How will they rule ??!

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I'm guessing we're at crunch time in Iran, thus why Trump threw out those random tweets. Get the focus off the Iranian Protests and let them get in a tizzy about Rocket Man.
Agree with most of this.

I'd point out that if you "go by laws" that the abortion thing is moot as well. It's been settled for decades.

We will never be able to outlaw it but we sure as hell should stop funding it and get them for the corrupt bastards that they are.

I'm amazed that we as taxpayers are forced to give money to this group who campaigns for Dems. Colleges and Planned Parenthood get our money and then serve as advocates for Dems. That's BS.
We will never be able to outlaw it but we sure as hell should stop funding it and get them for the corrupt bastards that they are.

I'm amazed that we as taxpayers are forced to give money to this group who campaigns for Dems. Colleges and Planned Parenthood get our money and then serve as advocates for Dems. That's BS.

As a pro choice guy I actually agree with you. There is no reason we should be using tax dollars to fund such groups.
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I suppose. I'd say it's about as likely as the 2nd amendment getting torched. Slim and none.
Not arguing that point, just saying with enough backing it could be changed. Not likely to happen when you consider most younger ones these days are turning liberal. It is part of the reason libs need the illegal vote. They keep killing off their future voters because, when they get older, most have been educated enough to see how bad liberalism is. Most of them at that point need to keep what they have worked for so, they become more conservative. It is only the dumb asses (those whose education did not take or they were educated at UNC or somewhere in California or Canada) that can't figure it out.
You make a great point that most Americans can’t see.
We are, and have always been violent as hell. We were born of people that were basically rednecks from England that got a little education, and decided they wanted a different path.
Whoever had the meme the other day with Washington crossing the Delaware with the phrase merry Christmas and we’ll kill you in your sleep was dead on.
That isn’t a slight, we’ll be your best friend, but cross us and we’ll kill your whole family then burn the town down.

let them nuts hang with this post Mr. Derington. our resident Canadian friend and other countries probably see that as our arrogance. To a degree they are right but it doesn't make it any less true. I still love the answer the Japanese General in charge of bombing Pear Harbor gave when he was asked years later why they didn't continue on and attempt to invade the U.S. He said behind every blade of grass in America is a citizen with a gun. He knew and admitted that bombing us was a mistake.

People have short term memories, and Obama did his very best leading the word to think we weren't that same country anymore. Well I think God Trump came around to remind the world who we are again. JohnKBA, no way do I mean to slight you when i mentioned the Canadians. I like reading your posts. You seem really level headed and a smart dude. I don't however ever expect anyone born and raised in Canada to ever understand our mindset in this country. It's not a right or wrong thing. It's just who we are.
It's shame that Obama was dick sucking his wife that he spent 40% of US tax dollars policing the world to the point that Trump had to clean up his mess.

It's a goddamn shame that i have no freedom of expression of what i hope happens to Obama without getting banned.
F*** Obama and his lack of foreign leadership. We're in this mess because of the Establishment. Trump greatest president since Lincoln. F*** you mother f****** kiss my f****** ass you c**** s****** liberal p******. Jesus i wish murder was legal
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let them nuts hang with this post Mr. Derington. our resident Canadian friend and other countries probably see that as our arrogance. To a degree they are right but it doesn't make it any less true. I still love the answer the Japanese General in charge of bombing Pear Harbor gave when he was asked years later why they didn't continue on and attempt to invade the U.S. He said behind every blade of grass in America is a citizen with a gun. He knew and admitted that bombing us was a mistake.

People have short term memories, and Obama did his very best leading the word to think we weren't that same country anymore. Well I think God Trump came around to remind the world who we are again. JohnKBA, no way do I mean to slight you when i mentioned the Canadians. I like reading your posts. You seem really level headed and a smart dude. I don't however ever expect anyone born and raised in Canada to ever understand our mindset in this country. It's not a right or wrong thing. It's just who we are.

