How will they rule ??!

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PA could have allowed mail-ins to be counted when they arrive, but stuck with not starting count till election day. Would be easier to catch fraud early rather than later wouldn't you think? But Pubs blocked the change because the bill didn't include other changes they wanted. So spite yourselves instead. Just how weird is that? And where was Trump on that? Clearly MIA.
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And history will praise the NYC real estate mogul who made a fortune before TV, and gave it up to save this country from your ilk, loser ass 'educator'.
Trump reported $1.6 billion in revenue.

Trump himself estimated the value of his "brand" grew by $10 billion.

Gave it all up. Right.
See, how fake rape accusations work? So why do you.keep doing it?

Trump didn't rape anyone, you lunatic.

Nor did he 'attack' the Capitol.
He was found liable for sexual assault, and he urged a mob on to the Capitol.

(Jean Carroll told a friend of the incident at the time. Prior to Trump becoming a politician.)
I'm not trying to. Hillary used her contacts to plant the Steele Dossier with the three letter agencies to beef up the Carter Page accusations. It was dirty politics, but there were multiple legitimate contacts, Page himself, Papadopoulos, Wikileaks, the Trump tower meeting. Nothing ever came of it, despite the obvious collusion of coordinating the drop of the hacked DNC material to counter the Billy Bush 'Grab 'em by the...' tapes through Roger Stone. More people on all sides of this should've caught some consequences I agree, but ultimately like I said nothing came of it. For either side. Just another to add to the pile for our intelligence communities, that I already gave examples of.
Are you too young to remember the Bill Clinton presidency? Do you think there might have been a spouse get attacked during the Clinton years? Maybe?

I have no idea what's Maher's excuse. It could be he's an ass. Just spitballing here.
I get blocking out one source of facts that don't agree with your ideas. I mean, if you're determined to hold on to your choice, it's human nature. What makes my heart and head hurt about MAGAts is they don't even believe Trump about Trump. He has embraced anti-abortion, backed off anti-abortion, he's invented compromises that anti-abortion people are supposed also support (and don't), and then he's back in the fold. So, Trump has embraced every possible position on abortion. Within a week. What gives?

My favorite has always been his assertion about the FBI planting the stolen documents at Mar-a-Lago. And he wants the documents back. Documents can't come back if they were never there.

Or Trump's claim that he can steal. In the 2020 campaign, the Trump campaign used Eddy Grant's music. When Grant asked for the royalties owed, Trump claimed executive privilege to use what he wanted.

These aren't small issues. Theft, death, and betrayal of one's country. Nobody twisted facts for these. There's no need to squint at the facts to see them a certain way. These are Trump direct statements.
Nobody is reading your repetitive novels anymore. But keep knocking yourself out. And finally figured out who this guy is. The constant repetitive posts tipped it off. Good ole Levibooty.
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