How will they rule ??!

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No more aid to any country except maybe Israel.

I don't mind foreign aid completely. But think it should be cut by 50-60 percent. We give money to too many bad actors and in other cases too much for ridiculous stuff as Rand Paul tweeted out several the other day.

It's ok to try to give a country some aid in hopes of better cooperation, problem is whether they do anything for us we keep giving them money. Osama was hanging out a couple hundred yards from Pakistan's best military academy. We should have cut off their aid the day after we shot him.
Still no major coverage of Iran uprising by most of msm and ZERO recognition by any liberal politician/women's rights groups (except to say the plight of the American female is just as bad).

Very very telling
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I don't believe we just give other countries money. We or should I say the crooks that run our government are investing and sometimes we don't see those investments. Pakistan is working on major deals with China. This is financial warfare. To counter I think we are striking deals with India.
I don't believe we just give other countries money. We or should I say the crooks that run our government are investing and sometimes we don't see those investments. Pakistan is working on major deals with China. This is financial warfare. To counter I think we are striking deals with India.
The obvious reason we are "allies" with Pakistan is that we need air access to Afghanistan, which they have permitted in exchange for "assistance."

Other than that, they are our enemies.
The obvious reason we are "allies" with Pakistan is that we need air access to Afghanistan, which they have permitted in exchange for "assistance."

Other than that, they are our enemies.

Follow the money.

Pakistan considers dumping dollar for yuan in trade with China
The government of Pakistan is considering a proposal to start using the Chinese yuan in trade with China, according to the Interior Minister Ahsan Iqbal, as quoted by Pakistan’s English-language daily Dawn.
“We are examining the use of yuan instead of the US dollar for trade between the two countries,” the minister told the media after the official launch of the Long Term Plan (LTP) for the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).
How many "allies" do we have whose country our military would enter WITHOUT INFORMING THEM (because we assume they cannot be trusted) and proceed to take out the most wanted terrorist in history WHO WAS LIVING FOR YEARS WITHOUT BEING FOUND RIGHT UNDER OUR "ALLY'S" NOSE?!? (and who we can probably assume was living there with help of some elements of said "ally").

As the old saying goes, "with friends like that, who needs enemies?"
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No more aid to any country except maybe Israel.
Well aren't you a good shabbos goy.

How many "allies" do we have whose country our military would enter WITHOUT INFORMING THEM (because we assume they cannot be trusted) and proceed to take out the most wanted terrorist in history WHO WAS LIVING FOR YEARS WITHOUT BEING FOUND RIGHT UNDER OUR "ALLY'S" NOSE?!? (and who we can probably assume was living there with help of some elements of said "ally").

As the old saying goes, "with friends like that, who needs enemies?"

I think it goes deeper than that. The news is starting to come out. You have the Cassandra project that was shut down by rogues in our government. That is connected to the Awan brothers running a spy ring in congress. This is hopefully what Trump is shutting down and why I think he is getting so much resistance. He is taking down the CIAs drugs, trafficking, oil, and rare earth mineral rings. Afghanistan is longest foreign war in US history. The opium goes through Pakistan from Afghanistan.
Hey! Ya must give libs and SJW something to whine about while paying on student loans after graduation.
There needs to be a requirement that college loans need to be based on degrees that are lucrative and can help in being paid back. There is no need for Gender Studies, African American Studies, University Studies, they are not marketable.

Talking to libs you would think the sin of slavery was only perpetrated by the United States...
FWIW, despite that the Constitution banned it as of 1808, it continued to some degree beyond that. Too much money to be made & too lax enforcement. Was watching something a week or so ago about one coming into Mobile 1859-1860.
FWIW, despite that the Constitution banned it as of 1808, it continued to some degree beyond that. Too much money to be made & too lax enforcement. Was watching something a week or so ago about one coming into Mobile 1859-1860.

We still have a form of slavery today- the welfare state and illegal immigration.
They should leave Logan Paul alone. If the Japanese were really so worried about honor and respect in death, maybe they shouldn't harbor a forest known for drawing suiciders.

The real irony is that shame and dishonor drive these folks to kill themselves, yet the biggest shame I can imagine is my bloated, dead body being poked with a stick by some random YouTuber b/c I willfully left it there.