No offense taken my man. That's exactly what I meant in the post I made that Bill replied to - just different cultures. I don't see it as arrogance at all. It's just how things are. I'll always be proud to be Canadian but America is pretty damn cool too.
Trump's tweet tonight was stupid. I admit that. I'll call it out when it's dumb. This was dumb. A lot of times it's entertaining and I enjoy shitposting Libs about global warming and the media but this and the LaVar Ball thing was dumb.

Now, what has to be done to organize all Republicans to retain the House?
No offense taken my man. That's exactly what I meant in the post I made that Bill replied to - just different cultures. I don't see it as arrogance at all. It's just how things are. I'll always be proud to be Canadian but America is pretty damn cool too.

I hope you didn’t think that my post was a smart ass reply to yours.

It just gave me a different point of view than I have grown accustomed to seeing the world through.
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Trump's tweet tonight was stupid. I admit that. I'll call it out when it's dumb. This was dumb. A lot of times it's entertaining and I enjoy shitposting Libs about global warming and the media but this and the LaVar Ball thing was dumb.

Now, what has to be done to organize all Republicans to retain the House?

Was it the tweet about also having a button on his desk? If so, I agree.
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Not sure anyone really needs to remind NK we are the big dick, playa.

I don’t think it turns into a nuclear war, so I basically think it’s irrelevant, but I’m a fan of keeping my mouth shut when I’m really ready to defend something and pop off when messing around. Sun Tzu art of war style.

I think the whole world knows NK is a damn show and if we wanted that fat bastard would be gone without a single bomb going off.
Not arguing that point, just saying with enough backing it could be changed. Not likely to happen when you consider most younger ones these days are turning liberal. It is part of the reason libs need the illegal vote. They keep killing off their future voters because, when they get older, most have been educated enough to see how bad liberalism is. Most of them at that point need to keep what they have worked for so, they become more conservative. It is only the dumb asses (those whose education did not take or they were educated at UNC or somewhere in California or Canada) that can't figure it out.

One of the saddest things about the current state of politics and culture is how deceived blacks have been to not see what the Democratic Party has done to them throughout history.

Everyone else who has been here in less time, has blown past them in every way. Asians are killing it. Latinos have quadrupled in size in like 35 years. Blacks have stayed between 10-13 percent of the population for over 100-150+ years.

They have more abortions than anyone. These Planned Parenthood facilities are disproportionately in their neighborhoods. Everyone knows how tight Dems and PP are.

Combine that with the Dem Party running evey inner city, trying to create dependency just like they did with slavery and nothing ever improving and these same people come by every four years to get your vote by quoting Jay Z and Beyonce, pulling out hot sauce and then pointing at whites/Republicans as the boogeyman to manipulate.
Not arguing that point, just saying with enough backing it could be changed. Not likely to happen when you consider most younger ones these days are turning liberal. It is part of the reason libs need the illegal vote. They keep killing off their future voters because, when they get older, most have been educated enough to see how bad liberalism is. Most of them at that point need to keep what they have worked for so, they become more conservative. It is only the dumb asses (those whose education did not take or they were educated at UNC or somewhere in California or Canada) that can't figure it out.

One of the saddest things about the current state of politics and culture is how deceived blacks have been to not see what the Democratic Party has done to them throughout history.

Everyone else who has been here in less time, has blown past them in every way. Asians are killing it. Latinos have quadrupled in size in like 35 years. Blacks have stayed between 10-13 percent of the population for over 100-150+ years.

They have more abortions than anyone. These Planned Parenthood facilities are disproportionately in their neighborhoods. Everyone knows how tight Dems and PP are.

Combine that with the Dem Party running evey inner city, trying to create dependency just like they did with slavery and nothing ever improving and these same people come by every four years to get your vote by quoting Jay Z and Beyonce, pulling out hot sauce and then pointing at whites/Republicans as the boogeyman to manipulate.
I think the whole world knows NK is a damn show and if we wanted that fat bastard would be gone without a single bomb going off.
Then why don't we? The man is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths of his own citizens--by starvation because he prioritizes building nuclear weapons over feeding his people, by jailing and systematically starving/raping/torturing those voicing political opposition, by carrying out public executions for such "crimes" as watching South Korean television. If we could have, then we and the rest of the sane world should have taken him out long ago.
Ben Shapiro is pissing me off. He's been promoting an image of "neutral" since Trump and to me, it makes him look like an establishment hatchetman. He's still probably the best debater of facts in media, but damn it, stop pretending the extremes are talking over both sides, they're not, only one.

