How will they rule ??!

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the thought of Hillary Clinton doing yoga...if hillary had warned america that she would release a personal yoga video if Trump won she would have won the whole blue wall and the red south and the midwest and the coastal areas, hell all 57 states according to Barry
Praying to Satan does you no good, dancing around sacrificed children is not yoga and blood is not Chardonnay.

Eff you, Priebus and GOP, you delusional chumps.

Yeah, I find it funny when I read stories, comments about Trump's team not expecting to win. They knew they had as good as chance as any. Kushner was bragging to Morning Joe about their internals as far as a couple weeks out from election day. They weren't surprised by Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania. Their own data backed it up. This is the reason Trump incessantly went after fake polls. His team had real numbers.
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About those “massive job losses” if DACA ends

The upshot of that action is highlighted in the most alarming terms possible in an article at Fortune Magazine this week. The staggering numbers on display are sure to send a shock wave through the nation’s economy because a new “report” projects that the end of DACA would result in job losses in excess of the population of some smaller island nations.

700K jobs lost? An additional 30K per month after that? Almost half a trillion in lost economic output? Why, that’s pretty much the entry point to a new great recession. Except that you need to consider both the source of this “report” and what it is that they’re actually talking about.

First of all, Fortune is citing a paper from the Center for American Progress, which is essentially an unofficial arm of the Democratic National Committee. It was founded by John Podesta and the front page of their web site is nothing but one article after another about how horrible Trump is and why the Social Justice Warriors should just be allowed to reorganize society as they please.

But even if we choose to ignore the source, what is this “report” actually talking about? It’s the fact that the employers of all of the formerly legal DACA participants would need to terminate their employment. For those who have difficulty with the language, there’s a difference between “job losses” and “people being fired.” The former refers to a downturn in the economy where employers begin cutting back on staffing. This results in an actual contraction of the economy. The latter means that a job comes open when the former worker is no longer employed. This happens on a daily basis around the country when employers find that one of their workers simply isn’t getting the job done. The employer then hires a new worker who hopefully meets their requirements and business resumes as per usual.

If all 700,000 of those suddenly illegal (again) non-citizens were to be let go awaiting deportation from companies who actually need those positions filled, 700,000 new jobs would open for 700,000 citizens. The unemployment rate is low right now, thankfully, but it’s not at zero. There are still people out there looking for work and more are graduating every year. And if we are in the happy condition of having more jobs than available workers that means competition for labor will result in wages and benefits increasing as those employers fight to land the best applicants.

Would anyone care to explain to me how this is a bad situation? The fact is that any major change to DACA will simply result in a bunch of people who had been granted an extremely generous exemption from our nation’s immigration laws no longer receiving that benefit. Once removed, employers should no longer want the now illegal aliens on their payroll any more than they would any other criminal. As for the actual citizens of the country, the usual rules of supply and demand, the labor force and all the rest will apply. This report is a manufactured crisis and shouldn’t be a consideration as the President ponders the future of DACA.
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I am almost convinced Hillary will run again in 2020. She just refuses to go away. Then again, since the foundation money "donations" have disappeared guess she has to take advantage of the dumba$$es who are going to buy her book.
Regarding the "we're a nation of immigrants" stuff and all cultures being equal...

We were overwhelmingly of British or Dutch decent. There has not been a single president without some British ancestry and even Obama has British ancestry. No Swedes, no Fins, no Ukrainians and certainly no Salvadorians or Chinese. Every single president except Kennedy was a protestant or at least professed to be a protestant.

The late Harvard professor Samuel Huntington once asked, "Would America be the America it is today if in the 17th and 18th centuries, it had been settled not by British Protestants but by French, Spanish or Portuguese Catholics? Clearly not. It would not be America. It would be Quebec or Mexico or Brazil."

The WASP character is the American character. It is the mold and the template. Without the WASP, it would be an entirely different nation. Not saying this is exclusive to them but stop BS'ing people about the established identity throughout history.

And if cultures are so equal and our ancestors just came and oppressed everyone then why is it that Indians didn't develop a society? Why didn't they write the Constitution and put a man on the moon?

