How will they rule ??!

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I thought it looked unprofessional to do the pot segment on CNN. I know many are okay with it but if it's not okay to show people smashing shots then why is it okay to show bong hits?


Anyway, I'm fascinated with journalism propaganda. Since I loathe the media, I research it. I did not know that the NYT buried the holocaust. They would often times not even refer to Jews as nazi victims but often "refugees" or something and they'd stick it on the back page near soap ads.

I think they only covered it on the front page 26 times in six or seven years and only mentioned Jews as personal victims six times.

Reminds me a lot of leftist rags coverage of violence against whites.
Shocking: Robert Muller's grand jury isn't going to give the Trump Administration a "fair shake".

A witness who testified before a federal grand jury that handed down indictments of top Trump associates says the president can't get a fair shake and compared the jury room to a Bernie Sanders rally. The witness claimed two of 20 jurors were wearing 'peace T-shirts,' and popped off on the jury pool to the New York Post's Page Six.

'The grand jury room looks like a Bernie Sanders rally,' the witness said. 'Maybe they found these jurors in central casting, or at a Black Lives Matter rally in Berkeley,' said the witness. 'There was only one white male in the room, and he was a prosecutor,' said the source.
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Democrats are parasites to this nation. What are you rejecting, you sick sacks of trash? Putting America first? Giving the country more of their own money? Protecting our borders? Not growing the government and its regulations?


Democrats are parasites to this nation. What are you rejecting, you sick sacks of trash? Putting America first? Giving the country more of their own money? Protecting our borders? Not growing the government and its regulations?

Brain washed. They keep being told how bad Trump’s presidency is with nothing to back it up. But they hear it every day and parrot it, although they have no idea what’s so bad about it.
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Brain washed. They keep being told how bad Trump’s presidency is with nothing to back it up. But they hear it every day and parrot it, although they have no idea what’s so bad about it.

Dead on JStaff.

I went into this thinking Trump would be a disaster but in reality he's done nothing that I'd consider bad, even from a left of center point of view.

Who would respect or fear this guy?

Lauren Southern (Canadian) had a great point about Canadians. They don't border a third world country. They border us. They don't worry about Mexico like we dowith heroine,cartel. MS-13, etc. She says, "We're the spoiled brats who virtue signal."


Democrats are parasites to this nation. What are you rejecting, you sick sacks of trash? Putting America first? Giving the country more of their own money? Protecting our borders? Not growing the government and its regulations?

I'm convinced that you can get the public to go along with anything if you own the media and just hammer it over and over.

Who would respect or fear this guy?

Lauren Southern (Canadian) had a great point about Canadians. They don't border a third world country. They border us. They don't worry about Mexico like we dowith heroine,cartel. MS-13, etc. She says, "We're the spoiled brats who virtue signal."

Growing up in Canada, it was well known and realized that we don't have to be the big gun on the block because the USA has our backs. It should also be noted that Canada has about 1/12th the population and a totally different culture when it comes to that type of thing. The US took their country by force - Canada negotiated independence peacefully.

It's a fact of life that the US will spend trillions on defense regardless of what Canada does in that regard. It is what it is.
Dead on JStaff.

I went into this thinking Trump would be a disaster but in reality he's done nothing that I'd consider bad, even from a left of center point of view.

Yep. Hell, I defended Obama part of his first term before I actually saw with my own eyes what I thought made him a jackass.

People just see celebrities, big time news networks and friends on social media say something and repeat it as truth, when most of the time it’s just an opinion with no foundation or a straight up lie.
Yep. Hell, I defended Obama part of his first term before I actually saw with my own eyes what I thought made him a jackass.

People just see celebrities, big time news networks and friends on social media say something and repeat it as truth, when most of the time it’s just an opinion with no foundation or a straight up lie.

They pay way too much attention to his twitter feed too - and he knows it. Keep up with actual policy and it's not bad at all.
This election is going to be a war. There's a decent portion of the US that want Trump impeached and if they get the house, they have a shot.

Every single election matters - I hope the R's are well-organized right now, because I am positive the left will be.
Leaked meeting notes show how panicked Iranian regime considered stopping deadly protests: 'God help us'

A leaked report provided to Fox News shows how Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei met with political leaders and heads of the country's security forces to discuss how to tamp down on the deadly nationwide protests.

The report covered several meetings up to December 31 and was provided to the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) from what it said were high level sources from within the regime.

The meeting notes, which have been translated into English from Farsi, said the unrest has hurt every sector of the country's economy and “threatens the regime’s security. The first step, therefore, is to find a way out of this situation.”

The report added, “Religious leaders and the leadership must come to the scene as soon as possible and prevent the situation (from) deteriorating further.” It continued, “God help us, this is a very complex situation and is different from previous occasions.”

According to NCRI sources and reports from within Iran, at least 40 cities across Iran witnessed protests Monday, including in the capital city of Tehran. These reports state that slogans heard included “Death to the dictator,” and “the leader lives like God while the people live like beggars.”

The regime's notes claimed protesters “started chanting the ultimate slogans from day one. In Tehran today, people were chanting slogans against Khamenei and the slogans used yesterday were all against Khamenei.”

The notes added that the intelligence division of the feared Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) is “monitoring the situation” and “working all in coordination to prevent protests.”

It says that a “red alert” has not yet been declared, which would lead to direct military intervention in the protests. But it then predicted that sending IRGC or the Bassij forces would “backfire” and would further “antagonize the protesters.”

