How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Pretty sad that she points to the Electoral College as a reason why she lost. She knew the rules as well as anyone. The presidential election requires you to win the electoral vote, not the popular vote. A candidate must campaign and do well in all states, not just campaign and do well with their core voting block.

It'd be like a football team complaining that they scored fewer points, but should have won the game because they had more total yards on offense. That's not how the winner is determined, so it's an invalid argument.
Russian Lawyer in Trump Tower Meeting Says Mueller Hasn’t Called

Natalia Veselnitskaya says she feels like a character in a movie.

American investigators are trying to determine whether it's a spy thriller or a farce.

But one person who has not reached out to her is the man investigating any collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, Special Counsel Robert Mueller — or anybody working for him, she told NBC News in an exclusive interview. In fact, no U.S. officials have asked to speak with her, she said.

Veselnitskaya insisted that she passed no significant information about Clinton, incriminating or otherwise, and that she was not representing the Russian government.

The only reference to Clinton in Veselnitskaya's document is part of a reference to the Ziff brothers. She accused them of evading Russian taxes, and suggested that some of the money they reaped from doing that ended up supporting Democratic political campaigns.

"According to available information, the Ziff Brothers were involved in funding both of Obama's election campaigns and have been dubbed by the U.S. media as `the Democrats' main sponsors," Veselnitskaya wrote, in a Russian language document translated by NBC News. "They are possibly involved in funding Hillary Clinton's campaign. "

That information is hardly incriminating.

NBC is colluding with the Russians. Arggghhhj
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This is another reason why I believe this wasn't the time nor the place, and that they should have just saved it for the upcoming December negotiations.

Simply put, with disaster relief included the bill was passing, regardless. The only thing opposing it accomplished was to lob softballs to Democrats, setting them up for opportunities in front of microphones/TV cameras like this...

Democrats were expected to deliver a majority of the votes to approve the deal, making it easier for Republicans to vote against the package without the threat of failing to provide critical disaster funding as Hurricane Irma bears down on Florida's southern coast.

Republican leaders avoided an embarrassing benchmark by persuading a solid majority of GOP members to support the deal. But House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said the scale of the Republican revolt was still "remarkable" Friday.

"If I ever as leader or as speaker had 90 members vote against one of the easiest bills to vote for, which is disaster assistance, you know they have a philosophical problem with governance," she said.
Leftists and globalists have absolutely targeted whites in their countries. This cannot be denied. They've tried to camouflage their tactics/marketing but the goal was always the same. I heard it described best in this way

"First, their immigrant pawns were temporary guest workers.Then it was a multi-racial experiment, then they were refugees, then the answer to a shrinking population and asylum is just another one. Different excuses, different lies."

These people provide us with no benefit whatsoever. We are taxed to oblivion only to watch it go to foreign invaders and their ridiculous amount of offspring through social welfare.

Those saying this was never a white country are total liars. Just look at the U.S. census and its history to see how much things have changed.

White population
1900-1910- 89%

And here is where the decline starts
1980-83% -5% drop in less than 10 years
1990-80%- Now an 8% drop within 20 years
2000-75%- 13 percent drop in 30 years
2010-72%- A 16% drop in 40 years?

Now according to most sources, whites are about 63 percent. 63! We went from 90 percent to 63 percent in that short period of time?

We continue to be bombarded about diversity and "white privilege" while we are being targeted to be decreased and eliminated. It's now being taught in schools, in media and in our government. Everything is centered around chasing the last white person down.

Leftists are insane and are the only people around the world who wants to watch their people and culture be destroyed. No other group does this. NONE!
Hey, when we become the minority, we can stop working, suck off of the workers dime and get free stuff too.
His bogus claims in kansas were proven lies as well. it's no surprise that someone who wants to find voter fraud finds it every turn. Not a fan of the scientific method.
Bogus to whom? Lemmings who wanted to believe otherwise? Yes.
Nobody gets social security benefits except those who have paid into the system or are beneficiaries of people who have done so. Those who have earned benefits within the system are free to do with those benefits as they please just as you will be free to do the same.

This is another reason why I believe this wasn't the time nor the place, and that they should have just saved it for the upcoming December negotiations.

Simply put, with disaster relief included the bill was passing, regardless. The only thing opposing it accomplished was to lob softballs to Democrats, setting them up for opportunities in front of microphones/TV cameras like this...

