 10-12 years; school, work, etc...

I agree, though. It's generous enough, and a pathway to citizenship probably shouldn't be on the table.
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Yeah clown, you called yourself a racist. No one else on here did. You are next level stupid on top of being a liar. You keep denyong thongs you just said.

Remember that time you lied about graduating from UK? Too funny.

lol WTF are you talking about you libtarded fool? I'm not racist. You are, we can clearly understand that because you support racist trash like... Is it Henry Hill? I dunno. Black lives matter as long as they kill cops and burn shit?

Did you get out of highschool? Went to UK 06-20.

If anyone is dumbass it's you.
Supposedly, according to sources with firsthand knowledge, the real story is now starting to leak out.
  • No, Trump did not order WH Counsel McGahn to fire Mueller.
  • No, McGahn never threatened to quit over it because it never happened.
  • Yes, Trump and McGahn discussed Mueller's conflicts of interest, discussed the options that could be taken, weighed the pros/cons in firing Muller, but both ultimately decided against it.
the real story is now starting to leak out.
  • Yes, Trump and McGahn discussed Mueller's conflicts of interest, discussed the options that could be taken, weighed the pros/cons in firing Muller, but both ultimately decided against it.

This is old news. The real story you describe has been common knowledge for months. Everyone knows Trump talked about possibly firing Mueller. That Newsmax guy that Trump is friends with went on TV and said it. They all reported on it for a week and tried to turn it into a big deal back then. The NYT story is a months old recycled story with fake news added for extra drama.
lol WTF are you talking about you libtarded fool? I'm not racist. You are, we can clearly understand that because you support racist trash like... Is it Henry Hill? I dunno. Black lives matter as long as they kill cops and burn shit?

Did you get out of highschool? Went to UK 06-20.

If anyone is dumbass it's you.
Libtarded? Im not even a liberal you ignorant fool. Ive never made a post about black lives matter in my life or Henry Hill. Keep lying to make yourself feel better just like when you lied about graduating from UK.
Got the RNC finance chair raping his employees for 15 years. Don't even bother parroting fake news. Innocent men don't settle for 7.5million.
Got the RNC finance chair raping his employees for 15 years.

Yeah, dude is a piece of shit like the rest of them. Did you really expect someone here to defend him? I do find it odd you never showed up to post about the plethora of Democrats/liberals accused of the same. Let me guess, though. This is different and he's worse than the others because he's a Republican?

Don't even bother parroting fake news.

No worries. We'll leave that you.

Innocent men don't settle for 7.5million.

Who here said he was innocent?
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Last night, after sending out this strange tweet, Hannity was immediately banned from Twitter.

He's back now, apparently on a new account.

Damn, they took that down in the time itt took me to post it here.

Screenshot, bitches.

FYI, it (website hosting this pic) wouldn't allow me to share that pic as named, which was "screenshot7." Had to rename it and it went thru. Weird.
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A new NYT Op-ed, titled "Real Fake Scandal", attacking the memo is currently trending #12 on Twitter, even though it only has 194 posts from 132 users. They're all going through an awful lot of trouble trying to discredit a memo that they haven't even seen.

Not to mention, has anyone else noticed that after dying down for awhile, ever since #Releasethememo, the negative news, hit pieces and propaganda have really picked up back up again?
A new NYT Op-ed, titled "Real Fake Scandal", attacking the memo is currently trending #12 on Twitter, even though it only has 194 posts from 132 users. They're all going through an awful lot of trouble trying to discredit a memo that they haven't even seen.

Not to mention, has anyone else noticed that after dying down for awhile, ever since #Releasethememo, the negative news, hit pieces and propaganda have really picked up back up again?

Like I said about Q and Pizza the control of the narrative is interesting to me. Especially if you see it happen in real time before they scrub the net and rewrite history.
Fat, white kid, with glasses, plays the tuba. Not a good combination.

Nope. There is no excuse for taking a life and doing what he did... but I’m willing to bet those kids gave him hell for years.

Schools talk a big game about cracking down on bullying, but from what I’ve seen it’s all talk. As long as a kid isn’t physically harming another kid it’s pretty much a non issue.
Nope. There is no excuse for taking a life and doing what he did... but I’m willing to bet those kids gave him hell for years.

Schools talk a big game about cracking down on bullying, but from what I’ve seen it’s all talk. As long as a kid isn’t physically harming another kid it’s pretty much a non issue.
Yeah, it is all talk. Teachers are extremely afraid to step in for fear of repercussions from parents.

Had a little boy that was spitting on my youngest daughter everyday on the bus. After 3 calls and nothing was done, I found I had all the attention in the world by showing up in the principal's office telling her I was going to file a GD complaint with the PD against her, the teacher and the reprobate ****stick kid b/c spitting on folks is a biological hazard and a GD crime!

You, literally, have to show teeth to get results. They're all ****ing cowards and will hide from their own shadow if necessary.

It's partly the reason they're teachers in the first place.