How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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We all start at 0. Been lurking on this thread for a while and figured I'd interact. Been browsing Rupp Rafters forever, which is easily the best college bball board on the internet. Go Cats. Also, not sold that Vanderbilt is going to change the team's trajectory this year. Dude is clearly scared to step on the floor.
Fair enough.
Been browsing Rupp Rafters forever, which is easily the best college bball board on the internet.

So posters on the political thread who have political opinions = damaging to future recruits, but posters on Rafters who, in some cases, personally attack players, recruits and/or their family members = easily the best college basketball board on the internet? Makes sense.
those kind of extreme nonsense posts/tweets from both sides are so sad. Past presidents have been murdered so i think Trump has it pretty easy. There is nothing unprecedented about what is going on, we just like to say that about all current events and like to forget the past. The media & social media have sensationalized everything to such a pathetic level of dumbed down extremism.
Again, the posts I'm referring to on this board have little to do with politics. The above reply about Muslims is absolutely not a "political opinion."

That post is basically saying that every single Muslim is not worth interacting with. Oh, and if you're like me you'll stay away from their mere presence at all costs.

It's a reprehensible take on an entire religious group. That doesn't = a post claiming that Bamba's brother was out for the cash (a post on RR that had its fair share of racially-charged replies).

Different boards, same fans.

Here's a better idea.

Dear Muzzies;

Stop killing innocent people

Every intelligent human on this planet
We all start at 0. Been lurking for on this thread for a while and figured I'd interact. Been browsing Rupp Rafters forever, which is easily the best college bball board on the internet. Go Cats. Also, not sold that Vanderbilt is going to change the team's trajectory this year. Dude is clearly scared to step on the floor.

I don’t know much about him -
Are you saying he’s gun-shy because of his injury?
those kind of extreme nonsense posts/tweets from both sides are so sad. Past presidents have been murdered so i think Trump has it pretty easy. There is nothing unprecedented about what is going on, we just like to say that about all current events and like to forget the past. The media & social media have sensationalized everything to such a pathetic level of dumbed down extremism.

I disagree there
Media has never been so lockstep - on a DAILY basis - to tear down a sitting president like this

Ignoring several good initiatives his admin has implementing too. —

And It goes beyond that - EU reps the United Nations reps the Vatican— all in attack mode sometimes in contrived harmony
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I disagree there
Media has never been so lockstep - on a wily basis - to tear down a sitting president like this

Ignoring several good initiatives his admin has implementing too. —

And It goes beyond that - EU reps the United Nations reps the Vatican— all in attack mode sometimes in contrived harmony
Platinum is just being a troll, he is not being serious. like his hero's at CNN, and MSNBC, he is just posting from his ass looking to see where that crap sticks.
And not just constant attacks but clearly wanting to commit treason and remove the CINC from office - by any means necessary

People making shit up - lying and getting fired for it (CNN journalists) — but somehow that doesn’t factor in when the next round of accusations pop up

This admin is an actual threat to the NWO types who want us to move away from sovereign independent nations -

That’s one of the biggest reasons he’s hated

But - and I think this is bigger - he’s also a president that we were CONSTANTLY told/reminded and nearly brainwashed into not even voting for

A LOT of citizens left the psychic prison and decided to ignore the propaganda outlets

We didn’t listen and have now thrown a big monkey (no racist) wrench into the emerging global order

THIS is the real resistance
those kind of extreme nonsense posts/tweets from both sides are so sad. Past presidents have been murdered so i think Trump has it pretty easy. There is nothing unprecedented about what is going on, we just like to say that about all current events and like to forget the past. The media & social media have sensationalized everything to such a pathetic level of dumbed down extremism.

Shut up
those kind of extreme nonsense posts/tweets from both sides are so sad. Past presidents have been murdered so i think Trump has it pretty easy. There is nothing unprecedented about what is going on, we just like to say that about all current events and like to forget the past. The media & social media have sensationalized everything to such a pathetic level of dumbed down extremism.
There's nothing extreme about what Dan said. Its all true.
Platinum is just being a troll, he is not being serious. like his hero's at CNN, and MSNBC, he is just posting from his ass looking to see where that crap sticks.


On this side - I’m trying to post while mobile and getting bizarre and completely whacked out auto-corrections that just ——

Well they make me want to piss on a a spark plug really
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And not just constant attacks but clearly wanting to commit treason and remove the CINC from office - by any means necessary

People making shit up - lying and getting fired for it (CNN journalists) — but somehow that doesn’t factor in when the next round of accusations pop up

This admin is an actual threat to the NWO types who want us to move away from sovereign independent nations -

That’s one of the biggest reasons he’s hated

But - and I think this is bigger - he’s also a president that we were CONSTANTLY told/reminded and nearly brainwashed into not even voting for

A LOT of citizens left the psychic prison and decided to ignore the propaganda outlets

We didn’t listen and have now thrown a big monkey (no racist) wrench into the emerging global order

THIS is the real resistance

The only thing they haven't done is kill him and we are trying to stop that from happening. Why do you think he released the JFK files? He is reminding us that they did it before and they will do it again. This isn't a game.
Again, the posts I'm referring to on this board have little to do with politics. The above reply about Muslims is absolutely not a "political opinion."

That post is basically saying that every single Muslim is not worth interacting with. Oh, and if you're like me you'll stay away from their mere presence at all costs.

It's a reprehensible take on an entire religious group. That doesn't = a post claiming that Bamba's brother was out for the cash (a post on RR that had its fair share of racially-charged replies).

Different boards, same fans.

Buddy, i use to be with a woman who lived in a muslim country born and raised for almost 17 years. My marriage was licensed in a muslim country. Your little fairy tale about peaceful muslims is 100% bull f****** shit.

