How will they rule ??!

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The shared border is almost 2000 miles long - the WH is requesting 722 miles of wall (in addition to existing wall)

Since Dems don't truly want to negotiate, I'd take my negotiations public if I were Trump.

"Dreamers, I want you to stay - but I also never want to encounter this problem avoid we need to end chain, move to merit based and fund the wall." Then create some BS hashtag like the dems would do #dreamBIGLY, put a pic of a baby dreamer next to a pic of a beautiful wall, tell the dreamers they can sign the wall in the tweet and be done with it.
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I'm sure the dems willing to screw the military over while trying to protect illegals will go over really well in the 2018 midterms. Run with that dems.
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fyi, this is Migos, they are heavily influenced and loved by the gheys

Man those are some serious late 60's early 70's shirts they have on.
So is Trump now Stalin? I thought he was supposed to be fascist Hitler, but now he's a communist? What's next, Pol Pot, Satan, ....????

If they do finally talk this is how it will go down:

Trump says get me Obama on the phone. Obama answers 'Mr. President'.

Trump stays silent...Obama 'Mr. President are you there? Hello?'

Trump says 'MAGA' and hangs up. A nearby aide laughs at this, Trump doesn't crack a smile. He takes a big bite out of the Big Mac just brought to him and a drink of Diet Coke...he flips through cable news with hopes someone says something on air that displeases him. He is the mood for writing an epic tweet now.
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So is Trump now Stalin? I thought he was supposed to be fascist Hitler, but now he's a communist? What's next, Pol Pot, Satan, ....????

Words don’t mean anything anymore. With their hysteria and mental illness, the left have made sure nothing has any value.
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Had an American Eagle gift card I got for Christmas. Went to buy some cologne and apparently they don’t have “gender separate scents” any more. Verbatim. They only have unisex now. “For all of us “ is the tag line.

Apparently wanting/ offering men’s cologne is Cis-sexist and transphobic

I get sicker and sicker every day with what society seems to be coming too.

I really really hope others are starting to see the absolute idiocy and downright terrifying narrative the libs/ MSM is trying to spoon feed people.

Surely right ?

Does anyone think Trumps base/ support (or at least non liberal idiots ) has gotten stronger since 2016? I sure hope so.
Had an American Eagle gift card I got for Christmas. Went to buy some cologne and apparently they don’t have “gender separate scents” any more. Verbatim. They only have unisex now. “For all of us “ is the tag line.

Apparently wanting/ offering men’s cologne is Cis-sexist and transphobic

I get sicker and sicker every day with what society seems to be coming too.

I really really hope others are starting to see the absolute idiocy and downright terrifying narrative the libs/ MSM is trying to spoon feed people.

Surely right ?

Does anyone think Trumps base/ support (or at least non liberal idiots ) has gotten stronger since 2016? I sure hope so.
‘Merican Eagle? You still in high school:sunglasses:?
Had an American Eagle gift card I got for Christmas. Went to buy some cologne and apparently they don’t have “gender separate scents” any more. Verbatim. They only have unisex now. “For all of us “ is the tag line.

Apparently wanting/ offering men’s cologne is Cis-sexist and transphobic

I get sicker and sicker every day with what society seems to be coming too.

I really really hope others are starting to see the absolute idiocy and downright terrifying narrative the libs/ MSM is trying to spoon feed people.

Surely right ?

Does anyone think Trumps base/ support (or at least non liberal idiots ) has gotten stronger since 2016? I sure hope so.

Did you get the gender neutral scent? Bc if you gay now lol. Not that that’s “wrong”. Just how it is.
I can't wait until all these sanctuary city officials are jailed, then the dullards on the left get distracted by the next outrage topic du jour and then the officials are left to rot in jail and no one cares, because everyone really only care about being outraged about what they're told to be outraged about.
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Had an American Eagle gift card I got for Christmas. Went to buy some cologne and apparently they don’t have “gender separate scents” any more. Verbatim. They only have unisex now. “For all of us “ is the tag line.

Apparently wanting/ offering men’s cologne is Cis-sexist and transphobic

I get sicker and sicker every day with what society seems to be coming too.

I really really hope others are starting to see the absolute idiocy and downright terrifying narrative the libs/ MSM is trying to spoon feed people.

Surely right ?

Does anyone think Trumps base/ support (or at least non liberal idiots ) has gotten stronger since 2016? I sure hope so.

I agree that unisex cologne is a lame, horrible idea.

But damn, man. You're really trying to get some cologne from American Eagle?? Don't ever do that. You gotta use that card on socks/underwear/something basic and then get the hell out of there.

I'm trying to help you out here. For next time.
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The shared border is almost 2000 miles long - the WH is requesting 722 miles of wall (in addition to existing wall)

Since Dems don't truly want to negotiate, I'd take my negotiations public if I were Trump.

"Dreamers, I want you to stay - but I also never want to encounter this problem avoid we need to end chain, move to merit based and fund the wall." Then create some BS hashtag like the dems would do #dreamBIGLY, put a pic of a baby dreamer next to a pic of a beautiful wall, tell the dreamers they can sign the wall in the tweet and be done with it.

We went down this path before. Reagan granted amnesty under this exact deal. Can't trust Dems to hold up their end.

Not a shocker other countries like when the US has a capitulator and a weakling in office more than someone who wants America to be strong and assertive.

Of course they loved Obama. Look how much of our prosperity he gave away