How will they rule ??!

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But debt went up about twice what it was. Obama raised the debt more than almost all presidents combined in the last 50 years or so.

You can blame Obama for a lot of things, but I've never understood blaming him for the debt. Look at the budget deficit during his tenure, it started at 1.5 trillion and has steadily declined. He would've had to cut the budget by a little over a third or raise taxes to make it balance, during the worst recession since the depression.
You can blame Obama for a lot of things, but I've never understood blaming him for the debt. Look at the budget deficit during his tenure, it started at 1.5 trillion and has steadily declined. He would've had to cut the budget by a little over a third or raise taxes to make it balance, during the worst recession since the depression.

Theres no way you're serious, right? Obama spent 10 trillion dollars in 8 years.
You can blame Obama for a lot of things, but I've never understood blaming him for the debt. Look at the budget deficit during his tenure, it started at 1.5 trillion and has steadily declined. He would've had to cut the budget by a little over a third or raise taxes to make it balance, during the worst recession since the depression.

You answer your own query, we (massively)spent our way or otherwise printed our way out of a jam. Here’s the first google image result,


It remains to be seen really if we don’t suffer some major consequences for quantitative easing.
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The deficit has gone down the last 8 years.
No, it went up $150b from '15 to '16. You have to benchmark from the low point of the recession using the stimulus debt bomb as the starting point and ignore when the recession ended (June '09) to make any (very poor) defense of his spending.

The CBO has been projecting rises in deficits due to entitlements growth starting last year.
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I mean trillion rhymes with billion, and billion is just a few hundred million so I mean what's the problem?
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[laughing] So dumbass memes and gifs are what you consider trolling? And, on top of that, you're trying to brag? Geez, you suck at the Internet.
You're supremely bad at this aren't you? The Donald trolled black NFL players who in turn trolled the President and yourself right back. You see, each were done to illicit a reaction. You took the bait. Congrats! You mad?
who in turn trolled the President and yourself right back.

I'm bad at this? You literally believe those NFL players are trolling. Hate to tell you, James, but those idiots are serious as f&$k.

In front of microphones crying about life and death, outraged over a non existent epidemic based only on their perceived feelings, telling sob stories about how bad their millionaire children's futures are going to be, etc...

Their simple minds truly think they're fighting injustice, making a difference and bringing about change. So, it seems, you were the one who got trolled.
The Donald trolled black NFL players
Don't think I missed this, either. This is how pitiful and completely dishonest you are. Your type just can't help themselves. Always with the race baiting, thinking it strengthens their position. You are a lame and couldn't be more wrong. No one gives a shit about their skin color. What's being said goes for the white, brown, yellow, red ones as well. .
Unreal. I can't believe how bad it has got.

Hate to say it -- but I truly believe this
+ econo
What you're seeing now -- is just a ramp up to the seismic changes that are going to happen worldwide

I believe these "NWO" madmen are going to try and pull the trigger on a full blown US Coup and Dollar Crash -- I think there's going to be brutal violence in Europe before anywhere else --

Starting to think that the 'conspiracy theories' about Albert Pike's "3 World Wars" --- may have at least been accidentally right?

A coming brutal war based on Islam and "The West"
Carnage and aftermath prompt heretofore unknown international institutions to wage peace via --- a new global religious pact / system

Doesn't sound nearly as crazy as it did 10 years ago

And those Saudi Sunni Teddy Bears JUST announced that women can "DRIVE CARS" in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia now

I can see why the Marxist Left admires their progressivism
This was not about the flag

Y'all keep focusing on something that was never the main issue. This was never about the flag.

The flag has always been a main part of the issue. The entire protest started out with Kaepernick purposely refusing to show pride in the flag because of what he said the flag supposedly represents. The only reason they're denying it and trying to change the issue now is because they realize their blatant disrespect isn't going over too well with a vast majority of the country.

If you need a refresher here's what Kaepernick said after his very first protest last year: "I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color."

Notice how he directly mentions the flag and tries to connect it to the oppression? According to him and millions more like him they believe America as a whole is racist and oppressive, and since the flag represents a racist and oppressive America it's also a direct symbol of racism and oppression, so they refuse to respect it and show pride in it. To no one's surprise it's why they're burn it, piss on it and wipe their asses with it for fun.
I'm bad at this? You literally believe those NFL players are trolling. Hate to tell you, James, but those idiots are serious as f&$k.

In front of microphones crying about life and death, outraged over a non existent epidemic based only on their perceived feelings, telling sob stories about how bad their millionaire children's futures are going to be, etc...

Their simple minds truly think they're fighting injustice, making a difference and bringing about change. So, it seems, you were the one who got trolled.

Wasting your time, Moe, James Lee is a full blown retard Liberal, who has drank the koolaide.
The only reason they're denying it and trying to change the issue now is because they realize their blatant disrespect isn't going over too well with a vast majority of the country.

And yet another instance of psychological projection by today's left. They do this every time their position is untenable.