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CNN’s Larry King: “Did the David Duke thing bother you? Fifty-five percent of the whites in Louisiana voted for him.”

Trump: “I hate seeing what it represents, but I guess it just shows there’s a lot of hostility in this country. There’s a tremendous amount of hostility in the United States.”

King: “Anger?”

Trump: “It’s anger. I mean, that’s an anger vote. People are angry about what’s happened. People are angry about the jobs. If you look at Louisiana, they’re really in deep trouble. When you talk about the East Coast, it’s not the East Coast. It’s the East Coast, the middle coast, the West Coast…”

— exchange on “Larry King Live,” shortly after Duke lost a race for governor of Louisiana, Nov. 19, 1991

“The Reform Party now includes a Klansman, Mr. Duke, a neo-Nazi, Mr. [Patrick] Buchanan, and a communist, Ms. [Lenora] Fulani. This is not company I wish to keep.”

— Trump, in a statement saying he will not accept the Reform Party nomination for president, Feb. 13, 2000

NBC’s Matt Lauer: “When you say the [Reform] party is self-destructing, what do you see as the biggest problem with the Reform Party right now?”

Trump: “Well, you’ve got David Duke just joined — a bigot, a racist, a problem. I mean, this is not exactly the people you want in your party.”

—remarks on NBC’s “Today Show,” Feb. 14, 2000

Bloomberg’s John Heilemann: “How do you feel about the David Duke quasi-endorsement?”

Trump: “I don’t need his endorsement; I certainly wouldn’t want his endorsement. I don’t need anyone’s endorsement.”

Heilemann: “Would you repudiate David Duke?”

Trump: “Sure, I would do that, if it made you feel better. I don’t know anything about him. Somebody told me yesterday, whoever he is, he did endorse me. Actually I don’t think it was an endorsement. He said I was absolutely the best of all of the candidates.”

— exchange during an interview on Bloomberg Politics, Aug. 26, 2015

“Voting for these people [Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz], voting against Donald Trump at this point is really treason to your heritage. I’m not saying I endorse everything about Trump, in fact I haven’t formally endorsed him. But I do support his candidacy, and I support voting for him as a strategic action. I hope he does everything we hope he will do.”

— David Duke, on his radio program, Feb. 25, 2016

Question: “How do you feel about the recent endorsement from David Duke?”

Trump: “I didn’t even know he endorsed me. David Duke endorsed me? Okay, all right. I disavow, okay?”

— Trump, in response to a question at a news conference, Feb. 26

CNN’s Jake Tapper: “I want to ask you about the Anti-Defamation League, which this week called on you to publicly condemn unequivocally the racism of former KKK grand wizard David Duke, who recently said that voting against you at this point would be ‘treason to your heritage.’ Will you unequivocally condemn David Duke and say that you don’t want his vote or that of other white supremacists in this election?”

Trump: “Well, just so you understand, I don’t know anything about David Duke. Okay? I don’t know anything about what you’re even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists. So, I don’t know. I don’t know, did he endorse me or what’s going on, because, you know, I know nothing about David Duke. I know nothing about white supremacists. And so you’re asking me a question that I’m supposed to be talking about people that I know nothing about.”

“But I guess the question from the Anti-Defamation League is, even if you don’t know about their endorsement, there are these groups and individuals endorsing you. Would you just say unequivocally you condemn them and you don’t want their support?”

Trump: “Well, I have to look at the group. I mean, I don’t know what group you’re talking about. You wouldn’t want me to condemn a group that I know nothing about. I would have to look. If you would send me a list of the groups, I will do research on them. And, certainly, I would disavow if I thought there was something wrong.”

Tapper: “The Ku Klux Klan?”

Trump: “But you may have groups in there that are totally fine, and it would be very unfair. So, give me a list of the groups, and I will let you know.”

Tapper: “Okay. I mean, I’m just talking about David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan here, but…”

Trump: “I don’t know any — honestly, I don’t know David Duke. I don’t believe I have ever met him. I’m pretty sure I didn’t meet him. And I just don’t know anything about him.”

“All right.”

exchange on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Feb. 28

In 2000 Trump says about Duke “Well, you’ve got David Duke just joined — a bigot, a racist, a problem. I mean, this is not exactly the people you want in your party.” 2016 he is claiming he knows nothing about him. In 2000 he pretty well unequivocally condemned him, in 2016 he claims to not know enough to do so.
I said nothing about Trump's mental state, just about his tendency to know and not know people all at the same time.

It couldn't be that nearly 20 years ago when he was actively in the reform party that he knew a name of someone he didn't really know but knew that person was a racist. And then 20ish years go by and he forgot who he was. Gosh almighty. Trump should remember every single person he's ever heard of. I mean, it's not like he's an rq/fuzz and knows of thousands of people a month. Not a chance.

And also those condemnations years ago weren't enough. He should have called for him to be killed.
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Farmers almanac (from 1792) has absolutely nailrd this years winter forecast.

So al gore and all these libs can't be more accurate than something created wayyyyyy back in 1792. With all that technology in 1792, they are still more wise than al gore and every single liberal.
Farmers almanac (from 1792) has absolutely nailrd this years winter forecast.

So al gore and all these libs can't be more accurate than something created wayyyyyy back in 1792. With all that technology in 1792, they are still more wise than al gore and every single liberal.


It becomes laughable and downright insane when everything Trump does leads to the death of millions.

