How will they rule ??!

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This is a manufactured issue. Colin Kaepernick is a knucklehead backup QB who doesn't vote and he decided to take a knee. Rather than just chalk it up to him being a weirdo, we're now at a point where the president is calling out entire leagues and telling people to boycott American business. WTF!

My point was, this was a stupid non-issue, and only the clowns made it what it is today.

Oh... and an Omelet Bar at a football game is phenomenal!

Boycotts should be spontaneous, brought on by the consumer. jmo
Calling for one by ptdotus is a bit much. omelet bars at football games--way much.
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MLB is deciding whether or not to further ruin their game by putting up nets all along the field to protect kids from their own dumbass parents who bring them to seats exposed to getting beaned by a ball. I Hope they don't ruin the game for thousands b/c of idiot parents. I know dan Patrick is pushing for the nets. NO!
Some new parks already have further netting and it hasn't caused any viewing issues. If you think about it, the big $ seats are already behind netting, so the view isn't obstructed...the eyes forget about the netting after a little bit of time.
Ha. I totally forgot about that guy.
I miss watching him make out with his boyfriend on ESPN draft night show. That was so courageous.

- ESPN names Kaitlyn Jenner Arthur ashe award winner
- shows two men making out on draft night
- fires an Asian man for being named after Confederate General.

If that's not full retard I don't know what is. And what do we say about full retard?
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Think about this.

Chick-fil-A had to be destroyed because their owner didn't agree w/ gay marriage
Christian bakers and Christian pizzerias had to be destroyed because they wouldn't cater.
Buzzfeed harassed a home renovation couple because their pastor opposed gay marriage.
CNN threatened to destroy a random internet user for making a meme of Trump being mean to CNN.
Buzzfeed/K-File (same guy who threatened CNN meme guy) got a random woman fired for a joke on twitter.

They also talk about having the right to kneel? You know who else had a right to march and speak without being harassed? White nationalists in Charlottesville.

The hypocrisy is constant.
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Put me on team omelet bar.

But I guess when Cincinnati professional sports are what you live with, you need something inside the stadium besides the actual team. You couldn't pay me to actually attend a Bengals game outside of a suite.
Think about this.

Chick-fil-A had to be destroyed because their owner didn't agree w/ gay marriage
Christian bakers and Christian pizzerias had to be destroyed because they wouldn't cater.
Buzzfeed harassed a home renovation couple because their pastor opposed gay marriage.
CNN threatened to destroy a random internet user for making a meme of Trump being mean to CNN.
Buzzfeed/K-File (same guy who threatened CNN meme guy) got a random woman fired for a joke on twitter.

They also talk about having the right to kneel? You know who else had a right to march and speak without being harassed? White nationalists in Charlottesville.

The hypocrisy is constant.

So basically "if we agree with your stance it's okay. If not, you're clearly wrong, inhuman and you must be stopped."
Love the double standard of Antioch coverage. Race and motive is buried. No calls to ban anything. No celeb outrage. No liberal talking heads blaming this on a whole group of people like they do with whites.

We get around the clock coverage of a POS running over another white girl in Charlottesville but a black Sudanese Muslim all about "Black Power" and having a football player kneeling as his header photo, shot up a predominantly white church and killed a woman and nothing...race isn't mentioned.

But hey, let's keep having psychopaths consume media like this.
I realize that you are the most ardent racist on this board but living in Nashville I can assure you that the MPD nor the prosecutors office have released any statements as to motive. It would be irresponsible for any news organization to do so at this point.

There are several questions unanswered that need to be answered before assigning motive. Why didn’t he shoot the 22 yr old usher that confronted him after he had already shot several people? He still had ammo because he later shot himself.
Did he know the woman he killed?
Most of the people there were elderly. He could have easily walked up to each and shot them in the head as he did the woman.
There was opportunity for so much more destruction if it was just a kill whitey raid.
So basically "if we agree with your stance it's okay. If not, you're clearly wrong, inhuman and you must be stopped."

