How will they rule ??!

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It's possible he said I'd but his annunciation is so poor you can't really tell. But once again, ITS BULLSHIT either way. He doesn't and would not have a good relationship with Kim and why would you want him to. You are sticking up for a man that is saying he would be pals with a guy that murders 100k+ of his own people every year and threatens to nuke the US every other day. Sure he can talk to Kim and maybe alleviate the pressure a bit, but there is no reality where they have a "good relationship". Only some kind of brain damaged person like Dennis Rodman would want a relationship with Kim.

Are you so are up with TDS that you're incapable of wrapping your simple mind around why it would be a good idea for the United States of America to have a good relationship with even lunatic leaders of other countries.

Take kim out if it.. any country.

You're such a simpleton
Obama and Hillary were/are friends with leaders and people who murder/maim-torture/enslave many more than that and yet you people on the left were ok with that.
so you are saying Trump is just as bad as Obama/Hillary. at least somebody in this thread has realized anybody that gets in office becomes a useless politician, even Trump.
Are you so are up with TDS that you're incapable of wrapping your simple mind around why it would be a good idea for the United States of America to have a good relationship with even lunatic leaders of other countries.

Take kim out if it.. any country.

You're such a simpleton
When Obama announced he was going to open talks with Iran/Ahmadinejad I'm pretty sure the GOP threw a collective shit fit and said we should never interact with that scum and just launch missiles.
It never ceases to amuse me how both parties just flip positions on a dime when they gain/lose power.
GOP - Golfing is for lazy bums! trump takes office. Golfing is how you get the job done!
Dems - Drone strikes are terrible! Obama takes office. Drone strikes are awesome and save lives!
GOP - government should stay out of our lives and stop spying on us. Bush takes office, 9-11. Must pass patriot act and never stop renewing it!
the list of flip flops is endless because in politics all that matters is that you stand against the other party at all costs.
Did you hear for yourself? Are you so hard lined that you too will just buy what they left is selling? Lemming much?

Ya know man, I’ve since stopped hoping people will not be so moronic. I had not been to this thread in awhile, or Twitter. Been browsing both the last few days and even though I said “there’s NO way people can get more ignorant than they are now “ last summer ... i stand corrected.

All these idiot children/ Hollywood Celebs tweeting asinine things about Trump (or just their tweets in general) Maxine Waters ... All the other idiotic lefties Twitter is riddled with idiocy. Absolutely riddled with it.
The Democratic Party (which used to be at least semi respectable) has been taken over by unhinged and mentally ill SJW/ snowflakes.
Jamie Lee Curtis’s most recent tweet literally reminds me of something a mentally impaired child would say
so you are saying Trump is just as bad as Obama/Hillary. at least somebody in this thread has realized anybody that gets in office becomes a useless politician, even Trump.

When Obama announced he was going to open talks with Iran/Ahmadinejad I'm pretty sure the GOP threw a collective shit fit and said we should never interact with that scum and just launch missiles.
It never ceases to amuse me how both parties just flip positions on a dime when they gain/lose power.
GOP - Golfing is for lazy bums! trump takes office. Golfing is how you get the job done!
Dems - Drone strikes are terrible! Obama takes office. Drone strikes are awesome and save lives!
GOP - government should stay out of our lives and stop spying on us. Bush takes office, 9-11. Must pass patriot act and never stop renewing it!
the list of flip flops is endless because in politics all that matters is that you stand against the other party at all costs.
No, just pointing out your corruption and hypocrisy. You proved that with this post trying to deflect.
Seen a lot worse from liberals. That's why there needs to be war between liberals and Americans

Seen a lot worse from liberals. That's why there needs to be war between liberals and Americans
There was no excuse for what was said. Take out the word liberal and add the word conservative and this board would have had a meltdown and rightly so. His statement was sick and disgusting.
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There was no excuse for what was said. Take out the word liberal and add the word conservative and this board would have had a meltdown and rightly so. His statement was sick and disgusting.
I think the point you missed in Willy's is that liberals have said much worse. They are for genocide of anyone who does not agree with them it seems.
Ya know man, I’ve since stopped hoping people will not be so moronic. I had not been to this thread in awhile, or Twitter. Been browsing both the last few days and even though I said “there’s NO way people can get more ignorant than they are now “ last summer ... i stand corrected.