I'm just tired of people being obtuse about this truth. It was like this up until Teddy Kennedy changed everything. This was not a diverse melting pot. Even as late as 1990,half of the population traced its roots to the black and white populace of 1790. Until Teddy Kennedy, 99 percent of America was either white Western European and West African black. That's biracial; not diverse. So two races. NOT the third world we get from south of the border or Muslims that are sent here for destruction.
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I am almost convinced Hillary will run again in 2020. She just refuses to go away. Then again, since the foundation money "donations" have disappeared guess she has to take advantage of the dumba$$es who are going to buy her book.
I know she will, I believe I read somewhere that she was thinking about it. That would be great.
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Yeah, I find it funny when I read stories, comments about Trump's team not expecting to win. They knew they had as good as chance as any. Kushner was bragging to Morning Joe about their internals as far as a couple weeks out from election day. They weren't surprised by Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania. Their own data backed it up. This is the reason Trump incessantly went after fake polls. His team had real numbers.
I bet Reince has a handshake like a rotted dead fish.
About those “massive job losses” if DACA ends

The upshot of that action is highlighted in the most alarming terms possible in an article at Fortune Magazine this week. The staggering numbers on display are sure to send a shock wave through the nation’s economy because a new “report” projects that the end of DACA would result in job losses in excess of the population of some smaller island nations.

700K jobs lost? An additional 30K per month after that? Almost half a trillion in lost economic output? Why, that’s pretty much the entry point to a new great recession. Except that you need to consider both the source of this “report” and what it is that they’re actually talking about.

First of all, Fortune is citing a paper from the Center for American Progress, which is essentially an unofficial arm of the Democratic National Committee. It was founded by John Podesta and the front page of their web site is nothing but one article after another about how horrible Trump is and why the Social Justice Warriors should just be allowed to reorganize society as they please.

But even if we choose to ignore the source, what is this “report” actually talking about? It’s the fact that the employers of all of the formerly legal DACA participants would need to terminate their employment. For those who have difficulty with the language, there’s a difference between “job losses” and “people being fired.” The former refers to a downturn in the economy where employers begin cutting back on staffing. This results in an actual contraction of the economy. The latter means that a job comes open when the former worker is no longer employed. This happens on a daily basis around the country when employers find that one of their workers simply isn’t getting the job done. The employer then hires a new worker who hopefully meets their requirements and business resumes as per usual.

If all 700,000 of those suddenly illegal (again) non-citizens were to be let go awaiting deportation from companies who actually need those positions filled, 700,000 new jobs would open for 700,000 citizens. The unemployment rate is low right now, thankfully, but it’s not at zero. There are still people out there looking for work and more are graduating every year. And if we are in the happy condition of having more jobs than available workers that means competition for labor will result in wages and benefits increasing as those employers fight to land the best applicants.

Would anyone care to explain to me how this is a bad situation? The fact is that any major change to DACA will simply result in a bunch of people who had been granted an extremely generous exemption from our nation’s immigration laws no longer receiving that benefit. Once removed, employers should no longer want the now illegal aliens on their payroll any more than they would any other criminal. As for the actual citizens of the country, the usual rules of supply and demand, the labor force and all the rest will apply. This report is a manufactured crisis and shouldn’t be a consideration as the President ponders the future of DACA.

Agree with most of that article except one thing. 0% unemployment is not a good thing. Our sweet spot is somewhere around 4%.

At zero, you have companies that can't find workers. Then we have to import them in. I don't think daca ending would send us to zero because quite frankly not many of these people are holding big time jobs. But zero would not be a good thing.
They will not put Hillary in this race again. You're going to get a minority or a woman or a minority woman. They will try to replicate the Obama model.
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I am almost convinced Hillary will run again in 2020. She just refuses to go away. Then again, since the foundation money "donations" have disappeared guess she has to take advantage of the dumba$$es who are going to buy her book.
Agree with you on most everything but she's done and they'll drive the stake in her if she tries. Establishment D is glad to be out from under her threat of death. Money is gone.

On the other hand, she has dirt on all the gravediggers so maybe....
I can't even imagine the things Clinton would do to get back in the race. There'd probably be junkie whores in the height of withdrawal who would balk at some of the things she'd do.

Just think about how the Saudis treat women in general, then think about the things they'd treat a woman groveling for money. Goodness.
I am almost convinced Hillary will run again in 2020. She just refuses to go away. Then again, since the foundation money "donations" have disappeared guess she has to take advantage of the dumba$$es who are going to buy her book.
I hope she runs and cheats Bernie out of the nomination again and loses to Trump a second time.

Make 2020 2016 again.
Kamala Harris or Cory Booker. Though it would be comedy gold if it was Maxine Waters, but I think she may be even too crazy for the dems to nominate.

