How will they rule ??!

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I guarantee there's embellishment and half truths in there but if it's just lie after lie

You might want to rethink that because it's looking more and more like it is just lie after lie. Not even 24 hours in and more has been proven outright false than halfway corroborated. Not looking too good. Going forward, it'll take a real ignoramus to seriously quote this book or believe most of what's in it.
You might want to rethink that because it's looking more and more like it is just lie after lie. Not even 24 hours in and more has been proven outright false than halfway corroborated. Not looking too good. Going forward, it'll take a real ignoramus to seriously quote this book or believe most of what's in it.
Doesn’t make any difference the number of errors that are found in the book the media will still report it as fact.
Doesn’t make any difference the number of errors that are found in the book the media will still report it as fact.
They won't be taken seriously. There's a reason so many people fell for the Gorilla channel joke. Because the book is that outlandish and filled with similar completely unbelievable content.
This looks like one of those stupid memes you would see on facebook. Every businessman has a business/project that fails here and there. The majority of his businesses were successful though.

He also WON the presidency. GD right he is a winner.
I always found being a populist that could not win the popular vote, interesting.
You might want to rethink that because it's looking more and more like it is just lie after lie. Not even 24 hours in and more has been proven outright false than halfway corroborated. Not looking too good. Going forward, it'll take a real ignoramus to seriously quote this book or believe most of what's in it.
Trolling today moe?
Trolling today moe?
Trolling? You must not be paying attention. The book is being picked apart. Far left, Trump hating WaPo wrote a piece about the book and the title included the words "literally unbelievable".

People, who were mentioned/quoted in the book, are not only denying what was said, but are even saying that Wolff never even interviewed them. Wolff took the hearsay, rumor and innuendo of second and third hand accounts and tried to pass them off as direct, first hand accounts/quotes.
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I always found being a populist that could not win the popular vote, interesting.

So let's talk about "White Nationalism"

That's a great example of a term that you should insist on a clear definition if someone ever uses against you or indiscriminately towards another group

I THINK we know what is meant by the "white" part ....

But what's the working definition of a Nationalist here that' supposed to be so harrowing?

On one hand it's a cheap and shallow attempt to connect people and movements to The Nazi's of the mid 20th Century ....

On a little deeper level it's a broad brush used to attack people and groups who are more appropriately thinking / acting in terms of SOVEREIGNTY

So -- I'm a need to try and escape the indictment of my 'whiteness'

and there are elements of nationalism that I embrace -- the ones that tie to geo-=political sovereignty and independence from an over abundance of international treaties and subservience to organs like the UN, WTO, Hague, ICC, etc etc

So -- on some very superficial level I AM A White Nationalist ...

the naked (and CLUMSY) attempts to marginalize (and worse) people who value national sovereignty, personal liberty, and a Constitutional Republic over "Socialism".......are at a fevered pitch now......

the BEAUTY of having this unbalanced, all out, irrational attack from Marxist elements is that its helps identify who / where they they lack any redeemable alternate plan for ANY DAMN THING,,,, and they've overplayed their hand SO MUCH that it's waking people up

I really believe we're down to two basic choices for the strategic direction of this nation.....

you either support candidates / ideas that align with Sovereignty and Independence (and HOPEFULLY move to help / better others in the world from that position off strength)


You are placing your support / destiny with what I call "Team NWO"

The 'network of networks' that are consistently agitating and/or openly marching towards a 4th Reich

A colossal / unaccountable system that will (IMO) share essential philosophies and political tactics with Lenin, Marx and Stalin,.......they've learned to adopt the "velvet glove" elements of Aldous Huxley of it won't be so obvious to the politically dim

But the results of that type of uber-rule.......will (IMO) usher in a period much darker and truly violent than anything that's been seen since Rome (or perhaps the USSR)

Tip of the hat to my all time favorite "Liberal" -- Eric Blair (aka George Orwell)....he talked about living in times where "speaking the truth .... will become a revolutionary act"

That's the street were on now -- the Brits, Germans and others are a little further own that road right now.......
I'm not sure I'd go around admitting that you're ignorant. But then again this board is probably the only place you get information.

Yes, David Duke is pretty much a household name especially if you were alive and aware in 1991 when he ran for governor of Louisiana and received 55% of the white vote. It was the "Donald Trump campaign" in terms of coverage of it's time. Would the state of Louisiana really elect a Grand Wizard of the KKK in 1991? The Wizard or the Lizard? Not knowing who David Duke was would be agin to not knowing Kim Kardashian or not knowing when Anna Nicole Smith died. There are some things that are hard to miss. If you were alive in the 90's and ever picked up a newspaper or watched the news there was a good chance that there was a Duke story somewhere.

He followed that up with a POTUS run in 1992 that went nowhere but received plenty of coverage. He again ran for Senate in 1996. Ok, you were 4-5 years old so I'm sure there wasn't much talk about Duke on Nickelodeon but Trump was 45 years old at the time. Hopefully he was watching something other than Nickelodeon. Again, he knew who he was and what he was.
You're an idiot.
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Trolling? You must not be paying attention. The book is being picked apart. Far left, Trump hating WaPo wrote a piece about the book and the title included the words "literally unbelievable".