We live in a time where a lot of people age 18-30 can’t think for themselves. They have to be told what to think and don’t research or even question what they see. And for the people that loathe Trump, they’ll believe anything said about him as long as it’s negative.
Sad. David Duke is all the left has against Trump. And Trump has only denounced him 100 times.

How many times did Obama denounce his racist pastor, Rev. Wright? Did he do it even once?

Hillary and all your liberal idol politicians are going to jail no matter much whine and cry about it.

Screw duke. Glad you're back buddy
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Liberals : Trump knows who David Duke. IMPEACH!!

Liberals: Hillary colluded with Russia, meddled with the election, committed various felonies and treason. MEH
If there is obstruction involved, extends the statute.

At this point, Hillary has enough cash to just disappear if she wants to. If she had any legit fears about going to jail she’d be long gone IMO. Hell, there are probably places she could even live in the open and not be extradited.

That swamp is deep and thick. Half the GOP are her allies. I don’t think anything ultimately happens to her.
Liberals : Trump knows who David Duke. IMPEACH!!

Liberals: Hillary colluded with Russia, meddled with the election, committed various felonies and treason. MEH

Hillary is the one who called Robert Byrd a mentor. Bill and Obama went to his funeral. Bill even said that you had to be in the Klan to be a part of the Dem Party back then. Lol
I don't know if its been mentioned any since I've been gone, but Jim Jordan just might be my favorite politician right now. Dude has been kicking ass and taking names. Fearless. DeSantis is pretty good too, believe he announced he will run for governor of Florida. Two rising stars right there IMO.

And oh yeah, Nikki Haley is amazing. Just been killing it at the UN. She might be the first female President if she keeps it up. Her stock will just keep shooting through the roof.

^ Those 3 above have great futures, IMO.
That seems to always be the answer. Whatever is going on is EXACTLY what we should expect from global warming. Whether it’s extreme heat, extreme cold, extreme wind or extremely average: GLOBAL WARMING.
It used to be the coming Ice Age. Then it was Global Warming. And now to cover all bases, the leftist, loons call it Climate Change.....People with more than a thimble full of brains call it what it's always been called, Nature
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Lol this Michael Wolff book shit is stupid. I bet a week from now no one will even care about the book or even be talking about it. Hell, it might not even take a full week. Half the book will probably be discredited and debunked in the next few days. But sure snowflakes, you got Trump this time!! [laughing] if only books won elections.
Bill Cosby like 15 years ago: **** those dumbass piece of shit Taylor twins from UAB. Stupid ass rhyming names.

15 years passes...

Dipshit lefty: Do you disavow Ronnell Taylor?

Bill Cosby: Who the hell is Ronnell Taylor?

Dipshit lefty: He's one of those twins from UAB

Bill Cosby: Oh yeah, **** that guy.
If you’re trying to insinuate that Trump forgot who David Duke was just stop right there. Duke isn’t some random character that got 15 seconds of fame 20 yrs ago and then disappeared. His name is synonymous with the KKK and white suprimist. You could walk down the street of any town in the US and ask anyone over the age of 30 with a high school education who Duke was and 99.997% could identify him as being a KKK leader.
If you’re trying to insinuate that Trump forgot who David Duke was just stop right there. Duke isn’t some random character that got 15 seconds of fame 20 yrs ago and then disappeared. His name is synonymous with the KKK and white suprimist. You could walk down the street of any town in the US and ask anyone over the age of 30 with a high school education who Duke was and 99.997% could identify him as being a KKK leader.
After more came out, I have little doubt Bannon said what's reported. Supposedly happened at a dinner party where he blabbered on without knowing the reporter was recording him.

None of what he said is fact. Just his opinion. But I think it's pretty clear at this point he did say it. Very similar to his phone call with a reporter a few months ago.

I'd say it's pretty clear Bannon has an alcohol problem and and uncontrollable urge to talk to anyone who will listen.
Bannon reminds me of Ron White
If you’re trying to insinuate that Trump forgot who David Duke was just stop right there. Duke isn’t some random character that got 15 seconds of fame 20 yrs ago and then disappeared. His name is synonymous with the KKK and white suprimist. You could walk down the street of any town in the US and ask anyone over the age of 30 with a high school education who Duke was and 99.997% could identify him as being a KKK leader.


I've been very active on this board for almost a decade and had no idea who David Duke was prior to this last election cycle. I'm 31.

If you do know the leaders of the KKK and white supremacist movement, maybe you need to take a look in the mirror.

Acting like he's a household name is just made up fake news bullshit.

I've been very active on this board for almost a decade and had no idea who David Duke was prior to this last election cycle. I'm 31.

If you do know the leaders of the KKK and white supremacist movement, maybe you need to take a look in the mirror.

Acting like he's a household name is just made up fake news bullshit.
I knew who David Duke was but that's because I've heard dems bring him up before. Weird how they claim to dislike David Duke, but the only time I ever hear the name David Duke is when a leftie brings his name up.

Hell in this very thread its only libs like RQ/Fuzz/Cardkilla who ever bring him up. I wouldn't know David Duke was even still alive if it wasn't for libs and the MSM.
Last time a made up novel was written about Trump, it resulted in FISA warrants, domestic surveillance and a special prosecutor. I wouldn't put it past Mueller and the FBI to open an investigation into whether there's deeper meaning in Trump's desire to watch gorilla's be violent.