How will they rule ??!

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The people who believe that are wrong.

I know you'd never be caught siding with them.

Again, those people are wrong.

Do you think they are right?

So case Angryram vs California?

No, no I would not support racial segregated housing for any race. I do not support the left's anti-white BS and manipulating of minorities for their power grab.
Why do you never hear "Allahu Akbar" cried before someone pulls a man from a car on fire? Or after a football player makes a good play? Or following a heartfelt rendition of the national anthem? Or after any miraculous event?

Why do we only hear :"Allahu Akbar" just before a despicable action is taken?

So Trump ruined football? It wasn't the NFL or the players who were doing this even before Election Day?

ESPN and athletes have injected politics into everything and when you do that, you are going to lose a big portion of people who would normally be your customers.

My decision to not watch the NFL anymore came before Kaep. It had more to do with the multiple arrests for domestic abuse every single year. Seeing Ray Rice knock his girlfriend out and seeing Sharper be a serial rapist and Aaron Hernandez murdering multiple people. This combined with tons of scumbags made me not want to waste my time on them.
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The people who believe that are wrong.

I know you'd never be caught siding with them.

Again, those people are wrong.

Do you think they are right?

So case Angryram vs California?

No - I don't think they are right

Worse - I think much of the related political movement and ambition - is obscured

The Marxist elements within the American political machine are becoming more evident - because the revolutionary / conflict seeking nature of their core beliefs dictates this will eventually occur

It will get worse and it will be increasingly violent

We all need o do some soul searching and consider where a stand must be taken
Why do you never hear "Allahu Akbar" cried before someone pulls a man from a car on fire? Or after a football player makes a good play? Or following a heartfelt rendition of the national anthem? Or after any miraculous event?

Why do we only hear :"Allahu Akbar" just before a despicable action is taken?
Because they're amish?
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Very few NFL players are kneeling today. MSM won't report that as it makes Trump look good. Looks like the NFL is getting the message.
Conservatives and anyone who will take on the left, are basically the last beacon of hope and fight for western civilization.

Because when this is the shit you push for kids, you're not the good guys.

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Very few NFL players are kneeling today. MSM won't report that as it makes Trump look good. Looks like the NFL is getting the message.

I felt last week was a one time FU to Trump from the players and it would go back to normal this week. Trump has moved on and so has the NFL. There are a hundred more important things for DT to worry about than adolescent feuds with pro athletes. Thankfully he seems to have realized that.
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The President is doing it no matter how much you bury your head in the sand Moe. He's the consummate troll. He's only done this to everyone he disagrees with.
He has to, the lame stream media is the one doing it to him. The lame stream media and you corrupt supporters of them did it for Obama so he did not have. The corruption from the left was in full cheat mode and you defended their corruption without hesitation.
I felt last week was a one time FU to Trump from the players and it would go back to normal this week. Trump has moved on and so has the NFL. There are a hundred more important things for DT to worry about than adolescent feuds with pro athletes. Thankfully he seems to have realized that.
I wonder if it has something to do with viewership being down.
Conservatives and anyone who will take on the left, are basically the last beacon of hope and fight for western civilization.

Because when this is the shit you push for kids, you're not the good guys.

Ha. Those lefty scamps.

Last I heard, all liberals have to swear allegiance to NAMBLA and marry an inanimate object of their choosing.
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Just wondering if you guys have realized the ultra rich and powerful are the problem and not the left, right, religions, etc...?

Probably not since there is still muslim hating all up in this joint..
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Full fledged kid touchers
For that to be applauded by those on the left shows just how perverted and evil these people are. This is not normal, it is disgusting and just flat out wrong. Pedophilia and liberalism is a mental disease and should be dealt with harshly.
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Just wondering if you guys have realized the ultra rich and powerful are the problem and not the left, right, relgions, etc...?

Probably not since there is still muslim hating all up in this joint..
No, liberalism and the left are the problem pure and simple. Left always blaming the rich for the problems they create.
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Full fledged kid touchers
For that to be applauded by those on the left shows just how perverted and evil these people are. This is not normal, it is disgusting and just flat out wrong. Pedophilia and liberalism is a mental disease and should be dealt with harshly.
It certainly would show how perverted those people are. Anyone who would support it should be deemed as evil and dangerous...

Who exactly is supporting it?
It certainly would show how perverted those people are. Anyone who would support it should be deemed as evil and dangerous...

Who exactly is supporting it?
Who ever is applauding it in that twitter account and many on the left who believe in doing whatever you like. That has been a rallying cry of the left. Be and or do what makes you feel good.
Just wondering if you guys have realized the ultra rich and powerful are the problem and not the left, right, relgions, etc...?

Probably not since there is still muslim hating all up in this joint..

You are right chief, london has become the acid attack capital of the world. read up on the 'grooming gangs' there. Sweden dealing with skyrocketing rapes and crime. Terrorists attacks or attempted ones foiled monthly across could anyone ever hate those people?

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