Even further...these are the same people who defended Antifa. These are the same people who do everything they can to prevent conservatives from assembling or coming to speak on campus but all of a sudden care for the First Amendment when it comes to shitting on the flag.
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I realize that you are the most ardent racist on this board but living in Nashville I can assure you that the MPD nor the prosecutors office have released any statements as to motive. It would be irresponsible for any news organization to do so at this point.

There are several questions unanswered that need to be answered before assigning motive. Why didn’t he shoot the 22 yr old usher that confronted him after he had already shot several people? He still had ammo because he later shot himself.
Did he know the woman he killed?
Most of the people there were elderly. He could have easily walked up to each and shot them in the head as he did the woman.
There was opportunity for so much more destruction if it was just a kill whitey raid.

And yet anytime a white cop (or black at this point... which is odd) shoots a black person, it's automatically deemed racist before any facts come out.

I have no problem getting to the bottom of things. I'm not saying this shooting was racially motivated... but you bet your ass this happened reverse, this white man's motive was racism.
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I realize that you are the most ardent racist on this board but living in Nashville I can assure you that the MPD nor the prosecutors office have released any statements as to motive. It would be irresponsible for any news organization to do so at this point.

There are several questions unanswered that need to be answered before assigning motive. Why didn’t he shoot the 22 yr old usher that confronted him after he had already shot several people? He still had ammo because he later shot himself.
Did he know the woman he killed?
Most of the people there were elderly. He could have easily walked up to each and shot them in the head as he did the woman.
There was opportunity for so much more destruction if it was just a kill whitey raid.

You are absolutely correct, wouldn't it be nice if the MSM used the criteria you stated in every situation? Waiting for the facts, and all.
I realize that you are the most ardent racist on this board but living in Nashville I can assure you that the MPD nor the prosecutors office have released any statements as to motive. It would be irresponsible for any news organization to do so at this point.

There are several questions unanswered that need to be answered before assigning motive. Why didn’t he shoot the 22 yr old usher that confronted him after he had already shot several people? He still had ammo because he later shot himself.
Did he know the woman he killed?
Most of the people there were elderly. He could have easily walked up to each and shot them in the head as he did the woman.
There was opportunity for so much more destruction if it was just a kill whitey raid.

An usher, identified as Robert Engle, 22, confronted the gunman at one point and was pistol-whipped, causing "significant injury around his head," police added. They said Engle went to his own car, grabbed a pistol and headed back into the church.

It was initially reported that the gunman shot himself, although police said it's unclear whether he shot himself or the gun unintentionally discharged during his scuffle with Engle.
I realize that you are the most ardent racist on this board but living in Nashville I can assure you that the MPD nor the prosecutors office have released any statements as to motive. It would be irresponsible for any news organization to do so at this point.

There are several questions unanswered that need to be answered before assigning motive. Why didn’t he shoot the 22 yr old usher that confronted him after he had already shot several people? He still had ammo because he later shot himself.
Did he know the woman he killed?
Most of the people there were elderly. He could have easily walked up to each and shot them in the head as he did the woman.
There was opportunity for so much more destruction if it was just a kill whitey raid.

He didn't "later shoot himself," he was accidently shot during the scuffle with the usher, per fox radio news this morning.
"opportunity for so much more destruction?" he already killed one and wounded 7 more.
Maybe his trigger finger got tired.
He didn't "later shoot himself," he was accidently shot during the scuffle with the usher, per fox radio news this morning.
"opportunity for so much more destruction?" he already killed one and wounded 7 more.
Maybe his trigger finger got tired.

Odd. Didn't hear that phrase when a guy in a car killed only one person. I mean, he could have backed up and floored it again.

