How will they rule ??!

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lol what was this? They brought out an impostor after she died?
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I've been very active on this board for almost a decade and had no idea who David Duke was prior to this last election cycle. I'm 31.

If you do know the leaders of the KKK and white supremacist movement, maybe you need to take a look in the mirror.

Acting like he's a household name is just made up fake news bullshit.
I'm not sure I'd go around admitting that you're ignorant. But then again this board is probably the only place you get information.

Yes, David Duke is pretty much a household name especially if you were alive and aware in 1991 when he ran for governor of Louisiana and received 55% of the white vote. It was the "Donald Trump campaign" in terms of coverage of it's time. Would the state of Louisiana really elect a Grand Wizard of the KKK in 1991? The Wizard or the Lizard? Not knowing who David Duke was would be agin to not knowing Kim Kardashian or not knowing when Anna Nicole Smith died. There are some things that are hard to miss. If you were alive in the 90's and ever picked up a newspaper or watched the news there was a good chance that there was a Duke story somewhere.

He followed that up with a POTUS run in 1992 that went nowhere but received plenty of coverage. He again ran for Senate in 1996. Ok, you were 4-5 years old so I'm sure there wasn't much talk about Duke on Nickelodeon but Trump was 45 years old at the time. Hopefully he was watching something other than Nickelodeon. Again, he knew who he was and what he was.
just about his tendency to know and not know people all at the same time.

In your quotes he actually acknowledged to knowing who Duke was, just that he didn't know him personally. You can easily know who someone is, but not know them personally. The author of the book is framing it like Trump had no idea who Boehner even was. There's a big difference.

On top of all the tweets, the golf outing(s), hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations, etc... Trump mentioned Boehner, by name, in a campaign speech as recent as April 10, 2016. You seriously expect me to believe that just four months later, in November, he had absolutely no clue who in the hell Boehner was? Yeah, you can buy that load of shit but don't expect me to.

What this actually shows is a failure on the part of the author to tell even the most basic of truths in his book. Is it possible Trump misheard the name or momentarily forgot who Boehner was? Sure. He may have even meant “Who's that?” as a slight to Boehner like he's a nobody. But the impression the author seeks to leave is that Trump is a novice completely out of his element, who doesn't even have a clue who the former Speaker of the House was. This was an anecdote meant to serve that narrative.

The whole point is to feed into and stoke the perception that Trump is dangerously ignorant and therefore needs to be 'resisted' or taken down for the good of the country.
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I'm not sure I'd go around admitting that you're ignorant. But then again this board is probably the only place you get information.

Yes, David Duke is pretty much a household name especially if you were alive and aware in 1991 when he ran for governor of Louisiana and received 55% of the white vote. It was the "Donald Trump campaign" in terms of coverage of it's time. Would the state of Louisiana really elect a Grand Wizard of the KKK in 1991? The Wizard or the Lizard? Not knowing who David Duke was would be agin to not knowing Kim Kardashian or not knowing when Anna Nicole Smith died. There are some things that are hard to miss. If you were alive in the 90's and ever picked up a newspaper or watched the news there was a good chance that there was a Duke story somewhere.

He followed that up with a POTUS run in 1992 that went nowhere but received plenty of coverage. He again ran for Senate in 1996. Ok, you were 4-5 years old so I'm sure there wasn't much talk about Duke on Nickelodeon but Trump was 45 years old at the time. Hopefully he was watching something other than Nickelodeon. Again, he knew who he was and what he was.
just curious what politicians and political ideas that you admire?
So you've been diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's?

Hell man, I need a calendar reminder to remember my wife's birthday. If you can remember the names of random ass state election candidates a decade and a half after they happen, you need to be cleaning up on Jeopardy.
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STFU, anybody knows anything about David Duke they know about his association with the KKK and white supremacy groups. That's all anyone needs to know about him. Again you dumbass Trump commented on several occasions about Duke and said he didn't want to be associated with anything he was involved with yet when Duke endorses him Trump gets amnesia?

That's not your thumb you're sucking, it's Trump's cock.

Trump is still your president. Hahaha
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Hillary seizing on live tv only for every lefty and media member alive making like its nothing was and will be the most ridiculous campaign moment of all time. You seizure on tv, you’re out. Period point blank.

