How will they rule ??!

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I'm sure it is. Much like Dianetics stayed #1 for so long.

I don't think anyone disputes drunken Bannon blabbered on about who knows what.

Just because Bannon made some drunken opinions doesn't make them true. That's the point Dems are missing/ignoring
No, but it tells you what those who have worked closely with him think about him.
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I watched MJ for a long time up until a few year ago. Just thought it was interesting despite disagreeing with their takes.

I knew Joe turned from R Cuck to Super D Cuckity Cuck right before the ‘12 election when the job report was released. It was a mixed bag with the rate going down but jobless claims up.

Anyways, he and the whole audience cheered vigorously not at the mixed bag of info but that the rate dropping could be spin for Obama over Romney.

I’m not sure there’s one actual R value the guy carries anymore. Banging trim is great and all but conceding all your views because Trump is a meanie and you want to keep your milfy p*ssy happy is just total bush lols.

Bottom line, he’s a total, total bitch. I respect lefties that are open and honest about their beliefs a hell of a lot more than that tall haired gaffot.

Again, for clarity, he’s a total complete bitch. Very punchable face.
Senate Intelligence Committee, Grassley and Graham, refers Christopher Steele to the DOJ for criminal investigation/charges.

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STFU, anybody knows anything about David Duke they know about his association with the KKK and white supremacy groups. That's all anyone needs to know about him. Again you dumbass Trump commented on several occasions about Duke and said he didn't want to be associated with anything he was involved with yet when Duke endorses him Trump gets amnesia?

That's not your thumb you're sucking, it's Trump's cock.

You got serious anger issues. If you can't honestly wrap your head around the fact that Trump, who meets thousands of people who are a lot more important than David duke on a yearly basis then I don't know what to tell you.

Heck, I'm 30 years old and have forgotten numerous people I spent 4 years with every single day in highschool.

Haha. Germany admits big rise in violent crime is due to migrants...some leaders say it's because so many of these young migrant men are without their families and bringing their families to Germany would reduce crime...
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I'm sure it is. Much like Dianetics stayed #1 for so long.

I don't think anyone disputes drunken Bannon blabbered on about who knows what.

Just because Bannon made some drunken opinions doesn't make them true. That's the point Dems are missing/ignoring
I guarantee there's embellishment and half truths in there but if it's just lie after lie, what does Trump have against fiction novels or Sleazy Steve?
Can’t we agree that what Bannon said about Don Jr and Kushner was “fair”. Trump’s just helping his family here, that’s his right, but I don’t necessarily “agree” with it. I also don’t necessarily gaf about it, until lil Don or whoever gives me a reason to. The reason (RUSSIA!! Omgz!!!) Bannon allegedly gave was BS though, and I’m not even sure that’s real. Looks like a make believe media circus. Idk. But if you’re going to embarrass trump and his children, he’s gonna make you look stupid - and I respect that. That’s why he won. Left/media tried to embarrass him, discredit him, and he clowned them so hard.
Libs are stampeding to buy a copy of this trash book. Trump is such a shrewd businessman, I wouldn't be surprised if he was getting a 50% cut from the sales.

Always twirling his laser and driving the libs insane.

What's amazing is the left falls for it every single time. Just like a cat and a laser. Except cats are probably smarter than libs
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STFU, anybody knows anything about David Duke they know about his association with the KKK and white supremacy groups. That's all anyone needs to know about him. Again you dumbass Trump commented on several occasions about Duke and said he didn't want to be associated with anything he was involved with yet when Duke endorses him Trump gets amnesia?

That's not your thumb you're sucking, it's Trump's cock.
It's hilarious when liberals try to pull gymnastics based on David duke. "Oh he endorsed this person, that means they must be apart of the kkk" David duke is one person, a terrible one, but Him endorsing someone has nothing tyo do with that person. Unless, since the pulse nightclub shooter was a Democrat and voted Obama then oh well Obama must hate gay ppl. See how ridiculous that Is? 320 million ppl in the US and liberals try to the in one what guy thinks. Ps didn't hilldawg associate with David duke?
I just.... I give up. I just do.

