How will they rule ??!

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Good Lord y’all just can’t wait to try and justify your racist attitudes. I live in Nashville and the story of the shooting has been on the news, special reports during time outs of the games. They showed the entire statement made by the metro police dept and absolutely no information was given about any of the victims or the shooter other than their gender and medical condition and said that the identities would be withheld until they had the opportunity to talk with everyone and bring formal charges. It wasn’t until hours later that any details were released.

FYI the shooter has been in this country since 1996 and had attended the church where the shooting occurred. There is absolutely no indication that he is Muslim.
Of course not, you would not admit it even if he cut your balls off yelling Allah Akbar. My apologies, you were de-balled at birth. You have been a wuss all of your life.
How is taking a knee dishonoring the military? Many, many veterans have come out in support of their right to I don't know, take advantage of the first amendment rights that the military protects. Dishonoring the military would be trying to shut these people up. You guys take up for the bigots and racists right to 'express themselves' but not these players. Why is that? You take up for people displaying a confederate flag and honoring traitors who fought against this country. Is that not disrespectful to the flag and the military?

More outrage over this than the killing of protestors by white supremacists. Or Russia hacking our democracy or the President's campaign working with Russia to influence the election. Nope, it's guys kneeling for the national anthem. That's the trigger for Republican snowflakes.

Many have stated that's their right to kneel. Just because it's their right doesn't mean you have to like it or agree with it. But the left more or less endorses ANTIFA, who goes around trying to do exactly what you accuse others of. They try to shut up everyone who disagrees with them and labels everything hate speech (which the 1st amendment also protects). As for the confederate flag, I'm willing to bet you didn't have a big problem with it until the media told you to. Same with these statues.

Last I checked it was an individual crazy nut that killed one protester. That guy will get better than he deserves and he disgusts me, but don't make it sound like there have been multiple deaths by white supremacist groups (which by the way, just because you're white and happen to support statues staying up or have a confederate flag on your truck doesn't automatically make you a white supremacist).

And as far as Russia goes... sheesh. Change the record. Obama said Russia couldn't hack us. He said it was impossible. The narrative only changed in the media once Hillary lost because of all the swing states she couldn't win. Good thing Russia rigged the exact states they needed to. Besides, didn't you hear? Hillary said it would hurt our democracy to not accept the outcome of the election.
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How is taking a knee dishonoring the military? Many, many veterans have come out in support of their right to I don't know, take advantage of the first amendment rights that the military protects. Dishonoring the military would be trying to shut these people up. You guys take up for the bigots and racists right to 'express themselves' but not these players. Why is that? You take up for people displaying a confederate flag and honoring traitors who fought against this country. Is that not disrespectful to the flag and the military?

More outrage over this than the killing of protestors by white supremacists. Or Russia hacking our democracy or the President's campaign working with Russia to influence the election. Nope, it's guys kneeling for the national anthem. That's the trigger for Republican snowflakes.

When and where did you serve? Are you speaking for all or just the few who have turned on their country like yourself. Most military and retired military will agree with me but, since you served and know so much, I will give you a few traitors might support you.
Not to mention, every single player/person who took a knee today proved their false narrative exactly that, false. The fact that they were able to kneel during the anthem, then proceed normally, as if nothing ever happened, proves that America isn't oppressive and that Trump isn't a fascist.

Go to a real oppressive, fascist country and give it a try. You'd be manhandled off the field before the anthem ended, and jailed/killed for treason by the time the sun comes up.
Here's the thing about the kneeling.

These people are paid corporate workers. They work for the NFL. This hurts the NFL.

I don't want my banker spewing protests on me. My doctor. My whatever. We pay a service to the nfl just like we do the movie theatre and the doctors office. Get your employees in business mode.
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I'd love to see what these NFL players would be doing for work if they didn't have pro sports. How many of those guys would be in major poverty or in prison?

Imagine if universities didn't bend over backwards to admit total morons and remembered they were an academic institution first? Imagine all of the football players having to do their own work and being graded on it as if they didn't play sports. That would be a sight.
Here's the thing about the kneeling.

These people are paid corporate workers. They work for the NFL. This hurts the NFL.

I don't want my banker spewing protests on me. My doctor. My whatever. We pay a service to the nfl just like we do the movie theatre and the doctors office. Get your employees in business mode.
Do you think college player protests would be more appropriate?
I'd love to see what these NFL players would be doing for work if they didn't have pro sports. How many of those guys would be in major poverty or in prison?

