How will they rule ??!

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"Its a threat to democracy that Trump won't say if he will accept elections results"

Same people

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Trump needs to clear this up immediately. Amnesty and no wall is utter betrayal to the people who put him in office.

Why the eff would you commit political suicide within nine months of your presidency? I really hope this is not true.
Justin Bieber is calculated to have travelled at least 136,000 miles in a plane over the last year, environmentalist DiCaprio is believed to have done more than 87,000 miles while fellow actor Clooney did 61,000 miles.

These people get to preach at us.

Billionaire's asking the little people for their money.

Will Smith spoke of the heroism of those who went to the aid of others when the hurricanes hit

Did Will Smith speak of the low life pieces of shit who went to steal from people BEFORE the hurricanes hit? Nope, he did not. He didn't make a flippant joke like "damn, yo nwords dint een git wet for yo got yo some shooooes! dayumm!"

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If Trump goes back on this promise, he's done. He was elected because people are sick of immigration. If that wall is not being built, he will have destroyed his base's entire enthusiasm for his campaign.

Don't work with Dems at all, Trump. Why the hell would you do that? Don't give them anything for DACA cause it's just more votes for them.

Sarah Sanders


While DACA and border security were both discussed, excluding the wall was certainly not agreed to.

10:21 PM - Sep 13, 2017
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Let's wait until he actually does something against his word before we call for the lynch mob. Further, let's wait and see where this game of 4D chess goes before throwing the baby out with the bathwater...

Build a wall and slash my taxes and I'll start giving fewer and fewer shits about DACA...
Agree: and 4D chess is a very good analogy.
All the #fakenews and bullshit lies recently, and people take Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and the AP at their word?

As I've said before, I don't care about a wall. I care about stopping the flow of illegal aliens over our border.

BUT. Any path to citizenship for illegal aliens is a nonstarter.
If Trump goes back on this promise, he's done. He was elected because people are sick of immigration. If that wall is not being built, he will have destroyed his base's entire enthusiasm for his campaign.

Don't work with Dems at all, Trump. Why the hell would you do that? Don't give them anything for DACA cause it's just more votes for them.
IDK WTF Trump is thinking, but if he gives away DACA amnesty without MAJOR concessions such as RAISE Act and full funding for the border wall, he's DONE. And so is America. This will do ZILCH except destroy his base and draw millions of more illegals to this country like flies for the NEXT amnesty.

This is Jeb!-type shit...
I'm far from a fan of DACA but Trump has to give some to get some. That's how Washington is really supposed to work. If Trump builds the wall in exchange for DACA, I'll be happy. Certainly better than the alternative.

It doesn't look like a DACA deal actually happened anyway, so the point is moot.
All the #fakenews and bullshit lies recently, and people take Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and the AP at their word?

As I've said before, I don't care about a wall. I care about stopping the flow of illegal aliens over our border.

DACA: I'll trade blood for less bleeding. I'll give up my gangrenous foot to save my leg.

Pelosi and Schumer are so thirsty for s victory, even if only perceived, they can't even take negotiation talks at face value w/o bastardizing and broadcasting lies about their own meeting in an effort to claim a victory from it.
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I'm far from a fan of DACA but Trump has to give some to get some. That's how Washington is really supposed to work. If Trump builds the wall in exchange for DACA, I'll be happy. Certainly better than the alternative.

It doesn't look like a DACA deal actually happened anyway, so the point is moot.
Wall is a symbol, build the wall and enforce all immigration laws, problem solved, with or without DACA.
I'm far from a fan of DACA but Trump has to give some to get some. That's how Washington is really supposed to work. If Trump builds the wall in exchange for DACA, I'll be happy. Certainly better than the alternative.

It doesn't look like a DACA deal actually happened anyway, so the point is moot.

You're right, this idea thats its going to be my way or no way is how we get bills passed without a single vote from the other party.
Trump can't count on the Reps standing with him, so he's reaching across the aisle.
Pretty sure trump even mentioned this...

You aren't kicking out these kids/young adults that took advantage of our illegal govt for years. Kind of like how you aren't taking pension from these teachers that participated and rightfully took what they deserved from a crooked ass govt system. Not comparing thr two, one is illegal, one is not, both are just govt ran f ups, and you can't retroactively punish people

Anyway, they're gonna end future daca crap, make immigration legal again, and all these whiny college aged DACA babies that are crying are not going to be effected. They will get a path to citizenship. Hell, they basically are. They pay taxes, they get govt handouts, take on loans. It happened. There's no turning that back, and you can't deport them.
Democrats never compromise with Republicans yet Republicans compromise with Dems. WTF?

This country is done unless we stop illegal immigration. We can't have it. We are losing this place just like Europe has lost their homes.
No path to citizenship that doesn't involve leaving the country and getting in line behind all of the people who've been using the proper legal channels.

You should not get priority over law abiding immigrants simply because you've been trespassing since you were a teenager.

We grant amnesty now to illegal aliens, we'll just have a continuous flood of more illegal aliens who know they will get de facto amnesty the next time a Democrat is in the White House, or actual amnesty once the Dems have Congress.

There has to be some rule of law in this country.
And any Congressman who puts illegal trespassing aliens ahead of any legislation that benefits actual Americans should go in front of the firing squad.
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And any Congressman who puts illegal trespassing aliens ahead of any legislation that benefits actual Americans should go in front of the firing squad.

Sadly, there is no victory from putting these people out. I agree with you in principle, but the backlash might be worse than limited amnesty for DACAs.

The hope here is that there can be some level of vetting where we keep the good and purge the bad. I'd really be down for that... especially if that act gets parlayed into more returns for Trump's base.
You're right, this idea thats its going to be my way or no way is how we get bills passed without a single vote from the other party.
Trump can't count on the Reps standing with him, so he's reaching across the aisle.
Spot on Bill.

I think some are used to watching Obama bully the GOP into getting everything he wants. That's not how its supposed to work.

Think it was Reagan who said something like (paraphrasing) "Get 75% of what you want now, and come back for the rest later if possible"

That's how its supposed to work. Not get 100% everything everytime. Lord knows Trump couldn't do that even if he wanted too, anyway. They'll never give him 100%, so he takes the second best option.
Sadly, there is no victory from putting these people out. I agree with you in principle, but the backlash might be worse than limited amnesty for DACAs.

The hope here is that there can be some level of vetting where we keep the good and purge the bad. I'd really be down for that... especially if that act gets parlayed into more returns for Trump's base.

I honestly don't care if they stay. But they absolutely cannot be given the right to vote, or receive government benefits like citizens.

Path to citizenship is an absolute nonstarter in my mind. We cannot punish all the people who obeyed the immigration laws of the United States and didn't invade.