How will they rule ??!

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Who wouldn’t attack the obvious corruption of the FBI higher ups? It’s not speculation. It’s fact. From the burying of the Lynch/Clinton meeting files, texts, not putting Hillary under oath, not recording it, not enforcing the law, letting her go and drafting your letter before you’re even finished, etc.

Weird how the “seekers of truth” always seem to be apologists for DNC allies in power. Like screw duke said, these are the same folks who have no issue going after cops (and bad ones should be exposed-not a single conservative would disagree) but for some reason the FBI is off limits?

Bush and Obama were 16 years of awful leadership but Obama weaponized our intel agencies and government institutions against the people and political enemies.

But it’s funny how the left operates when you go after corruption.

Question Obama= Call everyone racist conspiracy theorists.

Question Clinton-=call them sexists, Nazi/Russian bots

Question FBI= Defend the FBI at all cost.

These people have ran interference to defend the IRS, FBI, DOJ, Clinton and the Obama admin. They operate like a sports fan base would in covering the narrative but hell, at least sports fan bases can have some criticism for their own group so even Dems are past that.

We’ve already proven more corruption and collusion than they have despite pushing this Russian nonsense for years.
If you are a journalist, the mass corruption that has come from the Democratic Party, Obama admin, Clinton, FBI, Fusion, etc, should be a treasure chest to bury someone.

Imagine how the press would treat those things if they were Republicans. It would be non-stop coverage. Why is it that corruption is okay if it’s from a Democrat? Expose all corruption. Don’t just take a break when they vote the same as you.

But with the left, it’s always the ends justifies the means so they act as a ideological PR firm.
In other words, Dems hate the truth. When it comes it's always bad for them

We live in a time where “your truth” is a thing. And that’s a big problem. It’s like Ben Shapiro (sorry for using his name for those that may be reading this thread and attend UConn) said, “There is only truth. Anything else is just an opinion.”
Soros needs to use some of his billions for the bags under his eyes, no doubt caused by white guilt.

He's too busy using his funds to pay for his organ transplants from his human trafficking organizations.
This look like the body of a normal 80 year old man?
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Trump to his attorneys: Should I fire Moeller
Attorneys: Not a good idea sir. Really bad idea
Trump: Please explain
Attorneys: Looks terrible politically, yada yada
Trump: His team is corrupt and this is a witch-hunt.
Attorneys: We understand that but you cannot fire him
Trump: Understand

Both parties move on to something else

Media: Trump told his staff he is firing Moeller but backed down.

Using my head, I have asked for advice from folks many times in my life that changed my mind even though my heart wanted to do something else. Sure Obama got frequent advice he did not like but did what he was advised many times. Their called lawyers and advisors for a reason.
Trump to his attorneys: Should I fire Moeller
Attorneys: Not a good idea sir. Really bad idea
Trump: Please explain
Attorneys: Looks terrible politically, yada yada
Trump: His team is corrupt and this is a witch-hunt.
Attorneys: We understand that but you cannot fire him
Trump: Understand

Both parties move on to something else

Media: Trump told his staff he is firing Moeller but backed down.

Using my head, I have asked for advice from folks many times in my life that changed my mind even though my heart wanted to do something else. Sure Obama got frequent advice he did not like but did what he was advised many times. Their called lawyers and advisors for a reason.
I have it on good authority from just 5 minutes ago that he's a Tyrant.

I don't know why I capitalized tyrant.

Oh, it’s another northern elitist bitch looking down on working people as beneath her. I can’t imagine why a huge part of the country hates the press’ guts and feels attacked by them.

Edit: I went and checked out her Wikipedia and laughed. Under “Personal Life” it just says, “Pettypiece lives in New York City.”

What? No husband or kids at 36? And she’s a miserable and snobby liberal? No way.
I detest the Democratic Party with every ounce of my being. Just the most vile pieces of garbage in politics that are so destructive in every way whether it’s killing a baby, creating racial division, killing motivation through taxes and government dependency, tearing apart the nuclear family, disregarding individualism for collectivism, destroying culture and history in favor of the third world just for a power grab, etc etc.

All they do is manipulate and virtue signal. And if they didn’t have a giant megaphone through dominating our media and academia, they would never get power in anything.

It’s pretty incredible what they have done throughout history. Used slaves to achieve their means, did Jim Crow, realized they could keep people on the Dem plantation with their “war on poverty” where Dems ruin these people’s communities and keep them dependent on the government.

Now that blacks have been surpassed by Latinos, they’re all in on using these people to achieve their power grab. More slaves they can buy with taxpayer money and get votes. Their entire platform is based off racial division and replacing citizens with foreigners for votes.
Maybe he will have her jump on trampolines. Since he's suddenly the moral compass.
Lol does anyone really give a shit if Trump nailed a porn star 13 years ago? It means absolutely nothing today IF it happened.

We will focus on destroying ISIS and creating more jobs. Jimmy can focus on tabloid BS that no one cares about. What a loser.
Lol does anyone really give a shit if Trump nailed a porn star 13 years ago? It means absolutely nothing today IF it happened.

We will focus on destroying ISIS and creating more jobs. Jimmy can focus on tabloid BS that no one cares about. What a loser.

Heck, I would give him extra points for that if he hadn't been married at the time. She was 25 and a fine looking woman while he was in his late 50's. Kudos on that one.
SIAP--- Hear about the Congressional Black Caucus having a "reporter" bury the story and photos of obummer meeting with Louis Farrakhan in 2005? Didn't want that getting out... might affect middle-of-road voters if he aimed for a higher office. Also said Nation of Islam members were on staff.

Just another example of timely reporting from our unbiased media.