How will they rule ??!

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When and where did you serve? Are you speaking for all or just the few who have turned on their country like yourself. Most military and retired military will agree with me but, since you served and know so much, I will give you a few traitors might support you.

There are plenty of current and retired military who do not agree with you including an overwhelming majority of African American military.

You are obviously the one turning their back on their country by not vigorously supporting those exercising their first amendment rights. If you truly believe in the first amendment then you don’t put conditions on how it is used.
You are obviously the one turning their back on their country by not vigorously supporting those exercising their first amendment rights. If you truly believe in the first amendment then you don’t put conditions on how it is used.

When did calling people dumbasses and saying they should be fired for doing dumb shit all of the sudden become an assault on the First Amendment?

First Amendment 101: In very, very basic terms, your right to free speech is protected from government interference

You want to go to waive a Nazi flag? You want to kneel during the National Anthem? That's absolutely your right.

You aren't protected from being fired or called a jackass for doing stupid shit.

So no, I'm not going to vigorously support Nazis or radicals on the left for exercising their right in a moronic way. I'll vigorously defend the fact they have that right.
Well, then that's just plain ignorant. If they want to be disrespectful and not stand, then that's their right. I have no problem with that. The problem I have with it is that they're using the NFL's/national TV's platform to do it and, by default, trying force it onto to me.
Force it on you?
Who asked you to kneel? Who held a gun to your head and made you watch?

What they did do is make you think about the issue, one you would rather ignore.

It takes no courage to do something that no one else will notice. If you are trying to effect change then one uses the platform they’ve been given or earned to bring that change about.
There are plenty of current and retired military who do not agree with you including an overwhelming majority of African American military.

You are obviously the one turning their back on their country by not vigorously supporting those exercising their first amendment rights. If you truly believe in the first amendment then you don’t put conditions on how it is used.

lol who has said they have no right? I've seen countless times "it's their right, I just don't agree" stated. Yet the first amendment is brought up constantly concerning this.

Yet you have to be careful posting a conservative thought on Facebook, twitter, etc. Or you'll face a ban.

I am in no way, shape, or form for the KKK or ANTIFA, but it's funny that ANTIFA gets a pass, yet the KKK can't even have a meeting with 200 idiots without 400 idiots showing up to shut it down. That seems to follow the first amendment pretty well huh?

How did you put it? "If you truly believe in the first amendment then you don't put conditions on how it's used".
What ever happened to the good old days when talking religion or politics at a social function was frowned upon?

I really, really don't give a shit what a bunch of scrambled brain jackasses have to say about politics or social injustices. Just go out on the field, play your game and entertain me.
There are plenty of current and retired military who do not agree with you including an overwhelming majority of African American military.

You are obviously the one turning their back on their country by not vigorously supporting those exercising their first amendment rights. If you truly believe in the first amendment then you don’t put conditions on how it is used.

This is not a 1st amendment issue. the 1st amendment guarantees cutizens the right to protest the government, it doesn't guarantee you that right to do so at your workplace.

Football fans are turning their backs on these athletes because they are protesting at a place of business, a place where they pay to go to be entertained, not to watch a political demonstration directed at the stars and stripes.

No one is denying these whiny multi millionaires any of their constitutional rights as an american citizen. if their employers allow them to protest that's their right too.

Fans also have the option to not open their pocketbooks to the nfl.

But she still won.

Any of you clamoring for a viable third party, that would be your outcome.

The conservatives and conservative leanings are divided with Barack/Hillary/Sanders disciples for my descendants to endure.

That's is what you get when you have more than a two party system.

Now a replacement party(like what happened to the Whigs), I can get behind.
What ever happened to the good old days when talking religion or politics at a social function was frowned upon?

I really, really don't give a shit what a bunch of scrambled brain jackasses have to say about politics or social injustices. Just go out on the field, play your game and entertain me.

You know it's funny you bring this up - the entirety of political banter in which I partake is on this board. Politics never comes up at work, at my weekly poker game, when I'm hanging out with friends, etc.

I watched football at BW3 with a group of friends yesterday and this didn't come up at all. In fact, I'm pretty sure I was chugging a beer during the anthems.
Fuzz/RQ, how would you feel if an employee at a large company wrote a memo detailing the absurdity of forced diversity, emailed it to all employees and got fired?

You going to vigorously defend that guy's first amendment right (as you define it) to say and do whatever the hell he wants while privately employed?
You know it's funny you bring this up - the entirety of political banter in which I partake is on this board. Politics never comes up at work, at my weekly poker game, when I'm hanging out with friends, etc.

