Calipari ''“I’m not letting [Zvonimir Ivisic] shoot any threes,"

He should shoot 3 or 4 threes a game. The dude has legit form. They just need to be the right threes.

I'm thankful this isn't our problem anymore. Let's the damn hawgs deal with the frustration.
Every big should shoot one or two a game in today’s game. Keeps defenses from packing it in and opens up the court. Why on this green Earth Cal thinks he’s the most clever person in the room I’ll never know.
And the Cal supporters blamed the awful game plan on Reed, who was not allowed to play his game.
The Reed, DJ and Rob had off games. Rob tried his best though to carry us at the end. The nerves got to them at first. Happens to freshman on a big stage.

That however doesn’t mean Cal didn’t absolutely screw the pooch once again. It’s gonna be real interesting to watch Arky this season.
It's bizarre his stance on this lol.

Because dude does understand efficiency numbers. I've seen him spout about them time after time after time. He's not completely clueless when it comes to statistics and more specifically per possession stats.

I've seen him talk about wanting "more turnovers" at times because fewer turnovers would have meant we weren't taking enough chances or playing fast enough on offense. He understood that 10 turnovers in a 50 possession game isn't the same as 10 turnovers in an 80 possession game. He clearly understands this.

It boggles the mind why he would want Big Z shooting less threes and more mid range jump shots which are by far the worst shot in basketball you can take.

Lol I get it when a coach says they aren't interested in numbers to have stances on these things. But when it comes from someone that clearly understands the numbers and STILL chooses to go against them, well.....that's just weird.
Z could have stayed here and shot 3’s
He is a 27% 3pt lifetime shooter. He needs to drastically improve that, or play closer to the basket. It appears his fabulous debut game last year was an anomaly … unfortunately.

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He is a 27% 3pt lifetime shooter. He needs to drastically improve that, or play closer to the basket. It appears his fabulous debut game last year was an anomaly … unfortunately.

He's taken a grand total of 43 threes on that site. I don't think we could really determine much one way or the other from that lol.
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It's bizarre his stance on this lol.

Because dude does understand efficiency numbers. I've seen him spout about them time after time after time. He's not completely clueless when it comes to statistics and more specifically per possession stats.

I've seen him talk about wanting "more turnovers" at times because fewer turnovers would have meant we weren't taking enough chances or playing fast enough on offense. He understood that 10 turnovers in a 50 possession game isn't the same as 10 turnovers in an 80 possession game. He clearly understands this.

It boggles the mind why he would want Big Z shooting less threes and more mid range jump shots which are by far the worst shot in basketball you can take.

Lol I get it when a coach says they aren't interested in numbers to have stances on these things. But when it comes from someone that clearly understands the numbers and STILL chooses to go against them, well.....that's just weird.
So you mean somebody whispered the numbers into his ear and he regurgitated them.
He obviously hates analytics.
Reed and Rob with Reeves anyone?
Understanding the numbers means something different.
Pope can recite all of the numbers chapter and verse. He understands.
Perhaps he will even use them.
He's taken a grand total of 43 threes on that site. I don't think we could really determine much one way or the other from that lol.
It was exactly half of his total attempts.
If a guy hits 25%, I’m not sure I want him taking more of them, especially when he’s 7’2” … obviously, he needs to keep shooting them in practice, though. He can improve ..
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“I’m not letting [Zvonimir Ivisic] shoot any threes," Calipari said. "Big Z, 7-foot-2, he wants to shoot – no, no, no. You’re not shooting threes, so now he has to shoot twos. You know why? An elbow jumper, when you miss that, it’s kind of embarrassing.

“A three when you’re 7-foot-2 and you’re way out there? Ah man, he almost made that. No, you’re shooting twos and that means you’re going to get in the gym and get better or you’re going to be embarrassed all the time. And you know what? He’s getting better.”

Calipari just wants his guys to be at their most effective – even if it’s cool to see a seven-footer cashing in threes. It’s clear the Head Hog wants to see his big men in more of a prototypical role, focusing on blocking shots and finishing on the inside out of post-ups and pick and rolls.

“He would just rather see me take a mid-range shot because I’m going to make that more than I make a three, probably,” Brazile said. “His resume speaks for itself, so I just try to do what he says. This summer I feel like I’ve made a lot of progress with not shooting threes and just being what he calls an ‘attack dog.’”

So happy this dude is out of here. Same shit, different state!
Did they call him the Head Hog in this article? 😂😂😂 I would resign immediately.

