How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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What happened was folks are tired of her. Good grief. Has anybody ever whined this much about losing and is still milking idiots out of their money to read about her whining and blaming everyone but Lee Harvey Oswald for HER loss.
She is completely insufferable with a voice that should be used as a torture tactic.
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It's remarkable how much of a delusional kunt she is.

Maybe she should have tried not dressing like a North Korean dictator or Doctor Evil when the rap on her is that she is a power-hungry, crooked careerist.

She got beat by Donald J. Trump, an objective goofball who tweets dumb shit constantly. The presidency was basically ready to be handed to her and all she had to do was beat a reality tv star and national joke.

Sour grapes.
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Maybe she should have tried not dressing like a North Korean dictator or Doctor Evil when the rap on her is that she is a power-hungry, crooked careerist.

She got beat by Donald J. Trump, an objective goofball who tweets dumb shit constantly. The presidency was basically ready to be handed to her and all she had to do was beat a reality tv star and national joke.

Sour grapes.

Yeah, of course. She lost the white women vote, openly alienated half the US population with the deplorable comments and sabotaged Bernie Sanders. Love that she blames Comey when she's the crooked kunt that broke the law in the first place. It's always someone else's fault with that hag. F her and as much as a shitshow American politics are already, we're all better off if she just went away.

I just wish she would go hunting with Dick Cheney and they off each other.
If I were Trump I would be readying my infrastructure plan right now. Texas needs it after Harvey and a chunk of Florida could be completely wiped out by Irma.

Announce it, dare the establishment GOP losers and democrats to oppose it. I bet you it would pass.

I doubt it, congress doesn't care.

Yep, they wouldn't care. They voted against Harvey emergency relief funds, and it wasn't only GOP establishment/never Trumpers. Freedom Caucus joined them in the opposition. The bill received 17 no votes in the Senate, 90 in the House. All from Republicans.

They're more worried about opposing Trump and bickering over a few extra months being added to the the debt ceiling than they are about helping the American people. As petty as the Democrats, if you ask me.
I wonder how many get social security benefits that they send home to Mexico even though they have not worked for it if only Americans should get that as well. Proven fact.
Nobody gets social security benefits except those who have paid into the system or are beneficiaries of people who have done so. Those who have earned benefits within the system are free to do with those benefits as they please just as you will be free to do the same.
Incorrect. Medicare sets pricing. The demand is constant but the supply doesn't meet the demand. Prices keep rising because they know government will just keep trying to cover costs. Capitalists want your business so they will offer superior service and compete for it and will offer different options. Look at your VA care...completely govt ran and complete shit. As long as government is involved in care the price will keep rising because government allows it to too bc they focus on insurance. There's this thing called competition that exists if one entity just takes your money thety will lose out to another who is willing to undercut them and offer something else. Govt has been involved in healthcare for almost 70 years and it hasn't improved..why yes the answer is clearly to throw more govt on it. Capitalists aren't evil, if they are they don't stay in business. Govt needs you to think it's daddy so you do what they say.
Medicare pays less for services than anyone. Ask any provider about Medicare reimbursement rates.

The ignorance on this board is astounding.
Leftists and globalists have absolutely targeted whites in their countries. This cannot be denied. They've tried to camouflage their tactics/marketing but the goal was always the same. I heard it described best in this way

"First, their immigrant pawns were temporary guest workers.Then it was a multi-racial experiment, then they were refugees, then the answer to a shrinking population and asylum is just another one. Different excuses, different lies."

These people provide us with no benefit whatsoever. We are taxed to oblivion only to watch it go to foreign invaders and their ridiculous amount of offspring through social welfare.

Those saying this was never a white country are total liars. Just look at the U.S. census and its history to see how much things have changed.

White population
1900-1910- 89%

And here is where the decline starts
1980-83% -5% drop in less than 10 years
1990-80%- Now an 8% drop within 20 years
2000-75%- 13 percent drop in 30 years
2010-72%- A 16% drop in 40 years?

Now according to most sources, whites are about 63 percent. 63! We went from 90 percent to 63 percent in that short period of time?

We continue to be bombarded about diversity and "white privilege" while we are being targeted to be decreased and eliminated. It's now being taught in schools, in media and in our government. Everything is centered around chasing the last white person down.