Look at the chick on the left even before the event, she’s holding her up with the strength of a thousand men.

Look at how everyone walked around like lol no biggie man! You think that’s the first time they’d seen that?

Surreal....would kill for a real tell all book about her and the campaign but you know, you’d get shot.
In your quotes he actually acknowledged to knowing who Duke was, just that he didn't know him personally. You can easily know who someone is, but not know them personally. The author of the book is framing it like Trump had no idea who Boehner even was. There's a big difference.

On top of all the tweets, the golf outing(s), hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations, etc... Trump mentioned Boehner, by name, in a campaign speech as recent as April 10, 2016. You seriously expect me to believe that just four months later, in November, he had absolutely no clue who in the hell Boehner was? Yeah, you can buy that load of shit but don't expect me to.

What this actually shows is a failure on the part of the author to tell even the most basic of truths in his book. Is it possible Trump misheard the name or momentarily forgot who Boehner was? Sure. He may have even meant “Who's that?” as a slight to Boehner like he's a nobody. But the impression the author seeks to leave is that Trump is a novice completely out of his element, who doesn't even have a clue who the former Speaker of the House was. This was an anecdote meant to serve that narrative.

The whole point is to feed into and stoke the perception that Trump is dangerously ignorant and therefore needs to be 'resisted' or taken down for the good of the country.

In fairness, Trump probably thought someone said "Beaner" then was trying to figure out who in the room was getting deported.
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Republican wins Virginia seat that ended in a tie

Republican David Yancey will keep his seat in the Virginia House of Delegates after a state official pulled his name out of a bowl Thursday, deciding a contest that ended in a tie in November.

Yancey and Democrat Shelly Simonds each received 11,608 votes in their Newport News-based district. Initial results showed Yancey leading by just 10 votes. A recount gave Simonds a one-vote edge. But Republicans challenged a single ballot, resulting in a tie.

Democrats sued to overturn the challenge, but on Wednesday a three-judge panel rejected their complaint. That led to Thursday’s drawing, in Richmond, out of a special bowl crafted by the resident potter at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts.
Republican wins Virginia seat that ended in a tie

Republican David Yancey will keep his seat in the Virginia House of Delegates after a state official pulled his name out of a bowl Thursday, deciding a contest that ended in a tie in November.

Yancey and Democrat Shelly Simonds each received 11,608 votes in their Newport News-based district. Initial results showed Yancey leading by just 10 votes. A recount gave Simonds a one-vote edge. But Republicans challenged a single ballot, resulting in a tie.

Democrats sued to overturn the challenge, but on Wednesday a three-judge panel rejected their complaint. That led to Thursday’s drawing, in Richmond, out of a special bowl crafted by the resident potter at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts.

Yep, no one wants a democrat in office. Not even Fate.

The only way a democrat wins an election is by cheating
Yep, no one wants a democrat in office. Not even Fate.

The only way a democrat wins an election is by cheating

[laughing] They tried to cheat this time, too. Notice how the Republican initially won, then after the recount the Democrat miraculously pulled it off by a single vote?

In the end something was up with that one vote because it was challenged and even got thrown out by the court.
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[laughing] They tried to cheat this time, too. Notice how the Republican initially won, then after the recount the Democrat miraculously pulled it off by a single vote?

In the end something was up with that one vote because it was challenged and even got thrown out by the court.

You nailed it man
[laughing] They tried to cheat this time, too. Notice how the Republican initially won, then after the recount the Democrat miraculously pulled it off by a single vote?

In the end something was up with that one vote because it was challenged and even got thrown out by the court.
I think they cheated in Alabama too. Yes a better candidate probably wins, but I don't buy that election was fair at all. Roy Moore was probably right to contest it. No telling the sleazy tricks the dems pulled off.
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you liberals are going full on crazy. it's like watching Jack Nicholson in the Shining just lose is mind. every liberal on this board, on tv, hell at work. you all are losing complete grip of reality and it is the most beautiful thing i have ever seen.
It is beautiful but scary at the same time. The more the left loses their minds, the more vile and violent they will get.
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