How will they rule ??!

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My political stance is neither left nor right.
My stance is that your rights end where mine begin.
You have a right to your religious beliefs and a right to be outraged over an abortion given to a 12 year old child rape victim..... But your rights end where that rape victim's BODY begins.
You have a right to a weapon of war but my children have a right not to be slaughtered in school by your weapons. The compromise would be limiting who can access those weapons and removing them from the mentally ill or dangerous.
But like I said..... You ignore those gun issues and the slaughter of LIVING, BREATHING children while simultaneously having a laser focus on clumps of cells in another person's body.
Hypocrisy and idiocy all rolled into one.
You are such a clown, is it deliberate? You know the abortion issue isn’t about 12 year old rape victims and you know we have gun laws in place and do not just openly sell them to anyone including the mentally ill. You harp about shit just to harp about it. Next thing you know you will be harping about how we should make fentanyl illegal to stop the drug epidemic we have ongoing in this country. SMMFH!!!!!
Facts for fools....Your cult leader tells you what to think.


Without any evidence being seen or heard!!! You forgot that point!!!!! If the David Berkowitz case had been thrown out does that make him not a serial killer???

🤡 🤡 🤡
There won't be. We've been ar war with globalists for quite some time and we still have politicians and people concerned about "decorum" and "optics." These people silence their opposition, try to imprison them, shoot them, accuse them of being "gang rapists" and our side is concerned about decorum? The psychotic left is trying to colonize us, enslave us, they want government to control every aspect of your life (which appeals to the left's base because personal responsibility does not exist).

We've got leftists arguing to get to expose your little kid with their sick trash and then don't want you knowing about it. We've got them importing millions and millions of savages who rape, steal, and kill. Not a single word from the white feminists who act like they care about women. They don't speak for guys dominating their sports so why would they speak against migrant rape of women? But they will sure be stunning and brave if a Catholic place kicker talks about Catholic values to Catholic students.

It's all so exhausting as they come at you from every position. Evil does not sleep. You have to be on the offense at some point and the right never is.
“Evil Does not sleep“

Proverbs 4

Do not enter the path of the wicked,
And do not go the way of evil men.
Avoid it, do not travel on it;
Turn away from it and pass on.
For the wicked cannot sleep unless they do evil;
And they are deprived of sleep unless they make someone stumble and fall.
For they eat the bread of wickedness
And drink the wine of violence.
You are such a clown, is it deliberate? You know the abortion issue isn’t about 12 year old rape victims and you know we have gun laws in place and do not just openly sell them to anyone including the mentally ill. You harp about shit just to harp about it. Next thing you know you will be harping about how we should make fentanyl illegal to stop the drug epidemic we have ongoing in this country. SMMFH!!!!!
For decades, the data shows that the overwhelming reason for women getting abortions is that a baby is "inconvenient."

"I'm not ready"
"I'm having relationship problems"
"I can't afford it."

The leftists who continue to cite these strawmen arguments about this being 12 year olds or rape are being dishonest as usual.

I'm also about 99% sure that hospitals give emergency contraceptive after reporting a rape. Only nine states allow pharmacists to refuse to give something on the basis of morality.
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Facts for fools....Your cult leader tells you what to think.


Stolen. You know it. We know you know it. You know we know you know it.
That isnt even remotely the same as white privilege.

Do you remind those incredibly hard working coal miners of their white privilege? Im sure theyd love to hear about it.

Btw since you implied you are involved in running a mine - i hope you employ an equal amount of blacks and women. Hopefully you havent discriminated and hired only white men. Surely you practice what you preach.

Ill hang up and listen.

(For some reason it isnt quoting the post so I have to to tag @Dionysus444 )
He pulverizes coal in a lab trailer at a mine. He's not "involved in running a mine" LOL.
Its a major deterrent because noone wants to lose those precious jobs because so very few are left, thanks to obama.

So you are a coal miner?
I’m a lab tech. In EKY that means coal. Just like everything else. Generally between four and five hundred samples a shift. Done tests on other stuff a few times, once had someone have us put peanut butter in the bombs lol. Was lower than coal, obviously, but had surprising energy potential. Why?
Abortion is murfer unless its a leftist clump of cells in tgat case, it’s a mercy kiling
I have long contended that the Right is on the wrong side of the abortion issue. It kills GOPers at the ballot box. You have to look at it pragmatically. Abortion statistically kills off millions of future democrats. AI would look at the GOP from a clinical and logical way, saying....GOP are you crazy? You fight to save democrat "clumps" and future drains on society....while losing votes from suburban women in the process. The abortion issue is suicide for the GOP. LET THEM HAVE ABORTION on demand. It does us a favor.
No, you’re fundamentally misunderstanding somehow. Dobbs did not limit what the federal government could do in regards to abortion at all. Congress is free to pass any law they want, what Dobbs did was remove the constitutional protections derived from Roe. So now the constitution doesn’t speak on abortion at all and Congress can do as they please on the issue, instead of having a constitutional right to abortion from the 14th. Federal abortion laws are all now fair game.
I agree with this. Is it better in a Republic to have the voters in a state decide their own rules (10th)? Certainly. But if we can diffuse the ISSUE that you on the left demagogue with.....I'd be all for Congress passing a ~15week European style law that I believe most voters would support.
From the Federalist Society (a group that advocates for originalist (which you've admitted to being) interpretation of the Constitution)

"There are weighty legal, moral, medical, and political or policy arguments both for and against abortion, at different points during the gestation period and under varying maternal and fetal circumstances. But those are not the stuff of constitutional adjudication. The point of Dobbs, as the Court repeatedly said, was to return those arguments to the political process, meaning “to the people and their elected representatives.” Moreover, the Court repeatedly made clear its assumption that those elected representatives would be state legislators."

