How will they rule ??!

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There are so many worthless college degrees out there. University Studies, English, Black History, Native American Studies, Comedic Arts, Environmental Studies, German Polka History(made that one up). No money to be made from those degrees, but still college loans to pay off.
We preach a mentality of "how does this degree put food on my table" with our kids. They spout out career interests, wifey and I shred their dreams using financial reason. Fun times.
Does anyone know of Hillary is coming to the south for her book tour?

It's my life goal to get her and POTUS to sign my copy of newsweeks madam president.

Could be worth millions one day.
This reminds me, don't think it was posted and not gonna go find the link, the SF Orchestra sent a fundraising appeal out for extra funds for security since they were going to be touring part of the South.
Guess How Much Bernie Sanders’ Campaign Is In Debt

Democratic Sen. Bernie Sanders’ 2016 presidential campaign currently owes a disputed $450,000 to the various municipalities the Vermont lawmaker visited throughout the race.

Sanders’ campaign has reportedly failed to make good on hundreds of thousands of dollars in event security costs owed to dozens of cities and their police departments.

Sanders has failed to pay the multiple outstanding security bills despite retaining roughly $5 million in leftover cash from the campaign.

While Sanders’ campaign racked up debt all across the country in Arizona, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Washington and Wisconsin, much of the outstanding debt is owed to localities in California. Sanders has visited the state often in search of a sympathetic audience to rally around his single payer health care push.

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And every time Bevin, or anybody, talks about cutting public universities funds limo left all cries in unison "he doesn't care about education!!!!". Since 2008 - well before Bevin - state has cut 200million from university funds. Not a lot, tbh. And since then we have seen universities *explode* with students, real estate, buildings, grants, etc etc. So, cut more , imo. They are doing just fine. Well, some branches of the universities are doing just fine.

I agree with Gov. Bevin's speech yesterday where he called on state funded Universities to get rid of useless programs that don't lead to jobs and waste millions of dollars.

"If you're studying interpretive dance, God bless you, but there's not a lot of jobs right now in America looking for people with that as a skill set," he said Tuesday."....."Find entire parts of your campus ... that don't need to be there," Bevin said in a speech to a higher education conference. "Either physically as programs, degrees that you're offering, buildings that ... shouldn't be there because you're maintaining something that's not an asset of any value, that's not helping to produce that 21st century educated workforce."
I agree with Gov. Bevin's speech yesterday where he called on state funded Universities to get rid of useless programs that don't lead to jobs and waste millions of dollars.

"If you're studying interpretive dance, God bless you, but there's not a lot of jobs right now in America looking for people with that as a skill set," he said Tuesday."....."Find entire parts of your campus ... that don't need to be there," Bevin said in a speech to a higher education conference. "Either physically as programs, degrees that you're offering, buildings that ... shouldn't be there because you're maintaining something that's not an asset of any value, that's not helping to produce that 21st century educated workforce."
Spot on.
This reminds me, don't think it was posted and not gonna go find the link, the SF Orchestra sent a fundraising appeal out for extra funds for security since they were going to be touring part of the South.
To elaborate...imagine if a touring orchestra were to put out an appeal for extra funds for security since they were going to be visiting several predominantly African-American communities? They would be skewered, roasted and likely harangued out of existence, and rightfully so.

Point being, some forms of bigotry, hatred and prejudice are allowed to exist without scrutiny.
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The real answer isnt making schools cut useless programs. But its close.

The better solution is to limit student loans to useful degrees. Loans should be viewed as the government investing in the student. The student should be able to contribute to society upon completion.

If someone wants to spend their own money studying interpretive dance; go for it. But those will be so few and far, those classes will drop and everything will come into line with the market.

For too long, student loans have just been handed out like candy. That must end, snd soon.
We preach a mentality of "how does this degree put food on my table" with our kids. They spout out career interests, wifey and I shred their dreams using financial reason. Fun times.
Yes, I quoted my own junk b/c I was hit with the sudden need to expound...

There are 3 bullshit mantras I take issue with concerning selection of career/subsequent education (especially regarding my children):
1) "You are a special snowflake and you can be anything you want to be in life." No, you cannot. Narrow your focus based on your skillset, interests and drive, then we'll go forward from there.

2) "Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life." Horseshit. Do what makes you a ton of money... then spend that shit doing what you love on the weekends, holidays and vacays. What you love turns into what you rely upon for money and that inevitably turns to stress, which leads you to despise what you once loved. Set you goal on financial security, then spend your free time enjoying it, doinf what you truly love. The other way around rarely works.