I believe it's going to be Kamala Harris as it stands today. The great thing is, both her and Booker already have well-documented scandals.

Trump needs to focus on the agenda and that's it...he has to get the wall built. He has to. It's symbolic of everything he stood for. Focus on jobs, tax reform, infrastructure and get the wall built. Ignore everything and everyone else. Democrats can only yell at the sky right now.
They will not put Hillary in this race again. You're going to get a minority or a woman or a minority woman. They will try to replicate the Obama model.

My money is on Kamela Harris. Black, woman and a full blown leftist that Trump will beat. Being black don't mean you can be a good leader. Judging how bad Oboma was.
I believe it's going to be Kamala Harris as it stands today. The great thing is, both her and Booker already have well-documented scandals.

Trump needs to focus on the agenda and that's it...he has to get the wall built. He has to. It's symbolic of everything he stood for. Focus on jobs, tax reform, infrastructure and get the wall built. Ignore everything and everyone else. Democrats can only yell at the sky right now.
I think Julian Castro is another one to watch for. I remember him getting some hype before Hillary jumped in the race this past election.
I believe it's going to be Kamala Harris as it stands today. The great thing is, both her and Booker already have well-documented scandals.

Trump needs to focus on the agenda and that's it...he has to get the wall built. He has to. It's symbolic of everything he stood for. Focus on jobs, tax reform, infrastructure and get the wall built. Ignore everything and everyone else. Democrats can only yell at the sky right now.
Yep, then, months before the election, do some thing to upset the left especially antifa so that they start acting up again to ensure an easy victory.
My money is on Kamela Harris. Black, woman and a full blown leftist that Trump will beat. Being black don't mean you can be a good leader. Judging how bad Oboma was.

They're going full-blown identity politics. They need to get the black vote. This is why I don't think they will go with a Latino/Hispanic type candidate. They already have those people through the welfare state and open borders. What they didn't get in 2016 was a large black voter turnout. So you can bank on that being changed this time around.
Regarding the "we're a nation of immigrants" stuff and all cultures being equal...

We were overwhelmingly of British or Dutch decent. There has not been a single president without some British ancestry and even Obama has British ancestry. No Swedes, no Fins, no Ukrainians and certainly no Salvadorians or Chinese. Every single president except Kennedy was a protestant or at least professed to be a protestant.

The late Harvard professor Samuel Huntington once asked, "Would America be the America it is today if in the 17th and 18th centuries, it had been settled not by British Protestants but by French, Spanish or Portuguese Catholics? Clearly not. It would not be America. It would be Quebec or Mexico or Brazil."

The WASP character is the American character. It is the mold and the template. Without the WASP, it would be an entirely different nation. Not saying this is exclusive to them but stop BS'ing people about the established identity throughout history.

And if cultures are so equal and our ancestors just came and oppressed everyone then why is it that Indians didn't develop a society? Why didn't they write the Constitution and put a man on the moon?

I'm just tired of people being obtuse about this truth. It was like this up until Teddy Kennedy changed everything. This was not a diverse melting pot. Even as late as 1990,half of the population traced its roots to the black and white populace of 1790. Until Teddy Kennedy, 99 percent of America was either white Western European and West African black. That's biracial; not diverse. So two races. NOT the third world we get from south of the border or Muslims that are sent here for destruction.

I agree with what you are saying to an extent, but have a slightly different perspective. What makes one culture more "valuable" than others? For most of us, it some of the things you just mentioned like putting men on the moon or the many other scientific accomplishments. I can understand and agree that the African, live in hut culture may be as meaningful to those that live in it as is our much faster, aggressive culture. I can also understand and appreciate those cultures that believe in sharing everything one has with others, especially family and extended family. Some would say the Indian culture was and would have been better than what we WASPs have made. It's a matter of taste and values.
What I can't tolerate are those cultures that are abusive, destructive and don't value each the pagan, heathen muslim culture and those in which government oppresses, like china, korea, etc...
Listen to this shocking stat I found out (numbers were as of 2015).

In 1980, there were 4.5 million Hispanics in California. This is when we had Reagan and Republicans winning the presidency. Fast forward to 2015, "officially" (so you know there's way more), there's 14 million Hispanics in California. Reagan would never even get elected to a single position nowadays in that state.

