How will they rule ??!

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It becomes laughable and downright insane when everything Trump does leads to the death of millions.

We live in a time where a lot of people age 18-30 can’t think for themselves. They have to be told what to think and don’t research or even question what they see. And for the people that loathe Trump, they’ll believe anything said about him as long as it’s negative.
Soylent Green is people!
as much as I hate Ann Coulter, I loved what she said about David Duke last year. It was on Bill Mahers show. She just said something like "I'm not even sure if David Duke is a real person, he only pops up every 4 years when Democrats trot him out".

Sad. David Duke is all the left has against Trump. And Trump has only denounced him 100 times.

How many times did Obama denounce his racist pastor, Rev. Wright? Did he do it even once?

I don't know a whole lot about Duke - believe he was a multi term senAtor from LA right?

Ran for president in 1988 maybe?
WAs That the year that Dukakis took the unfortunate ride in the tank as a photo op?


I don't know dukes exact views on "race"

But if he believes that there are degrees of superiority among ethic / anthropologic population groups - then doesn't that also put him in the same ideological club with Darwin Aristotle Plato Many Orthodox Jews Sänger Huxley and MANY like them that would probably align

Im not excusing that way of thinking-
But you HAVE to see the bizarre truth of what I'm saying here

Funny how that connection isn't emphasized

Can cite later if interested
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A couple of things today.

And this meltdown from leftist ESPN over the Astros visiting President Trump.
Left me first blind you with lies and tell you this has nothing to do with politics nor does it have to do what side of the political spectrum you fall under be it liberal or conservative.

Why did he say that? Because he knew the liberal morons they have backing/watching them will believe it.
Reading a book and it says Paul Manafort hired Republican pollster Tony Fabrizio to determine how to beat Hillary. Fabrizio was the one who insisted that the Trump campaign had to expand the map into Wisconsin and Michigan while doubling down on Pennsylvania.

The campaign then shifted all digital paid advertising resources to those states but it was Trump's personal barn-storming tour through those states that made the difference. Fabrizio insisted that was the only way Trump could win and he was right.

Very cool.

Also was reading about the Truman vs Dewey election from a historian who said Dewey lost because he was a "me too" (different me too) candidate who refused to criticize Truman for the New Deal.

Reminds me of McCain and Romney. Romney didn't even bring up Benghazi in third debate and McCain came out and took up for Obama about being a Muslim.

You can't do that stuff when going against Dems. You have to be a fighter not Dem-lite.
Do these idiots realize how many people love KFC and McDonalds, etc etc. I bet Trump paid some of these folks to say this stuff. What makes middle America hornier than McDonalds and GD AMERICAN FREEDOM???
The left wingers should be happy that trump eats crap non stop because he will have a stroke or heart attack at any moment.
Do these idiots realize how many people love KFC and McDonalds, etc etc. I bet Trump paid some of these folks to say this stuff. What makes middle America hornier than McDonalds and GD AMERICAN FREEDOM???
The Chinese are all in with both and Starbucks also if you believe the #fakenews.
Left me first blind you with lies and tell you this has nothing to do with politics nor does it have to do what side of the political spectrum you fall under be it liberal or conservative.

Why did he say that? Because he knew the liberal morons they have backing/watching them will believe it.

Weird how it has "nothing to do with politics" yet criticizes only Republicans. When are these people not lockstep with each other?
If you’re trying to insinuate that Trump forgot who David Duke was just stop right there. Duke isn’t some random character that got 15 seconds of fame 20 yrs ago and then disappeared. His name is synonymous with the KKK and white suprimist. You could walk down the street of any town in the US and ask anyone over the age of 30 with a high school education who Duke was and 99.997% could identify him as being a KKK leader.
Not knowing David Duke personally does not mean he has not heard of him. You really are brainwashed.
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But he himself has already admitted much of his book could be untrue. I guess it is up to you what part you want to believe. You lib nuts need something to give you hope that you can take control again and set the ship back on the path of destruction. That is the reason for this full court press of lies. Last chance in your lifetime to turn this country into a socialist/fascist nation. Thank God for people like me and many others on this site.
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Not knowing David Duke personally does not mean he has not heard of him. You really are brainwashed.

Hahaha. Fuzz/RQ brings up David Duke as a distraction that Hillary is going down

The fact that Trump is going to be his president for 7 more years makes my life 1 million times more enjoyable

Next month. FUZZ/RQ: "umm, Trump eats with a spork. Which is neither truly a fork or a spoon"
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But he himself has already admitted much of his book could be untrue. I guess it is up to you what part you want to believe. You lib nuts need something to give you hope that you can take control again and set the ship back on the path of destruction. That is the reason for this full court press of lies. Last chance in your lifetime to turn this country into a socialist/fascist nation. Thank God for people like me and many others on this site.
Hahaha. Fuzz/RQ brings up David Duke as a distraction that Hillary is going down

The fact that Trump is going to be his president for 7 more years makes my life 1 million times more enjoyable

Next month. FUZZ/RQ: "umm, Trump eats with a spork. Which is neither truly a fork or a spoon"
Oh the insanity! Who uses a spork? This proves he is off kilter.
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Another fun tidbit.

Hillary had taken off 57 days since July without participating in campaign rallies amounting to more than half the 99 days between August and Election Day. Either she was sick or the campaign tried to protect her by hiding her.

In the first 14 days of August 2016, Hillary had taken off seven days. Trump took off two.
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Another fun tidbit.

Hillary had taken off 57 days since July without participating in campaign rallies amounting to more than half the 99 days between August and Election Day. Either she was sick or the campaign tried to protect her by hiding her.

In the first 14 days of August 2016, Hillary had taken off seven days. Trump took off two.
She was entitled, it was already promised to her. She was on cruise control with all of the promise of the presidency and voter fraud going on. She just knew it was in the bag
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I compare leftist media to the equivalent of a girl never shutting up about the person they hate at work. It consumes everything about them.

Regardless of who the president is, no one should be talked about that much. I mean, that's all they cover.
So based on a link posted above, this note appears in the prologue of the Wolff book:

"Many of the accounts of what has happened in the Trump White House are in conflict with one another; many, in Trumpian fashion, are baldly untrue. These conflicts, and that looseness with the truth, if not with reality itself, are an elemental thread of the book.

"Sometimes I have let the players offer their versions, in turn allowing the reader to judge them. In other instances I have, through a consistency in the accounts and through sources I have come to trust, settled on a version of events I believe to be true."

That admission should be the end of the book's credibility, and it should fade away. of course, it will not.....
The fact that Hilary fainted at a 9/11 rally, shit her pants, was thrown into a van and swept off to "Chelsea's apartment" then they trotted out a body double is one thing that always makes me laugh when I remember it.

People forget about that likes it's the worst mass shooting in the history of our country something.