You are such a clown, is it deliberate? You know the abortion issue isn’t about 12 year old rape victims and you know we have gun laws in place and do not just openly sell them to anyone including the mentally ill. You harp about shit just to harp about it. Next thing you know you will be harping about how we should make fentanyl illegal to stop the drug epidemic we have ongoing in this country. SMMFH!!!!!My political stance is neither left nor right.
My stance is that your rights end where mine begin.
You have a right to your religious beliefs and a right to be outraged over an abortion given to a 12 year old child rape victim..... But your rights end where that rape victim's BODY begins.
You have a right to a weapon of war but my children have a right not to be slaughtered in school by your weapons. The compromise would be limiting who can access those weapons and removing them from the mentally ill or dangerous.
But like I said..... You ignore those gun issues and the slaughter of LIVING, BREATHING children while simultaneously having a laser focus on clumps of cells in another person's body.
Hypocrisy and idiocy all rolled into one.