I watched football at BW3 with a group of friends yesterday and this didn't come up at all. In fact, I'm pretty sure I was chugging a beer during the anthems.

I was at the omelet bar in a box at the Bears game. I think people who care about this issue are losers.
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You know it's funny you bring this up - the entirety of political banter in which I partake is on this board. Politics never comes up at work, at my weekly poker game, when I'm hanging out with friends, etc.

I watched football at BW3 with a group of friends yesterday and this didn't come up at all. In fact, I'm pretty sure I was chugging a beer during the anthems.

Exactly. I do discuss politics somewhat with my dad, but that's about it outside of this board. I probably have a reputation on this board as being some far right crazy person who's life is totally engulfed by politics, but that couldn't be further from the truth. It comes off that way because this in my outlet to vent.

I don't want to hear about politics when I'm watching football or basketball. Hopefully Adam Silver can get a handle on things before this NBA season.
There are plenty of current and retired military who do not agree with you including an overwhelming majority of African American military.

You are obviously the one turning their back on their country by not vigorously supporting those exercising their first amendment rights. If you truly believe in the first amendment then you don’t put conditions on how it is used.
Link to the stats would be interesting.
So Trump is praising nascar today.

You want to talk about a ratings disaster....nascar is the poster child for ratings and attendance problems.

I don't know how anyone watches it but in terms of popularity, auto racing is ahead of the NBA according to the Harris Poll.

College football
Auto racing
College basketball
I was at the omelet bar in a box at the Bears game. I think people who care about this issue are losers.

So, you can state your opinion on the issue by saying you don't care about it, and that makes you not a loser?

And who the hell eats omelets at a football game?
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Love the double standard of Antioch coverage. Race and motive is buried. No calls to ban anything. No celeb outrage. No liberal talking heads blaming this on a whole group of people like they do with whites.

We get around the clock coverage of a POS running over another white girl in Charlottesville but a black Sudanese Muslim all about "Black Power" and having a football player kneeling as his header photo, shot up a predominantly white church and killed a woman and nothing...race isn't mentioned.

But hey, let's keep having psychopaths consume media like this.
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Force it on you?

I said trying to force it onto me, as in their beliefs and politics. That's not why I watch football, and unless I choose to boycott, then I'm forced to watch it.

Who asked you to kneel?

No one. Where did I ever say anyone asked me to kneel? What's up with the random, made up, rhetorical questions?

Who held a gun to your head and made you watch?

No one did, but I'm a paying customer. I tune in for football, not to see a bunch of entitled millionaires virtue signal.

Yeah, I know, I could turn it off, and I have, but that's beside the point and isn't a decision I should even have to make. I shouldn't have to worry about subjecting myself to idiotic protests when trying to watch a damn football game. It's ridiculous and stupid.

What they did do is make you think about the issue, one you would rather ignore.

Not really. Still ignoring it because it's not an issue, it's not an epidemic. It's fake outrage. There's plenty of data and facts to prove otherwise. Their preconceived hurt feelings are irrelevant.

It takes no courage to do something that no one else will notice

That wasn't courage. That was group think and mob mentality.The courage came from the dudes who still chose to stand, going against the social justice mob.

Btw, equating sitting for the anthem and disrespecting the flag to courage is a joke. Bet you were one of the idiots agreeing with those equating Antifa to D-day soldiers.

If you are trying to effect change then one uses the platform they’ve been given or earned to bring that change about.

That platform isn't theirs. They are employees trying hijacking the platform at t expense of everyone else. Also, yesterday changed absolutely nothing. It was more divisive than anything. Boston and DC, two of the most liberal enclaves on the planet, booed their own teams for kneeling. Most people, including liberals, don't want politics interfering in sports. Only a moron would think change cane from yesterday.
So, you can state your opinion on the issue by saying you don't care about it, and that makes you not a loser?

And who the hell eats omelets at a football game?

You're gonna sit there and pretend you don't enjoy a nice glass of chardonnay and humus at a football game?

Turn in your man card.
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I said trying to force it onto me, as in their beliefs and politics. That's not why I watch football, and unless I choose to boycott, then I'm forced to watch it.

No one. Where did I ever say anyone asked me to kneel? What's up with the random, made up, rhetorical questions?

No one did, but I'm a paying customer. I tune in for football, not to see a bunch of entitled millionaires virtue signal.