Narrative is awesome.
MLB is deciding whether or not to further ruin their game by putting up nets all along the field to protect kids from their own dumbass parents who bring them to seats exposed to getting beaned by a ball. I Hope they don't ruin the game for thousands b/c of idiot parents. I know dan Patrick is pushing for the nets. NO!
How do nets ruin the game? There are already nets behind home plate. They are considering simply extending the nets 70 ft to either side.
Would you prefer glass like in hockey?
He didn't "later shoot himself," he was accidently shot during the scuffle with the usher, per fox radio news this morning.
"opportunity for so much more destruction?" he already killed one and wounded 7 more.
Maybe his trigger finger got tired.

Any senseless loss of life is catastrophic, but honestly I've always been surprised that the death tolls in these mass shootings aren't much worse than they actually are.

It's awful that a woman was killed and 7 others were hurt, but when I hear about a shooter in a church I'd expect that to be much worse.
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A few guys kneel during the anthem.

That simply doesn't add up to me.

When the ratings dropped last year there were a few reason, but the Kaepernick protests polled at number one at 30 something %.

Also, Jim Gray is reporting this morning, according to yesterday's polls, 70% of NFL fans disagreed with the protests.
When the ratings dropped last year there were a few reason, but the Kaepernick protests were polled at number one at 30 something %.

Also, Jim Gray is reporting this morning, according to yesterday's polls, 70% of NFL fans disagreed with the protests.

How many of those 70% didn't participate? I think the protests are dumb and counterproductive, but I gleefully watched football for 9 hours yesterday while pounding 18 budweisers.
MLB is deciding whether or not to further ruin their game by putting up nets all along the field to protect kids from their own dumbass parents who bring them to seats exposed to getting beaned by a ball. I Hope they don't ruin the game for thousands b/c of idiot parents. I know dan Patrick is pushing for the nets. NO!
That was my feeling when I first heard about it on the radio. That parent is solely responsible for what happened.
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This is a manufactured issue. Colin Kaepernick is a knucklehead backup QB who doesn't vote and he decided to take a knee. Rather than just chalk it up to him being a weirdo, we're now at a point where the president is calling out entire leagues and telling people to boycott American business. WTF!

My point was, this was a stupid non-issue, and only the clowns made it what it is today.

Oh... and an Omelet Bar at a football game is phenomenal!

the clowns manufacture half or more of the issues people talk about. the media, instead of largely ignoring the kneeling of a small time QB last year (who wears Castro shirts which ought to tell anyone about his mental abilities) they made a big time story out of it. acting like he was some civil rights leader fighting injustice. The president never should have waded in to this matter. It just magnified it even more.

But we have seen youth football teams kneeling and girls volleyball teams kneeling so a b.s. story that everyone should have rolled their eyes at has had more of an impact then you think. And that girls volleyball team last year was almost all white and apparently no one was there to tell them learn some history and perspective. whatever Americas flaws are you aren't oppressed one bit, go to somalia or saudi arabia or iran and you would find out what oppression is and probably be raped.

I'm not quite the trump fan like some on here, but one positive i saw in his election was that outside of NY and California a good majority of the people clearly find the stuff the media and academia push in unison to be disgusting and repugnant. The over the top political correctness, the disdain for patriotism (what use to be normal patriotism is now evil nationalism) and American values, the disdain for the military and cops...

There will always be people in a free society who openly hate the society they live in, who trash it with there words, who don't respect their own country...I'm fine with that. I want to live a free country where that is allowed. But I do think for a country to be strong and free for long and prosperous, that it needs a vast majority of its citizens to be patriotic and love the country. And what worries some of us is the glorification in our college classrooms and by most media outlets for people who hate America, that has an effect...telling people all the time america or capitalism or patriotism is evil might have more of an effect on millions of the gullible in our society then you think.
How many of those 70% didn't participate?

Said almost half, 29%, said if the protest continue they'd be forced to turn it off, stop going, etc...

The other 41% just said they disagree and found it disrespectful, but would still continue to watch.
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One thing noone is mentioning:

The left tricking and appropriating young black men to further their own far left agenda. They know this will damage/kill the marketability/careers of those men, while also knowing those young men have no way of earning that kind of income. Look at Kap for example.