3) "I want to be rich and famous." False. Try being just rich first and see if that doesn't cover 99% of what you're after.
McConnell Says Dems Are In For A Disappointment With Trump Debt Deal

McConnell Hid A Surprise For Democrats In That Debt Ceiling Deal

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell hinted Monday that Democratic leadership will not be as thrilled with the emergency Hurricane funding, government spending and debt ceiling deal they struck with the president as they initially thought.

“Since I was in charge of drafting the debt ceiling provision that we inserted into the flood bill we likely — almost certainly — are not going to have another debt ceiling discussion until well into 2018,” McConnell told The New York Times Monday.

“One of the advantages of being the majority leader is you control the paper,” McConnell said. “I wrote it in such a way that it does not prevent what is frequently done, which is the use of extraordinary measures. The minority leader and his team were trying to get us not to write it that way, but I did write it that way and that is the way it passed.”

The House of Representatives voted Friday morning to pass the Senate’s proposal to provide $15.2 billion in emergency relief funding for the victims of Hurricane Harvey, raise the debt ceiling, and fund the government through mid-December.

If what McConnell said Monday is true, Congress will only be focusing on emergency relief and a government spending bill in December, likely Dec. 15.

“I think I can safely say the debt ceiling and the spending issue in December will be decoupled because the debt ceiling will not come up until sometime in 2018,” McConnell told TheNYT.

And every time Bevin, or anybody, talks about cutting public universities funds limo left all cries in unison "he doesn't care about education!!!!". Since 2008 - well before Bevin - state has cut 200million from university funds. Not a lot, tbh. And since then we have seen universities *explode* with students, real estate, buildings, grants, etc etc. So, cut more , imo. They are doing just fine. Well, some branches of the universities are doing just fine.

You know what's pretty funny... local school districts spend about $12K per kid... has them EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK from 8 AM to 3:30 PM, provides the books, etc., and if you put in some effort you really can learn quite a bit and get a good education.

Meanwhile, private universities charge $60K / public like $15K-30K... you're in class about 3 hours per day and go to school fewer days... you pay for your own books... and many times the education is LESS rigorous. My point is... Bevin is on to something and this needs to get fixed.
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The real answer isnt making schools cut useless programs. But its close.

The better solution is to limit student loans to useful degrees. Loans should be viewed as the government investing in the student. The student should be able to contribute to society upon completion.

If someone wants to spend their own money studying interpretive dance; go for it. But those will be so few and far, those classes will drop and everything will come into line with the market.

For too long, student loans have just been handed out like candy. That must end, snd soon.
It's why multiple sh!tty little for-profit colleges sprung up across America. They recognized that the spigot was open, and tapped it for all our government would allow them to drain--which, when everyone was asleep or didn't care, was a tremendous amount.

Worthless education = worthless diploma = out of work graduate = no one to pay the government-backed education loan.

I'll give the Obama administration credit here for trying to reign in the education cesspool by putting some very practical standards in place, which should put a lot of these for-profit colleges under soon.
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NYT: Liberal Officials Flee Trump Administration Due To Conservative Agenda

A number of Department of Justice (DOJ) lawyers appointed by previous administrations have resigned to avoid dismantling the liberal agenda pursued under former President Barack Obama, according to The New York Times.

“Yet the new direction has also met some resistance among rank-and-file civil servants. Within the Justice Department, several long-serving lawyers have decided to retire or quit rather than help carry out the new policies,” people briefed on the departures told TheNYTimes.

“Some of these lawyers also faced the unpalatable task of undoing their work defending Obama-era regulations. Rather than help roll back those rules, the officials decided to leave the government” TheNYTimes reported.

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NYT: Liberal Officials Flee Trump Administration Due To Conservative Agenda

A number of Department of Justice (DOJ) lawyers appointed by previous administrations have resigned to avoid dismantling the liberal agenda pursued under former President Barack Obama, according to The New York Times.

“Yet the new direction has also met some resistance among rank-and-file civil servants. Within the Justice Department, several long-serving lawyers have decided to retire or quit rather than help carry out the new policies,” people briefed on the departures told TheNYTimes.

“Some of these lawyers also faced the unpalatable task of undoing their work defending Obama-era regulations. Rather than help roll back those rules, the officials decided to leave the government” TheNYTimes reported.

Good. These sorry individuals made it easy for Trump, and just quit because they don't feel like their job is too serve the USA. Sad. Any other pricks want public position so they can fulfill their own selfish desires?
It's why multiple sh!tty little for-profit colleges sprung up across America. They recognized that the spigot was open, and tapped it for all our government would allow them to drain--which, when everyone was asleep or didn't care, was a tremendous amount.

Worthless education = worthless diploma = out of work graduate = no one to pay the government-backed education loan.

