How will they rule ??!

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The Dutch were in the Russian systems watching as they hacked the DNC, doj, WH. I thought Seth rich did it? As far as I know it has nothing to do with collusion. But why the **** has the US not responded to this threat and blatant attack. Obama made a pathetic token response with the small sanctions and kicking out diplomats but the new administration has done nothing. Do we plan to wait until Russia takes it to the next level and cripples infrastructure?
I thought Russia was not a threat according to the Dems a little while back. Why are you so worried about them now? Was the left lying to mislead the public back then? Are you now admitting Romney was right? Have we somehow been transferred back to the 80's via the Twilight Zone. If so, can you send me a cassette tape of Olivia Newton Johns greatest hits?
Really is nice to see the Ds going ALL IN for illegal aliens.

Hopefully this bullshit drags on throughout 2018. Pretty sure sacrifice America for illegal aliens is a losing message if they're trying to win back the rust belt.

However, it is absolutely paramount illegal aliens are not given voting rights.
I thought Russia was not a threat according to the Dems a little while back. Why are you so worried about them now? Was the left lying to mislead the public back then? Are you now admitting Romney was right? Have we somehow been transferred back to the 80's via the Twilight Zone. If so, can you send me a cassette tape of Olivia Newton Johns greatest hits?
the 1980's called they want their foreign policy back <chortle chortle>
Lol does anyone really give a shit if Trump nailed a porn star 13 years ago? It means absolutely nothing today IF it happened.

We will focus on destroying ISIS and creating more jobs. Jimmy can focus on tabloid BS that no one cares about. What a loser.
I guess we should focus on the future unless it is something we can drag a conservative down on. It seems as if the left scoff at anything brought up in the past about liberals. From Bill's past to Hanoi Jane because of recent fight with Megan Kelly where the View ladies said that that was in the past and she has already apologized. Double standard anyone.
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This goes to show they’ll say whatever is necessary to rile up the vote by party Dems and the far leftists. Debbie clearly thinks she can say one thing on Monday and something totally different on Friday and no one will bat an eye. The excuse will be “well that was 7 years ago.”

Without pointing out the obvious that $1,000 is always $960 more dollars than $40 no matter what year it is, it’s also funny how when a liberal figure does or says something 3+ months ago it’s old news, but when it’s a conservative figure it can be headline news for a month even if it happened 2, 12, or 40 years ago.

It’s amazing Trump is still standing with the deck he had stacked against him.

-Mass corruption from FBI and Obama admin/Dems?

Media: Boooring

Cover a porn star that is said to have consensual sex with a guy who was a celebrity and not a politician at the time?


Weird considering how many of Hollywood types can’t keep it in their pants or keep any relationship and now want to get a chuckle? This is the same group who covered for a guy getting his dick sucked in the Oval Office.
Absolutely incredible how the media operates. Just saw the Steve Wynn thing where they mention the RNC and GOP in headline but when it’s a corruption case or sexual misconduct of a Democrat, it’s never mentioned or it’s a throwaway sentence in the last paragraph.

You’d never have known Bob Menendez was a Democrat.
Absolutely incredible how the media operates. Just saw the Steve Wynn thing where they mention the RNC and GOP in headline but when it’s a corruption case or sexual misconduct of a Democrat, it’s never mentioned or it’s a throwaway sentence in the last paragraph.

You’d never have known Bob Menendez was a Democrat.
they are going after menendez b/c he crossed Obama once. I forgot what it is about but obviously they don't let up.
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Absolutely incredible how the media operates. Just saw the Steve Wynn thing where they mention the RNC and GOP in headline but when it’s a corruption case or sexual misconduct of a Democrat, it’s never mentioned or it’s a throwaway sentence in the last paragraph.

You’d never have known Bob Menendez was a Democrat.
the media like Jason whitlock of ESPN said is in "full revolution mode". They aren't the media, nobody should be surprised by their antics. We need to stop pointing out the hypocrisy, that's like complaining someone who's going to shoot you should take off their silencer first. We need to make them look completely insane in the public eye and Trump is doing a good job of that.
What a strange post. First, you posted gleefully the article so not sure why you used a sad face. Second, as others have alluded, anemic growth is no longer "the new normal" as it was under BO. 2.6 is pretty good comparably, to non-idiots.

as well as it was just explained on the financial networks due to some external factors these numbers will be revised a few times over the next few weeks and they expect the real number to increase over 3 anyway.
What a strange post. First, you posted gleefully the article so not sure why you used a sad face. Second, as others have alluded, anemic growth is no longer "the new normal" as it was under BO. 2.6 is pretty good comparably, to non-idiots.

Trump guaranteed we would have 3,4,5 % annual growth in year one at least 100 times and all he managed was 2.3%. Def better than last years crappy growth of 1.5% but worse than 2015's 2.9%. If he had actually hit 3% he would be blasting it all over the airwaves today but not a word since it was pretty mediocre.
Trump guaranteed we would have 3,4,5 % annual growth in year one at least 100 times and all he managed was 2.3%. Def better than last years crappy growth of 1.5% but worse than 2015's 2.9%. If he had actually hit 3% he would be blasting it all over the airwaves today but not a word since it was pretty mediocre.
Obama said the seas would recede and I would get $2500 off my health insurance. Just hush. I think most GOP reps have said we need to get back to 3% growth which is what you need to pace population growth.

