How will they rule ??!

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Do you hate the extremists or all muslims?

Well lets see here, in recent days some Israelis were killed by terrorist. The were passing out candy and celebrating in the streets in Palestine. Small celebrations, not the big ones held in their streets there when the towers fell. Oh, and while we are on the subject of 9/11, kids by the thousands were given Osama Bin Laden action figures in Pakistan in the months that followed the attacks.

Polling done after suicide attacks in the west have been done by Pew research and others and Muslims living in Europe said by a 20-30 percent clip that suicide bombings are defensible. I think those numbers are low, surely there are some Muslims clever enough not to admit it. Another reason I think more Muslims in Europe support terrorists is because when the polling is done in Muslim dominated countries it ranges usually from 40-70 % that think suicide bombing is defensible, especially against non-muslims.

France's prisons are half full of Muslims despite population numbers under ten percent. Where ever they go rapes and assaults sky rocket. In Finland, Somalis living there are 12 times more likely to commit rape then the native born population. Please research how Sweden per capita became the rape capital of the Western world.

And lets not forget, that when Muslims are the overwhelming majority in countries they brutally oppress Christians, gays, women...anybody that doesn't believe what they do. Hell in Iran they have cartoons that teach children that Jews drink the blood of Muslims. You think that produces normal, well adjusted people?

Bill Maher said about Islam 'we have become so tolerant we tolerate intolerance'. Do I hate Muslims or extremists? I think a majority of Muslims are extremists. And I usually don't have warm and fuzzy feelings for people who would applaud if me and those i loved were killed in an attack.
Maybe if some sane, unbiased people would report REAL news, I would watch the news more. Ana, just disappear, the REAL people in this country don't give a crap about your opinion. Trump hurt your little snow flake feelings. We get it.
I could kind of dig bits of Islam. Like the call to prayer. Not a bad thing. And I esp like

the disease is Islam. There is no way to get around that one bub.

Color me not surprised that STL would defend Islam. o_O[poop]
I hate muslims. They can go kill themselves. Wait...About that...
People really need to learn about Islam. It is pure evil. Pedophilia and drug abuse is practiced, encouraged, and accepted. Mohammad was known for this and as he is their one true prophet of Allah if they denounce this about him and say it was not of Allah then, their prophet is not of Allah. That would destroy their whole belief system.
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Yeah, cause that's exactly what I said.
No but, regardless of that, parents should be the ones to educate their children in this area. Not some teacher who's thoughts on this are probably not in line with the parents.

My daughter at 11 knows because you see it everywhere out and about and on TV because it is being pushed on us. She knows it is a choice and that is is not what you are born with. She also understands that it is against God's will.
Maybe if some sane, unbiased people would report REAL news, I would watch the news more. Ana, just disappear, the REAL people in this country don't give a crap about your opinion. Trump hurt your little snow flake feelings. We get it.

Color me not surprised that STL would defend Islam. o_O[poop]
Doesn't STL claim to be a moderate? Dude has defended leftists and islam on just this page. Some moderate.
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No but, regardless of that, parents should be the ones to educate their children in this area. Not some teacher who's thoughts on this are probably not in line with the parents.
Absolutely. Of course there are shit parents, but that doesn't mean the school should be teaching that crap.
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I was unaware that 2 idiots made up the entire liberal side .. well i guess 2,200 or so because of the retweets but still a very small % of liberals

You're very sheltered. This is one of many. Conservatives can't go speak on campus without being assaulted or silenced. We have the left portraying everyone that disagrees with them as "racist Nazis." The left loves to demonize whites and conservatives so don't try to BS me.
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Just wondering if you guys have realized the ultra rich and powerful are the problem and not the left, right, religions, etc...?

Probably not since there is still muslim hating all up in this joint..

The ultra rich are behind beheadings, female genitalia mutilation, sharia law, death to americans and to everyone who is not a worshiper of the evil cult called islam?

Of course the ultra rich have their own selfish agenda, since the beginning of time.

Muslims have one agenda: death to all infidels. period.
Why is it that every time a liberal chimes in about Islam and the truth is brought forth, they disappear. It is as if they know the truth and can't argue the point or they are afraid of it. Moreover, it is as if they want us to come under the rule of Muslims and Sharia.
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Islam is a brutally violent, disgusting hate cult, akin to satan worshippers, +- worse.
Much worse than Satan worshippers. As crazy as some of them are, you don't even see them mass murdering people daily.
The ultra rich are behind beheadings, female genitalia mutilation, sharia law, death to americans and to everyone who is not a worshiper of the evil cult called islam?

Of course the ultra rich have their own selfish agenda, since the beginning of time.