Leftists are insane and are the only people around the world who wants to watch their people and culture be destroyed. No other group does this. NONE!
Sounds like someone is afraid that they won't be able to find enough like minded people for a cross burning. Sad.
She lost the white women vote, openly alienated half the US population with the deplorable comments and sabotaged Bernie Sanders.

There is a lot of Richard Nixon there in that it is utterly stupid for a person in her position to sabotage opponents that are not threats. Why take that risk?

She was going to win the presidency easily and she and her cronies effed it up.

I mean if she's openly trying to cast blame anywhere but inward, that's absurd and indicates perfectly the exact problem in the first place.

She won the popular vote by 3 million votes. Spare the "people hate me because I'm a powerful woman" bullshit, please.
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At best she was a microcosm of everything wrong in our national politics today. Criminality so blatant with destroying the servers, her husband meeting Loretta Lynch, keeping her "Wall Street" speeches secret, obvious pay for play with Clinton Foundation and then Wikileaks showing the fix was in, that Bernie or anyone was never gonna get a chance at that nomination. And then you throw in the fringe stuff with the people who die mysteriously when they cross her, the spirit cooking, pedophilia stuff with Podesta that may just be crazy right wing imaginations at work or enough coincidences to make you think you really can't trust her and the people around her. The most shocking thing is that Dems thought this was a sure bet.
Acting sooner? What did he expect them to do? Is Democrat Senator Warner lobbying for online censorship?

Twitter is preparing a Facebook-like analysis of Russian election activity for Congress

Twitter is preparing to give Congress a report about Russian activity on its social media service during last year's US Presidential elections.

Twitter's report will be similar to the one Facebook providedto congressional investigators earlier this week which analyzed the social network's role in spreading misinformation.

Facebook on Wednesday said it had found evidence that fake accounts "likely operated out of Russia" purchased thousands of ads during the US presidential election.

The company discovered roughly $100,000 in ad buys between June 2015 and May 2017 "associated with roughly 3,000 ads" and connected to nearly 500 affiliated fake accounts.

Warner said that Facebook's revelations could be the first of many, and also criticized the company for not acting sooner.

"I think we may just be seeing the tip of the iceberg. They had a fairly narrow search," he said. "I've been raising this issue for months. They have dismissed this issue for months."

Twitter declined to comment.
I said it a year ago. Had the Dem's choose almost any other candidate than HRC, they would have beaten Trump. She had her supporters, no doubt. But most of those that supported her would vote Dem regardless of who was running. She had very little appeal to moderates & Libertarians, AND there was so much disdain for her that she was going to bring out many (who may not typically vote) to go and vote (for her opponent).

The book is showing her utter arrogance toward the voting public, and inability to be accountable and accept any blame. We are all "too dumb" to vote for her (is what she is saying).

I did not vote for either HRC or Trump, as I saw both to be horrible choices. So I left that one blank & voted for other offices.
Russian Lawyer in Trump Tower Meeting Says Mueller Hasn’t Called

Natalia Veselnitskaya says she feels like a character in a movie.

American investigators are trying to determine whether it's a spy thriller or a farce.

But one person who has not reached out to her is the man investigating any collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, Special Counsel Robert Mueller — or anybody working for him, she told NBC News in an exclusive interview. In fact, no U.S. officials have asked to speak with her, she said.

Veselnitskaya insisted that she passed no significant information about Clinton, incriminating or otherwise, and that she was not representing the Russian government.

The only reference to Clinton in Veselnitskaya's document is part of a reference to the Ziff brothers. She accused them of evading Russian taxes, and suggested that some of the money they reaped from doing that ended up supporting Democratic political campaigns.

"According to available information, the Ziff Brothers were involved in funding both of Obama's election campaigns and have been dubbed by the U.S. media as `the Democrats' main sponsors," Veselnitskaya wrote, in a Russian language document translated by NBC News. "They are possibly involved in funding Hillary Clinton's campaign. "

That information is hardly incriminating.
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Baby boom is over. White people decided they weren't having babies. What is Govt supposed to do? They are accustomed to a certain lifestyle based on population. They gotta replace these lazy ass white people.