“I’m not letting [Zvonimir Ivisic] shoot any threes," Calipari said. "Big Z, 7-foot-2, he wants to shoot – no, no, no. You’re not shooting threes, so now he has to shoot twos. You know why? An elbow jumper, when you miss that, it’s kind of embarrassing.

“A three when you’re 7-foot-2 and you’re way out there? Ah man, he almost made that. No, you’re shooting twos and that means you’re going to get in the gym and get better or you’re going to be embarrassed all the time. And you know what? He’s getting better.”

Calipari just wants his guys to be at their most effective – even if it’s cool to see a seven-footer cashing in threes. It’s clear the Head Hog wants to see his big men in more of a prototypical role, focusing on blocking shots and finishing on the inside out of post-ups and pick and rolls.

“He would just rather see me take a mid-range shot because I’m going to make that more than I make a three, probably,” Brazile said. “His resume speaks for itself, so I just try to do what he says. This summer I feel like I’ve made a lot of progress with not shooting threes and just being what he calls an ‘attack dog.’”

So happy this dude is out of here. Same shit, different state!

Nah, he's just a plain hog... Was a Cow, now he morphed... Will fit right in with the crowd of more than two genders. (Please don't take it political.) It was meant as a comparison. Anyone can be anything... Even a Cow can be a hog...

“I’m not letting [Zvonimir Ivisic] shoot any threes," Calipari said. "Big Z, 7-foot-2, he wants to shoot – no, no, no. You’re not shooting threes, so now he has to shoot twos. You know why? An elbow jumper, when you miss that, it’s kind of embarrassing.

“A three when you’re 7-foot-2 and you’re way out there? Ah man, he almost made that. No, you’re shooting twos and that means you’re going to get in the gym and get better or you’re going to be embarrassed all the time. And you know what? He’s getting better.”

Calipari just wants his guys to be at their most effective – even if it’s cool to see a seven-footer cashing in threes. It’s clear the Head Hog wants to see his big men in more of a prototypical role, focusing on blocking shots and finishing on the inside out of post-ups and pick and rolls.

“He would just rather see me take a mid-range shot because I’m going to make that more than I make a three, probably,” Brazile said. “His resume speaks for itself, so I just try to do what he says. This summer I feel like I’ve made a lot of progress with not shooting threes and just being what he calls an ‘attack dog.’”

So happy this dude is out of here. Same shit, different state!
The guy was miss used last year and he followed the clown coach for more
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Just read an article questioning if Cal is going to hold Big Z back. It said the way he can shoot three's and the value of that in the NBA could only hurt his stock. Cal seems to be under pressure to win big this season and he does not like it after his comment about the fans controlling their expectations. But I am surprised he is not letting Big Z and Brazille show the pro's how well they can shoot. Not like him.
Karl Anthony Towns might disagree
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I don't mean to be repetitive but here it goes...why does this message board continue to waste time talking about a former coach who moved after 2015 to only be concerned about himself and his narcissistic ego and putting kids in the NBA and that is it. He thought he was bigger than the program. He dug his own whole. He did NOT remain true to the University of Kentucky. He was talking to Ohio State and probably others during the season because he thought he could get away with and finally slipped up and had to take the job at Arkansas. If he had the same focus he had pre-2015, he would still be the coach at UK...BUT, he revealed his real colors, and found out he was not bigger than the program. He is gone...Why do we keep wasting our time on a guy that in the final years did not care about UK? I started with Coach Rupp. When Coach Hall took over, we obviously appreciated greatly what Coach Rupp did but we move on with the program with our new coach Joe B. When Joe B. left, we were appreciative of what he had done but we moved on with the program to Coach Sutton, then Pitino, then Tubby, then Billy. Each time we moved on with the program and a new coach. Somehow a number of "Kentucky Basketball fans" have not been able to do that. Is it an age thing that many of the people on this board have only known the current Arkansas coach as the only coach UK has ever had and that in their mind there was no Kentucky basketball before the current Arkansas coach arrived? Maybe you weren't Kentucky basketball fans after all you were just the current Arkansas coach fan. If that is the case I sure would appreciate you moving over to the Woooooie Soooooie Boards and follow your hero. I for one and I know there are others that have experienced Kentucky Basketball way before the current Arkansas coach graced us with his presence and would really like to remember those day and especially look forward to the future with our coach who knows, understands, and cares about our program and I personally think with be very successful here.

