Pancreatic Cancer

Not me, but my wife's aunt was diagnosed with it back in the 90s. At the time, it was a "make your peace" diagnosis, but she lived 10 years with it and died from something else.
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Not many survive that. It’s devilish. My grandfather was toughest man I ever met, both mental and physically. It withered him to a sad shell.

God bless anyone with that diagnosis.
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Lost my Dad to it…went quick. By the time there are symptoms, it’s too late for treatment most of the time. I think the 5 year survival rate is less than 20%
My cousin has it and my aunt died from it (his mother married to my uncle) but the problem it the inability to extract to tumor. My cousin is still alive a year later. I know a well know guy in jessamine co that died from it a few years ago in 6 weeks. It seems like they are a step away from beating this scourge but at the same time the rates are going up.