Yeah, I know, I could turn it off, and I have, but that's beside the point and isn't a decision I should even have to make. I shouldn't have to worry about subjecting myself to idiotic protests when trying to watch a damn football game. It's ridiculous and stupid.

Not really. Still ignoring it because it's not an issue, it's not an epidemic. It's fake outrage. There's plenty of data and facts to prove otherwise. Their preconceived hurt feelings are irrelevant.

That wasn't courage. That was group think and mob mentality.The courage came from the dudes who still chose to stand, going against the social justice mob.

Btw, equating sitting for the anthem and disrespecting the flag to courage is a joke. Bet you were one of the idiots agreeing with those equating Antifa to D-day soldiers.

That platform isn't theirs. They are employees trying hijacking the platform at t expense of everyone else. Also, yesterday changed absolutely nothing. It was more divisive than anything. Boston and DC, two of the most liberal enclaves on the planet, booed their own teams for kneeling. Most people, including liberals, don't want politics interfering in sports. Only a moron would think change cane from yesterday.

How is it courage when media and liberals are going to praise you 24/7? It takes zero courage to be a liberal. It takes tons of guts to be a conservative considering the backlash that comes with it; getting called a Nazi, a racist, mocked, silenced on campus, suspended on social media and even loss of job.

If you're a conservative in Hollywood or academia, you have to be quiet. If you're a conservative in media, your job choices are crazy limited.
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I don't know how anyone watches it but in terms of popularity, auto racing is ahead of the NBA according to the Harris Poll.

College football
Auto racing
College basketball

I actually love NASCAR and watch a lot of races, and attend a couple every year. They hit a peak probably 15 years ago in regard to ratings and popularity. Since then it's been in a huge tailspin. They can't even field 40 cars in a race anymore due to declining interest in sponsorships. If you talk to most die hard nascar fans about why rating and attendance are tanking, you get:

Over Saturation
Rules changes have made races bland
Too many other options on TV to watch
Less cable subscribers

With the NFL, none of the above applies. The sole reason for ratings being down is:

A few guys kneel during the anthem.

That simply doesn't add up to me. The NFL has the same problem every other entity that is fighting for a share of ratings does - the competition is bigger and better than it has ever been.
Force it on you?
Who asked you to kneel? Who held a gun to your head and made you watch?

What they did do is make you think about the issue, one you would rather ignore.

It takes no courage to do something that no one else will notice. If you are trying to effect change then one uses the platform they’ve been given or earned to bring that change about.
so why are they kneeling? What are the specific acts they are protesting? Racism? How? It's not racist
I said trying to force it onto me, as in their beliefs and politics. That's not why I watch football, and unless I choose to boycott, then I'm forced to watch it.

No one. Where did I ever say anyone asked me to kneel? What's up with the random, made up, rhetorical questions?

No one did, but I'm a paying customer. I tune in for football, not to see a bunch of entitled millionaires virtue signal.

Yeah, I know, I could turn it off, and I have, but that's beside the point and isn't a decision I should even have to make. I shouldn't have to worry about subjecting myself to idiotic protests when trying to watch a damn football game. It's ridiculous and stupid.

Not really. Still ignoring it because it's not an issue, it's not an epidemic. It's fake outrage. There's plenty of data and facts to prove otherwise. Their preconceived hurt feelings are irrelevant.

That wasn't courage. That was group think and mob mentality.The courage came from the dudes who still chose to stand, going against the social justice mob.

Btw, equating sitting for the anthem and disrespecting the flag to courage is a joke. Bet you were one of the idiots agreeing with those equating Antifa to D-day soldiers.

That platform isn't theirs. They are employees trying hijacking the platform at t expense of everyone else. Also, yesterday changed absolutely nothing. It was more divisive than anything. Boston and DC, two of the most liberal enclaves on the planet, booed their own teams for kneeling. Most people, including liberals, don't want politics interfering in sports. Only a moron would think change cane from yesterday.
courage? COlin Kaepernick is NOT Jackie Robinson. He is not rosa parks or harriet tubman. This is all happening b/c the 60's hippies want to relive their glory days. So they are literally making shit up (mike brown, or Trayvon martin) to rile up people into a mode of complete anarchy.

That is why whenever this anarchist movement shows itself through its social movement de jour (occupy, BLM) it never accomplishes anything. ALl they do is tear down, assault, burn or destroy things. They never produce they never accomplish anything. They don't even know why they are doing it but they get a free pass to break the law , all lead by 60's hippies. It's so obvious. And so pointless.
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Thing is, and even though everyone has acknowledged their right, if you want to be technical, they really don't have the right and aren't protected by the first amendment. The first amendment protects you from the government, not a privately owned business. Your employer does not have to accept/tolerate you protesting on the job.
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So Trump is praising nascar today.