Democrats were expected to deliver a majority of the votes to approve the deal, making it easier for Republicans to vote against the package without the threat of failing to provide critical disaster funding as Hurricane Irma bears down on Florida's southern coast.

Republican leaders avoided an embarrassing benchmark by persuading a solid majority of GOP members to support the deal. But House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said the scale of the Republican revolt was still "remarkable" Friday.

"If I ever as leader or as speaker had 90 members vote against one of the easiest bills to vote for, which is disaster assistance, you know they have a philosophical problem with governance," she said.
I agree for the most part, maybe bad timing, but we can't continue to kick the can down the road. And, I can't stand pelosi politics and care not about anything she says.
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Holy Moley. (sorry if I missed this, didn't see it posted.)

My guess is they honestly hadn't been notified of a breech yet, and were just exercising options or selling shares in the normal course of their life. That's too obviously and blatantly illegal, for such a relatively small sum of money.

The funny part is they probably didn't know, they're going to get hauled in front of Congress anyway to make a scene, but if they did know and sold the stock but were Congressmen or staffers instead of regular people, it'd be completely legal.
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My guess is they honestly hadn't been notified of a breech yet, and were just exercising options or selling shares in the normal course of their life. That's too obviously and blatantly illegal, for such a relatively small sum of money.

The funny part is they probably didn't know, they're going to get hauled in front of Congress anyway to make a scene, but if they did know and sold the stock but were Congressmen or staffers instead of regular people, it'd be completely legal.
Yeah, don't insiders have to give several months notice of sells??
At best she was a microcosm of everything wrong in our national politics today. Criminality so blatant with destroying the servers, her husband meeting Loretta Lynch, keeping her "Wall Street" speeches secret, obvious pay for play with Clinton Foundation and then Wikileaks showing the fix was in, that Bernie or anyone was never gonna get a chance at that nomination. And then you throw in the fringe stuff with the people who die mysteriously when they cross her, the spirit cooking, pedophilia stuff with Podesta that may just be crazy right wing imaginations at work or enough coincidences to make you think you really can't trust her and the people around her. The most shocking thing is that Dems thought this was a sure bet.
in short
but we can't continue to kick the can down the road.

Agree. But December is right around the corner. Again, I'm assuming here, but I think Trump was so quick to make a deal because of the disaster relief. Pretty sure, at least I hope, when disaster relief isn't in play, Trump isn't going to be so quick to accept a deal that doesn't address the debt.

If Republicans can get their shit together, the D's are irrelevant because they have the votes to pass whatever they want. If they want an 18 month increase on the debt ceiling, spending cuts, reforms etc... they can have it all.

And, I can't stand pelosi politics and care not about anything she says.

You and me both but, in this instance, and I say this with contempt, there is some truth to her words.
Donald Mesiah Trump has done more for this country that any in my eyes. He defeated Hillary Clinton and stopped her

Thank you Mr Trump and white middle class people
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Florida AG, Bondi, going after businesses for price gouging. Opened up a hotline for the public to call and report, even threatening to activate the state's price gouging statute.
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I'm about done with Sessions. Weakest cabinet member Trump has IMO. Sessions is great on immigration but stinks on almost everything else. Sad. has another story out that IRS re-hired 213 employees ousted for falsifying documents, theft, and avoiding taxes. How is this possible or even allowed? Sessions is useless. More concerned about pot than criminal activity at the IRS. Swamp seems to be winning, unless I'm missing something.
What is so hard for her and ppl to one likes her. It's not bc she's a woman, Republican women have been winning walking away down ballot, she didn't campaign wi,pa,mi...she had no campaign message, she is an establishment political figure that the democrats arrogantly put up for president thinking everyone would obey. She colluded with the dnc to take out Sanders. And oh one likes her.
Trump isn't going to be so quick to accept a deal that doesn't address the debt.

Serious question... what leads you to believe this?
I'll be his #1 cheerleader if he ever does so but I'm not holding my breath.

Increased military spending, the wall, infrastructure, tax cuts... and he is going to do all this and address the debt? Or will they give projections that show the debt/deficit getting larger for the next 8 years and then start to drop???
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Can't believe I'm going to say this, but I agree with fuzz.

"Trump isn't going to accept a deal that doesn't address the debt."

