How will they rule ??!

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That's a nice phrase on the side of a building. I wonder what phrases are carved in the gravestones of the people murdered with the guns he supplied to Mexican drug cartels.
If Trump Jr. meeting with a no name Russian lawyer, offering zero money, for dirt on a political opponent, dirt that didn't even exist or change hands, is selling books worthy "treasonous"...

then paying a washed up British spy hundreds of thousands of dollars, who then turned around and paid the Kremlin hundreds of thousands of dollars for lies and slander must be firing squad.

And that doesn't even get into how those lies and slander were used, and what they were used for.

Has Bannon completely lost it at this point? He's always been a numbskull but he appears to be getting worse at an accelerated rate.
I thought US was one of the last primary countries that abolished slavery. UK did much earlier.

Slavery was introduced as an institution in North America by Britain and in Spanish Florida by Spain and Portugal.

From the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776 to the end of the Civil War in 1865 (the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 didn't put an immediate end to slavery) the institution of slavery lasted "only" 89 years. This is a very short time period historically - especially compared to Britain, Portugal, Spain and especially many centuries of slavery practiced by Muslim North Africa.

White folks fought a bitter civil war amongst themselves with 600,000 deaths to finally settle the issue. (Black lives matter!)

So, slavery came and went pretty quickly in the United States (relatively speaking) and the seeds to abolish it existed even before the US became an independent nation - almost exclusively from the "religious right".

The worst slavers in the west were the Spanish peoples (including Portugal) and the Spanish peoples held on to the institution of slavery to the bitter end in Cuba, Puerto Rico and South America - holding on until decades after the end of the American Civil War.
Slavery was introduced as an institution in North America by Britain and in Spanish Florida by Spain and Portugal.

From the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776 to the end of the Civil War in 1865 (the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 didn't put an immediate end to slavery) the institution of slavery lasted "only" 89 years. This is a very short time period historically - especially compared to Britain, Portugal, Spain and especially many centuries of slavery practiced by Muslim North Africa.

White folks fought a bitter civil war amongst themselves with 600,000 deaths to finally settle the issue. (Black lives matter!)

So, slavery came and went pretty quickly in the United States (relatively speaking) and the seeds to abolish it existed even before the US became an independent nation - almost exclusively from the "religious right".

The worst slavers in the west were the Spanish peoples (including Portugal) and the Spanish peoples held on to the institution of slavery to the bitter end in Cuba, Puerto Rico and South America - holding on until decades after the end of the American Civil War.

That's kind of a silly argument based solely on the US not existing as early as other countries. It's not like they had any more morals than other countries, which is what was implied.
Slavery was introduced as an institution in North America by Britain and in Spanish Florida by Spain and Portugal.

From the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776 to the end of the Civil War in 1865 (the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 didn't put an immediate end to slavery) the institution of slavery lasted "only" 89 years. This is a very short time period historically - especially compared to Britain, Portugal, Spain and especially many centuries of slavery practiced by Muslim North Africa.

White folks fought a bitter civil war amongst themselves with 600,000 deaths to finally settle the issue. (Black lives matter!)

So, slavery came and went pretty quickly in the United States (relatively speaking) and the seeds to abolish it existed even before the US became an independent nation - almost exclusively from the "religious right".

The worst slavers in the west were the Spanish peoples (including Portugal) and the Spanish peoples held on to the institution of slavery to the bitter end in Cuba, Puerto Rico and South America - holding on until decades after the end of the American Civil War.

Not sure why people are trying to downplay (or justify) slavery. Never understood it.

Slavery may have "only" *eye roll* lasted a "relatively" short time compared to other nations, but it is not like America was all about equality and freedom post-slavery. Jim Crow anyone? Not to mention, slavery didn't truly end in 1865. In the South, many still used loopholes, including forced labor, that kept thousands upon thousands of blacks in the same or worse position.

Also, white folks weren't the only ones to fight in the Civil War. That's just ignorant. Nearly 180,000 blacks served in the union army without roughly 40,000 dying.
Not sure why people are trying to downplay (or justify) slavery. Never understood it.