Imagine if universities didn't bend over backwards to admit total morons and remembered they were an academic institution first? Imagine all of the football players having to do their own work and being graded on it as if they didn't play sports. That would be a sight.
I do declare! A true moralist is in our midst!

Left wing liberal from the UK, Sargon of Akkad (Carl Benjamin), at Berkeley free speech week talking about Britain's hate speech laws, Antifa, mass immigration, identity politics, etc...

If y'all don't watch the NFL, why are you throwing a fit because some people take a knee? They can do whatever they want, especially as professional athletes. Pull your pants down and shit on the field for all I care. Beat up women. Whatever. This is aint church. It's a nasty fn sport, and y'all are behaving like the triggered left because your feelings are hurt over fn entertainment. Not anything important. A game.

It's absolutely disrespectful as hell. But thats my opinion. They say they're protesting police brutality, racial inequality, and trump. I say they're disrespecting the men and women who fought for their right to protest...and they're exercising that right, so whatever.

Do you suppprt the pimping of college athletes? Everything about college sports is immoral and sickening. You ain't gonna quit UK, though. If our players protest, what are you gonna do? I hope they protest the financial inequality aspect of "amateur" sports, tbh. Hope all the NBA kids skip college. Football is even worse. These kids risk injury and CTE to make stupid money for the elite.

Now would be a good time to boycott Uk football and urge players and staff to do the same until players are compensated for their work and sacrifice.
The main thing I found extry dumb and full of rich thick irony is the f*cking idiots that took a knee in England.....then stand for God Save the Queen? I mean, good Christ the damn song was written about the war of 1812 when those folks burned our capital to the ground. Oh yeah and the biggest oppressing country/kingdom since the Roman Empire.

Anyone care to point that out? Announcers? Nope, all total dumbasses. Wouldn’t know Francis Scott Key if he slapped his corpse dick across their face. We dumb.

The main thing I found extry dumb and full of rich thick irony is the f*cking idiots that took a knee in England.....then stand for God Save the Queen? I mean, good Christ the damn song was written about the war of 1812 when those folks burned our capital to the ground. Oh yeah and the biggest oppressing country/kingdom since the Roman Empire.

Anyone care to point that out? Announcers? Nope, all total dumbasses. Wouldn’t know Francis Scott Key if he slapped his corpse dick across their face. We dumb.

Hey meathead, that is because England has evolved and take in anybody in the world, no questions asked. Shit, in one of the bombings there were 17 countries represented in the casualties. That is owning your past. They wear their rapings and acid scars by those oppressed with pride as part of the cleansing.
When and where did you serve? Are you speaking for all or just the few who have turned on their country like yourself. Most military and retired military will agree with me but, since you served and know so much, I will give you a few traitors might support you.
Spot on. I'm retired but still am fortunate enough to work with and around Marines every day and I can tell you in our little slice of heaven, we recognize the "right" to protest but DETEST the venue and way in which it is being done. Yes, kneeling for the national anthem, ESPECIALLY IN ANOTHER COUNTRY, is disrespectful period, end of story. No, there is nothing in Kaepernick or Bennett's crusade that is about unity. Just look at the Kap shirt in a post earlier in this thread.

In short, I like many others, am sick and tired of the one way narrative of coverage on this story and the out and out crapping on police. Yes, some of these shootings of minorities are disturbing to say the least. However, I want the pundits, sportscasters, writers, announcers etc to take a ride or two with a cop. Let them see what they deal with on a daily basis and if lucky (tongue in cheek), maybe they'll get to witness a situation where that officer has a split second to make a life or death decision. It's easy to critique sitting on your ass but unless or until you've either been trained in escalation of force or witnessed a shooting, you are not qualified to render an informed judgement. It's just a half ass opinion.

So if we want to have a "DISCUSSION", then lets have a discussion. I think the President, who for the record I don't like, speaks for me in this instance and many like me. I don't think cops have declared open war on young black males and are hunting them down. I do think idiots in the entertainment industry are mostly morons and should stick to entertaining. I do detest the BLM movement because it's founded and predicated on LIES! No Dorothy, hands up don't shoot didn't really happen. And lastly and sincerely, I hope we can all sit down and have the honest and real discussion about crime, policing and race relations w/o the propaganda being spewed predominantly
by those who are the least educated or in the know.
This will blow over like everything always does. I watched a couple of games today and the crowds were insane. Clearly nobody left after the huge numbers of players who knelt or sat today.