Trump literally spent his life in an industry that involves more debt than probably any other industry.

That being said, tax cuts don't cost money. Spending does. I care about deficit spending. If revenue goes down due to tax cuts, spending needs to be cut. We can't stop everyday hardworking Americans from keeping more of their hard earned money because the government spends too much.
Serious question... what leads you to believe this?

I never said I believed it was guaranteed to happen. I said "at least I hope", but you conveniently left that part out. I well aware Trump isn't as fiscally conservative as some would like him to be. Right now Trump has all of his eggs in the tax reform basket. He's counting on that growth. If he can't get that done, he'll more than likely come close to matching Obama, which is not a good thing.

Not to mention, I was speaking specifically about the next round of negotiations coming up December. If the R's get their shit together, they have the votes to put whatever they want on Trump's desk in December, and there won't be a need to deal with D's. Trump will sign what they send him.

Now, serious question for you -- Why does the debt and government spending concern Democrats all of the sudden? Where was this concern when Obama was living ghetto fabulous?
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Good to see fuzz cares about the debt/deficit again after an 8 year hiatus.
Shows how little you pay attention.

Remember, I am the person who suggested that tax rates should be tied directly to spending. The more you want to spend, the more you must be willing to raise taxes. Likewise, if you want to cut taxes, you must cut spending. It's easy to spend when there is no responsibility or pain associated.
Should be mentioned that Trump has cut the deficit by almost 200 billion in his first almost 9 months. While Obama spent nearly double that in the same amount of time. Trump has been pretty good on not spending a lot so far, of course some things cost money that Trump will sign. Overall I think hes been pretty solid in this regard.

We've seen much worse and Lord knows how much crap Hillary would've spent by now. Another good reason to be glad she lost.
I never said I believed it was guaranteed to happen. I said "at least I hope", but you conveniently left that part out. I well aware Trump isn't as fiscal conservative as some would like him to be. Right now Trump has all of his eggs in the tax reform basket. He's counting on that growth. If he can't get that done, he'll more than likely come close to matching Obama, which is not a good thing.

Not to mention, if R's get their shit together, they have the votes to put whatever they want on Trump's desk, and dealing with the D's won't even matter. Trump will sign what they send him. It's in the R's hands.

Now, serious question for you -- Why does the debt and government spending concern Democrats all of the sudden? Where was this concern when Obama was living ghetto fabulous?
See my post above. I've always been for fiscal responsibility.
You want me to criticize Democrats for spending but the GOP is equally bad. It's not as much about how much they spend but the irresponsibility of serving up tax-cuts while continuing to spend. I just want them (Washington regardless of party) to be responsible and address the deficit issue. The first one that does so will get my vote.
Should be mentioned that Trump has cut the deficit by almost 200 billion in his first almost 9 months. While Obama spent nearly double that in the same amount of time. Trump has been pretty good on not spending a lot so far, of course some things cost money that Trump will sign. Overall I think hes been pretty solid in this regard.

We've seen much worse and Lord knows how much crap Hillary would've spent by now. Another good reason to be glad she lost.
Seeing that Trump hasn't signed his first budget any suggestion that he has cut anything is dishonest.
See my post above. I've always been for fiscal responsibility.
You want me to criticize Democrats for spending but the GOP is equally bad. It's not as much about how much they spend but the irresponsibility of serving up tax-cuts while continuing to spend. I just want them (Washington regardless of party) to be responsible and address the deficit issue. The first one that does so will get my vote.
8 years under Obama with an explosion of spending, 2370 pages of this thread and you have been a mute DNC whore....nah.
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Shows how little you pay attention.

Remember, I am the person who suggested that tax rates should be tied directly to spending. The more you want to spend, the more you must be willing to raise taxes. Likewise, if you want to cut taxes, you must cut spending. It's easy to spend when there is no responsibility or pain associated.

The more the govt spends, the more it raises taxes on Americans. Ummmm, that doesnt sound like a good deal
Serious question... what leads you to believe this?
I'll be his #1 cheerleader if he ever does so but I'm not holding my breath.

Increased military spending, the wall, infrastructure, tax cuts... and he is going to do all this and address the debt? Or will they give projections that show the debt/deficit getting larger for the next 8 years and then start to drop???
Now you are worried about the debt? Obama added more debt than almost all presidents combined. You are nothing but a tool for the left. Pathetic.
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