All these idiot children/ Hollywood Celebs tweeting asinine things about Trump (or just their tweets in general) Maxine Waters ... All the other idiotic lefties Twitter is riddled with idiocy. Absolutely riddled with it.
The Democratic Party (which used to be at least semi respectable) has been taken over by unhinged and mentally ill SJW/ snowflakes.
Jamie Lee Curtis’s most recent tweet literally reminds me of something a mentally impaired child would say
Good to see you back in this thread Frank.
There was no excuse for what was said. Take out the word liberal and add the word conservative and this board would have had a meltdown and rightly so. His statement was sick and disgusting.

I see it on Twitter all day long from liberals. Doesn't make it right what he said, but I'm fed up that liberals can do violence and talk violence 24/7 all day long.
I think the point you missed in Willy's is that liberals have said much worse. They are for genocide of anyone who does not agree with them it seems.
If a damn liberal had posted that I would have been just as pissed. There was no call for that post.
Sure there was, it made a point I think you might have missed. You mad bro? Get over it.
You show me where a liberal said that they would be ok with a terror attack on a football stadium that would only kill conversatives. Was just a god alwful thing to say by the op. Damn hard to get over an ignorant statement like that but I will try.
You show me where a liberal said that they would be ok with a terror attack on a football stadium that would only kill conversatives. Was just a god alwful thing to say by the op. Damn hard to get over an ignorant statement like that but I will try.
Can't show you that but, you can go on social media daily and see worse from the left. Now, I don't think most would like to see white people or conservatives dead or gone but, saying it daily will bring on like sentiment. There is real hate there and that is dangerous. I do not think anything will ever really happen because we have had similar discourse throughout our brief history 50's, 60's and 70's. If it did however, the left would lose badly.
You show me where a liberal said that they would be ok with a terror attack on a football stadium that would only kill conversatives. Was just a god alwful thing to say by the op. Damn hard to get over an ignorant statement like that but I will try.

Dude. Calm down. It was an idiotic statement. “Conservatives “ and ESPECIALLY liberals say idiotic , insensitive things on the daily. The difference is, the idiotic things a random unhinged racist “conservative “ says doesn’t represent most other non liberals whereas the idiotic and VERY racist things a SJW/ Liberal (today’s liberal) says does represent most liberals
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so you are saying Trump is just as bad as Obama/Hillary. at least somebody in this thread has realized anybody that gets in office becomes a useless politician, even Trump.

When Obama announced he was going to open talks with Iran/Ahmadinejad I'm pretty sure the GOP threw a collective shit fit and said we should never interact with that scum and just launch missiles.
It never ceases to amuse me how both parties just flip positions on a dime when they gain/lose power.
GOP - Golfing is for lazy bums! trump takes office. Golfing is how you get the job done!
Dems - Drone strikes are terrible! Obama takes office. Drone strikes are awesome and save lives!
GOP - government should stay out of our lives and stop spying on us. Bush takes office, 9-11. Must pass patriot act and never stop renewing it!
the list of flip flops is endless because in politics all that matters is that you stand against the other party at all costs.

Yeah, you're making crap up now.. you can't find any posts about any of those things, except maybe golf.

I don't give a damn who golfs and how much they golf. Last I checked, the president, whoever it is, still is a human and needs time to do things besides be president. Problem with Obama, he didn't do anything while he wasn't golfing. Trumps work ethic has never ever been called in question by any half way normal person.

Patriot act= people had no idea what they were talking about. And the govt used it way out of scope. Not a single person in the world went from "d ont spy on us" "it's cool bro, listen to my 800-freesex phone calls"

So, keep it up. Btw, what were your former scrrenames?
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You show me where a liberal said that they would be ok with a terror attack on a football stadium that would only kill conversatives. Was just a god alwful thing to say by the op. Damn hard to get over an ignorant statement like that but I will try.

It was a stupid(most likely joke) thing to say. Most if not all have agreed.

Go on Twitter and you'll find worse things said on a daily basis from libbies that Twitter keeps up.

Are you referencing the $hithole south of Texas?

Ermmm.... ooops.

I left the link out.
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All right, my fellow audio experts! Are you #Team"I" or are you #Team"I'd"? Get on the side you chose!

Now: Fight to the death! Take your stand and hold your ground! This is worth dying for, boys!
