How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Very rich and pathetic facebook spat thingy between Transy students. Illegal alien gets all upset at troll, tries to get him expelled after he urged people to turn her in. President says the troll did nothing wrong, simply made a suggestion. So she goes viral on youtube, takes it to the Herald Leader, etc...

The kid either left or was kicked out after a "grievance process" according to this latest report...

What a stupid time to be alive.
There should be a nationwide law that looters must be shot on site, especially if during a natural disaster.

That'll put a stop to it.
Hillary compares her election treatment to the "Walk of Shame" scene from Game of Thrones. Oh poor Hillary, just go away and stop blaming others for you shocking loss.


If Hillary Rodham Clinton had actually read the books, she would probably realize that Cersei Lannister is not exactly the type of character she would want to compare herself to. Cersei is an utterly evil character in the novels, with very few redeeming qualities and a long list of atrocities to her name. In the show, she's not quite as evil- but she's still a monster.

Comparing her treatment to that of Cersei...that's sort of like comparing her treatment to the part of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest when McMurphy finally has had seen enough cruelty and attacks Nurse Ratched. In Hillary's case, the nation finally tired of her cruelty and opted to go another route in the election (thank God).
With baseball season winding down, I re-watched Moneyball, which is an excellent film. Toward the end of the film, there's a line of dialogue that the Red Sox owner says in regards to the baseball establishment hating Bill James and giving Billy Beane hell for their new method.

"I know you're taking it in the teeth out there but the first guy through the wall always gets bloody. Always. It's threatening not only the way they're doing business but in their minds, it's threatening the game. Really, what it's threatening is their livelihood. It's threatening their jobs. It's threatening the way that they do things.

And every time that happens whether it's a government or a business or whatever it is, the people who are holding the reigns and have their hands on the switch, they go batshit crazy."

I thought it personified Trump.
Talked with a good friend today, he's a retired principal of a regional high school and one of the smartest men I've ever met. I told him that Donald didn't qualify who the swamp was when he said he would drain it. He immediately laughed and said, "that's right, half of the swamp is the republicans". He's a devout Rep, but he knows as well as I do and many others here. How many care about America more than they do themselves? Few.
It's insane really. Baseball is such a random game, even the best teams lose 40% of their games. Amazing that they could reel off 21 in a row. And they are killing teams too.

I love baseball especially this time of the year. With the exception maybe being hockey, MLB might be the pro sport with the most parity where anyone can beat anyone despite the severe gaps in payroll.

I was researching this today. Since the Yankees concluded that crazy run of four World Series wins from 1996-2000, look at the payroll rank of the WS winners.

2016-Cubs #14
2015-Royals #16
2014-Giants #7
2013-Red Sox #4
2012-Giants #8
2011-Cardinals #11
2010-Giants #10
2009-Yankees #1
2008-Phillies #12
2007-Red Sox #2
2006-Cardinals #11
2005-White Sox #13
2004-Red Sox #2
2003-Marlins #25
2002-Angels #15
2001-D-Backs #8

So only one time did the team with the highest payroll win since 2000. So for the last 16 seasons, the only times a top 7 ranked team in payroll won it all were the Red Sox and Yankees to account for four titles.
Talked with a good friend today, he's a retired principal of a regional high school and one of the smartest men I've ever met. I told him that Donald didn't qualify who the swamp was when he said he would drain it. He immediately laughed and said, "that's right, half of the swamp is the republicans". He's a devout Rep, but he knows as well as I do and many others here. How many care about America more than they do themselves? Few.
The House is the wild west, the Senate is a country club, and the govt bureaucracy is full of people that know enough to create a way in which they never really have to work.
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The House is the wild west, the Senate is a country club, and the govt bureaucracy is full of people that know enough to create a way in which they never really have to work.
Isn't that the truth. There is no one in the House that doesn't want to be in the Senate. There is no one in the Senate that doesn't want to be the Prez. Each of them will do what they need to further their personal career. People be damned.
Watching the clique of sport media jump to Jemele Hill's defense shows you why they will never change or even pull back a little. That profession has the thinnest skin and least amount of accountability (outside of academia) in the country. Feedback from the public and customers be damned....Forde and Lebatard like me!!!!
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Watching the clique of sport media jump to Jemele Hill's defense shows you why they will never change or even pull back a little. That profession has the thinnest skin and least amount of accountability (outside of academia) in the country. Feedback from the public and customers be damned....Forde and Lebatard like me!!!!
The biggest liberal bubble in the country.

Look at the amount of likes this video got.

Over 400,000 people liked that. 418,000 to be exact! If that doesn't tell you the current state of things, I mean...
I am as pro free speech as anybody, but something needs to be done about this kind of hatred being spread all over social media. But what can be done?
"Its a threat to democracy that Trump won't say if he will accept elections results"

Same people