How will they rule ??!

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Anything that RINOs and Dems agree to is not good for this country and the president should be suspicious of them at all times. Do not trust these bastards.
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Could you imagine if these jerk offs had the microscope put on them? Let’s see how they’d fare. They’re the ones who are so thin skinned any time the media is criticized yet do this stuff relentlessly.

Wow. It’s like it’s orchestrated. To absolutely pander and guide/ brainwash people who are dumb enough to buy into this idiocy. I mean this is silly tabloid shit and some of our most notable politicians, celebrities , newspapers , journalists etc are absolutely trying to ripp apart our PRESIDENT.

He’s not THAT bad. Jesus Christ . What do you think this looks like to other countries ? It looks like we’re a nation of idiots divided by self loathing and selfishness. It makes us look weak and foolish
A few things to consider: How can this current state of things with media and hysterical division continue for 3-7 years? This insanity has been going on for two and a half years at this point.

I’ve asked this before but what do Democrats think will happen if they get the presidency again? Do they think this will not be forgotten? Do you think we will bow to the scumbag leftist nut they choose? Never again. Never! There will never be civility after this.

And Republican cowards should know that if they blow this and allow anything to happen to Trump, that their base will not forget it and this nation will be a one-party state if Dems get it back. It is absolutely vital to get as much time of Trump and Republican Congress as possible
Are they really “offering” Pap smears for men so as to not cause “gender / trans phobia “ or whatever ignorant term they use ?

I mean REALLY? Wtf


In times of universal deceit - telling the truth becomes revolutionary

(paraphrasing G Orwell)

there's an increasing "Emperors Clothes" angle to all this

A lot of people (IMO) are still either a) agreeing that the nude made on the horse has lavish robes.....or b) they're disengaging entirely
Read this thread. My God, the delusion. Not one person challenging this post took into consideration the culpability of MSM in this game. Like 90% negative coverage is normal, but Trump lashing back isn't.

**** them all.
Fascinating, if true.


That was something but a totally accurate portrayal of the mindset of these brainwashed little feminist nuts.

“The bravest person I ever met.” Haha

Just another example that these people could never handle a fraction of what Trump gets on a daily basis. Also, she had no problem trying to embarrass Aziz (who’s a douche) and label him a predator.

These types. You know what you’re signing up for... sign a piece of paper stating you agree to the terms... THEN site it as an abuse of power? GTFO. These people kill me.
So you think they're smart enough to know what they're signing up for?
Which of these is a headline by the National Enquirer?

A) Trump: World War 3 is coming!
B) Trump pushing KKK values
C) Trump goes to dinner without alerting press pool
D) Clown runs for president

Asians and their white privilege

Asians are always ignored by leftists because they destroy their narrative. Indians as well. Interesting that it’s always about the groups who are forever at the bottom in everything but crime all while others come to the country and in less time, pass them by. And may I remind some, Asians had their own history of problems and weren’t “wealthy.”

Who could’ve predicted that having a two parent household, valuing education and not idolizing or participating in crime would have such a huge impact?
Asians are always ignored by leftists because they destroy their narrative. Indians as well. Interesting that it’s always about the groups who are forever at the bottom in everything but crime all while others come to the country and in less time, pass them by. And may I remind some, Asians had their own history of problems and weren’t “wealthy.”

Who could’ve predicted that having a two parent household, valuing education and not idolizing or participating in crime would have such a huge impact?

Guy I know spent his entire childhood waking up no later than 4am and studying hoping he would score well enough to get a job in the US. He did. Now he's working towards being a citizen and saving enough to bring his family over. Never getting a dime of welfare along the way.

THOSE are the people who should be celebrated. That type of mindset is what built America. Working, struggling, clawing your existence out of the proverbial (and sometimes literal) dirt.

The left never mention them. Instead they champion Mexicans who bypass everything and sneak in. Or muslim refugees that inevitably have terrorists hidden in the midst. Or random people from Africa who win a lottery.

All of whom will be a drain on society and fiscal health of this nation from day one. They will reproduce at shocking rates, all nearly guaranteed to be getting benefits most their lives.

The left champions them for one reason and one reason only: to turn them into votes.

It's disgusting to think about
Read this thread. My God, the delusion. Not one person challenging this post took into consideration the culpability of MSM in this game. Like 90% negative coverage is normal, but Trump lashing back isn't.

**** them all.
It would be awesome if a conservative media member would make it their job to just make fake news all day about liberal politicians and media members.