People, who were mentioned/quoted in the book, are not only denying what was said, but are even saying that Wolff never even interviewed them. Wolff took the hearsay, rumor and innuendo of second and third hand accounts and tried to pass them off as direct, first hand accounts/quotes.
It appears the only true thing out of that book was what Bannon said about Trump JR. A little part of me thinks Trump/Bannon are trolling with it.
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Scarborough or Stelter. If you could only punch one of them, who do you pick?

I would pick Scarborough. I think Stelter is who he really is. Scarborough is such a fake. Bet he would fold like a lawn chair after one punch.
Since Jameslee likes liberal tabloid trash

It appears the only true thing out of that book was what Bannon said about Trump JR. A little part of me thinks Trump/Bannon are trolling with it.

Here's how outlandish it is. There's a part in the book where Wolff says literally 100% of the people surrounding Trump -- including his sons, daughter, wife and friends -- question his intelligence, feel/think he is unfit for office and call him a moron and idiot on a regular basis.

Not a one, a couple, some or most, but literally every single one of them. The fact that he didn't even interview every single one of them of them to know what they all actually think/feel/say makes it even more laughable.
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Here's how outlandish it is. There's a part in the book where Wolff says literally 100% of the people surrounding Trump -- including his sons, daughter, wife and friends -- question his intelligence, feel/think he is unfit for office and call him a moron and idiot on a regular basis. Not a one, a couple, some or most, but literally every single one of them.

It's sloppy - poorly constructed propaganda isn't it?

I think there are a few reasons for that .... but I will avoid listing them and then segueing into references to Stalin


I just remembered that I have a nice little portion of Woodford Reserve left in the pantry

..... gotta run, Citoyens
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I watched MJ for a long time up until a few year ago. Just thought it was interesting despite disagreeing with their takes.

I knew Joe turned from R Cuck to Super D Cuckity Cuck right before the ‘12 election when the job report was released. It was a mixed bag with the rate going down but jobless claims up.

Anyways, he and the whole audience cheered vigorously not at the mixed bag of info but that the rate dropping could be spin for Obama over Romney.

I’m not sure there’s one actual R value the guy carries anymore. Banging trim is great and all but conceding all your views because Trump is a meanie and you want to keep your milfy p*ssy happy is just total bush lols.

Bottom line, he’s a total, total bitch. I respect lefties that are open and honest about their beliefs a hell of a lot more than that tall haired gaffot.

Again, for clarity, he’s a total complete bitch. Very punchable face.
Just thinking the same thing about punchable face. I wonder what would happen to them if we actually started acting like these muslims they are comparing us to. I would punch him in the face just to see how he would react if we started acting that way.
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I guarantee there's embellishment and half truths in there but if it's just lie after lie, what does Trump have against fiction novels or Sleazy Steve?
Dumb asses like yourself out there need to believe it so, they act upon if as if was real, that is why. The dumb in your post is disturbing.
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Here's how outlandish it is. There's a part in the book where Wolff says literally 100% of the people surrounding Trump -- including his sons, daughter, wife and friends -- question his intelligence, feel/think he is unfit for office and call him a moron and idiot on a regular basis.

Not a one, a couple, some or most, but literally every single one of them. The fact that he didn't even interview every single one of them of them to know what they all actually think/feel/say makes it even more laughable.
He also claimed to have known word for word of private conversations that Trump had with others and even exact facial expressions. He couldn't have possibly known any of it.
It reminds me of when they read "War of the Worlds" on the radio and people started committing suicide cause they thought it was real. That's what has happened listening to media.

None of these people'so lives have changed at all but because they watch so much media and listen to their crazy professors that they think the world is ending.
Do you have anything documenting those suicides?

I can't find anything from a quick search.

I always heard there was mass panic but some are arguing not many heard it and those that did were not buying it.

Found this:
Did the 'War of the Worlds' Radio Broadcast Really Cause Mass Panic?

“The reason it becomes so big is that the press goes crazy for the story. And then people start thinking they’ve heard it,” Socolow says. “Memory and the media have an incredibly complex relationship.”

The surveys done immediately after the program illustrated that not only did very few people hear the broadcast, but that virtually no one thought it was real.
If Wolff has tapes, or so he claims, then he better start playing them...

Blair rejects claim he said UK intelligence spied on Trump campaign

Former British prime minister Tony Blair disputed Thursday claims in an upcoming book on the Trump White House that he informed Trump son-in-law Jared Kushnerthat Trump's campaign may have been under British surveillance during the 2016 election.

"The story is complete fabrication, literally from beginning to end. I've never had such conversation in the White House, outside of the House House, with Jared Kushner, with anybody else," Blair said on BBC Radio 4's Today program, according to USA Today.

"Here's a story that is literally an invention and is now half way around the world with conspiracy theories attached to it. That's modern politics," Blair told the BBC.

A number of figures quoted in the book pushed back on its claims.
I'm loving every meltdown. [jumpingsmile]
I did not know you were conservative. The left is in full meltdown mode at this point or were you not aware. Silly me, you are a libtard, you're not aware of anything factual. You believe what you are told by your leaders on the left.
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