Extreme right views defined by a populous large enough to matter.

Immigration control and reform
Enforcement of laws on books
Moved to the "don't care" column on gay rights. (Once marriage was redefined it changed the platform. We go by laws.)
Reigning in government

Extreme left views embraced by the majority of supporters.

Reverse racism
Anti-law enforcement
Anti- capitalist belief system
A widespread turn on social norms and science.

The left has moved really far out there, while the right has become far more moderate than we were 30 years ago. Ben needs to spend more time acknowledging these facts, then I will listen to his Trump rant.

Establishment republicans don't argue this way. If he has flaws...he is still 9/10s better then the wishy washy shit said by supposed conservatives in office.
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Then why don't we? The man is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths of his own citizens--by starvation because he prioritizes building nuclear weapons over feeding his people, by jailing and systematically starving/raping/torturing those voicing political opposition, by carrying out public executions for such "crimes" as watching South Korean television. If we could have, then we and the rest of the sane world should have taken him out long ago.

Personally I’d like to think it’s because we have learned that these “Kings” come about by whatever means it takes to manage their people and we have learned our lesson from killing off leaders and years later taking on the refugees that we leave behind that hate us.

Realistically because we are not sure to what degree China is using him as bait to entrap us in a war, or if they would stay out of it. Now that we are landing on Russian battlegrounds with weapons at the very least we may have some fear to start war with them too by overtaking NK. To some degree they are all intertwined IMO and we aren’t sure if it would start something we don’t mean to start.

If he wants to kill his people then that’s better than us killing his people.
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Then why don't we? The man is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths of his own citizens--by starvation because he prioritizes building nuclear weapons over feeding his people, by jailing and systematically starving/raping/torturing those voicing political opposition, by carrying out public executions for such "crimes" as watching South Korean television. If we could have, then we and the rest of the sane world should have taken him out long ago.

China is the reason we haven’t taken him out.

North Korea isn’t doing anything China doesn’t want them to do.
The person who lost the election has a long list of people who were probably suicided, while the person who won is taunting nuclear war. This world is terrifying.
I'm less afraid now of nuclear war than I was as a kid in the 80s.

Nothing wrong with Trump calling NK's bluff... b/c anybody with any sense knows it's just a bluff. NK is well aware they can't even survive in this world as is on their own sovereignty, much less if they spark off a war that destroys or alienates all the nannies that prop that country up.

North Korea is China's version of Trump's twitter account. Once you figure that out, this is all just a bad episode of WWE.
Trump spent decades in the public eye. Not until he slapped an R on his name and ran as POTUS against the anointed lefty did he all of the sudden become some deranged murderous psychopath.

Maybe it isn't Trump that became a psycho when he ran against Clinton, but the lefties.

I'm glad we have an alpha male in the White House and we can let North Korea know we aren't for one second worried about them. This isn't mutual assured destruction. This is assured destruction of North Korea if they step out of line.

On the other hand, maybe we should just send them some food, cash and apologies. That might work this time.
Trump spent decades in the public eye. Not until he slapped an R on his name and ran as POTUS against the anointed lefty did he all of the sudden become some deranged murderous psychopath.

Maybe it isn't Trump that became a psycho when he ran against Clinton, but the lefties.

I'm glad we have an alpha male in the White House and we can let North Korea know we aren't for one second worried about them. This isn't mutual assured destruction. This is assured destruction of North Korea if they step out of line.

On the other hand, maybe we should just send them some food, cash and apologies. That might work this time.
Well said! Appeasement obviously doesn’t work, ask Obama and Slick Willie
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You make a great point that most Americans can’t see.
We are, and have always been violent as hell. We were born of people that were basically rednecks from England that got a little education, .
The over-riding violence of slavery had a lot to do with it too.