How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Didn't we just have three quarters in a row of over three percent? You do realize that in eight years Obama only hit three percent on a quarterly basis eight times, and never three percent on an annual basis.

Trump has only just started year two and he's already done almost half of what Obama accomplished in eight years.

This is how we know Trump is killing it. When his detractors have to literally ignore reality and result to such bottom of the barrel nonsense, they only reaffirm it.
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Bill Mitchell has been ALL OVER this. He's called it down from the very beginning that it was a setup for the dems to own DACA failure and they'd fall for it hook, line and sinker.

And they did. But, be assured, this no 4-D chess match. :sunglasses:

One of the ideas that Mitchell continues to push is that linear thinkers will never be able to decipher Trump's dynamic actions. That not even his own team can follow sometimes and that's why it works.

I tell ya, for a man with no plan and flying blind, he sure as all hell gets a lot of shit done.
Trump is going to force the dems into talking about illegal aliens for most, if not all, of 2018.

The mid terms are huge. Don't think the American people will like watching dems kissing illegals ass all year.
This is the most baffling part. I've seen Democrat strategist claim top Democrats want this to happen and they welcome this fight because they feel it motivates their base.
The need to bully and being in the minority party is going to wreak havoc this year.
Classic bullshit @fuzz77 personal stories in the ESPN thread.

We had a Ken at my office who "one day" announced that he/she was now Kimberly. Weird? Yeah. After a few days, a few eye rolls and chuckles everybody got over it and life went on. Kimberly is just as good at their job as Ken was, they just dress differently.

Then again perhaps you're like my grandfather. Years ago...long before ESPN I was watching a basketball game while at his house. He walks into the room and just turns off the tv saying..."Blacks, blacks, blacks. That's all basketball is anymore. It's like watching a bunch of monkeys running up and down the court. Can't take it anymore.". While I was only 12 or so at the time that quote stuck in my head and even then I wondered how my grandfather could feel that way. Especially knowing that my mother, his daughter was 180 degrees different in that manner.
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I would take a no comment. Anything.
I have been wondering the same thing. It is like the disappeared from the face of the earth. But according to several reports they are still working.

You would think that at least some paparazzi would snap a photo or something.

WAIT, I just thought of something. Let’s get the Finding Bigfoot team on it. But alas, it would be out of focus pictures. Day one of Sasquatch Hunter School - Out of Focus Photography.
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Page has been spotted!

(Credit inspiration to @augustaky1)
Guys gotta give me credit, for the @$e bacj
You called her a jungle bunny. Let me state that again, you called her a jungle bunny. You said it, why are you crying and mad at me?

lol she is a racist POS. Consider that aka jungle bunny. What's the difference if she calls UK fans racist and would root for a serial killer, and her blaming white people for Jesus how many issues.