I'll give the Obama administration credit here for trying to reign in the education cesspool by putting some very practical standards in place, which should put a lot of these for-profit colleges under soon.
It also destroyed the few good for-profit tech colleges. I was an adjunct for ITT as a second job for several years. Watched a good, usable, tech-based curriculum get watered down with complete bullshit accreditation classes that were used to do nothing more than drive up student costs and increase shareholder holdings by polishing that turd with a second-rate accreditation bump. This was a direct result of 1) availability of SL funds, and 2) trying to be something they weren't so they could then charge more while kissing stockholder ass. 2 short years of half tech/half halfassed English/Writing/Social classes that did nothing but take away from a tech education, watering down the final product while placing higher repayment burden around their necks, was bound to backfire. ITT had a great thing going... then they got greedy due to the availability of student loan money.
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NYT: Liberal Officials Flee Trump Administration Due To Conservative Agenda

A number of Department of Justice (DOJ) lawyers appointed by previous administrations have resigned to avoid dismantling the liberal agenda pursued under former President Barack Obama, according to The New York Times.

“Yet the new direction has also met some resistance among rank-and-file civil servants. Within the Justice Department, several long-serving lawyers have decided to retire or quit rather than help carry out the new policies,” people briefed on the departures told TheNYTimes.

“Some of these lawyers also faced the unpalatable task of undoing their work defending Obama-era regulations. Rather than help roll back those rules, the officials decided to leave the government” TheNYTimes reported.

Good. get rid of deadwood.
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Yes, I quoted my own junk b/c I was hit with the sudden need to expound...

There are 3 bullshit mantras I take issue with concerning selection of career/subsequent education (especially regarding my children):
1) "You are a special snowflake and you can be anything you want to be in life." No, you cannot. Narrow your focus based on your skillset, interests and drive, then we'll go forward from there.

2) "Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life." Horseshit. Do what makes you a ton of money... then spend that shit doing what you love on the weekends, holidays and vacays. What you love turns into what you rely upon for money and that inevitably turns to stress, which leads you to despise what you once loved. Set you goal on financial security, then spend your free time enjoying it, doinf what you truly love. The other way around rarely works.

3) "I want to be rich and famous." False. Try being just rich first and see if that doesn't cover 99% of what you're after.
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Pretty sure this is the bill Trump will back. It should include everything he's advocated for. E-verify, border security/funding. Trump wants a lot in return DACA amnesty and I don't see the Freedom Caucus, as staunch immigration hawks like Trump, drafting a bill that doesn't include most of it.

House Freedom Caucus Slated To Craft Its Own DACA Proposal

The North Carolina Republican said the conservative group is hoping to compose a “multifaceted” plan to deal with immigration-related issues.

“What we’re trying to do is get a consensus among conservatives in what we need to do there,” he said. “What we are doing is trying to get a couple Freedom Caucus folks to look at immigration, DACA, border security, e-verify, all the issues, and figure out the best approach to deal with all of that.”

Meadows said it’s critical they put forward a solution that meets conservative principles.
Yes, I quoted my own junk b/c I was hit with the sudden need to expound...

There are 3 bullshit mantras I take issue with concerning selection of career/subsequent education (especially regarding my children):
1) "You are a special snowflake and you can be anything you want to be in life." No, you cannot. Narrow your focus based on your skillset, interests and drive, then we'll go forward from there.

2) "Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life." Horseshit. Do what makes you a ton of money... then spend that shit doing what you love on the weekends, holidays and vacays. What you love turns into what you rely upon for money and that inevitably turns to stress, which leads you to despise what you once loved. Set you goal on financial security, then spend your free time enjoying it, doinf what you truly love. The other way around rarely works.

3) "I want to be rich and famous." False. Try being just rich first and see if that doesn't cover 99% of what you're after.
Cold, harsh... and TRUE
The real answer isnt making schools cut useless programs. But its close.

The better solution is to limit student loans to useful degrees. Loans should be viewed as the government investing in the student. The student should be able to contribute to society upon completion.

If someone wants to spend their own money studying interpretive dance; go for it. But those will be so few and far, those classes will drop and everything will come into line with the market.

For too long, student loans have just been handed out like candy. That must end, snd soon.

It's why multiple sh!tty little for-profit colleges sprung up across America. They recognized that the spigot was open, and tapped it for all our government would allow them to drain--which, when everyone was asleep or didn't care, was a tremendous amount.

Worthless education = worthless diploma = out of work graduate = no one to pay the government-backed education loan.

I'll give the Obama administration credit here for trying to reign in the education cesspool by putting some very practical standards in place, which should put a lot of these for-profit colleges under soon.