Slavery may have "only" *eye roll* lasted a "relatively" short time compared to other nations, but it is not like America was all about equality and freedom post-slavery. Jim Crow anyone? Not to mention, slavery didn't truly end in 1865. In the South, many still used loopholes, including forced labor, that kept thousands upon thousands of blacks in the same or worse position.

Also, white folks weren't the only ones to fight in the Civil War. That's just ignorant. Nearly 180,000 blacks served in the union army without roughly 40,000 dying.
No one is trying to down play it. Actual facts were being brought to the forefront after incorrect statements were being made. It is only after the facts come out that posters try to dismiss the facts with subjective rhetoric.
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That's kind of a silly argument based solely on the US not existing as early as other countries. It's not like they had any more morals than other countries, which is what was implied.
No not at all. The point was simply to put a perspective on what was being wrongly argued about the US and our nations history about slavery. No one is saying what we did was right. Slavery in any form is wrong.
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Can we take a few steps back and someone tell me what is true and what is false regarding the Bannon shit we've heard today.

People throwing around "debunked" and POTUS quotes with stories on Drudge, etc.

Can I get a summary?
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Not sure why people are trying to downplay (or justify) slavery. Never understood it.

Slavery may have "only" *eye roll* lasted a "relatively" short time compared to other nations, but it is not like America was all about equality and freedom post-slavery. Jim Crow anyone? Not to mention, slavery didn't truly end in 1865. In the South, many still used loopholes, including forced labor, that kept thousands upon thousands of blacks in the same or worse position.

Also, white folks weren't the only ones to fight in the Civil War. That's just ignorant. Nearly 180,000 blacks served in the union army without roughly 40,000 dying.
Whites were not the only ones to own slaves either. Slavery is wrong, but anyone that wants to hate on white people and turn their heads at the black people that sold and owned slaves also are two faced pricks.
I think our schools and universities do an absolutely horrendous job teaching history. It's brutally awful, no context, skipped over large important issues, myths being sold as truth.

Probably not best to have Democrats teach kids about their revisionist history. They butchered the Civil War and the Dems history.

"The parties switched" is the biggest bunch of BS. I've seen them all over the place with this. "Lincoln would've been a Democrat." So is FDR now a Republican? "Umm ugh, the parties switched with LBJ." False. The teaching of this shit is maddening and is never challenged.

My biggest beef with conservatives other than a lot of them usually being total pussies in the political realm is that they sat back and let the left take media and academia and Hollywood and then are perplexed that the left uses it against them.
'We are in your home': 'ISIS terrorist' poses for chilling selfie in front of New York's Met museum after the group called for more lone wolf-style knife and bomb attacks

A man wearing an ISIS face scarf has uploaded a chilling selfie outside New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art with the caption: 'We are in your home.'

The image, uploaded to a pro-ISIS channel on messaging app Telegram on December 30, shows the man standing on a snowy 5th Avenue as people walk past.

The image outside the Met was provided to Mail Online by terror-monitoring group MEMRI, which said it could not verify the authenticity of the image, which may have been photoshopped.

We need to come up with a list of things Americans need to stop doing in 2108:

1. Believing what the news media claims is happening
2. Believing what random twitter users post is happening.
3. Believing what most politicians say is happening.
4. Believing what people around them say is happening.

In short, stop believing what others are saying without solid proof it is happening. Make an assessment of each person you meet yourself and not on what gossip about them says they are.

Social media and the news media have too much influence in our country.
Watch to see how many liberals now fall in love with Bannon when he was the devil a few months back.
[laughing] They're all going to run out and buy his book, hoping to get all the juicy details regarding 'Russia collusion', and it's more than likely going to be a liberal hatefest.
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Trump contradicted himself pretty badly when he blamed the Alabama disaster on Bannon and then in the next breath said Bannon doesn't have any influence. I have a suspicion this wasn't even true and Trump really lashed out. Just hope he has the facts before saying what he did.

I'm not a fan of Bannon personally. Just wish he would go away.