You want to talk about a ratings disaster....nascar is the poster child for ratings and attendance problems.
I think it's pretty cool the way he can comment on literally anything and instantly incite a smokescreen of emotional reaction. Especially when it's about shit that would never matter otherwise.

I think it's scary how well it continues to work...

Trump's shitposting on Twitter is Barry's midnight EO's.
There are plenty of current and retired military who do not agree with you including an overwhelming majority of African American military.

You are obviously the one turning their back on their country by not vigorously supporting those exercising their first amendment rights. If you truly believe in the first amendment then you don’t put conditions on how it is used.

You could count the seconds on one hand of how long it would take for a player to be suspended for freely exercising his 1A right expressing his displeasure with any LGBQ+++∞ issue.

On or off of the clock.
Fuzz/RQ, how would you feel if an employee at a large company wrote a memo detailing the absurdity of forced diversity, emailed it to all employees and got fired?

You going to vigorously defend that guy's first amendment right (as you define it) to say and do whatever the hell he wants while privately employed?
Here is what I know Bill. If that employee was bringing in large profits, the company would find away to look around the memo.
Further, if that employee was supported by majority of other employees and you knew that taking action against that employee would result in a major disruption of your business...

The NFL players per their NFLPA agreement with the owners are not required to stand for the national Anthem. Taking action against a player for that reason would very likely result in a work stoppage by the players.

While allowing those who wish to kneel to do so may cost the owners and ultimately the players money, a work stoppage would cost them even more.

How about this for a compromise? Prior to 2009 NFL players remained in the locker rooms until after the national Anthem. Why don’t we return to that tradition?
When I heard that it got me thinking about when I played football in the ‘70s. We too were always in the locker room while it was played.
Funny how quickly we moved past Michael Sam.

I think teams should have to reserve spots for queers and BLM lunatics who feel the need to put personal and political issues above football.
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So, you can state your opinion on the issue by saying you don't care about it, and that makes you not a loser?

And who the hell eats omelets at a football game?

This is a manufactured issue. Colin Kaepernick is a knucklehead backup QB who doesn't vote and he decided to take a knee. Rather than just chalk it up to him being a weirdo, we're now at a point where the president is calling out entire leagues and telling people to boycott American business. WTF!

My point was, this was a stupid non-issue, and only the clowns made it what it is today.

Oh... and an Omelet Bar at a football game is phenomenal!
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Here is what I know Bill. If that employee was bringing in large profits, the company would find away to look around the memo.
Further, if that employee was supported by majority of other employees and you knew that taking action against that employee would result in a major disruption of your business...

The NFL players per their NFLPA agreement with the owners are not required to stand for the national Anthem. Taking action against a player for that reason would very likely result in a work stoppage by the players.

While allowing those who wish to kneel to do so may cost the owners and ultimately the players money, a work stoppage would cost them even more.

How about this for a compromise? Prior to 2009 NFL players remained in the locker rooms until after the national Anthem. Why don’t we return to that tradition?
When I heard that it got me thinking about when I played football in the ‘70s. We too were always in the locker room while it was played.

Notice how you got through that post without mentioning the First Amendment?
MLB sitting around like :popcorn::americanflag:[cheers]
MLB is deciding whether or not to further ruin their game by putting up nets all along the field to protect kids from their own dumbass parents who bring them to seats exposed to getting beaned by a ball. I Hope they don't ruin the game for thousands b/c of idiot parents. I know dan Patrick is pushing for the nets. NO!
I actually love NASCAR and watch a lot of races, and attend a couple every year. They hit a peak probably 15 years ago in regard to ratings and popularity. Since then it's been in a huge tailspin. They can't even field 40 cars in a race anymore due to declining interest in sponsorships. If you talk to most die hard nascar fans about why rating and attendance are tanking, you get:

Over Saturation
Rules changes have made races bland
Too many other options on TV to watch
Less cable subscribers

With the NFL, none of the above applies. The sole reason for ratings being down is:

A few guys kneel during the anthem.

That simply doesn't add up to me. The NFL has the same problem every other entity that is fighting for a share of ratings does - the competition is bigger and better than it has ever been.

They've made NASCAR too vanilla. They should try going back to their roots, and use actual Ford's, Chevy's and Toyota's.