How will they rule ??!

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Getting it released is going to be a hell of a fight. The Democrats who serve on the Intelligence Committees voted against other members of Congress even being able to see it. No chance they easily allow the public to see it.
No doubt but no way Nunes doesn't let the dems keep it hidden. You can bet your ass right now Nunes is working on getting that vote soon.
No doubt but no way Nunes doesn't let the dems keep it hidden. You can bet your ass right now Nunes is working on getting that vote soon.

I hope so. They're kind of in a box, though. The department they are investigating and that the memo pertains to, the DOJ/FBI, is the same department in charge of declassifying and okaying the release. With the recusal of Sessions, Rosenstein is in charge, and it's likely he's caught up in this.
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I hope so. They're kind of in a box, though. The department they are investigating and that the memo pertains to, the DOJ/FBI, is the same department in charge of declassifying and okaying the release. With the recusal of Sessions, Rosenstein is in charge, and it's likely he's caught up in this.
IF they don't vote to release it, it will be leaked out one way or the other. No way something that huge stays hidden, IMO. I'm sure there's some people in the FBI/DOJ who aren't Obamaites who would gladly leak it. Two can play at that game.
James so nervous...but yeah, usually these things are flops. Haven’t seen this kind of build up for one of these drops yet though.
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IF they don't vote to release it, it will be leaked out one way or the other. No way something that huge stays hidden, IMO. I'm sure there's some people in the FBI/DOJ who aren't Obamaites who would gladly leak it. Two can play at that game.
SO, I read the House saw it, not sure if that is to include Senate... regardless, thats 400+ people sitting at home or at a bar right now having the conversations of their lives right now with a glass of wine in hand.

THat shit is getting out.
There are 3.6M 'DREAMers' — a number far greater than commonly known

The political debate over the fate of "DREAMers" — undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children — has overlooked just how many there are in the country today: about 3.6 million.

That number of people is not widely known, in large part because so much public attention has been focused recently on 800,000 mostly young DREAMers accepted into the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

While many politicians use DREAMer and DACA interchangeably, the terms are "not a distinction without a difference," said House Minority Whip Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md.

DREAMers got their name from the DREAM Act, a bill that has been proposed in Congress since 2001, but never passed, that would protect that group of immigrants.

The 3.6 million estimate of undocumented immigrants brought to U.S. before their 18th birthday comes from the Migration Policy Institute, a non-partisan, non-profit think tank that studies global immigration patterns. That is roughly a third of all undocumented immigrants in the country and does not include millions of their immediate family members who are U.S. citizens.
SO, I read the House saw it, not sure if that is to include Senate... regardless, thats 400+ people sitting at home or at a bar right now having the conversations of their lives right now with a glass of wine in hand.

THat shit is getting out.
Except for most of the Democrats. Jim Jordan said the memo has been available for viewing most of the day and that it was shocking the amount of Democrats who, all of the sudden, weren't concerned with the Russian investigation any longer and couldn't care less about seeing the contents of the memo.
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So this is turning into another level of conflict

Opposing political factions have gone from lies and slander to lawsuits and seized assets and now to raids from Fed USG to a State that's breaking federal, WHILE OPENLY PLANNING SECESSION FROM THE USA** --and the state party rep's are threatening their employees with arrest if they cooperate

team NWO isn't going up without pulling all levers of power (etc) to retain revolutionary momentum here and abroad

So think about this ....

In Russia there were 3 iterations of revolution before the Bolsheviks (Comm.) and Mensheviks (social.) seized power in 1919

I believe the first socialist (dock workers/unions?) revolution was 1895

Another came in either 1900 or 1905

and then came the crushing final loss in WW1 and surrender of parts of the Ukraine to the Germans (+ train load of return for one V Lenin via train).....the state was esp weak and war weary -- the communist revolution finally succeeded on the 3rd try

So -if this shit starts to go really sideways and we have open / violent revolution .... you have to KNOW that those who would physically participate in such an act are VASTLY outnumbered by those who would be of the mindset to oppose them

“Unlimited power in the hands of limited people always leads to cruelty.”
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago 1918-1956
If anyone hears of their state guard units being activated for drills or the like - you are free to mention that of course

If someone could ascertain the DEFCON level as the tongue gnashing files regarding threat of nuclear deployment .....we'd definitely have an indicator about how serious things are getting

(DEFCON doesn't help you much with a preemptive strike coming from the other side....

and we're VERY close to have another NATO member open fire on us in Syria....
Turkey has reported to NATO that they plan to invade and knock out the (Kurdish / US-backed) terror force that's assembled on their border
......just checked a Turkish source and they are running an article showing where our SECDEF denies that the US is working w/the Kurds etc
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I'd say there's a good chance of multiple suicides tonight from self inflicted gun shots to the back of the head.

or they just come out in the open and attempt
the coup they’ve been angling for.

This seems about like watching the door at Memphis. Doesn’t somebody have some actual info?
I am a little surprised Trump is silent on it so far tonight.
Posobiec speaking to that right now. Not going to touch it, not going to leak it. They want it clean and legal b/c it is, apparently, a coffin hammer.

He keeps making the point about Lois Lerner and the IRS and drawing out the questions as to why those records were sealed (for her safety) and do you think if they utilized the IRS as a political weapon, they'd stop there...

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