You can try and argue it's their right to kill babies at an alarming rate, to abandon the family nucleus, etc, if you want. Would actually love to hear you try. I suspect your argument will start something like "well black people blablabla" and you would be a racist idiot for ignoring the problems of "your" people and blaming minorities. White people have dropped the ball. Look at our crooked ass govt from local to federal level. White. We ALL gotta do better.

For one, whites can't afford to have a litter of kids because they're forced to pay for everyone else. It's easy to spit out a ton of kids when you know someone else is footing the bill.

There was an intentional attempt of the government (and other governments) to replace whites with low-skilled and uneducated government dependent people.Why do you think that is? Why do you think there is such hostility toward whites promoted by media, academia, Democrats and even some Republicans? Why do you think diversity is only forced on white majority countries?

Are there problems with whites? Um yeah. Look at the left to see that but in terms of cultural issues? Nowhere close compared to others. Whites and Asians are overwhelmingly the most productive groups and as a whole, have western values.
Here is something I'd like to understand. It's the media and talk show hosts' decision to never STFU about Trump? It's like the overuse of the same joke or meme or whatever. It's so lazy and everyone does it. Why should I tune in to your programming if all you're going to do is mock Trump? Are you saying there's no other issues going on domestically or around the world?

To me, it's such a pathetic attempt to pander.
Yep, they wouldn't care. They voted against Harvey emergency relief funds, and it wasn't only GOP establishment/never Trumpers. Freedom Caucus joined them in the opposition. The bill received 17 no votes in the Senate, 90 in the House. All from Republicans.

They're more worried about opposing Trump and bickering over a few extra months being added to the the debt ceiling than they are about helping the American people. As petty as the Democrats, if you ask me.
Actually, Rand Paul asked for spending cuts to offset the $15 billion. He wanted foreign aid cut by that amount, but nobody would go for it so he voted no.
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I hope she keeps this up. Even her most fervent, brain washed supporters are getting more and more sick of her wallowing in self-pity and ludicrous self-defense after losing the most winnable election in American history.

You know the second most winnable election in history? The 2008 Primary against a then-unknown community organizer from Chicago, an African American whose name sounded not only Muslim but like the guy who attacked America on 9/11. So Hillary has lost the TWO most winnable national elections ever held.

That's her indelible mark on history. She could write a new book every day until somebody drives a wooden stake through her heart and nothing will ever change her legacy as America's Biggest Loser.
Actually, Rand Paul asked for spending cuts to offset the $15 billion. He wanted foreign aid cut by that amount, but nobody would go for it so he voted no.

I realize that, and I'm not against it per se; however, imo, a bill including disaster relief isn't the time to be a partisan, play politics and bicker back and forth. If that's the case, then they should've never agreed to allow the disaster relief to be attached to the bill.

The three months debt ceiling increase is up in three months. They can play politics, negotiate, and argue about spending cuts, more months added to debt ceiling increase etc... soon enough.

Not to mention, on top of disaster relief fund being attached to the bill, Trump was so quick to make a deal because R's were still too busy bickering among themselves and didn't even have the votes to back their own proposal. They were literally negotiating a proposal that, as the majority party, they couldn't even pass themselves.
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I hope she keeps this up. Even her most fervent, brain washed supporters are getting more and more sick of her wallowing in self-pity and ludicrous self-defense after losing the most winnable election in American history.

You know the second most winnable election in history? The 2008 Primary against a then-unknown community organizer from Chicago, an African American whose name sounded not only Muslim but like the guy who attacked America on 9/11. So Hillary has lost the TWO most winnable national elections ever held.

That's her indelible mark on history. She could write a new book every day until somebody drives a wooden stake through her heart and nothing will ever change her legacy as America's Biggest Loser.

Yeah, when you are the heavy favorite twice and manage to lose to a dude whose middle name is "Hussein" and some spray-tanned reality tv star who cannot open his mouth without being insanely offensive, the WHAT HAPPENED? is pretty clear.
Colbert is such a clown. Will CBS fire him? Or are nazi salutes fine with CBS?

Colbert Throws Nazi Salute On The Late Show

FDR said judge me by my enemies. the best thing trump has going for him is that his enemies include Barry O and Hillary and Hollywood and people like Colbert. same Colbert who said Trump's mouth was Putin's cock hole or something like that. How is that ok? They accuse Trump of vulgarity and then turn around and say things more vulgar than he ever said.
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