GDP was 1.8% last Q4 and .5(!) in 2015. Not mediocre in comparison.
While Trump is combining the wall with DACA, chain migration, etc he should also make it so that none of these people can vote, at least in federal elections. It may already be a law or it may take an amendment, but he needs to push for it.

They already can't vote in federal elections. some states allow them to vote in local elections some don't. If your implying to not allow them to vote after the amnesty path to citizenship then you need to be in the looney bin, its called the 15th amendment.
Obama said the seas would recede and I would get $2500 off my health insurance. Just hush. I think most GOP reps have said we need to get back to 3% growth which is what you need to pace population growth.

GDP was 1.8% last Q4 and .5(!) in 2015. Not mediocre in comparison.

You don't use quarterly results to base on otherwise Obama would be worshiped by you baboons. In 14' he had 5.2% 3rd quarter and i believe 4.8% the quarter before that, the highest since 2003.
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You don't use quarterly results to base on otherwise Obama would be worshiped by you baboons. In 14' he had 5.2% 3rd quarter and i believe 4.8% the quarter before that, the highest since 2003.
He had 8 quarters of +3%. Out of 32. 25%.

Like I said, you were so upset about the number today...imagine posting that 23 more times...that would match your main man BO.
They already can't vote in federal elections. some states allow them to vote in local elections some don't. If your implying to not allow them to vote after the amnesty path to citizenship then you need to be in the looney bin, its called the 15th amendment.

That's absolutely what I am saying, and also why I suggested it may take another amendment.
You don't use quarterly results to base on otherwise Obama would be worshiped by you baboons. In 14' he had 5.2% 3rd quarter and i believe 4.8% the quarter before that, the highest since 2003.
Nope he did not. And it is very common for economists to compare quarters by their previous years as there are seasonal trends. Per liberal-leaning Politifact:

As for the remainder of Obama’s time in office, quarterly GDP growth averaged 2.0 percent, or 1.5 percent when averaging out annual figures.

But if the data is used to compare one quarter to the same quarter from a year ago, there were two periods during Obama’s tenure in which growth exceeded 3 percent. Between the third quarters of 2009 and 2010, GDP growth was about 3.1 percent; and between the first quarters of 2014 and 2015, the economy grew by 3.3 percent, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis.

With the way Roskam refers to growth, however, Obama indeed was the first president who did not achieve more than 3 percent growth in GDP. Average growth under Bush Sr., was 2.1 percent; 3.9 percent for Bill Clinton; 2.3 percent for George H.W. Bush; and 3.5 percent for Ronald Reagan.

The highest annual growth on record occurred in 1942 during the Franklin D. Roosevelt administration, when GDP grew by a staggering 18.9 percent as the United States entered World War II and ramped up production following the Dec. 7, 1941, attack on Pearl Harbor.

Our ruling

Roskam said the Obama "administration was the first administration that never had a whole year of 3 percent growth."

While Roskam’s claim is accurate when based on annual GDP growth figures between 2009 and 2016, there are other ways to look at the data, such as from one quarter to the same in the previous year. Doing so reveals economic growth has surpassed 3 percent during two periods of Obama’s presidency.

We rate Roskam’s claim Mostly True.
Well, the stock market really hates the GDP number.

BTW, that Obama is a friggin genius.

As someone here once said, imagine being a mere community organizer, but putting together a complex economic plan designed to start working the day you leave office, leaving all the credit and accolades to his successor.

Kudos to you, Barack Obama!
Nope he did not. And it is very common for economists to compare quarters by their previous years as there are seasonal trends. Per liberal-leaning Politifact:

As for the remainder of Obama’s time in office, quarterly GDP growth averaged 2.0 percent, or 1.5 percent when averaging out annual figures.

But if the data is used to compare one quarter to the same quarter from a year ago, there were two periods during Obama’s tenure in which growth exceeded 3 percent. Between the third quarters of 2009 and 2010, GDP growth was about 3.1 percent; and between the first quarters of 2014 and 2015, the economy grew by 3.3 percent, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis.

With the way Roskam refers to growth, however, Obama indeed was the first president who did not achieve more than 3 percent growth in GDP. Average growth under Bush Sr., was 2.1 percent; 3.9 percent for Bill Clinton; 2.3 percent for George H.W. Bush; and 3.5 percent for Ronald Reagan.

The highest annual growth on record occurred in 1942 during the Franklin D. Roosevelt administration, when GDP grew by a staggering 18.9 percent as the United States entered World War II and ramped up production following the Dec. 7, 1941, attack on Pearl Harbor.

Our ruling

Roskam said the Obama "administration was the first administration that never had a whole year of 3 percent growth."

While Roskam’s claim is accurate when based on annual GDP growth figures between 2009 and 2016, there are other ways to look at the data, such as from one quarter to the same in the previous year. Doing so reveals economic growth has surpassed 3 percent during two periods of Obama’s presidency.

We rate Roskam’s claim Mostly True.
one years quarter to the next years quarter is not how you calculate real gdp growth. #'s released by the Bureau are always preceding quarter & fiscal year annual.
Told yall. Trump is setting em up. He knew dems won't go for his proposal.

Bill Mitchell has been ALL OVER this. He's called it down from the very beginning that it was a setup for the dems to own DACA failure and they'd fall for it hook, line and sinker.

And they did. But, be assured, this no 4-D chess match. :sunglasses:

One of the ideas that Mitchell continues to push is that linear thinkers will never be able to decipher Trump's dynamic actions. That not even his own team can follow sometimes and that's why it works.

I tell ya, for a man with no plan and flying blind, he sure as all hell gets a lot of shit done.