So the left pressure those players to risk it all, even though they have everything to lose. All the while, those on the left who actually benefit from this behavior are taking zero risks at all.

Welcome to modern day slavery. Brought to you by liberals, under the guise of promoting minorities.
Irony: new figures show violent crime is down around the country but pulled up overall by increases in the major (NFL) cities.

Baltimore is a wonderful, and ignored for a reason, example of lunacy protesting.
That was my feeling when I first heard about it on the radio. That parent is solely responsible for what happened.

Was grandparents - ball exited off bat at 105mph. Maybe some people with playing experience would be able to handle that from that close, but not many...and then if you have people dodging, it opens up someone behind them with no sight of the ball to injury. You could say no kids, no elderly etc, but I am not sure many young men/women are handling that ball either.

The players don't need to live with those results if a net to the end of the dugout or so can help prevent the majority of fan injuries.
‘Sunday Night Football’ Ratings Down Again On Day Of Player Protests

In metered market numbers, the primetime match-up between the 27-10 winning Washington Redskins and the Oakland Raiders snared an 11.6/20.

The worst SNF has performed this season so far, that’s an 8% dip from the early numbers of last week’s Atlanta Falcon’s 34-23 win over the Green Bay Packers. Gaining cheers and boos from fans at FedEx Field in Maryland last night, the third week of SNF for the 2017-2018 season declined 10% from early numbers of the comparable game of last year on September 25, 2016.
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But she still won.

Any of you clamoring for a viable third party, that would be your outcome.

The conservatives and conservative leanings are divided with Barack/Hillary/Sanders disciples for my descendants to endure.

That's is what you get when you have more than a two party system.

Now a replacement party(like what happened to the Whigs), I can get behind.
She lost 20% of her support. You can't finish the job until you start the job...
[laughing]North Korea has made an announcement, accusing the US of declaring war on them and that they now reserve the right to take countermeasures, and when they attack the world should remember it was the US, not them, who declared war.

I hate to laugh because diplomacy can't work here. Un has backed himself into a corner. He can't back down. It'll expose him. He has an image he has to uphold or he'll lose his grip.
Out of foul balls, unsure - but statistics are that each season about 1700 people are injured by foul bats or shattered bats...about 2 injuries per every 3 games.

Each person that goes to games is responsible for themselves, but most of the injuries are unnecessary.
Out of foul balls, unsure - but statistics are that each season about 1700 people are injured by foul bats or shattered bats...about 2 injuries per every 3 games.

Each person that goes to games is responsible for themselves, but most of the injuries are unnecessary.

I don't really care either way. Like the Bengals, I also won't be caught at a Reds game unless I'm in a suite or the seats that are already behind netting.

I just hate the mindset. One sympathetic little girl gets hurt, now we need to negatively impact the viewing experience for the tens of thousands who didn't get hurt.

A million people can't get health insurance, now we need to negatively impact the hundreds of millions of people who have it.

Why not focus on a solution that negatively impacts the viewing experience of little girls who have gotten hurt, not one that negatively impacts tens of thousands who haven't.
I understand. I don't think the viewing would be less enjoyable with the netting they now make, but I get why people oppose.

A few years ago a base coach got hit with a foul ball and died, and now all base coaches have to wear a little helmet. If I was a base coach, I'd rather be wearing a hat, but its one of those things that doesn't seem like a big enough deal to fight over.
Was grandparents - ball exited off bat at 105mph. Maybe some people with playing experience would be able to handle that from that close, but not many...and then if you have people dodging, it opens up someone behind them with no sight of the ball to injury. You could say no kids, no elderly etc, but I am not sure many young men/women are handling that ball either.

The players don't need to live with those results if a net to the end of the dugout or so can help prevent the majority of fan injuries.
Yeah, with baseball in its infancy like this, there are going to be some growing pains.