How will they rule ??!

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You can blame Obama for a lot of things, but I've never understood blaming him for the debt. Look at the budget deficit during his tenure, it started at 1.5 trillion and has steadily declined. He would've had to cut the budget by a little over a third or raise taxes to make it balance, during the worst recession since the depression.
Typical liberal, you claim he was responsible for deficit reduction but, you can't hold him responsible for debt increases. Will you guys ever take responsibility for your mistakes? Nope, Hillary anyone.
I'm bad at this? You literally believe those NFL players are trolling. Hate to tell you, James, but those idiots are serious as f&$k.

In front of microphones crying about life and death, outraged over a non existent epidemic based only on their perceived feelings, telling sob stories about how bad their millionaire children's futures are going to be, etc...

Their simple minds truly think they're fighting injustice, making a difference and bringing about change. So, it seems, you were the one who got trolled.
Even when it is proven to be true they are still holding on to the hope that there own can't be that stupid but, Jameslee continues to show us they are.
it ain't even perceived grievances it is full blown deception: Michael Brown - FALSE NARRATIVE, Michael Bennett - FALSE NARRATIVE, Trayvon Martin - not sure how this is law enforcement, killed by Hispanic civilian, Missouri poop schwastika. Racism is a way of guilt tripping non blacks in to dolling out cash.

IMO we need to revisit Plessy vs. Ferguson. If blacks can't get over their race and that's all they care about, then we should simply separate them for their own good.
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Don't think I missed this, either. This is how pitiful and completely dishonest you are. Your type just can't help themselves. Always with the race baiting, thinking it strengthens their position. You are a lame and couldn't be more wrong. No one gives a shit about their skin color. What's being said goes for the white, brown, yellow, red ones as well. .
The President is doing it no matter how much you bury your head in the sand Moe. He's the consummate troll. He's only done this to everyone he disagrees with.
Could someone tell me what DTs strategy is tweeting rocket man jabs at NK while his SoS is talking to them and also telling Rex he is wasting his time?
it ain't even perceived grievances it is full blown deception: Michael Brown - FALSE NARRATIVE, Michael Bennett - FALSE NARRATIVE, Trayvon Martin - not sure how this is law enforcement, killed by Hispanic civilian, Missouri poop schwastika. Racism is a way of guilt tripping non blacks in to dolling out cash.

IMO we need to revisit Plessy vs. Ferguson. If blacks can't get over their race and that's all they care about, then we should simply separate them for their own good.
Ayone else want to separate the races, "for their own good"?:flush:
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Ayone else want to separate the races, "for their own good"?:flush:
yeah because diversity is working so well isn't it? There is such racial harmony in America. Look at the facts on black culture: fatherless kids, unreal high unemployment and a tendancy to be violent. Then you have a political party that panders to those cultural characteristics. What do you expect for a group when those are their defining characteristics?

I don't even want racial separation just separation from liberals. If you believe in that ideology go form your own country.
The left loves to preach the problems with the black family are a legacy of slavery. Yet, for nearly a century after the end of slavery in the USA, 2/3 of black children were raised in 2 parent homes. Something happened in 1965 that changed this dramatically. The welfare state, which rewards failure while punishing success, is the problem.

Trump needs to try to tackle this if he truly wants to MAGA.
Well we did during/after war with Mexico, 1846-48.

And into the Philippines and Cuba too right?

and wasn't that war based on the boiler explosions. / terrorist attack on the "Maine"?

Spain invaded more than her fair share and was responsible for many atrocities against native Americans - who also committed atrocities against others and one another

What gets me most is the
Page one claim that secession will make California SAFER because they'll no longer be associated with the polarizing us war on terror


Probably even LOVED MORE by shiites and sunnis alike
Politically speaking, do the voters really care about the plight of Puerto Rico?

Guess what? I don't give a crap and I have no problem saying it. I care about the actual United States; not some island territory. It's a crap hole. I don't care about that place just like I don't care about what happens to the Middle East.
Find me "diversity" used in any other context other than "want less white people? Find me any other nation where diversity is the focal point of a population that isn't a majority of white people?

You can't.

No one says anything about Howard University being 98 percent black. No one says anything to China, Japan, Israel or Saudi Arabia.
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Looks a little like the Arab springs and other "color revolution s " we supported doesn't it?[/QU
California Independence is driven by Mexican Separatist and Marxist.

So - ANTIFA is officially designated as a terrorist organization

But they're openly planning mass rioting during the first week of November

Leaked videos where they've been compromised show pre-meditated violence in store for their targets

Where is our DOJ right about now?
Let them make the first move and gather first??

Oh yeah -- smells like a little kabuki theater distraction chicanery since the Vatican hosts their international forum on Population Control that same week

actually one of the sickest things I have ever heard about.

California has to be the most messed up state with Oregon and Washington right behind.

California was the one who started the transgender bathroom crap, they also inserted gay history into the curriculum of second graders on up and in 2016, had SoCal elementary schools teaching kids Islamic fight songs and writing about Muhammad as the true prophet.

Same state that has Berkeley where they formed a human chain to stop white students from getting to class.
Ayone else want to separate the races, "for their own good"?:flush:

The left already does it. Everyone is labeled as some identity box. You can't just be a man or a woman or American. You are identified by your race, gender, sexual preference, etc.

UConn, CSULA, Brown and other universities already have segregated housing for blacks yet call this "progress."

The left has so many conflicting groups on their side that the only thing they're united in is their hatred for white men.
The left already does it. Everyone is labeled as some identity box. You can't just be a man or a woman or American. You are identified by your race, gender, sexual preference, etc.

UConn, CSULA, Brown and other universities already have segregated housing for blacks yet call this "progress."

The left has so many conflicting groups on their side that the only thing they're united in is their hatred for white men.

Not only is everyone separated. Everyone is told their problems are due to being victims of white males.
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Seeing Muslims even in places like Lexington, makes me sick. These people don't belong here. They're pure evil...every single one of them.

Someone said it earlier in the thread - Islam is not built to co exist with other religions/atheists. They will cry inequality until they take over. They should all be sent back to the Middle East where their way of life is accepted and practiced.
Someone said it earlier in the thread - Islam is not built to co exist with other religions/atheists. They will cry inequality until they take over. They should all be sent back to the Middle East where their way of life is accepted and practiced.


Tommy Robinson tweeted that. And how can anyone claim otherwise? Look at every country where Islam is in power. No one wants to live there. There's zero tolerance for anything but Islam.
The left already does it. Everyone is labeled as some identity box. You can't just be a man or a woman or American. You are identified by your race, gender, sexual preference, etc.

UConn, CSULA, Brown and other universities already have segregated housing for blacks yet call this "progress."

The left has so many conflicting groups on their side that the only thing they're united in is their hatred for white men.
The people who believe that are wrong.

I know you'd never be caught siding with them.

Leftists sure are

Read up on the segregated dorms and other space for certain students at Harvard and other progressive organs
Again, those people are wrong.

Do you think they are right?

yeah because diversity is working so well isn't it? There is such racial harmony in America. Look at the facts on black culture: fatherless kids, unreal high unemployment and a tendancy to be violent. Then you have a political party that panders to those cultural characteristics. What do you expect for a group when those are their defining characteristics?

I don't even want racial separation just separation from liberals. If you believe in that ideology go form your own country.
So case Angryram vs California?
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Kasich threatening to leave the GOP if not fixed? Ha. Yeah, GTFO and that's a positive start.

Kasich, Ryan, McConnell and McCain are not Republicans. They're Democrats.
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