Messages of support for the protesters from President Trump and other administration officials were also mentioned in the report. “The United States officially supported the people on the streets.” The notes continued by saying the U.S. and the West “have all united in support of the Hypocrites,” the regime’s pejorative description of the People's Mujahedin of Iran (MEK) which is one of the groups making up the NCRI.

The meeting notes that the leader of the NCRI, Maryam Rajavi, and the “Infidels,” which the translation says refers to "the West," “are united for the first time.” It continued, “Maryam Rajavi is hoping for regime change,” saying the protests are “definitely organized,” and “the security forces report that the MEK is very active and is leading and directing them.”

The notes also warn that all those affiliated with leadership “must be on alert and monitor the situation constantly,” continuing, “the security and intelligence forces must constantly monitor the situation on the scene and conduct surveillance and subsequently report to the office of the leadership.”

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This election is going to be a war. There's a decent portion of the US that want Trump impeached and if they get the house, they have a shot.

Every single election matters - I hope the R's are well-organized right now, because I am positive the left will be.
If things stay as they are, I see Rs picking up seats.
Mitt rumored to be interested in the soon to be available Utah seat. Hopefully not, but he'd be tough to beat in an election.

He would basically be a dem vote.
NK had reached out to SK to initiate talks. Why would DT go on twitter with his "rocket boy" schtick and taunt him?

Also, I don't see Mitt as another McCain, think he would be fine.
NK had reached out to SK to initiate talks. Why would DT go on twitter with his "rocket boy" schtick and taunt him?

Also, I don't see Mitt as another McCain, think he would be fine.

Wasn't that just negotiations about NK possibly participating in the Olympics? Fat boy doesn't get to set the terms while pointing his chubby little finger at the nuke button on his desk. Got to keep the pressure up and stay on point. My guess.
NK had reached out to SK to initiate talks. Why would DT go on twitter with his "rocket boy" schtick and taunt him?

Also, I don't see Mitt as another McCain, think he would be fine.

I hope Trump puts a 50 caliber bullet in between his butt cheeks and pulls the trigger.

That NK nutjob is the most insane dude since..... Hell, we may have to go back to some early Roman rulers to find someone crazier
Ben Shapiro is pissing me off. He's been promoting an image of "neutral" since Trump and to me, it makes him look like an establishment hatchetman. He's still probably the best debater of facts in media, but damn it, stop pretending the extremes are talking over both sides, they're not, only one.

Extreme right views defined by a populous large enough to matter.

Immigration control and reform
Enforcement of laws on books
Moved to the "don't care" column on gay rights. (Once marriage was redefined it changed the platform. We go by laws.)
Reigning in government

Extreme left views embraced by the majority of supporters.

Reverse racism
Anti-law enforcement
Anti- capitalist belief system
A widespread turn on social norms and science.

The left has moved really far out there, while the right has become far more moderate than we were 30 years ago. Ben needs to spend more time acknowledging these facts, then I will listen to his Trump rant.
Growing up in Canada, it was well known and realized that we don't have to be the big gun on the block because the USA has our backs. It should also be noted that Canada has about 1/12th the population and a totally different culture when it comes to that type of thing. The US took their country by force - Canada negotiated independence peacefully.

It's a fact of life that the US will spend trillions on defense regardless of what Canada does in that regard. It is what it is.

You make a great point that most Americans can’t see.
We are, and have always been violent as hell. We were born of people that were basically rednecks from England that got a little education, and decided they wanted a different path.
Whoever had the meme the other day with Washington crossing the Delaware with the phrase merry Christmas and we’ll kill you in your sleep was dead on.
That isn’t a slight, we’ll be your best friend, but cross us and we’ll kill your whole family then burn the town down.
Ben Shapiro is pissing me off. He's been promoting an image of "neutral" since Trump and to me, it makes him look like an establishment hatchetman. He's still probably the best debater of facts in media, but damn it, stop pretending the extremes are talking over both sides, they're not, only one.

Extreme right views defined by a populous large enough to matter.

Immigration control and reform
Enforcement of laws on books
Moved to the "don't care" column on gay rights. (Once marriage was redefined it changed the platform. We go by laws.)
Reigning in government

Extreme left views embraced by the majority of supporters.

Reverse racism
Anti-law enforcement
Anti- capitalist belief system
A widespread turn on social norms and science.

The left has moved really far out there, while the right has become far more moderate than we were 30 years ago. Ben needs to spend more time acknowledging these facts, then I will listen to his Trump rant.

Agree with most of this.

I'd point out that if you "go by laws" that the abortion thing is moot as well. It's been settled for decades.
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This just in: CNN unable to cover the Iran protests due to GIANT box truck blocking their view.
It is probably loaded with C-4, composition B, crater bombs, shape charges, M18 Claymore's, Det cord, and left wing rhetoric (the most deadly poison known to man).
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You make a great point that most Americans can’t see.
We are, and have always been violent as hell. We were born of people that were basically rednecks from England that got a little education, and decided they wanted a different path.
Whoever had the meme the other day with Washington crossing the Delaware with the phrase merry Christmas and we’ll kill you in your sleep was dead on.
That isn’t a slight, we’ll be your best friend, but cross us and we’ll kill your whole family then burn the town down.
Rightfully so, this country was built by freedom loving tough people who will kill you if you try to change it.
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