A good way to set up a logical conversation with people who say things like this -- is to note that the Constitution is one part of a system that features checks and balances

Ask them what they believe would be an improvement ....

Once they start to tout "Socialism" or something like it -- ask them how their references to historic wrongs / imbalances of opportunity etc --- are supposed to get better when they're wanting to move to a frame work that inherently places More Power in the hands of Fewer People .... while also removing some of the checks that are supposed to be given to the States / People

None of it makes logical sense (i,e, the move to tout Marxism as a way forward for ANYONE)......but they can't come right out and TELL YOU what they envision and really want
(and that's assuming you're dealing with a person that possess that degree of clarity on W--T--F is going on geo-politically)
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Libs are stampeding to buy a copy of this trash book. Trump is such a shrewd businessman, I wouldn't be surprised if he was getting a 50% cut from the sales.

Always twirling his laser and driving the libs insane.



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It's hilarious when liberals try to pull gymnastics based on David duke. "Oh he endorsed this person, that means they must be apart of the kkk" David duke is one person, a terrible one, but Him endorsing someone has nothing tyo do with that person. Unless, since the pulse nightclub shooter was a Democrat and voted Obama then oh well Obama must hate gay ppl. See how ridiculous that Is? 320 million ppl in the US and liberals try to the in one what guy thinks. Ps didn't hilldawg associate with David duke?

Ask them if they consider it racist for someone to believe that poor people and certain immigrants are less than human .... "weeds" and nothing more......burdens to be removed and neutered

If they think that's an indicator of racism --- remind them that was Planned Parenthood founder, Margaret Sanger's world view ..... and the Marxists (and even many "traditional liberals") damn near WORSHIP that sickening shit-show.....

That woman helped inspire Eugenic concepts in Nazi Germany

Her bust is enshrined in the Smithsonian

Maybe they can start addressing that little wrinkle before they worry about other boogeymen
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you liberals are going full on crazy. it's like watching Jack Nicholson in the Shining just lose is mind. every liberal on this board, on tv, hell at work. you all are losing complete grip of reality and it is the most beautiful thing i have ever seen.

It reminds me of when they read "War of the Worlds" on the radio and people started committing suicide cause they thought it was real. That's what has happened listening to media.

None of these people'so lives have changed at all but because they watch so much media and listen to their crazy professors that they think the world is ending.
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You got serious anger issues. If you can't honestly wrap your head around the fact that Trump, who meets thousands of people who are a lot more important than David duke on a yearly basis then I don't know what to tell you.

Heck, I'm 30 years old and have forgotten numerous people I spent 4 years with every single day in highschool.

So -- serious question

What measurable impact does the KKK have on anything in our culture?

Are they moving the needle on public policy?

Last time I checked Harvard students are now SELF SEGREGATING on campus --- so,.... didn't need the KKK to do ANYTING there right?

Is the KKK drafting military strategic doctrine?

Are they preventing people from voting?

Are they ...... ??? What??
What's the scope of the problem with KKK related activities in the USA??

Maybe I'm missing's like all those Neo Naxis that are supposedly lurking around every deli in Hoboken

Nicely done

And when you start to see that degree of ..... mental instability from a person or group

YOU damn near need to just start working around them and moving families / communities / and out nation in a better direction without them

And how am I supposed to take ANYTHING that comes from that intellectual cesspool SERIOUSLY?

Why would I give two shits in the shorts about who they think is racist or progressive or double-plus-good?

It's like taking stock tips from a man who plays with his own poop and hears Mussolini in his head on Fridays
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This looks like one of those stupid memes you would see on facebook. Every businessman has a business/project that fails here and there. The majority of his businesses were successful though.

He also WON the presidency. GD right he is a winner.