How will they rule ??!

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Yeah, it is all talk. Teachers are extremely afraid to step in for fear of repercussions from parents.

Had a little boy that was spitting on my youngest daughter everyday on the bus. After 3 calls and nothing was done, I found I had all the attention in the world by showing up in the principal's office telling her I was going to file a GD complaint with the PD against her, the teacher and the reprobate ****stick kid b/c spitting on folks is a biological hazard and a GD crime!

You, literally, have to show teeth to get results. They're all ****ing cowards and will hide from their own shadow if necessary.

You nailed it. Fear of a batshit crazy parent is why things are the way they are.

I’m sorry to hear about your daughter. That’s absolute BS. But sadly it doesn’t surprise me.

I work at a school and have seen kids physically punch another kid, and be back at school the next day, in the classroom. The kids that act out, scream and kick get to go to “special rooms” where they play on computers and with toys. That’s how they handle kids that can’t follow directions.

We’ve had a worker fired for “yelling at the kids”. Kids were running and screaming in the cafeteria so a monitor yelled at them to sit down. A parent was in the lunch room, didn’t like it, and let the principal know. The worker was gone a few days later.

I believe in a lot of cases it starts at home... but the schools aren’t helping at all.
The world has gone crazy. Richard. ****ing. Marx. :joy:

I'm surprised he can hold that huge ****ing head of his up long enough to form a Tweet. Damn, my man has a huge melon and he wasn't fooling anybody trying to hide it under that teased-out jewfro.

Nice cone, Beldar.

Fat, white kid, with glasses, plays the tuba. Not a good combination.
Looking at his pic... I knew a lot of dudes who had it worse in HS and none of them ever reached for a gun.

I remember in 6th grade gym class, one of the early-to-develop boys (he already had body hair and the early formations of muscular definition... at age ****ing 13) making fun of a fat kid, jerking his towel away and forcing his legs apart so everyone could see he was bald down there. Hell, it traumatized ME, and all I did was watch in paralyzed fear.

I'd make a pretty firm bet that ole shitstain Gabe never experienced anything like that.

Gloria Allred is the lawyer for a black woman suing Walmart for protecting products.
Our local H.E.B. grocery store also locks the aisle containing beauty products. It's only open during certain daytime hours, such as 9 am - 6 pm. Apparently losses from theft had been off the charts. What a POS. Allred can kiss my ass.
This was up for about 2 minutes, but then it was deleted. Caplan is usually as solid as Twitter info comes, which likely means he found it to be fake, but he had to have vetted it before posting b/c dude's just not that careless.

Ah. I see what happened. Te word "Some" was added. Filthy nasty Strzok dick pics.
Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.
Ephesians 6:12-13

I know not everyone in this thread is Christian, but I still think this verse speaks volumes. Look around the world today. The struggles are common citizens vs their leaders and their power. We have officials in America that want to destroy the country from within and officials in Europe that are well on their way to succeeding.

I believe these powers will eventually succeed here. IMO, we are on borrowed time. The Bible talks of the NWO and a global government forming. It’s scary how close we are to that. Feels like America is the only thing standing in the way and if Hillary had won I’m sure we’d have fallen right in line. After that does eventually happen I shudder to think what the world will look like.
Supposedly, according to sources with firsthand knowledge, the real story is now starting to leak out.
  • No, Trump did not order WH Counsel McGahn to fire Mueller.
  • No, McGahn never threatened to quit over it because it never happened.
  • Yes, Trump and McGahn discussed Mueller's conflicts of interest, discussed the options that could be taken, weighed the pros/cons in firing Muller, but both ultimately decided against it.
Just watched a Scott Adams periscope and he had a neat take:
-Trump approached his legal team with an action, it wasn't met well, it was discussed and the action was tabled for a different course of action... for all intents and purposes, at his lawyer's behest. (Again, this is supposed to be the fascist tyrant Trump that relies on a bullying style of negotiation).
- Currently, Trump has agreed wholeheartedly to sit under oath for Mueller... but, only if his attny okays that decision.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

He's already set precedent in his actions and he is repeating those same actions with this opportunity, which defuses the entire original argument.

Same Gov. that wants to reverse the tax bill that is putting more money in American's pockets also wants to give illegals free college every turn the Democrats show their allegiance is not with America
Every natural-born student having to take out loans b/c they couldn't get scholly money should hunt that **** down. Every person/family that struggled for years to pay back their INSURED BY LAW TO BE REPAID student loans should be with them.

You want a GD riot? Push this. I could own a second ****ing house if it weren't for student loans.

Oh, and the best part? I'll have to either pay for my own kids or put them behind the same 8 ball simply b/c they're legal citizens.
I'm confused about the pic of Barry with Louis Farakhan.

It was the InfoWars piece from 2016 with Farrakhan that sold me for good on Trump. Not that I put any stock at all in ALex Jones, I just wanted to hear what LF had to say about Hillary as a candidate. Louis was not kind at all to Barry in that piece and openly cited negative impact on black culture and communities via Barry's economic and social ideologies as reasons why America so desperately needed Trump.

I came away from that video with a completely different opinion of Farrakhan. Barry must have really pissed him off.

I also learned the difference between Islam and the Nation of Islam... and it's a pretty huge difference.
Yeah clown, you called yourself a racist. No one else on here did. You are next level stupid on top of being a liar. You keep denyong thongs you just said.

Remember that time you lied about graduating from UK? Too funny.
You are wrong about no one else here calling him that. The racist tag has been used by a few here simply for disagreeing. It has been used either by the use of the word or insinuation. To deny that shows that you are lying yourself and complicit with it.
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Good, assuming the accusations were true.

If he were a democrat he could've stayed at his position forever, and there wouldn't have been a peep from the media or dems.

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