I understand that many are tired of Cal-related threads. However, to be fair, his departure was very recent as the next season hasn't even started yet. In addition, I don't remember any of those previous coaches speaking in such a belittling way to the, that has created more animosity, which has driven many of the conversations.
I understand that many are tired of Cal-related threads. However, to be fair, his departure was very recent as the next season hasn't even started yet. In addition, I don't remember any of those previous coaches speaking in such a belittling way to the, that has created more animosity, which has driven many of the conversations.
Of course they didn’t talk in a belittling way to the fan base. Why would any coach that had has their #1 objective the UK basketball program success and winning championships would not belittle the games best fan base…oh yes, that wasn’t his top priority and he told all us worthless pions so.
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Of course they didn’t talk in a belittling way to the fan base. Why would any coach that had has their #1 objective the UK basketball program success and winning championships would not belittle the games best fan base…oh yes, that wasn’t his top priority and he told all us worthless pions so.

Well, we agree on that... so, I think we should expect that single frustration to be a large reason why his name will continue to frequently surface at least thru this next season.
Every big should shoot one or two a game in today’s game. Keeps defenses from packing it in and opens up the court. Why on this green Earth Cal thinks he’s the most clever person in the room I’ll never know.
I’m so GD happy that I don’t have to hear his nonsense going into the season anymore. I have the best 3 point shooting team in the nation, but this year we won’t shoot a 3 guys. I will play 3 big men and we will shoot only 20 foot jumpers. It will work because nobody expects it.
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And the Cal supporters blamed the awful game plan on Reed, who was not allowed to play his game.

I've been saying it for a minute now. We can blame the players for 1 season. Maybe 2. But 2021: NIT. 2022: 1st round exit. 2023: 2nd round exit. 2024: 1st round exit.

The players continue to leave. The roster continues to turn over. Yet some people keep singing "Cal can't make shots for them."

Cool. Why is it Bill Self's players don't need him to make shots for them? Why is it Alabama fans aren't having to stop and blame the players every 2 weeks?

Either Cal recruited bad players--(2 top 10 draft picks, so that's probably not the case), or he's not preparing them and putting them in the right situations. It can't always be the players when you have new players every single year.
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In theory Cal reasoning is sound.... make the player work on their weakness.

That's great and all but he treats College as a development league for the NBA... I absolutely believe he has thrown games trying to prove a point to his players and or fanbase.

He never understood his job... it was to win games and championships not put players in the NBA. He could of stayed at Memphis or anywhere else and done that if that was his goal
But that's another thing that I don't get about this.

Isn't Cal all about getting players to the NBA. Don't they shoot a boat load of threes in the NBA..........even the big men?

How does not shooting 3s help Big Z here.
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I do understand the aversion to shooting a ton of threes tho. The fact is that 2s are just more consistent than 3s and in a one and done tournament I think you want to go with what is most consistent.

But not at the expense of taking more mid range jump shots lol.

Look at Nate Oats Alabama teams shot chart. Take shots at the rim or take them behind the line
To understand this stance by Cal, you first have to understand Cal. He’s only worried about improving Z’s draft stock and this is how he does that in his mind. It’s not about winning games now, same as when he was here. All about draft night.
I do understand the aversion to shooting a ton of threes tho. The fact is that 2s are just more consistent than 3s and in a one and done tournament I think you want to go with what is most consistent.

But not at the expense of taking more mid range jump shots lol.

Look at Nate Oats Alabama teams shot chart. Take shots at the rim or take them behind the line
For reference and possible discussion, here are the top twenty-five (25) teams ranked by three-point attempts last season:
NORTH FLORIDA33.236.03%16.98.8824.7533.6378.075.82.21616
COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON30.634.33%17.913.0626.7139.7780.973.67.3278
ARKANSAS - PINE BLUFF29.037.53%22.08.4226.1934.6180.181.8-1.71318
INDIANA STATE28.738.16%19.37.1528.3135.4684.873.211.6327
KENNESAW STATE28.632.88%22.012.2626.5838.8482.880.82.01516
SAINT JOSEPH'S28.535.24%17.110.0925.7135.8075.570.55.02114
WILLIAM & MARY27.832.31%18.810.3324.8535.1869.872.1-2.31023
NEW HAMPSHIRE27.432.43%18.29.1928.2337.4274.174.10.01615
YOUNGSTOWN STATE27.232.34%18.412.7827.1939.9781.270.910.32210
ARKANSAS STATE26.834.41%20.613.2225.1438.3678.877.01.82017
GEORGIA SOUTHERN26.635.19%17.310.5223.7334.2573.379.2-5.9924
UC - RIVERSIDE26.631.75%17.812.3524.5936.9470.772.0-1.31618