Muslims have one agenda: death to all infidels. period.
So, the ultra rich are also behind Antifa right? You would think that since this is a fact that they would hate that group, BLM group, NOW and WOW, LGBTQLMNOP group, all of whose leaders are getting rich off of the money's donated to further the destruction of America. Anyone?
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IMO - Islam is being used globally just as a vanguard communist unit like BLM is being used stateside

Conflict designed to bring about a pre planned change

There are a lot of things I"ve said on here that are based on a lot of historical study and consideration

but THIS is an opinion --

I think Islam will be allowed to kick off a mass conflict that will trigger something close to WW3

That conflict will help usher in a movement to establish a global set of standards on religion

To some extent it's not JUST opinion -- this Pope is working it already

While the Marxists and Islamic Jihadists seem like odd bedfellows -- they DO have common enemies they want to see eradicated

I just think that the wider / more catastrophic conflict that's boiling up (w/Islam and "The West") -- is going to be parlayed into religious "order" on an international scale

Ala Albert Pike's infamous letter ---
I'm starting to wonder about that damn thing a lot lately
I dunno man. Those Satan worshipers are pretty dangerous. Why I saw 4 of those evil bastards flippin' off a Jesus statue

They're squarely behind a large portion of child / ritual abuse IMO
Luciferians are "out there" despite others who would say that's a crazy thing to think

Consider the movies "Rosemary's Baby" and "Devils Advocate" as an illustration of how the people and organizations around you may project one image but harbor something entirely different under their mask

IMO this all eventually comes to the surface and the world is going to be introduced to a whole new (yet ancient as well) belief system

Shit's going to get wild

UK might even win a Sugar Blow in there
but THIS is an opinion --

I think Islam will be allowed to kick off a mass conflict that will trigger something close to WW3

Was to talking to the new chick who i have been hammering her vagina about this same very topic. I told her that the West was never gonna let these 3rd world sub-human shit holes get access to nukes. Sooo, the only way to get access to those nukes is to go to countries that already have them.

Yes, indeed, world war 3 will happen. All over the islamazation of the world.
Here's an update on the Islamic Rape Gangs in the UK
fear of
"White girls deserved it -- they have no shame or fear of ALLALLALAH"

and of course a Somali Muslim ran a U Haul into a crowd yesterday in Canada and did his duty

in France two women were just stabbed to death -- butchered for being at the train station ...... and for being women I guess

Some intel is starting to emerge pointing to a wider, more coordinated attack coming for Europe - like shutting down / hacking ATC systems or more

The Spanish Catalonian independence movement should be watched closely too --- that could possibly lead to an actual Islamic state right between France and Spain -- lands that Mohammed's pirates once conquered

Land that ISIS openly has stated that they intend to reclaim

We'll see.........

Regardless of how badly you want to stay "out of this"
Or seem "tolerant" or even point to the US' role in causing some of the radicalization that were seeing (which is a point with SOME merit)....

regardless of that -- you're going to have to start thinking about where you draw the line with some of the violent proxies that are now emerging
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Was to talking to the new chick who i have been hammering her vagina about this same very topic. I told her that the West was never gonna let these 3rd world sub-human shit holes get access to nukes. Sooo, the only way to get access to those nukes is to go to countries that already have them.

Yes, indeed, world war 3 will happen. All over the islamazation of the world.

I love 'casual context' - it adds such color
Like a dirty minded, drunk Bob Ross .....

That's going to be in my head for a while, Wilily

I don't even remember what I was going to say in this post
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You also forgot the deplorable remark that was made and most were fine with until the backlash from half the nation. Noting that this is how she really feels as do many on the left and, it being a part of why she lost. Antifa, BLM, LBGTQLMNOP, NOW, WOW, and many other leftist organizations feel this way.

Let's see, we have been called deplorable, racist, Nazis, "uneducated white men" and white supremacists. We are told that our vote isn't legit and just the result of Russia and Facebook ads.

Why is it that every time a liberal chimes in about Islam and the truth is brought forth, they disappear. It is as if they know the truth and can't argue the point or they are afraid of it. Moreover, it is as if they want us to come under the rule of Muslims and Sharia.

What's most dispicable about the left who are apologists for Islam is that they are hardcore against Christians. You will never see them take up for Christians or be critical of Islam. They will go nuts over a Christian being for traditional marriage yet say nothing to Muslims.

Same type of people who will call someone racist for being critical of anyone who isn't white.
So this week's national anthem protests were filled with a lot of "black power" salutes. Not oppression. Not victimization. But black supremacy. Black pride.

So, we are going from the message being "black people are victims" to "black people are superior."

Trump just outed all y'all.