Has anyone done a graph on cost of intuition after the government started giving loans?

I guarantee it would shoot upward. Absolutely mind boggling. The government is basically forcing debt on 18 year olds. And people want them involved in more aspects of our lives.
How much fun would it have been on election night, when Hillary knew that she had lost. To have laughed right in her face

I'd give almost anything to have seen her meltdown. I absolutely believe she freaked out as rumored.

She and her base thought they had it in the bag.
Teflon Don confounds Democrats
Democrats have attacked the president every which way, but polling and focus groups show none of it's working.

Democrats tried attacking Donald Trump as unfit for the presidency. They’ve made the case that he’s ineffective, pointing to his failure to sign a single major piece of legislation into law after eight months in the job. They’ve argued that Trump is using the presidency to enrich himself and that his campaign was in cahoots with Russia.

None of it is working.

Data from a range of focus groups and internal polls in swing states paint a difficult picture for the Democratic Party heading into the 2018 midterms and 2020 presidential election. It suggests that Democrats are naive if they believe Trump’s historically low approval numbers mean a landslide is coming. The party is defending 10 Senate seats in states that Trump won and needs to flip 24 House seats to take control of that chamber.

The research, conducted by private firms and for Democratic campaign arms, is rarely made public but was described to POLITICO in interviews with a dozen top operatives who’ve been analyzing the results coming in.

“If that’s the attitude that’s driving the Democratic Party, we’re going to drive right into the ocean,” said Anson Kaye, a strategist at media firm GMMB who worked on the Obama and Clinton campaigns and is in conversations with potential clients for next year.

Worse news, they worry: Many of the ideas party leaders have latched onto in an attempt to appeal to their lost voters — free college tuition, raising the minimum wage to $15, even Medicare for all — test poorly among voters outside the base. The people in these polls and focus groups tend to see those proposals as empty promises, at best.

Trump is still viewed as an outsider shaking up the system, which people in the various surveys say they like, and which Democrats don’t stack up well against.

“People do think he’s bringing about change, so it’s hard to say he hasn’t kept his promises,” said Democratic pollster Celinda Lake.

In focus groups, most participants say they’re still impressed with Trump’s business background and tend to give him credit for the improving economy. The window is closing, but they’re still inclined to give him a chance to succeed. More than that, no single Democratic attack on the president is sticking.

Voters are also generally unimpressed by claims that Trump exaggerates or lies, and they don’t see the ongoing Russia investigation adding up to much.

Stop, Democratic operatives urge voters, assuming that what they think is morally right is the best politics. A case in point is Trump’s response to the violence in Charlottesville. The president’s equivocation on neo-Nazis was not as much of a political problem as his opponents want to believe, Democratic operatives say, and shifting the debate to whether or not to remove Confederate monuments largely worked for him.

Many of the proposals Democrats are pushing fall flat in focus groups and polling.

The call for free college tuition fosters both resentment at ivory tower elitism and regret from people who have degrees but are now buried under debt. Many voters see “free” as a lie — either they’ll end up paying for tuition some other way, or worse, they’ll be paying the tuition of someone else who’ll be getting a degree for free.

Medicare-for-all tests better, but it, too, generates suspicion. The challenge is that most voters in focus groups believe it’s a pipe dream — they ask who will pay for it and suspect it will lead to a government takeover of health care — and therefore wonder whether the politicians talking to them about it are being less than forthright, too. Sen. Bernie Sanders is scheduled to release a single-payer bill on Wednesday, with Sens. Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker and Tammy Baldwin among those joining him.

Raising the minimum wage to $15 is as unpopular as it was when the Obama White House tried to make it Democrats’ rallying cry in the 2014 midterms. Participants in battleground-state focus groups said they see that rate as relatively high and the issue in general as being mostly about redistributing money to the poor.

The DCCC memo urges candidates instead to talk about a “living wage,” or to rail against outsourcing jobs.

“What you’re seeing is this thing that Democrats cannot seem to figure out — this notion that somehow if we just put the words together correctly that’ll be the winning message and we’ll win,” Kaye said. “That is the opposite of how the electorate is behaving.”

On immigration and trade, voters remain largely aligned with Trump. Data show that voters believe that the economy is moving in the right direction and resent Democrats attacking its progress.

That’s the main difference between 2018 and 2006, when Democrats’ strategy primarily consisted of running against an unpopular president, George W. Bush, and an unpopular war.

“It may have worked then,” said former Rep. Steve Israel, the DCCC chair in the 2012 and 2014 cycles and the leader of messaging for House Democrats last year. “I’m not sure it’s going to work now, because the middle class is clamoring for help. Just saying we’re not Trump isn’t going to help.”
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