Been a great run.


I was on a SW flight one time and I was sitting on the aisle and this thin teenage girl was sitting against the window. On the other side of the aisle there were two fat guys. Both of the sections had the middle seat open. These were the only two open seats left on the plane. A nice looking woman boarded the plane late. She walked back to our row. She looked at me. Then she looked at the fat guys. And she decided to sit between the fat guys. I've never really gotten over that.
I rode the school bus through the trailer parks in middle school and it absolutely sucked. I would just read and listen to music to try to get through it.

One time these two orca fat rednecks got into a fistfight while I was in the window seat. Fat Cracker A put his considerable bulk on top of Fat Cracker B (who was seated to my left and impeding my ability to skedaddle) and proceed to wear about FCB's head. My narrow ass almost suffocated from these two pricks trying to badly fight each other before the bus driver could stop and sort it all out.

I'd do it all over again, too, to not sit next to Waterhead on a plane.
Poor Jeff....not mentioning that the new rules gift 4.5" to the runner, as well as only allowing the pitcher 2 throws to keep the runner close. Elly would probably have 15-20 less SB's using the forever rules before MLB screwed w/ the game.
Clearly, that explains why he’s 20 SB ahead of No. 2 in MLB.

And, true, he’d probably struggle immensely against athletes like these holding him on…

Clearly, that explains why he’s 20 SB ahead of No. 2 in MLB.

And, true, he’d probably struggle immensely against athletes like these holding him on…


Big Rick won 214 games w/ a 3.37 era; inc. a career record of 19-16 against the Reds w/ a 2.78 era.

My guess is Elly is swinging out of his shoes trying to hit his slurve all day.

Oh....and base stealers actually had to run a full 90' in those days.

Do better.
My next door neighbors “ain’t from here.” They moved from Nevada to SouthCentral for reasons I haven’t investigated yet. Anywho the mom/wife (mid 30s) will sometimes lay out in the backyard in a thong bikini, much to the criticism of my wife but to the enthusiastic delight of my 14 year old son.

As a matter of fact, my son has taken up with their 12 year old son: Being a good neighbor/mentor, showing him around the neighborhood, introducing him to the other kids in the ‘hood. Did I mention they also have a 15 year old daughter? He’s amazed.
Does the mid 30's wife like to play "one on one" in the driveway ? You being a coach and all, should be right up your alley.*

*In no way am I suggesting cheating on your spouse, just give her some "pointers" about the game of basketball.
Way to not address the main point that he’s 20 SB ahead of second.

I would say do better but your takes are so consistently awful, and I mean awful, that the bar in that respect is on the floor.
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"He's just not good. An interesting prospect but he's a SO/Error machine"

"Sure, he does that one thing well, but it's because the rules are to his advantage"

UKO next season

"He only won the MVP because pitchers are only allowed 2k RPM when pitching now, he'd be a high A ball player in the early 2000's"

There's dying on wrong take hill and then there is living on wrong take island.
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From the Twitterverse.

Elly's SLG is up to .496, and he's stolen 51 bags so far in 2024. Complete list of players to SLG .500 and swipe 60+ bags in a single season, ever:Rickey HendersonKenny LoftonEric DavisJoe MorganTy CobbBenny KauffHonus Wagner
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You are correct. In a season and a half, he's got 1/3 of Vince's career WAR total.
Well the nerds have taken over all sports.

Well he was 2x Allstar, 6x times stolen base champion, rookie of the yr, played in 2 world series and stole 100 bases 3 yrs in a row. Career .264 hitter. Almost all done in his first 6 yrs before the sb champ couldn't out run a giant roomba

But the pesky remote infield tarp thing that old Busch had. Could have got anybody.

I'm kidding about being more talented than elly of course. Vince played when baseball was more fun Though. Whiteyball >>> moneyball. Speed, defense, hit and runs, moving runners around. Keeping defenses contstantly scrambling stealing. Speed everywhere. With one giant Neanderthal that could a hit a home run in that giant ass cookie cutter sauna of a stadium.

Players all looked like 70s porn stars and doing swells of cocaine. I'm sure if you gave elly that trampoline of an astroturf field and an 8ball whenever he wanted he would steal 200 bases in a season.
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