There are more Hispanics in California than there are people in 46 other states. There's your 2016 popular vote. The state that spends over $1.6B on illegals, $600M for welfare, $550M for public safety and $500M for healthcare.
"No one should be made to feel threatened or harassed simply because of who they are or for what they believe."

Uh tell that to conservatives who deal with the left's BS on a daily basis. It's astonishing that the group who brands itself for being open-minded sure does everything they can to protect themselves from opposing ideas through violence or silencing of speech.
If you hate us so much, why come here. I promise to never ever step foot in Mexico.

If you can make good money in Mexico and get paid thousands just for having kids, or nephews?...assuming US is a corrupt shithole.

I am almost convinced Hillary will run again in 2020. She just refuses to go away. Then again, since the foundation money "donations" have disappeared guess she has to take advantage of the dumba$$es who are going to buy her book.

She'll absolutely try and as of now, idk who's going to stop her.
Listen to this shocking stat I found out (numbers were as of 2015).

In 1980, there were 4.5 million Hispanics in California. This is when we had Reagan and Republicans winning the presidency. Fast forward to 2015, "officially" (so you know there's way more), there's 14 million Hispanics in California. Reagan would never even get elected to a single position nowadays in that state.

There are more Hispanics in California than there are people in 46 other states. There's your 2016 popular vote. The state that spends over $1.6B on illegals, $600M for welfare, $550M for public safety and $500M for healthcare.
California will soon be part of Mexico again. Build a wall on California's eastern border and good riddance.
They're going full-blown identity politics. They need to get the black vote. This is why I don't think they will go with a Latino/Hispanic type candidate. They already have those people through the welfare state and open borders. What they didn't get in 2016 was a large black voter turnout. So you can bank on that being changed this time around.

Identity politics is beautiful.

No matter who the Dems place as the nominee after running another fraudulent primary, they're going to piss off one of the races/ethnicities/fake genders/sexual orientations/pedophiles, etc. they need to exploit. Can't count on a bunch of mutually exclusive groups to come together for a common cause, because you'll have to make competing promises of handouts and favors.
And man will it be beautiful if the DNC actually fractures a bit. Last time they were all behind their Empress throughout the whole charade. Can't imagine the amount of leaks and dirt that will be flying around if a few people are behind the tranny Mexican they roll out, while others are behind the gay black 1/16 Indian and the rest of the party is championing the out of the closet pedophile.
I agree with what you are saying to an extent, but have a slightly different perspective. What makes one culture more "valuable" than others? For most of us, it some of the things you just mentioned like putting men on the moon or the many other scientific accomplishments. I can understand and agree that the African, live in hut culture may be as meaningful to those that live in it as is our much faster, aggressive culture. I can also understand and appreciate those cultures that believe in sharing everything one has with others, especially family and extended family. Some would say the Indian culture was and would have been better than what we WASPs have made. It's a matter of taste and values.
What I can't tolerate are those cultures that are abusive, destructive and don't value each the pagan, heathen muslim culture and those in which government oppresses, like china, korea, etc...

"Some would say the Indian culture was and would have..." Sigh

What was Indian/Native American culture? Which tribe are you talking about cause there is a naive and romanticized view of Indians that so many suffer from...there were tribes that were noble and generous but there were also tribes that deserved to be called savages. That would kill babies and would scalp women, that would take slaves of the vanquished (much is said of the white man taking slaves but slavery has existed all throughout human history on the different continents and among the different races) . Much is said of how some european country treated some groups south of our current border. But it is rarely mentioned how some of the people the europeans encountered were sacrificing infants and children to their dark gods and had sick and disgusting lusts for blood. We don't like using words like superior or better but come on, does anybody with more than 17 functioning brain cells not think the cultures that came to the 'new world' were better and more civilized then many they encountered? But lest I be accused of making some of the same generalizations as others...there were indian tribes no longer with us that were very dignified and it is a loss to humanity their spirituality/their unique views are nothing more than a memory. But mankind was going to stretch out his legs. As travel became easier, as man learned to navigate the seas there was going to be the proverbial clash of civilizations, clash of different was inevitable.

I understand the white race has proved itself incredibly sinful: his avarice and ambition and lust for power and selfishness make him a son of a bitch. But the other races have shown the same sins and depravities...the sins aren't unique to any race or group. The white dominated countries have produced some great nations, with freedom and opportunities unique in this world. I think looking at history, taking stock of as much as we can consider, the world became a better place because off the growth and example of what became the USA.
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