How will they rule ??!

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So the 4 indictments surrounding uranium one... we're all settled so that no transcripts are public..

They were all prosecuted by the same people..Andrew Weissman and rod rosenstein

They were all assigned to...fbi agent Andrew McCabe...

They were all assigned to the same judge, Theodore Chuang... who went to Harvard with obama.. AND was the same judge who ruled against trumps travel ban.

AND NOW...that same judge has been assigned to the Lambert case.

What .... the.... fu...
it feels like it has been about 5 years of Trump and it's just 1. I don't mean that in a negative way. I'm glad it's drawing out but there is nothing but treasonous acts by an enemy (libs). There is nothing but war that will settle this. The left is so far gone and have broken so many laws that there's nothing left they can really do but declare war.
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His article, titled ‘Migration can benefit the world. This is how we at the UN plan to help’, makes the bold claim that mass migration “powers economic growth, reduces inequalities and connects diverse societies”, in order to promote the Global Compact for Migration.

“This will be the first overarching international agreement of its kind,” he boasted — but claimed it would not “place any binding obligations on states”, but rather serve as “an unprecedented opportunity for leaders to counter the pernicious myths surrounding migrants”.

Sooo, it's an agreement to do nothing. Just gives "leaders the opportunity to counter myths about migrants". Nobody is doing anything. It's just an "official" sounding "agreement" between nations to stand for migration. Yay? So brave, so progressive.
His article, titled ‘Migration can benefit the world. This is how we at the UN plan to help’, makes the bold claim that mass migration “powers economic growth, reduces inequalities and connects diverse societies”, in order to promote the Global Compact for Migration.

“This will be the first overarching international agreement of its kind,” he boasted — but claimed it would not “place any binding obligations on states”, but rather serve as “an unprecedented opportunity for leaders to counter the pernicious myths surrounding migrants”.

Sooo, it's an agreement to do nothing. Just gives "leaders the opportunity to counter myths about migrants". Nobody is doing anything. It's just an "official" sounding "agreement" between nations to stand for migration. Yay? So brave, so progressive.

In other words we want to continue human trafficking and slave labor.
What a first year. Unbelievable.

His speeches make you wanna go out and commit greats acts of Americanism, don't they?
I really believe he is well on his way to being the greatest President we've ever had.

Isn't it amazing how much better off we are when we elect a President who actually cares about the American people?
Liberals prepping suits so that leaches don't have to face work or training requirements to get their Medicaid. The work requirements would only apply to able bodied working age adults with no children.

"The Medicaid waiver granted to Kentucky allows the state to require that certain adults complete at least 80 hours per month of community engagement activities, such as work, education, job skills training or volunteering. Nine other states have also asked CMS for permission to add some type of work or work-related requirement into their Medicaid programs."
Yeah, I didn't know shithole was a race.
Not to mention, it's looking more and more like he never said it. Cotton completely denies Trump ever saying it. I trust him way more than Durbin. This is an old Durbin trick. Make up a derogatory lie in order blow up unfavorable negotiations.

The Democrats never wanted a bipartisan deal. They were never going to agree to the things Trump wanted to trade for DACA. They wanted a clean DACA bill, or at least a largely one sided bill.

When Democrats showed up to that meeting, and to their surprise, Trump had unannounced guests -- immigration hawks Cotton, Miller and the head of DHS -- already with him, they knew right then they weren't going to be able to get over on him and get their way. After the meeting is when Dirty Dick went to work, leaking lies to the press.

Now the negotiations are blown up and Democrats have their out. They can blame the failure of the negotiations, basically ending DACA, and the shutdown of the government/no funding for the military all on Trump’s shithole comment.
So the 4 indictments surrounding uranium one... we're all settled so that no transcripts are public..

They were all prosecuted by the same people..Andrew Weissman and rod rosenstein

They were all assigned to...fbi agent Andrew McCabe...

They were all assigned to the same judge, Theodore Chuang... who went to Harvard with obama.. AND was the same judge who ruled against trumps travel ban.

AND NOW...that same judge has been assigned to the Lambert case.

What .... the.... fu...

It's a big club and you aint in it.

The fact of the matter is that the democratic party represents urban America. It's an urban party and anyone that lives outside those boundaries is f**ked.
it doesn't even represent that. Today's democrat party represents straight revolution anarchist. Period. Urban areas are pipelines for illegal votes via sanctuary city violators. Urban means non white. There are a chitload of people who will cast a ballot for democrat and it doesn't matter what kind of havoc they cause on innocent Americans. .. kate steinly , aussie woman shot by Somali police officer.
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Regarding the DACA negotiations and the Democrats shutting down the government over it, I don't think they'll follow through on their threats and will eventually cave. Here's why - Trump is holding the ultimate F you card. Regardless of bipartisan negotiations, a deal being reached or the government being shutdown, in the end, Trump has the final say on whether DACA recipients get to stay or go.

Sure, Democrats can manufacture drama by leaking lies to the press, calling Trump a racist, threatening to shut down the government, boycotting the State of the Union, but they know once it's all said and done, Trump still gets the last word.

They know if they actually fail to make a deal that pleases Trump, even if the all the blame gets put on Trump, when the drama settles and everyone moves on to the next manufactured scandal, the Trump administration can easily get super aggressive, start seeking out, rounding up and deporting illegals who are no longer protected by DACA.
Regarding the DACA negotiations and the Democrats shutting down the government over it, I don't think they'll follow through on their threats and will eventually cave. Here's why - Trump is holding the ultimate F you card. Regardless of bipartisan negotiations, a deal being reached or the government being shutdown, in the end, Trump has the final say on whether DACA recipients get to stay or go.

Sure, Democrats can manufacture drama by leaking lies to the press, calling Trump a racist, threatening to shut down the government, boycotting the State of the Union, but they know once it's all said and done, Trump still gets the last word.

They know if they actually fail to make a deal that pleases Trump, even if the all the blame gets put on Trump, when the drama settles and everyone moves on to the next manufactured scandal, the Trump administration can easily get super aggressive, start seeking out, rounding up and deporting illegals who are no longer protected by DACA.

There's not going to roundup DACA immigrants. Most of the country sides with them getting legal status. Simply put theres not going to nothing done on immigration.
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A deal can be had and nobody is going to be perfectly happy with it. Folks like Ann Coulter will be impossible to please no matter how much Trump gets out of the deal. This mess has taken generations to get to this point.
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There's not going to roundup DACA immigrants.

You're right. There has been, and will continue to be, a round up of illegal immigrants. You do realize if DACA ends, which is what will happen if a deal isn't reached, there will be no such thing as DACA immigrants anymore, only illegal immigrants.

Most of the country sides with them getting legal status.

Doesn't matter what the country sides with. Again, if a deal doesn't get done, then DACA no longer exist and the recipients are no longer protected. Those individuals will no longer be considered 'dreamers' because there will be no such thing anymore. They will be illegals along with the rest of illegals. When arresting illegals, ICE isn't going to stop and ask them if they used to be 'dreamers'.

Simply put theres not going to nothing done on immigration.

Odd, because from what I have seen since Trump has taken office, a lot has been done on immigration, and it looks like a lot more will continue to be done.
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