Now, please STFU about it.
Right now. Because there are no federal laws on the books. Yet. Dobbs does not block such legislation in any way. You made an assumption that wasn't there based on the media's reporting of the thing, not the thing itself.
A viable fetus ALSO has legal rights
No they don’t. Not federally. That was another quirk of Dobbs since it removed the viability standard. Combined with your take last night I really think you didn’t read it. And you should be questioning your sources if this is the kind of information they gave you about it.
I pretty much ditched Fox during Trumps presidency, Maybe a show every now and then, but nothing for the past few years, up until the RNC and i only watched Fox for the portions of the RNC I watched. I think I turned it on when I heard about the Assassination Attempt, but outside of that, I Pretty much ignore them.
Gutfeld is pretty dam funny.
Said it before and will say it again. She's a puppet for the Globalists. This election isn't about Trump vs. Kamala, It's about Americas survival as a nation vs. ceding our sovereignty over to the Globalist tyrants.

She’s gunning for no middle class, only rulers and servants.
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So I want more stringent border restrictions, more police, a strong military, low taxes, the death penalty, tougher crime laws, limits on abortion, no trans allowed in women's sports, crackdown on homelessness, and tougher penalties for drugs. Is that liberal?
I also support unions, teachers, the LGBTQ community, a clean environment, and green energy. Is that conservative?
Like I said.... Don't fall entirely into the right or left pigeon hole.
If your choice is Kamala over Trump, no.
I agree with this. Is it better in a Republic to have the voters in a state decide their own rules (10th)? Certainly. But if we can diffuse the ISSUE that you on the left demagogue with.....I'd be all for Congress passing a ~15week European style law that I believe most voters would support.
Lindsey Graham introduced a 15-week bill back in 2022. It went nowhere. Now a federal ban has been struck from the party platform after the convention as Trump continues his transformation of the party. Doesn't seem like federal 15-week has any chance, in the near future at least.
I have long contended that the Right is on the wrong side of the abortion issue. It kills GOPers at the ballot box. You have to look at it pragmatically. Abortion statistically kills off millions of future democrats. AI would look at the GOP from a clinical and logical way, saying....GOP are you crazy? You fight to save democrat "clumps" and future drains on society....while losing votes from suburban women in the process. The abortion issue is suicide for the GOP. LET THEM HAVE ABORTION on demand. It does us a favor.
This guy has a bit about this.

"I don't know why Republicans are against abortion. It's just dead liberals."

  • Haha
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I'm not a woman. I am not a doctor. It is not my choice to abort away or not.
If you are neither one of those....It is not your business either unless you are a fascist control freak that likes to tell others what to do with their own body.
It is nothing I should have any say in at all until the fetus is viable to survive outside of the body imo. Once it is a viable human being capable of life outside of the mother..... then that changes the dynamic.

Man, you're a preachy little bitch. Guess what?

You're neither of those either. Why do you care soooo much? You act like abortion is going to personally affect you, and you're a dude.

Shut up, ffs.
I’m a lab tech. In EKY that means coal. Just like everything else. Generally between four and five hundred samples a shift. Done tests on other stuff a few times, once had someone have us put peanut butter in the bombs lol. Was lower than coal, obviously, but had surprising energy potential. Why?

Was curious but your answer makes sense. I could tell you had some knowledge on the topic.

You probably dont work onsite, but if so, you should share with those miners your thoughts on their white privilege right as they're coming back on the mantrip from a long hard shift underground. Im sure theyd love to hear your thoughts.
That's multiple questions that don't really have much to do with each other, if you actually want answers break it apart a bit for real discussions. As to the first one, which was the topic, I agree, ideally, he should have done it sooner. But incumbent presidents just DO NOT get replaced in primaries. Just not how things are done in our system. Now I obviously personally disagree with all that. We shouldn't even have primaries with party nominations to begin with, let alone leave incumbents unchallenged. But I can only advocate for changing these things while living in the actual system we do have. And that one never challenges incumbent presidents who are seeking re-election, no matter which party it is. Same would've been done by the Rs. So like I have said the whole time, if Joe wants to step down, he can. And he should. But no one was/is going to make him, pre or post primary votes.
The only thing that stays in your system (urine, mouth swab) longer than 3 to 4 days is weed. I'm not positive about Psilocybin (I've never even heard of someone testing for that)

A hair test will f*** you for months though. DOT testing (which is what most people go by) tests for these in their drug panel:

  • Marijuana (THC)
  • Cocaine.
  • Amphetamines.
  • Opioids.
  • Phencyclidine (PCP)

    Just out of curiosity. A quick show of hands for those that have tapped all 5 of those at some point in your lifetime

    The real travesty is, that the one that's most likely to get you popped is the least harmful. And the one that is probably the most abused, most likely to contribute workplace safety issues, even after it's out of your system (due to contributing factors like being dead tired after a late night using it) isn't even ON the f****** list. (Alcohol)
I will raise my hand and say that it is only Marijuana for me. I was a very frequent user in my early 20's, back in the mid-70's, but haven't been high in well over 40 years now. Joints were cool, but bong hits were the thing for me, back in the day. Regards alcohol, I will have a social drink every now and then, but certainly do not consider myself a drinker. My drink of choice is Jameson on the rocks. If weed and/or alcohol completely left the planet forever, I would not be fazed.
They're just trying to piss you off. Makes them feel good.

You aren't just debating illogical "arguments," but veritable mental illness.

So women see a doctor about mental health whereas men just kick somebody's ass when they're upset? I mean guys get into fights & kill somebody way more than women do.
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