The vast majority of people don't mix politics and sports. You don't see people boycotting UK because Calipari is a democrat and friend of the Clintons. Same with the NFL. If a few people give up their season tickets, there will be someone right behind them waiting to buy them.

You're probably right.
I know this would never happen, but i'd love to see a packed stadium boo the teams after the players kneel during the anthem---and then leave.
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I think Tomlin/Steelers got it right, though. Just keep their asses in the locker room and put a stop to the nonsense.

Those like Villanueva who want to go stand/salute can go do so. The rest can stay behind the scenes and not be given a platform to protest/kneel while on the job.

His post game was telling, too. Said his team will not be divided by kneeling/standing and that he refuses to let them be drug into the bullshit.

It wouldn't matter. the controversy would still rage about the players who stayed in the locker room.
Do you think college player protests would be more appropriate?

If a college player wants to pay his/her own way then by all means do whatever makes you happy. Until then, you are being compensated to wear that jersey.

If y'all don't watch the NFL, why are you throwing a fit because some people take a knee? They can do whatever they want, especially as professional athletes. Pull your pants down and shit on the field for all I care. Beat up women. Whatever. This is aint church. It's a nasty fn sport, and y'all are behaving like the triggered left because your feelings are hurt over fn entertainment. Not anything important. A game.

It's absolutely disrespectful as hell. But thats my opinion. They say they're protesting police brutality, racial inequality, and trump. I say they're disrespecting the men and women who fought for their right to protest...and they're exercising that right, so whatever.

Do you suppprt the pimping of college athletes? Everything about college sports is immoral and sickening. You ain't gonna quit UK, though. If our players protest, what are you gonna do? I hope they protest the financial inequality aspect of "amateur" sports, tbh. Hope all the NBA kids skip college. Football is even worse. These kids risk injury and CTE to make stupid money for the elite.

Now would be a good time to boycott Uk football and urge players and staff to do the same until players are compensated for their work and sacrifice.

You answered your first paragraph with your second.
If y'all don't watch the NFL, why are you throwing a fit because some people take a knee?
Perpetuation of a bad ideology that leads to the basis of a false "cause", easily bought and sold to those just looking for any reason for more dissension (and we just so happen to have a LOT of those MF's around the country right now). The Nashville shooter had a kneeling FB player as his Facebook header. You can't unlink that.

I have no dog in any fight regarding how much money one does or does not make, nor am I, or most Americans, even slightly concerned about usage rights for college kids receiving a free GD education. I do, however, care a great ****ing deal about respect for the flag that flies over my country. Call me ****ing crazy...
It wouldn't matter. the controversy would still rage about the players who stayed in the locker room.
Well, then that's just plain ignorant. If they want to be disrespectful and not stand, then that's their right. I have no problem with that. The problem I have with it is that they're using the NFL's/national TV's platform to do it and, by default, trying force it onto to me.
If y'all don't watch the NFL, why are you throwing a fit because some people take a knee? They can do whatever they want, especially as professional athletes. Pull your pants down and shit on the field for all I care. Beat up women. Whatever. This is aint church. It's a nasty fn sport, and y'all are behaving like the triggered left because your feelings are hurt over fn entertainment. Not anything important. A game.

It's absolutely disrespectful as hell. But thats my opinion. They say they're protesting police brutality, racial inequality, and trump. I say they're disrespecting the men and women who fought for their right to protest...and they're exercising that right, so whatever.

Do you suppprt the pimping of college athletes? Everything about college sports is immoral and sickening. You ain't gonna quit UK, though. If our players protest, what are you gonna do? I hope they protest the financial inequality aspect of "amateur" sports, tbh. Hope all the NBA kids skip college. Football is even worse. These kids risk injury and CTE to make stupid money for the elite.

Now would be a good time to boycott Uk football and urge players and staff to do the same until players are compensated for their work and sacrifice.


If any business wants to push their views down my throat, don't expect me to open my wallet.

If Target or Walmart associates/management/BofD disrespect my country, I'm out of their too.

If you're in business and pick sides(that is your right as a business), you just left money on the table.
Well, then that's just plain ignorant. If they want to be disrespectful and not stand, then that's their right. I have no problem with that. The problem I have with it is that they're using the NFL's/national TV's platform to do it and, by default, trying force it onto to me.

You and millions of other americans.