How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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So, the @williamlegate thing on Twitter is pretty telling.

Yes, I, too, am blocked by him. No, I don't show my political ass on Twitter, never have. I'm way too scared to do that in that forum.

But, I do follow a lot of conservatives...
Any person who looks at the left from an outside perspective would never believe these people are the “loving and compassionate” people they like to tote themselves as. They’re the most vile jerks out there.

Despite being all about high taxes and entitlement programs, they give much less in charity than Republicans who are overwhelmingly Christian, the group that the left hates.

The south, a place where coastal elite smug libs mock and ridicule every day, is more welcoming than any area you’d see on the west coast or northeast. In California and New York, you could live beside someone for a decade and never speak to them or know their name.

Conservatives are open for discussion and able to debate. The left, loves to bully, try to intimidate and shame you into silence. They also like to claim to be the educated party yet can’t even agree on gender, target black communities and importing third world people for votes and that’s not even mentioning the severely mentally ill people that flock to this side and call themselves activists or wear vagina costumes or have a delusion/confusion about their identity.

This group calls each other to #resist and what they’re resisting seems to be sovereignty, a good economy, enforcing laws, keeping more of your own money, cutting government down and having a strong military. Patriotism is condemned from these morons, they love communism and dictators and Antifa while they have the audacity to call someone else fascist.

They target kids for indoctrination. They target kids to expose them to sick and twisted shit like trans and radical LGBT stuff. They’re for murdering of a baby in the womb as some right. They want to disarm you and grow government; a gov’t led by the DNC and globalists.

In what universe are these people the good guys? None.
lmao...CBS NEWS REPORTS: That guy who caused the scare in Hawaii has been reassigned and "will no longer be allowed in the room with the big button". THE ROOM WITH THE BIG BUTTON. They said that, and these are the guys that call Trump a big fn idiot.
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