How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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There are so many worthless college degrees out there. University Studies, English, Black History, Native American Studies, Comedic Arts, Environmental Studies, German Polka History(made that one up). No money to be made from those degrees, but still college loans to pay off.
And they would still lose on Jeopardy.
Has anyone done a graph on cost of intuition after the government started giving loans?

I guarantee it would shoot upward. Absolutely mind boggling. The government is basically forcing debt on 18 year olds. And people want them involved in more aspects of our lives.

Theyre not forcing debt. But theyre making it waaaaaaay too easy to get.
Hey! It's their right to let those peaceful Muslim men treat them like that! Girl power! Down with straight white males! Only they are sexist!
With those hoods and outfits they must be members of the MMM. Muslims, Morons, and Masochist. It is an offshoot of the KKK only middle eastern version.
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NYT: Liberal Officials Flee Trump Administration Due To Conservative Agenda

A number of Department of Justice (DOJ) lawyers appointed by previous administrations have resigned to avoid dismantling the liberal agenda pursued under former President Barack Obama, according to The New York Times.

“Yet the new direction has also met some resistance among rank-and-file civil servants. Within the Justice Department, several long-serving lawyers have decided to retire or quit rather than help carry out the new policies,” people briefed on the departures told TheNYTimes.

“Some of these lawyers also faced the unpalatable task of undoing their work defending Obama-era regulations. Rather than help roll back those rules, the officials decided to leave the government” TheNYTimes reported.
The swamp draining itself.
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Trump working with Dems on tax bill could be the start of a 3rd party.

Work with Dems, a few Repubs, and take 70% of the voting public (leaving 15% on either fringe).

If the bill works, economy gets stimulated, then declare as an Independent in 2020... game over.

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Trump should come out and say, "I condemn white fact I condemn all violent bigoted assholes left or right...and I condemn the dipshits do nothing Congress who felt the need to waste time and taxpayer money with this moronic shit."
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Trump working with Dems on tax bill could be the start of a 3rd party.

Work with Dems, a few Repubs, and take 70% of the voting public (leaving 15% on either fringe).

If the bill works, economy gets stimulated, then declare as an Independent in 2020... game over.

He has given the GOP more than enough chances to work with him and they don't seem anxious to get on board. The creation of a viable 3rd party would be the ultimate victory for Trump IMO - stick it to the establishment on both sides - the public hates them all and they've been scamming us forever.
Probably zero chance he even gets to speak. could be a brilliant move by bannon just to give us another example of antifa being violent in the streets
how many people have they run over and killed, this violent antifa mob?
With baseball season winding down, I re-watched Moneyball, which is an excellent film. Toward the end of the film, there's a line of dialogue that the Red Sox owner says in regards to the baseball establishment hating Bill James and giving Billy Beane hell for their new method.

"I know you're taking it in the teeth out there but the first guy through the wall always gets bloody. Always. It's threatening not only the way they're doing business but in their minds, it's threatening the game. Really, what it's threatening is their livelihood. It's threatening their jobs. It's threatening the way that they do things.

And every time that happens whether it's a government or a business or whatever it is, the people who are holding the reigns and have their hands on the switch, they go batshit crazy."

I thought it personified Trump.