There's only one solution for muslims. A final solution
Talkin bout the S-hole and the H-hole. Everywhere I look on the TV I see A-holes galore. There has to be some kind of holes they haven't covered yet. If it wasn't so annoying it would be funny. That is such a typical democrat move. Act like they are interested in making a deal as long as we do DACA first. We can address the funding for the wall at a later date. Then they will conveniently change their minds after they got what they wanted. You can't have good faith in them. When I saw Trump all enthusiastic about the prospect of an agreement I was skeptical to say the least. It was delusional of him to believe that they would come to the table with anything he could accept. They insulted him with their twisted ways and he may have gotten mad and said some terrible word called "Shithole". All this ruckus about something he probably didn't even say. Let's just call him racist and ignore the pressing matters at hand.
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And not just constant attacks but clearly wanting to commit treason and remove the CINC from office - by any means necessary

People making shit up - lying and getting fired for it (CNN journalists) — but somehow that doesn’t factor in when the next round of accusations pop up

This admin is an actual threat to the NWO types who want us to move away from sovereign independent nations -

That’s one of the biggest reasons he’s hated

But - and I think this is bigger - he’s also a president that we were CONSTANTLY told/reminded and nearly brainwashed into not even voting for

A LOT of citizens left the psychic prison and decided to ignore the propaganda outlets

We didn’t listen and have now thrown a big monkey (no racist) wrench into the emerging global order

THIS is the real resistance
Absolutely true and I will add that he seems to be genuine in his love for the country and its people. He is the reason I am against the republican party now. The left is completely in the bag for Marxism and socialism. The right is in with special interest groups and too wimpy to stand up for fear of being labeled anything. No balls on the left because of gendermandering (my own word) and no balls on the right because of labelphobia (another new word from me).
The only thing they haven't done is kill him and we are trying to stop that from happening. Why do you think he released the JFK files? He is reminding us that they did it before and they will do it again. This isn't a game.
Seb Gorka on Hannity just said the effort to take Trump down is the worst scandal since JFK was killed. Hard to argue against that.
Talkin bout the S-hole and the H-hole. Everywhere I look on the TV I see A-holes galore. There has to be some kind of holes they haven't covered yet. If it wasn't so annoying it would be funny. That is such a typical democrat move. Act like they are interested in making a deal as long as we do DACA first. We can address the funding for the wall at a later date. Then they will conveniently change their minds after they got what they wanted. You can't have good faith in them. When I saw Trump all enthusiastic about the prospect of an agreement I was skeptical to say the least. It was delusional of him to believe that they would come to the table with anything he could accept. They insulted him with their twisted ways and he got mad and said some terrible word called "Shithole". All this ruckus about something he probably didn't even say. Let's just call him racist and ignore the pressing matters at hand.
You have to vote DACA in to see if they will follow through with their promises. Sound familiar?
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Have to agree. If the Dems get the votes, trump will be impeached at the first moment. No cause. No reason. Just politics. It'll be escalation far beyond anything we've seen.
He will not have to leave if they do. Bill Clinton anyone? Yeah, I know about the senate but, I would remind them the next time we take control, we will return the favor.
If that happens, it will get very ugly.

He will not have to leave if they do. Bill Clinton anyone? Yeah, I know about the senate but, I would remind them the next time we take control, we will return the favor.

Clinton was only impeached in one branch. Not both. Would be anarchy if it happens imo. Not sure if trump would/should leave if it happens
Clinton was only impeached in one branch. Not both. Would be anarchy if it happens imo. Not sure if trump would/should leave if it happens
The Senate did not have enough votes to remove Clinton; I don't recall if there was a bare majority, but it wasn't close to the required 2/3. Nor it is likely that the Senate will have enough to remove Trump, should the Dems take the House. If they do, whole lotta Republican Senators can expect to lose a primary; but, since they won't want to retire early, they'll hold their noses and vote to keep him, absent an actual reason for impeachment, other than "we HATE this guy". If it did somehow happen, he would indeed have to go, and the country would never recover from it. There would be impeachment attempts for every single President from either party in the future.
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If that happens, it will get very ugly.

Potential brewing for near term conflict with Turkey

I’ve just started reading about it but we’re fielding a blended US/Kurdish security force in Syria - near the Turkey fence

Looking at native Turkish media (only one source at this time) - aErdogan is irate and vowing to attack the “terrorist forces “
It’s crazy that liberals think that conservatives are backward, but Moslems are enlightened.

Those enlightened dudes just raided a village in Africa and kidnapped almost 300 girls as sex slaves

Made a video about it taunting their new rape toys - telling them they’ll never see their families again - telling them to bow to Boko Haram

Seems a LOT worse than (possibly) using bad words

Do you think the pope and America’s media and the Dixie chicks and Sean penn and msnbcnnficywallst — will condem them?
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Those enlightened dudes just raided a village in Africa and kidnapped almost 300 girls as sex slaves

Made a video about it taunting their new rape toys - telling them they’ll never see their families again - telling them to bow to Boko Haram

Seems a LOT worse than (possibly) using bad words

Do you think the pope and America’s media and the Dixie chicks and Sean penn and msnbcnnficywallst — will condem them?
It is time to take Boko Haram out. Kill all of those dirty evil bastards and you bleeding heart liberals that disagree with this too.
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[laughing] @ the media defending Twitter and trying to paint O'Keeffe as a liar when he has nine different Twitter executives on tape who openly admit to, and brag about, censoring people.

Meanwhile, that same media runs Russian collusion stories, daily, citing one anonymous source, expecting you to take them as 100% factual.